Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Grasp the mind

friendly? Hearing questions from "World" German Sparo, "Magic" Furth almost doubted his ears.

Instantly in her mind was the patchwork of Mr. X's head covered with cracks, crevices, and blood.

Just as Firth thought about making up a good speech, "Justice" Audrey glanced at her next to him, and smiled to the "world" German Spallo:

"The important thing for the Abrahams to feel your kindness is not what you do, but what Miss‘ Magic ’wrote in the letter.”

Yes, unless I appear directly in front of her teacher, Miss Magician, his understanding of me will only be limited to various rumors and the things that Miss Magician told him ... as long as the story she tells is good enough Even if it doesn't correspond to the actual situation, it doesn't matter ... Klein was a little bit jealous when he realized that he was thinking about the corresponding question before.

"Ah?" Firth, the "magician," had a clear understanding of Miss Justice's words, but he did not think enough.

"Justice" Audrey, after looking at "Hermit", "Star" and others, said to Furth:

"You need to convey the kindness of Mr. 'World' to your teacher, and for this you can weave some stories instead of telling them truthfully."

"Then what do I need to say?" "Magic" Furth asked for help.

This is not that she is not good at writing stories. On the contrary, this is what she does best, but the problem is that writing a novel to make people like it and writing a story are not the same. If the latter can get a " The advice of "senior" psychologists will undoubtedly be easier.

"Justice" Audrey had already thought about the details of the letter before she spoke, and at this time answered slowly and slowly:

"Obviously, your teacher must have noticed your rapid promotion, and because of Mr. X's death and all kinds of sensitive issues, he has some doubts and vigilance about the extraordinary circle you are involved in."

"Um." Fowls nodded invisibly, agreeing with Miss Audrey's judgment.

If her teacher Dorian Gray Abraham was careless and could not live for people with unusually slow signs, he would have been caught by Aurora long ago, or died of other forces interested in the Abraham family. On.

"Justice" Audrey continued:

"In this case, he still keeps in touch with you, teaches you knowledge, gives you recipes, provides you with materials, and shows that on the one hand he recognizes your personality and character, and on the other hand, he becomes a demigod of sequence 4. , Have a certain expectation for you to get important information from the mysterious and dangerous circle of extraordinary people.

"We want to use this kind of psychology."

Audrey wanted to use the more neutral word "grasp" instead of "use", but after a short pause, she chose to face herself and the nature of the matter.

Seeing the "magician" Firth posing a serious attitude of listening, "trial", "stars" and "hermits" are also looking forward to their next words, "justice" Audrey pursed her lips and said :

"After you go back, you can write to tell him that you have become a" traveler ", so that he is not only happy about your growth, but also surprised by this exaggerated rate of promotion, and then answer the question he asked earlier, saying Mr. Buying the Star Worm mentioned one thing, that is, the ancient curse in the blood of the Abraham family seems to come from a secret existence called Mr. Gate.

"This is something your teacher has never told you and is absolutely concerned about.

"There is no doubt that he will be afraid of the gentleman who seems to know that you are connected to the Abraham family, and wants to avoid it, but he will also be eager to learn more about the curse that has tortured the Abraham family from generation to generation. What secrets are there, and is there no solution.

"At the same time, the exchange of letters instead of meeting directly will give him a certain sense of security. He may transfer his residence, change his identity, and send and receive letters in a more roundabout way, but there is a high probability that the connection will not be broken.

"Keep this connection, reveal more valuable content step by step, awaken your teacher's desire, and use this to shape the image of Mr. 'World' so that your teacher can experience some kindness."

Having said that, Audrey stopped and looked again at the "world", Gelman Spallo.

She can probably see that Mr. "World" expressed his kindness to the Abraham family by asking for each other, but she didn't know the specific requirements, nor did she read the mind of Gullman Sparro. , There is no way to tell further.

Klein nodded and grinned at Miss Magician:

"When this indirect connection is established, I may make a transaction request to your teacher in exchange for a promise to lift the curse in exchange for something of value."

Through the witch Talis, he has actually mastered the solution to the curse of the Abraham family, but he does not intend to exchange it for the "Mage of the Traveler" potion recipe and the "0" seal.

On the one hand, the value is not the same. If there is too much difference, Klein will feel guilty. On the other hand, he does not want to put the dangerous existence of Mr. Door back into the real world. The irresponsibility of all innocent people.

He considered another way to make the curse of the Abraham family disappear to some extent, that is, it may still exist, but it would not affect the normal life of Abrahams and a certain range of promotion.

That ’s it ... the middle-to-high-level extraordinary person in the spiritual realm is really amazing, and can make people do things according to her schedule unknowingly ... Compared to when I first met, Miss Justice was finished The same metamorphosis, fear and admiration ... "Magic" Fols took a look at Hugh, and seemed to read the same emotion from the other's eyes.

She thought for a moment, and called up the courage to the "world" German Spallo:

"What if my teacher rejects your transaction request?"

Do you think I will kill more people? Klein murmured in his heart in Chinese, "Oh," he said:

"Rest assured, I will not be against him, and I will not use coercion."

Huh ... Although Mr. "World" is a bit scary, he still keeps his promise ... "Magic" Furth nodded slowly:

"I'll wait and write a letter to my teacher on the advice of Miss Justice."

Klein nodded slightly and looked around:

"You can discuss hunting."

The "hermit", Capella, took the lead and said:

"The biggest question in this operation is, how do you find the 'Secret Holy One' Butis?"

Frost immediately remembered the incident he had encountered with Butis, and raised his hand:

"If I could borrow that powerful seal from my teacher, I could carry it and often hang out in Beckland to attract Butis to the neighborhood through the aggregation of extraordinary traits.

"Uh, this may also attract other‘ apprentices ’to demigods, or Chalatou, the leader of the mission, or,‘ Amon the blasphemous ’...”

The more Fowles said, the lower the voice, the more this approach was considered too dangerous.

If Zarathu and Amon do show up, what will happen to the other members involved in the operation, she doesn't know, but as a bait she will no doubt run away.

The "Hidden Man" Capricorn nodded and said thoughtfully:

"If it's only a '1' seal of the 'Apprentice' path, the attraction of the extraordinary feature aggregation law to similar paths should not be so strong. The scope will be limited to the demigods of the 'Apprentice' path. According to our Know that this is not much, or even less, most of them exist in the form of characteristics and seals. "

Suddenly I didn't want to be a sequence 4 ... "Magic" Fols jumped.

Capellaa then set her sights on the "world" German Spallo:

"Let ’s not discuss whether there is a '1' class seal in the 'Apprentice' path. If you want to encounter the 'Mysterious Saint' and 'The Magician', as long as he is also in Beckland and not so cautious, Go out often. "

Hearing here, "Star" Leonard said from the perspective of a professional official extraordinary person:

"This is actually not difficult. As a demigod in the 'apprentice' 'path, Butis is definitely the one in the high-level Aurora Society responsible for handling accidents and supporting different places. He has sufficient mobility. Hehe, this is the steam train and A vocabulary that emerged after the invention of an airship.

"As long as you can create some events against Aurora in Beckland, he has a high probability of coming."

Talking, Leonard glanced at Klein.

As far as he knows, in the melee battle outside Bayam caused by Guerman Sparo, the "Secret Holy Man" appeared and picked up a glove.

"This is a way ..." "Justice" Audrey and others nodded.

Just then, the "world" German Sparo suddenly said:

"I remind you that Aurora will be an organization that worships the true gods. Once you take action against them and the implicit purpose is to hunt their high-levels, the 'real creator' may foresee and give some warning."

Can it still be so? Audrey's eyes widened slightly, observing the "Hermit" Jia Delia, "Star" Leonard and others, and found that they had the same mistakes.

This was something they had never considered before.

This is not that they are not smart enough, but that they have never been involved in such things involving high-level existence before, or that even if they did, nothing was clear.

"What then?" Firth, the magician, couldn't help asking.

Klein answered inspiringly:

"Fishing the‘ Mysterious Holy One ’Butus with a softer method, not directly targeting the Aurora Club.”

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