Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 45: "0" level (the first monthly change in November)

In the hidden area, Butis, the "Secret Holy Man", narrowed his eyes slightly and recognized "Lemano's Travel Notes."

This left him with no doubt at all about the information provided by the Dark Lord, Ksma.

——He knows this note and knows that this is a magical item that the Abraham family attaches great importance to. It belongs to the most powerful category below the high sequence, and the negative impact is so small that it can be ignored.

"Oh, how much I longed for this note when I was in the sequence, but Abrahams took precautions against me and didn't pay attention to my needs ... Now is this a lesson? This woman should not be a bloodline descendant of the Abraham family, otherwise I won't look for the curse of the ancient wraiths everywhere ... "Buttis murmured in his heart, his expression gradually became serious, but with a bit of cruel frenzy.

Looking around for a while, he carefully poked his hand into the dark pocket of the black robe.

The dark bag seemed to hide a vast space, and Butis the "Secret Holy One" pulled out a three-layer jewelry box from it.

This jewelry box is not small in size, it is quite difficult to hold it with one hand. It is silver-black, and the surface is decorated with hollow and delicate decorations. It is inlaid with rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds. It looks quite luxurious.

Holding this "jewelry box", Buttis's expression revealed a little panic and fear, as if facing the "abyss" directly, or listening to the slang words of evil gods.


The party went on as usual. Firth put away the "Lemano Travel Notes" and listened intently to the speeches of different participants, seemingly seeking some answers.

In the process, she occasionally asked questions, using gold pounds, spiritual materials, etc. as a reward, but failed to get an effective answer.

Gradually, this extraordinary party was coming to an end, and the convener began to arrange for different participants to leave from different places.

Soon, only Firth and a few extraordinary people remained in the open room.

After getting the convener's instructions, Firth stood up, resisting the urge to stretch his arms, and walked towards the side door.

Just then, she noticed that her body was stiff, her head could barely turn, but it was like a clockwork toy.

From the corner of her eye, she saw that the gray wall instantly became silver-black, covered with grains, like metal casting, and the skin of the remaining party participants and the convener lost the luster that humans should have, and their eyes were dull. Action machinery, like a large doll.

In the hidden area, Butis, the "Secret Holy Man", did not know when the uppermost layer of the "jewelry box" had been opened. Inside it was a room scene that was not sophisticated enough but was absolutely restored.

Inside the room, there are chairs and long tables, and several palm-sized figures sitting or standing, as if simulating the real situation.

Among the several puppets, the standing robe with a hooded robe, a beautifully curved chin, and rosy and thick lips were exactly Firth.

Together with the rest of the extraordinary, the convener of the party, and the entire room, she silently turned into a toy and was included in the top of the "jewelry box"!

In the open room outside, only the gray walls remained, and the rest had nothing.

The corner of the mouth of the "Secret Holy Man" Butis sketched out a little, and his right hand was forced to close the lid of the "jewelry box".

With just one breath, he magically controlled the target!

This silver-black three-layer "jewelry box" is exactly the "0" seal he snatched from the Abraham family.

It has not been numbered because it has never been obtained by the Orthodox Church, or has been thoroughly understood.

According to Buttis's knowledge, this "jewelry box" originated from an angel of the Abraham family in the Quaternary period. He loved traveling the stars and going to different places in the vast universe. But once, when he returned to the family to rest, he was silent. He died in his palace, his face full of fear, his expression distorted, and he seemed to see something terrible.

A true mythical creature, in the Second Age, could be called the existence of a deity, but it did not cause any movement, and fell extremely strangely.

The extraordinary characteristics of his legacy combined with his corpse formed this "jewelry box" that is not different from similar seals, but then the "door" Mr. Bethel Abraham did not try to smash it and restore it to Purely extraordinary, but also given it a rather strange name:

"Old Box".

The first layer of the "Old Box" can toy the target place and swap positions with its own internal space. But the "Secret Holy One" Butis used this to achieve the goal easily and strangely. .

The second layer of the "Old Box" records different locations. Once they are released, the holder and the creatures within the effect range can go directly to the corresponding area, traveling the sky like the angel of the Abraham family. , Explore the universe.

As for what's on the third floor of the "Old Box", Butis, the "Secret Holy", knew but did not dare to think about it, just as if he did not dare to touch the "0" seal at all.

After closing the lid of the "Old Box", Buttis grabbed it with his right hand and retracted the mirror embedded in the semi-transparent transparent vortex.

Once a certain area is hidden, the "Mystic Mage" must go through the corresponding "door" or clear the "hide" directly if he wants to get out of it.

Buttis chose the latter method, which is the most convenient and quickest.

The shadows floated, the disappearing area returned to the real world, and the room finally became complete.

Buttis didn't make any stays, didn't look around, and let the body quickly and transparently.

He held the "old box" inlaid with many "jewels" and silver and black. The blocks were rich in color and overlapped with each other. The spirit world of strange creatures "shuttled" to the predetermined place in only a few seconds. Zhong went out of the void and tried to pass through the "abyss" that divided the sea into the battlefield of God.

At this time, Butis slowed down and stopped in midair.

His eyes narrowed for a moment, his eyes instantly turned dark, dotted with countless brilliance.

It was like a starry sky reflected into his eyes.

The "gravel" composed of stars turned quickly, so that the bottomless gap that cut the ocean quickly blurred, and everything seen in Butis's eyes narrowed sharply, condensing into a swaying orange flame.

The flame "grows" on top of a match and is about to go out.

Everything that Butis, the "mysterious sage" experienced after lifting "hidden space" turned out to be an illusion. He still stayed in place!

And the source of this illusion is the burning match.

The match was held by a fair-skinned palm. The owner of the match was a woman wearing a purple robe and a hood. She was sitting in a huge pumpkin half-through the wall. On the carriage.

It was a group of gray mice pulling the cart.

This is the "General Admiral" Capella, but her appearance, image and temperament have changed.

This was given to her by Cinderella magic!

——The sequence of "Peeping the Secret" 4 The most extraordinary ability of the "mystician" is called "mysterious reproduction", which fully reflects the phrase "knowledge is power".

To put it simply, a "mystician" can draw power from different mystical knowledge and create a variety of magic or witchcraft, and the less "knowledge" is, The less it spreads, the stronger this spell becomes.

The converse can also be established. Once a certain knowledge or legend is widely known and no longer mysterious, the magic or witchcraft created by drawing its power will be almost invalidated.

Catherine also didn't know why the queen could create all kinds of magical magic from the private fairy tales told by Emperor Russell, but this did not prevent her from learning and applying. Have heard those fairy tales.

She used to temporarily transform herself, disguising her magical name as "Cinderella", and letting Butis, the "Secret Holy" fall into the illusion that "the little girl selling matches", thereby preventing the other party from "transmitting" and leaving The next battle created opportunities.

Just when Butis just got rid of the illusion, the "Cinderella" sitting on the pumpkin carriage stepped on the ground, spread her arms, and a huge cross appeared behind her.

And Capella is like carrying this illusory thing.

In the empty room, a little candlelight lit up and illuminated a long table with flesh and blood.

Around the long table, three extremely obscure figures were holding flesh and blood, constantly swallowing.

Seems to be aware of it. The three figures turned their heads at the same time and looked at Butis, seeing that the "Secret Holy Man" 's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, feeling a coolness pouring out of the depths of his soul.

He immediately heard the illusion of howling, chewing, and digestion, and felt unabashed maliciousness and hunger.

Buttis's eyelids jumped, and he quickly lowered his head and set his eyes on the "old box".

The silver-black, mysterious box did not know when to open by itself!

The magic that Kadrija just used is called the "Betrayal of Betrayal", which is derived from the mysterious knowledge of "Death of the Ancient Sun God" she learned from the Tarot Conference. Its purpose is to awaken or give the target a sense of intelligence in the hand. They make a "betrayal"!

There is no doubt that this will work very well when encountering a seal that is inherently malicious to the holder.

But if he had not been blessed by Mr. Fools every time he monitored the party, Capella would not dare to use this magic.

Once sensed by the three protagonists of the "Betrayal of Betrayal", she will definitely die unclearly, die irresistibly, and die terribly.

Therefore, "mystics" are absolutely high-risk groups. Their power comes from walking on the edge of the abyss, from what should not be known, what should not be seen, and what should not be heard.

In comparison, Bernarde, the "mysterious queen" who can create magic from a father's private fairy tale, is much safer than her class at the "mystic" stage.

PS: The first monthly change in November, the monthly ticket is doubled during the double period ~

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