Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 48: "Frenzy" (request monthly tickets on the last day of 2019)

After entering the spirit realm, the "Secret Holy Man" Butis began to walk straight and went straight to the remains of Divine War on the easternmost side of the Sunya Sea.

Just then, his thoughts suddenly blurred, his body turned directly, and he left the spirit world from another place.

By the time of Butis's spiritual warning, his spirit was tense, and he found his own thoughts. What he saw was a bare tree with almost fallen leaves. There was no one around him, and the red moon was high above the sky.

As a former "traveler" and "astrologer", Buttis immediately identified his location and found that he was still in Beckland, but moved from the urban area to a remote place in the suburbs.

At the same time, he also realized what happened:

His spiritual world did not know when it had penetrated into the consciousness of others, affected his thoughts at critical moments, and modified his intended destination!

The demigod of that "audience" approach! I didn't find it! Buttis's pupils dilated sharply, reflecting a silver-white illusory book.

The book flipped up and down and reached one of the pages.

Buttis immediately raised his hand, grabbed his eyebrows, grabbed a cloud of darkness directly from the island without physical consciousness, and threw it into his shadow.

His shadow then separated from him, standing up distorted, showing a female silhouette.

"Black Knight", "The Fallen Shadow"!

This is the ability that Buttis "records" from the "Dark Holy" Ksma, which can separate his own fallen thoughts and combine with the shadow to form an uncontrolled independent creature.

Butis uses it to clear the consciousness that is not his own heart, and get rid of the influence of "manipulator"!

At the same time, this is also a counterattack by Buttes. As long as the hidden "spectator" approaches the "shadow" through the demigod, the idea that she has differentiated will gradually become independent, causing her to be half crazy, or even out of control.

Once the hidden dangers of the mind were resolved, Butis did not hesitate to leave the enemy's preset battlefield and "teleport" to other places.

But at this time, his spirit suddenly became manic, only felt that the whole environment was embarrassing himself, and his anger could no longer be contained.

With the flip of the silver and white book in Buttis' eyes, the whole forest collapsed, and the black "shadow" almost collapsed into a ball.

After his mania, Butis' mood became extremely low again, and he couldn't get rid of anything, felt that he was useless, and it was the burden of others and the world.

"Spirit Plague"! In the previous battle, Buttis was infected with "psychic plague", and now it finally hits!

The reason why Guardia started using "Little Girl Selling Matches" from the beginning is not only because she wanted to disturb Butes' "portal" to leave, but also to help Miss "Justice" to hide her traces so that her "virtual personality" could not be affected. In the case of Teeth ’s spiritual intuition, he sneaked into the other person ’s spiritual world and did not provoke it, but quietly planted the source of the “spiritual plague”.

Because of this, when the raid was unsuccessful, Kadriya and Audrey dared to start the plan and retreat on their own, so that the "Secret Holy" Butis and the "Hidden Holy" were actively separated after there was no danger. , Back to everywhere.

At the end, Capellaria burned green and green vines, creating great movements. On the surface, it attracted the attention of the official forces and let the enemies give up tracking. In fact, it forced the "Secret Holy Man" Butis to leave as soon as possible, without time to carefully examine and inspect himself. Deep-seated situation.

Therefore, at the critical moment of his "transmission", Audrey's virtual personality tampered with his thoughts, and went directly to the outskirts of Beckland, to a land nowhere selected by Taro.

And when he solved the virtual personality of the "operator", the "spiritual plague" followed immediately.

In fact, if Butis uses "Restart of Destiny" earlier, he will definitely be able to return to a state without hidden dangers, but it was not until he was almost killed by the "Linkinus Gun" that he decided to lift the hole card. At that time, it was far more than three seconds before the invasion of the spiritual world!

At this time, Lost, low, and struggling against mental illness, Butis saw a less real thread roll out of the void ahead.

Behind this clew, the bright yarns stretched to infinity.

Along this line, wearing a dark purple robe and a dark hood, Capella came from the spirit realm and appeared in front of Butis, the "Holy Holy".

She has no way to track the enemy who has interfered, but can establish contact with the intended battlefield, and can track the virtual personality of "justice" Audrey!

Immediately upon arriving, Capellaria closed her eyes, differentiated into a ghost image, and fell to the invisible coffin.

Buttis, who was already low and depressed, felt extremely tired for a moment, her eyes could not stop closing, and she wanted to fall.

"sleeping Beauty"!

On the other side, there is no real independent Audrey virtual personality, such as a deep black shadow, with a sense of degeneration, pinching her forehead with her hands.

Her pupils rose silently, pale and indifferent.

Buttis's brain burst instantly, and there were bubbles of light on the surface of the body. In the bubbles, stars were condensed, and the head and tail were filled with void worms trying to get out.

"Psychologist", "Frenzy"!

This can completely detonate the target's emotions and even cause him to lose control.

Butis was infected with the "psychic plague" and was in a very abnormal state. Later, he was affected by the "Sleeping Beauty", and his mood was extremely low. At this time, it was detonated by "madness". There are signs of runaway.

Seizing this opportunity, Jia Delia opened her eyes and raised her right hand, so that her palm quickly formed a slowly rotating star sand.

The woods under the night became darker, the red moon at high altitude disappeared, and stars one after another emerged, dense and dazzling.

These stars spilled down one after another, and they merged into a magnificent pillar of light, enveloping Butis the "Secret Holy" and the area around him.

Under stress, Butis was awake a little, his figure quickly faded, and constantly "flashed", creating a dozen residual images in the woods.

However, he couldn't get rid of the starlight and couldn't teleport out.

One by one, "Butis" was dissolved by the starlight, and collapsed and dissipated. Eventually, there was only one knee on one knee, and Putis pressed his palm on the ground to support it.

This Buttes was torn and ragged, his eyes were dark red, almost crazy.

When Xinghui couldn't maintain it, he "flashed" and avoided the follow-up attack of Audrey's virtual personality.

Then, he kept "flashing", creating one after another in the virtual personality of Jia Delia and Audrey.

One of his "avatars" grabbed with his left hand, distorted the area where Audrey's virtual personality corresponds to the shadow, hiding it, thereby limiting the enemy.

And his other "avatar" opened his arms and drew a large beam of light surrounding the sacred flame, letting it fall into the hidden space.

In this process, Butis's other "avatar" quietly lifted the concealment of space.

Therefore, as soon as the shadow corresponding to Audrey's virtual personality broke away from the limit, she was enveloped by the sacred blazing beam of light and quickly disappeared.

-Butis in the "flash" state can use extraordinary abilities faster than normal, but can not last, this is achieved by the "star bugs" one by one.

On the other side, Butis, the "Secret Holy", is also "siege" to Capella. He uses one ability after another, pouring out a lot of attacks on the target in just one or two seconds.

This forced Jia Delia to constantly use the "emperor's new clothes" to evade, and was unable to counterattack for a while and was in danger.

A few seconds later, Butez's "flash" finally slowed down, and the mania in his heart was relieved a lot.

At this time, gray and white scales suddenly appeared outside the woods. They were loosing, as if they constituted an extremely oppressive behemoth.

In the dark night covered by the Red Moon, a near-invisible transparent breath from top to bottom covered the Buttes and Capellas.

If the two demigods are struck by lightning, the spirit tears, and the spirit body seems to be pierced.

Breath of the Spirit Dragon!

The mental state was already very bad. Buttius, who had used several cards in his hand, went blank. There was a flash of light before him, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly.

And Capella is carrying the "Moon Paper Man" brought from "Magic" Furth, which can help her bear a "spiritual piercing"!

Although this does not completely eliminate the effect of the "spirit of the dragon breath", it will allow Capella to recover faster.

This means opportunity in demigod battles!

In just one or two seconds, the appearance of Capella's eyes returned to normal, and the dragonized Audrey hiding in the darkness outside the woods added another "mental deprivation" to Butis.

Without hesitation, Kadrija raised her right hand, condensed the terrible spear with blood, and cast it at Butis, the "Holy Holy".

This time, Butis could no longer avoid and dissolve, and his chest was directly penetrated by the "Linkinus gun".

After his body stiffened, he quickly collapsed and disintegrated, turning into "glitters of stars" one after another.

Some of these "star bugs" disappeared directly, some swallowed each other, some merged in the distance, and regrouped into Butis.

Buttis's eyes are completely irrational, his body is constantly collapsing, and he is about to present an incomplete and very weak form of mythological creatures.

At this moment, an unreal door suddenly appeared beside him, a gray-blue unreal door with seven brass keyholes.

This illusory door opened quickly and spewed out a silver-black three-layer "jewelry box" inlaid with various gems.

The "Old Box" that was "banished" has returned.

Buttis, who had a crazy look, took the box and showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile, and he was about to open it.

the third floor!

PS: Ask for monthly pass on the last day of 2019 ~

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