Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 50: Randomness (new year monthly ticket)

After a while, the mid-air where the woods collapsed suddenly tore, and an illusive and mysterious door appeared.

The door opened silently, and came out a handsome man with dark hair and golden eyes, a straight dress, and a mature and elegant man.

Before he could inspect the scene in the future, he heard a popping sound, felt a violent hurricane blowing, and saw an amazingly powerful middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man had relatively large earlobes, dark blue hair, and round hair, and there seemed to be countless lightnings in his eyes.

He is the Cardinal of the Church of the Storm, Archbishop of Bakerland, and "Dark Blue Ritual" by Dalar Valentin.

The clergyman in the black robe with the embroidered storm symbol glanced left and right, and turned his attention to the golden-eyed man, his voice asking like thunder:

"Selte, what happened here?"

The golden-eyed man known as Celt shook his head:

"I just arrived."

His voice had just fallen, and on the other side of the void, a nearly transparent spirit body like a mountain peak emerged, placing a figure in the air.

The figure wore an archbishop's robe with red stripes on a black background, with deep eyes and no beard. It was Anthony Stevenson, head of the Beckrand parish of the Night Church.

After the giant spirit body completed its task, it immediately shrank and fell into the mouth of Saint Anthony. At the same time, a certain long black hair covered the face, and the transparent and erratic spirit of the lower body stood out behind Anthony. Resting on his shoulders, he didn't fall down.

The next second, the turbulent air rushed from the city of Bakerland, pushing a figure close to the area at high speed.

Soon, the figure stopped, an old man in a white priest's robe, a clergyman's hat, and a gentle and gentle face.

The airflow from the old man's back disappeared, and the black immersed nozzle with the metallic light shrank back inside his body.

This is Archbishop of Beckland Parish, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, and a former member of the Church of God, Holamik Haydn.

He stood still in the air strangely, and looked around:

"Although the fighting here is not too fierce, it is certain that it belongs to the saints.

"Also, this residual pollution is simply, almost ..."

While talking, the four demigods bowed their heads simultaneously and looked at the center of the collapsed forest.

A tarot card was inserted there, depicting an old man with a pestle and a glass lantern.

"Hermit" card!

Dahlal Valentine, Celt, Anthony, and Hollamick were suddenly silent, but no one spoke for a short time.


Above the mist, in the ancient palace, Klein frowned and looked at the "Old Box" in front of him.

As soon as this "0" grade seal was sacrificed, the entire "Yuanbao" moved, as if it had been boiled to boiling water.

The majestic power of steam stimulates itself, converges into a torrent, completely submerged the "old box", wrapped in layers, and bound.

At this moment, the silver-black three-layer "jewelry box" inlaid with gems seemed to be a bug inside the amber, leaving no room for movement.

"Before the stress of the" Yuanbao "was caused by my peeping at the true **** or the king of angels, when I was hurt ... this was the first time that it had similar changes due to foreign objects ..." Klein couldn't help raising his right hand , Wiped the sweat that does not exist.

Frankly, he was a little scared, and felt that he had drifted a bit after he initially mastered "Yuanbao".

In the past, he did not dare to allow "0" grade seals to enter here, but this time because he did not involve "uniqueness", he had a substantial improvement over the past, so he had the idea to try.

"Fortunately, I have to control ... I will have to tell Ms. Hermit later that they can't pick anything up and sacrifice to me, and I'm not sloppy ..." Klein muttered a few words and began to examine box".

He remembered that Miss Magic was still in the seal, so he planned to find out the situation of the Old Box as soon as possible, so as not to kill the bait due to delay.

"The level of this seal is very high. The understanding of the" Magic Mirror "Arodes is quite limited. I still have to come by myself ... At present it seems that as long as I do n’t try 'Divination', what is on the third level, I do n’t try to find strength The source of the danger is tolerable, not even ... "Klein made his preliminary judgment following his spiritual intuition.

Immediately afterwards, he had a pen and paper and started "divination".

After some time, he finally opened his eyes and said to himself silently:

"The first layer can swap the internal space with the target area, and reduce the size of the scene with toys ... this is a capability that it can barely be used ...

"Toy-shaped creatures must be released within 24 hours, otherwise they will transform forever and even the spirits will not be able to sleep ...

"Releasing is very simple, as long as you designate an area, a small area that is almost non-living, and swap it with the internal space, you can ...

"There is a limit to the scope of this ability. At most, a city as big as Bakerland ... why should I use this example ...

"The second layer records different scenes. There are 'Abyss', there are starry sky, there are various places where the holder and the creatures within a certain range can directly transfer to the target area ...

"The problem is that there is randomness. In a small part, you can designate yourself and release the corresponding location. Most of the time, the selected location will change, and the final destination will be difficult to predict ... as to when the designation is valid and when There is a change and I ca n’t know ...

"Also, it seems that luck cannot be affected, or that luck below sequence 0 cannot be affected ...

"This means that there is no way to transfer Silver City directly from the" Abandoned Land "with this extraordinary ability of the" Old Box ", hey, if I can, my" miracle master "ritual is very simple ... uh , Wait for a while to try the toy ...

"The third floor is very dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous. If I say it three times, I will not risk prying, no, this should be called dead prying ...

"The negative effect of the" Old Box "is very simple, that is, the holder will disappear randomly, violently or abnormally. If there is no holder, the creatures in the surrounding area will encounter this in accordance with the distance and individual size. This kind of terrible thing, the maximum scope is similar to the first layer ... These '0' grade seals are all terrible guys who destroy the city with a wrong sentence and kill dozens of millions or even more people. No wonder you need to press Sealed to the highest standards, no snooping, no inquiry, no description ...

"Where the disappeared have gone seems to be related to the scene on the second floor ...

"The 'Secret Holy Man' dared to act with this seal because he has the blessing of 'Fate Angel' Ulorius, which can minimize the randomness of negative effects, but even so, he is not Dare to hold it for too long, because the blessing will be consumed ... It seems that he did not finally recover soberly in the end, and found the opportunity to 'transmit' and leave. It is also related to bad luck ... It is really hard to kill the saints who are valued by large organizations ...

"Ms." Hidden Man "is also experienced, clear-headed, and not blindly contacted. Instead, she created invisible servants to take it, and sacrificed this '0' class seal to me in the shortest time ...

"Theoretically, I can summon the projection in the historical pore to get this item. It doesn't matter if it dies, disappears, or changes, but it can't guarantee the time of use, unless it is previously blessed by Will Onsetin. ...

"The way to seal is to put it into the spiritual realm. This is not enough. It must be a twisted and hidden space in the spiritual realm, and then regularly fill it with ordinary water, so that the" old box "is idle every day and plays with microorganisms ... … So many 'souls' can support it for a long time ... Mastering this idea, there are still many ways to seal ... "

After clarifying the details of the "Old Box", Klein looked at the "0" grade seal, only to feel that the third layer no longer felt like heavily unable to open it.

Vaguely, he believed that as long as he reached out and lifted the blockade of the "Fort" force, he could easily open the third floor of the "Old Box".

… So tempting ... Klein pulled his eyes back and waved his hand, letting the "Old Box" fly to the debris pile in the corner.

Regardless of whether it is a "0" grade seal, go there and wake up first!

"As a terrible '0' grade seal, you must have a number to have a personality. Unfortunately, I don't know how many '0' grade seals are listed in the Seven Churches. Shouldn't it exceed 50? , 'Old Day Box' is temporarily called '0-61', and will be adjusted later according to specific circumstances ...

"If Ms. 'Hidden Man' cannot create a good seal environment, you can put '0-61' on the fog and apply again when necessary. Of course, you must ask Will for blessings in advance ... I do n’t know. At what stage can I get the name of the King of Yellow and Black who is in good fortune? Part of the 'miracle teacher', part of the 'stealth waiter' ... "Klein thought for a while, and took it up. Extraordinary traits left by Buttes the "Secret Holy".

This shape resembles a spar, with countless rays of light refracting inside, and it has evolved a series of illusions and bright doors.

Klein stared for a few seconds before suddenly throwing this extraordinary feature into the air.

The power of "Yuanbao" once again boiled, and under the control of Klein formed a substantially translucent wave, which was severely photographed on the spar.

The spar shattered instantly, splitting into countless tiny light spots, and a stream of dark gas emerged from it, distorted in the "source castle" and quickly melted away, faded away.

The tiny light spots gradually moved closer to each other under the action of the extraordinary aggregation law, and it took nearly a minute to reorganize into the magnificent and dreamy spar just before falling back to Kline's palm.

The pollution inside it was cleared.

——Klein in the "Fort" is equal to an angel of sequence 2, but oftentimes he has power and cannot use the extraordinary ability of the corresponding level. He must have the right auxiliary things to help him.

After putting in the extraordinary traits of the "Mystic Mage", Klein set his sights on the remaining two eyes of Buttes.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket for the new year, now it is doubled, don't wait ~

PS2: Because the book will be completed in the middle of the year and there is no need for the annual list, each month is mainly to earn a recommendation position (laughs, everyone subscribes to the voting normally, try not to spend more money, do n’t have anger, and make a sacrifice by the way Lao Yue, recommend "Predecessor Wushuang", the writing is very good, the story is wonderful ~

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