Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 60: Moon City (double last month for monthly ticket)

Abandoned land, nights with low lightning frequency.

Several human-like creatures carefully approached a meat mass with six legs and a dozen eyes.

They were wrapped in animal skins or humble clothes that could not see the original material, and with the illumination of several lanterns, they walked in the deep darkness, their expressions were very dignified.

Some of them have dozens or twenty sarcomas on their faces, and some of their eyes are almost squeezed together. Some have no nose directly, and the location is a black hole.

After a fierce battle, they solved the monster smoothly, and then divided into two groups, one group was on guard and the other was harvesting loot.

During this process, the man with multiple sarcomas on his face was dissecting the monster's body and collecting edible parts, his action suddenly stopped.

"Adal, what's wrong?" The woman without a nose asked, puzzled.

The man known as Adal slowly withdrew his right hand, revealing an item he had found from the monster.

It was an amulet carved from stone with more signs of corrosion.

"This is ..." The two men with their eyes close together seemed to understand the reason, hesitating not to finish.

Adal looked around:

"Sin, Ruth, this was given to my father when I was little.

"On the day of my adulthood, he felt unable to control himself, and chose to leave the city and go into the darkness ..."

Xin and Ruth heard the silence for a while, and they could feel the mood of Adal.

This is something that often happens in Yuecheng.

Because there are not enough safe ingredients, they can only pick mutant plant fruits and collect monster flesh to survive.

This causes them to accumulate toxins and madness, and when their physical condition declines, they either die quickly or gradually lose control.

The latter, in order not to affect the surroundings and cause damage to the city-state, will often arrange everything when he is aware of the wrong state, take the torch and a small amount of food, leave the defensive circle, leave alone in the darkness that never disperses, and never return.

What their end will look like, the inhabitants of Yuecheng can imagine that they will either be killed by monsters or become monsters. There is no other possibility.

After seven or eight seconds of silence, the female with no nose hesitated to say to Adar:

"Maybe, this is the monster that killed your father."

"It has a belt made of animal skin ..." Adal's voice gradually lowered, he lifted the dagger made of white bone in his hand, pushed it down hard, and cut a piece of normal flesh.

The members of the hunting team completed the collection skillfully in a quiet state, until Ruth, with his eyes squeezed close together, suddenly said lowly:

"There are more and more deformed children in newborn children ..."

The cost of accumulating toxins and madness from generation to generation is far more than the decline in average age. Those who are still in a normal physical condition will gradually develop certain abnormalities. Just like Adal, there are many sarcomas on his face.

Similarly, the precipitated toxins and madness may also be passed on to the offspring, leading to the emergence of deformities. Ruth and Xin in the hunting squad fall into this category.

Their lives will be shorter, and they will be more likely to lose control and change.

What the increasing number of deformed children mean is clear to the hunting team present, that is, it may not take two or three generations, and the residents of Yuecheng have not yet grown up and have not yet given birth to a new generation, which may cause them to lose control.

That way, even if there is no external attack, Moon City will quickly fall, leaving only stone buildings and wall drawings to prove that they existed.

"Hopefully, the high priests will find a new direction ..." Adar stood up with a lantern, answering the unusual weakness.

For the past two or three thousand years, Yuecheng has not sought a way out of the current situation. They have sent teams of exploration teams one after another to go deep into the dark. Some return after severe setbacks. No more news, just disappeared into the endless darkness.

In addition, a distance from Yuecheng east, there was a gray mist covering the sky and the earth.

They are like invisible barriers, which not only cut off the line of sight, but also make it impossible for any creature to pass through.

The residents of Yuecheng once thought that this was the place of hope, that the place covered by the gray mist was a normal country, and that the other side of the gray mist was an uncursed land.

They tried again and again into the gray mist, but all failed:

They dug through a long passage and wanted to pass through the ground without an invisible barrier, but the area corresponding to the depth of the earth was also shrouded in gray mist;

They tried to gain the ability to fly and tried to cross from high altitude, but they couldn't see the top of the gray mist until they were split by lightning;

They mobilized the power of all demigods and seals, and attacked the target again and again. After two or three thousand years, they accumulated day after day, but they failed to kill the invisible barrier ...

Hearing the words of Captain Adal, the members of the hunting team were despairing and sad, as if they were slipping a little bit on the edge of the "Abyss", but could not save themselves.

Those who are deformed belong to the type whose emotions are difficult to control. At this time, they feel more or less depressed and want to burst out.

- in on the city, two or three centuries ago, the deformity is not to become an extraordinary person, to join the ranks of hunting, only to do the work of gathering areas, it can be more and more nervous as the staff, the high priest and the rest of senior relaxing the restrictions.

"Come on, this is not enough food." Adar look around in a circle, lantern, to go deeper into the darkness.

They do not venture off the fire and let the dark gush monster, because those most likely they can not deal with.

Quietly suffocating, the members of Yuecheng's hunting squad couldn't help but feel a sense of darkness and endlessness.

This month the city the situation now seems, will never find hope, and the hands of the lantern will burn less and less time.

When that last glimmer of light to dissipate, they will be completely silent darkness engulfed.

As he walked, Adar's eyes suddenly turned yellow.

It was a fire, not a fire of a hunting squad!

This spark of light immediately hit the eyes of all members of the entire hunting squad, occupying their pupils.

Adal, Xin, Ruth and others opened their eyes uncontrollably, and a strong surprise appeared in their hearts.

In their lifetime, in the historical records of Yuecheng after the cataclysm, there has never been a fire from elsewhere!

It is true that many monsters possess the ability of the fire or the sun field, but before the attack, they all lurk in the dark and do not show a little light.

And now, a flare of light emerged in the dark!

Adar, Sim and Ruth, who's body slightly shaking up, a time to think a lot, but it does not think the answer yes.

They quickly recalled the hunting arrangements and confirmed that there would be no more residents of Yuecheng nearby.

Since the firelight does not belong to Moon City, where does it come from?

The entire hunting team slowed down. They were shocked, confused, curious, and afraid, worried, and panicked.

-They have also discovered some destroyed city-states, knowing that any anomalies in the darkness could be fatal.

"... alert!" Adal finally returned to his senses and gave an order.

The hunting squad immediately unfolded into a battle formation, waiting for the dim yellow light to approach this side.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and every second was so slow, and finally, after the ignition light became large, a figure appeared.

The figure ... only one person ... the members of Yuecheng Hunting Team held their breaths at the same time.

They seem, maybe, to see an outsider!

After two or three thousand years, other people finally set foot on this land.

This abandoned world is no longer the only one.

As for who can cross the endless darkness, Ardal and others have no experience and cannot guess at all.

As the fire grew bigger and more obvious, the members of the hunting team gradually saw the figure:

It was a slender young man with dark-brown and brown-eyed pupils, with a stern look, not a deformity, and no abnormality.

He wore strange hats, strange clothes, and carried a lantern made of special materials, walking step by step through the darkness.

The light of his lantern was brighter than the sum of the hunting squads, letting the deep darkness around them quickly recede.

It didn't take long for this light to shine on Adar, Xin and Ruth.

The figure stopped, looking at the hunting team of Yuecheng, and said lowly:

"Where are you from."

He said that the language ...... giant eyes clear, can communicate ...... Adar opened his mouth, stopped to answer subconscious impulse.

He asked back:

"who are you?"

The figure holding the glass lantern responded slowly:

"German Sparo."

After more than half a year of trekking and overcoming one difficulty after another, Klein's spiritual intuition finally told him that he was about to reach his destination.

And he also encountered the first living people in the "travel" of the abandoned land.

"Where are you from?" Adal remained alert, questioning.

Klein glanced over their faces, saying invariably:

"I'm from Silver City,

"It also comes from outside the cursed land."

Hearing this answer, all members of the hunting squad froze for a while, wondering if they were too expectant, so that hallucinations appeared.


In the autumn of 1351, Beckland was in the smoke of war.

Since Feneport also declared war on Ruen, the war has finally lost its balance after a period of time. Ruen and his allies Rumberg, Marseille, and Segal have lost a lot of territory, and only the last few lines of defense are left. With hard resistance, crumbling.

After seeing the long line discharged from the food delivery point through the carriage window, Audrey slowly retracted her gaze and said to the maid Annie:

"Go to St. Samuel's Church ..."

PS: Ask for a monthly pass on the last day of the double.

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