Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 62: Spreading glory

When Klein was thinking about the method just now, he naturally thought of a picture:

The sea of ​​clouds between the two mountain peaks "boiled" sharply, and separated to the left and right, revealing a crevice that is dimly invisible to the bottom. The orange dusk light fills in it, forming a substantial road.

This is the scene created by "Monitor of the Gods" Amon when he enters the projection of the "Giant King Court" dream.

And just when Klein felt that he did not know enough about the corresponding abilities, when he decided to change a method, the red, green, blue, and transparent gems inlaid on the "Star Staff" had bloomed and shimmered, and excited himself.

The solidified white mist was also "boiling", but not so drastic.

They rolled up and separated to the sides, but the front was still endless gray and there was no end.

Klein sighed in his heart, while trying to control his thoughts.

In three minutes, he made at least ten efforts, seven of which he was willing to do and three of which belonged to stress, but failed to open the invisible barrier.

...... The normal method really doesn't work ... Klein shook his wrist, and the historical projection of "0-62", which was close to the maintenance limit, disappeared into the real world.

He stared at the silent gray mist, without any action for tens of seconds, like a statue in place.

Finally, Klein closed his eyes, retracted his gaze, held the horse lantern, and walked towards the humans not far away.

He does not plan to make blind attempts, because this probability will not be successful. He is going to ask those ancient survivors who have been in the vicinity for two or three thousand years and have apparently explored the gray mist to see if they can accumulate over time. Find inspiration in experience.

According to Klein's prediction, those humans will inevitably react more aggressively to their approach, and have prepared the corresponding abilities so that they can talk to themselves calmly, but when he looked at the yellow lights of the lanterns on both sides, In the past, I found that all humans, either ugly or deformed, looked at this with their mouths open slightly, their expressions confused and shocked, as if they had temporarily lost their ability to think.

Klein frowned slightly. In the deep darkness, he walked unhurriedly and slowly to the group of ancient survivors, stopping about two or three meters away.

"What do you know about this mist?" Klein asked lowly in giant words.

This language that can pry the power of nature does not differ from region to region, with only a slight difference in accent, but not too much, because if it is alienated on the basis of the original, the probability will be high. Loss of effect on ritual magic.

It wasn't until Gullman Sparo asked a question that Adal seemed to be back, his lips twitched for a while, and he answered inexorably:

"We, we haven't changed the mist ..."

Earlier, Guerman Spalo made the mist boil like water, and the pictures separated toward the sides really scared them. There was a feeling of seeing miracles.

Moon City's efforts from generation to generation for two or three thousand years are not as good as the other person's attempt with one or two hundred heartbeats with a cane!

This was the main reason they gave up resistance when Gelman Sparo approached.

They instinctively think that no matter how evasive they are, they will have no effect.

Klein remained silent for two seconds and continued to ask:

"Do you have a corresponding record?"

Adal this time understood the meaning of Guerman Sparo, hesitated, and slowly nodded:

"Yes ... but only the high priests will often look around."

Klein, wearing a black trench coat and a half-top hat, thought about it, suddenly poked her hand, and took an item out of the void.

It was a patina-stained patina, with several spiky crosses protruding.

"No Dark Cross" historical pore image from "Ancient Sun God"!

Klein held the cross, raised it a little higher, and aimed at the ancient relics.

Pure, bright, warm light blooms, dissipates the surrounding darkness, and shines on Adar and Xin.

Their battle experience made them try to defend defensively, but their instinctive comfort stopped them from completing their movements in half.

That kind of light and that kind of warmth is by no means comparable to a fire!

This reminded the remaining members of the Moon City Hunting Squad to think of the gods in the ancient classics and the mouth of the high priest, emitting infinite light and bringing infinite warmth.

In the shining of Mingjing's light, a twist of struggling illusory black gas that seemed to have its own vitality emanated from Adar, Xin and others, and quickly dissipated.

The members of the Moon City Hunting Squad only felt that the body became relaxed, and the depression in the soul disappeared.

After purifying the pollution and disease accumulated in the target's body, Klein's wrist shook slightly, allowing "No Dark Cross" to disappear in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed it diagonally forward and dragged another cane out of nothingness, the ordinary log-colored cane.

This is the former Silver City Seal "Life Cane"!

Although Klein had sacrificed it to the "Night Goddess", as long as the "ancient scholar" had it, he would only accompany him in another way.

Holding the "Cane of Life", Klein stepped forward and stabbed the leader of Moon City Hunting Squad with a club head.

The experience just made Adal did not evade, the sarcoma on his face began to crack, pus, faded, contracted, disappeared, and in the end, there was no scar left.

Adal knew his changes from the eyes of the team members, hesitated a bit, raised his right hand, and touched his face, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, several times in a row.

In the process, he found that he was in better shape than ever before, just better than when he was an adult.

Klein didn't look at him, stepped aside, and healed the rest of the ancient relics with a "stick of life."

With the example of Adal, Xin et al., While alert and vigilant, accepted the touch of the staff's head, and then gained a new life in an unspeakable feeling.

Among them, the two deformed people, whose emotions are easy to excite, could not help crying.

It is a pity that the inborn defects cannot be treated ... mental illness can be cured, but some crazy tendencies cannot be cured ... Klein retracted his right hand backwards and let the historical projection of the "life cane" disappear.

He walked to his original position, turned his body, and looked at the ancient relics:

"I came here not to destroy, but to spread the light of my Lord, to bring light and warmth.

"Go back and tell your leader, I'm here, and if he wants, he can come over."

He did not try to ask where the settlements of the ancient admirals were, nor did he intend to pass directly, because this would stimulate the strongest resistance and vigilance.

Therefore, giving the right to the other party is the most appropriate solution.

At this time, Adal, Xin, and others have been shocked by the performance of the opposite missionary German Spall constantly taking out various magical objects, and they feel more and more that they are entering the miracle and have received the light of God The baptism of the body has restored the best physical condition, even surpassed the best.

"... Okay." Adal responded a few seconds later.

Just as they turned around and were preparing to return to Moon City, a little bit of light from the deep darkness ignited, flying from far to near.

The head is an old man with a dark brown animal skin. His hair is gray and messy, and his face is a real gully.

"The high priest ..." Xin Tuo shouted after seeing what the other person looked like.

The visitor was Nim the High Priest of the Moon City.

Nimes was followed by members of the Hunting Squad, such as Ruth, who had returned to the city early, and several extraordinary sequencers.

Nim nodded to Adal and Xin, and walked to the front of the team, looking at the man who claimed to be the missionary Gelman Sparo, crossed his hands and saluted:

"Dear guest, this is Nim, High Priest of the Moon City.

"Yuecheng was once a city of vampires, but that civilization has been destroyed in ancient times.

"Afterwards, we accepted the great Sun God and created all the Lord's orders. We migrated here, guarded the gray mist, and made corresponding attempts. Even after the land was cursed, the Lord stopped responding to us and did not give up. .

"To date, 3,722 years have passed."

PS: change first and then change.

PS2: This chapter is all free. Yesterday I said that compensation with a large chapter is because I think everyone may value this more. However, if you have different opinions, you should use free to pay it. This is more fair, and you do n’t have to worry about debts. Write the big chapter (laughs.

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