Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 64: sound

After listening to High Priest Nim's answer, Klein held the lamp and walked along the gray mist to the right and twenty steps.

Then, he half-closed his eyes, as if sensing something, which made the extraordinary people behind Moon City behind them afraid to make a sound, afraid to disturb the God.

After four or five seconds, Klein stretched out his right hand and slowly grabbed it in the air ahead.

A stone-built altar then fell from nothing into reality, with three candles made of grease and seven or eight spiritual materials.

Nim, a demigod of Sequence 4, looked a little, and seemed a little distrustful of his eyes.

He watched Guerman Spallo take out his cane and healed his companions, but he thought that the other party had the ability in space or was favored by the "Fool", but now his judgment has been completely overturned because He knew the altar, the candles, and the spiritual materials.

It's all he used!

How could he get out what I used? Is this a force from history, from time? Nim recalled some of the remnants of the Moon City, combined with his own knowledge of the demigods, he had some initial guesses.

At this time, Klein turned back and looked at the high priest, saying:

"You can start."

Nim took a quiet breath and, with the attention of Adal, Xin, and Ruth, stepped forward in front of the altar, creating a spiritual wall.

After looking at the symbols, logos and patterns inscribed on the altar, after confirming that there were no problems, he performed the ceremony exceptionally skillfully in accordance with the process that had been engraved in his memory.

In the end, he buried his head and muttered in deep thought:

"The eternal fog;

"A barrier that freezes time and space;

"All-inclusive existence ..."

The prayer was not over yet, and Klein had turned his attention to the gray mist, hoping to hear a deep voice.

To this end, he dispersed a large number of monster puppets that were secretly controlled and walked in the surrounding darkness, and placed one every other distance so as not to miss any suspicious marks.

But until the ceremony was completed, he didn't notice anything unusual.

After waiting for a while, Klein turned his attention to Moon City High Priest Nim, saying flatly:



Beckland, Queens, Hall's study.

After getting permission, Audrey pushed open the door and walked in. Her father, Earl Hall and his brother, Hibbert, were discussing something.

"Oh baby, don't you look so good?" Count Hall turned his eyes to the door.

Audrey was useless, and sincerely smiled reluctantly:

"There is a big gap in the food of the poverty relief fund. I want to raise some more. I visited many aristocrats today, but they all told me that there is no more food, even if they are bought with gold pounds."

When these words are spoken, those nobles are in the small living room or in the place specially used for afternoon tea. In front of them are high-quality black tea and a variety of exquisite desserts. From time to time, please ask Audrey to comment on the home dessert Cooking.

Their servants were blushing and very light-footed, making almost no noise, so as not to disturb the guests.

"The situation now ..." Count Hall heard and sighed.

Audrey thought about it and said seriously:

"Dad, I remember there should be a lot of food at home. Can I pay for some?"

"Audrey, you've done too much, you don't need to do this again." Hibbert Hall frowned slightly, and said, while Audrey just looked at her father and didn't say anything to her brother Respond.

Earl Hall became serious again with a relaxed expression on his daughter's arrival:

"Audrey, the premise of charity is not to affect the lives of yourself and your family. This is a rule I hope you keep in mind."

Wearing a gold and white dress, Audrey frowned slightly and stretched out, saying sincerely:

"Dad, the food hoarding in the house is enough for everyone in this house to eat for a whole year or more, and there is a lot of food over East Chester County."

Because Winterton County has not yet completely fallen, the Fassac army that invaded through the Middle Sea County did not attack East Chester County, and the Fassac, Intis, Feneporte fleet at sea was attacked by Ruen The suppression of the Iron Armored Fleet can only be used to reluctantly maneuver to protect the maritime supply line.

Earl Hall looked at her daughter's emerald eyes for a few seconds, and sighed and laughed:

"Audrey, you have really grown up, you have your own ideas and a good persistence.

"However, none of us know how long this war will last. We don't know what will happen in the end. We must reserve a lot of food to deal with all this.

"I can accept two less delicious meals for each meal to help those in need, but I don't want to make my table like the middle class in the newspaper, it will completely lose us as aristocracy Decent, this is what we are insisting on every generation.

"Do you understand what I mean? I just made a metaphor just now. The essence of the matter is that I attach more importance to the survival and future of the family, to our identity and status, and only to show that I do not affect them. Love and kindness.

"Audrey, what I said may be cruel, but you have grown up and it is time to listen. Everyone is selfish, just to varying degrees. In my mind, the importance of the entire Hall family is More than me and your mother, more than you, more than Hibbert and Alfred, beyond these, first, faith and good friends, secondly acquaintances, and finally all over Beckland, people in need of relief.

"I don't mind helping them if they don't affect the previous ones, but it's a pity that I have to think about more things now."

Having said that, Earl Hall shook his head with a mockery:

"Sorry to let you know that your father is such a selfish person."

During the process of listening to her father, Audrey focused on listening to her father's expression. The expression changed slightly, and then it disappeared. Until the end, there was no additional emotional expression.

At this moment, she was silent for a while, and asked again:

"... but we have already got too much more than we need, even if it comes out partly?"

Hibbert Hall interjected a bit angrily:

"Why give us what we have worked so hard for?

"This is produced in our fields, pastures, and woodlands. This is what we buy for gold pounds, and the money and assets are inherited from the family. It was earned by the father with precise vision and strong courage. It is a generation. Accumulated by another generation.

"We do charity to help others show extra love, not we have to do it, understand?"

Earl Hall nodded:

"Hibbert said it was generally fine, and that's what I think."

Audrey pursed her lips and nodded slowly:

"I know……"

Earl Hall looked away and said to Hibbert:

"The hoard of food must be guarded. If the outcome of the war is irreversible, you try to contact the Intis guys and give us our sincerity.

"The battlefield has lasted so long, and many people have died. Many fields are deserted, urban prices have soared, and there must be a strong demand for food, pasture, and woodland. The shares of the bank, and some of the equity of Barbat Bank and Baker Land Bank, should be able to buy them. Hehe, at this time, you can only talk about kinship if you first meet this requirement. "

Intis and Rune often have marriages, and many nobles are relatives, especially steamers.

"Dad, are you considering surrender?" Hibbert asked in amazement.

Count Hall nodded lightly and sighed again:

"How can I not consider this situation now?

"By then, you will be the new Earl Hall."

Hearing was heartbroken and quite puzzled:

"Dad, how about you?"

Earl Hall answered with a bitter smile:

"My mother and I are devout believers and have a certain status in the church. When Ruhn falls and the church collapses, if we are not willing to leave the front desk, the outcome will not be good."

Having said that, he relieved the eldest son:

"As long as the Hall family is still there, the title is still there, and the core assets are not lost, we will not have too miserable old age. After you convert to steam, remember to prepare a secret prayer room for us at home."

During the conversation between them, Audrey, wearing a long dress in gold and white, looked at it quietly, listening quietly, her green eyes were like precious stones.


After repeated attempts, as the projection of the altar disappeared, Moon City High Priest Nim pondered against German Sparrow, who raised strange lanterns:

"It doesn't seem to work today, you can try again tomorrow, the longest will not exceed two months."

At this moment, Klein was thinking about another question:

Will it be perfunctory with historical pore images that make the ceremony unsuccessful?

He examined himself deeply, and decided to listen to the priest of the Moon City, and try again tomorrow. At that time, he must let the other party bring real materials.

As soon as he nodded, a faint sound suddenly sounded in his ear.

The sound emanated from the depths of the gray mist, layer upon layer, faint and faint.

Is it effective? This ritual really had the effect, that the delay was too high ... Klein felt a joy, immediately raised his right hand, slightly pressed down, and signaled the extraordinary people of Moon City not to speak.

He held his breath, calmed his thoughts, and began to listen intently.

The sound reverberating in the gray mist seemed to come from many different objects, they were intertwined, sometimes disturbing each other, canceling each other out, sometimes overlapping, and resonating.

Gradually, the voice became clearer in Klein's ears, especially the moment of resonance.

That seemed to be his familiar language, and it seemed that countless people were chanting a name together.

That name is:

"Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Tianzun".

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