Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 79: Brainstorm

Seeing that Miss Magician has not fully responded yet, Klein asked the dummy "World" to make up a sentence:

"You don't need to be on the scene, just summon my projection of history in advance."

"... Okay!" Firth nodded in a hurry.

At this time, because Gelman Sparo took over his task, the "Emlin" Moon clearly relaxed.

In his cognition, this means that the probability of success for things goes up.

The next second, "World" Gelman Spall looked at him and asked hoarsely:

"What kind of compensation can you pay?"

"Moon" Emlin said silently for two seconds, and her eyes fluttered slightly:

"When I become the" Witch King ", a promise of free help for a similar thing.

"Also, as long as I have the extraordinary characteristics of the" Witch King ", the people of the Rose School temperance department should also have a clear goal, and the rest belong to you."

Mr. "Moon" is very guilty and has no confidence ... "Justice" Audrey reached a certain conclusion through the actions and words of the other party.

The Emlin guy has also learned that others have "loan consumption" ... Klein chuckled and let the dummy "world" respond indifferently:

"It looks like you can only afford me as a demigod."

If Mr. Moon can provide a lot of food, I don't mind participating ... "justice" Audrey muttered in her heart.

However, she didn't need to speak to know what Mr. Moon would answer:

Why do our blood races hoard so many snacks?

For the blood race, the staple food is spiritual human blood, and foods such as bread and meat are not essential.

Seeing that the "world" German Sparo did not refuse the conditions he opened, the "Moon" Emlin secretly relieved:

"What more do you want? I try to fulfill it."

Gullman Sparo thought for a moment:

"Provide a magical item or seal that can greatly enhance the spirituality of the holder in a short time."

This is lent to Miss Magician, allowing her to maintain the historical pore image summoned for a few minutes, and the "Moon" field is undoubtedly capable of this extraordinary ability. For example, the "Crimson Scholar" can create The full moon state allows spiritual growth and inspiration.

Huh ... "Moon" Emlin nodded quickly:

"no problem."

Seeing that one person and one vampire had reached an agreement, the "magician" Furth quickly raised his hands:

"Don't 'full moon'."

That ’s not to mention enhancing spirituality. Even if she is not lucky on the spot, the higher the sequence, the better the slang effect of Mr. “Gate” heard, and Firth has been promoted from the “record officer” of sequence 6 to the sequence. 5 "travelers".

Emlin also knew about the "full moon curse" of Miss Magician, and there was no doubt about it. "Hmm" said that she would pay attention.

At this time, Alje, the "upside down man" who listened to the complete transaction, thought and said:

"Although those who are indulgent by the" Rose School "are easily controlled by their own emotions and instincts, this does not mean that their brains have disappeared with the corpse, even if they really disappear, they also have the extraordinary" Moon "field inside Person.

"Since their demigods were directly involved in the war on the southern continent and exposed their positions, they would not ignore the secret attacks of enemies such as the blood race and the temperance system. I think the possibility of hiding traps is not small."

"Yes." "Stars" Leonard echoed, "Many dossiers show that although the Rose School's extraordinary indulgences are famous for their blood, cruelty, and indulgence, they are very well-organized in their work and will reflect certain Cunning and sinister. "

"Trial" took a look at his friend and said:

"I encountered an extraordinary incident involving the Rose School two months ago. The target was obviously deceived and stepped into the trap."

"World" German Sparo focused on listening, smiled, and turned to "Moon" Emlin:

"Which King is your target?"

Emlin did not conceal:

"The 'Witch King' who was led by the local indigenous siege of Ruen's main colonial city in North Byron, East Byron."

Hearing this sentence, Klein flashed a thought inexplicably:

"Mother Tree of Desire" does not seem to want to see the "uniqueness" of the goddess' way of "death". He is driving the indigenous people to use war to shake the missionary basis of the Church in the South.

Between thoughts, Klein let the "world" German Spall look at the "Emlin" Moon and said with a low smile:

"Then my goal will be another 'Witch King'. It has nothing to do with your actions."

No need for him to be too blunt, the "Moon" Emlin and the "Hermit" Capriella quickly understood his plan.

This is a simple plan:

Guerman Spall hunted another "Witch King" and actively stepped into the trap to attract the ambush of the Rose School. At this time, the "Moon" and the Rose School temperance department seized the opportunity and besieged the real The goal.

"Isn't it too dangerous?" "Moon" Emlin said subconsciously.

The danger was, of course, the danger of Guerman Sparo, who guided the blast.

"World" German Sparo responded very calmly:

"That was just a historical projection."

When you die, you die ...

Hearing such an answer, "Moon" Emlin, "Star" Leonard, and other members of the Tarot Society have no idea what kind of expression to deal with, nor do they know that the demigods of Sequence 3 are different. I still envy the "ancient scholars" for this extraordinary ability.

Klein went on to let the dummy "world" say:

"If the Roseology party is suspicious of my sudden attack and only part of the power is provided to stop it, and a relatively complete trap is still retained, then I will try to forcibly hunt the 'Witch King' and turn the false target into a real target. Anyway, you just want the corresponding items and don't care who the original owner is. "

Simple but effective plan ... The key point is that Gullman Spall must have strength beyond the limits, even if faced with an angel, he can resist ... "just" Audrey is serious about studying and inwardly Two sentences were evaluated.

"Moon" Emlin no longer had doubts, thought for a moment:

"Before the formal action, it is necessary to meet with the people of the Rosary School's temperance department to finalize the details."

"World" Gullman Sparo nodded:

"You arrange it."

After the exchange of this matter, Klein asked the dummy "world" to present a stack of papers to distribute to the members of the Tarot congregation:

"Some beings and I will deal with a mythical creature, and you can comment and talk about ideas."

On that paper was written the character and specific behavior of Utan Wolf Kotal, as well as various analyses made by Miss Justice.

Klein hopes to find inspiration through different opinions from people with different personalities and insights.

Mythological creature ... Has the goal of the "world" been targeted at mythical creature? Alger, who was more silent than usual, could not help but look up at the bottom of the bronze table.

Although he has made some psychological preparations for this, he feels that even if the "world" Gullman Spall suddenly calls himself an angel, he will not be surprised, but after discovering that the other party really uses mythological creatures as hunting targets, it is inevitable Mistakes, some shaking.

The "Hermit" Capriella had similar feelings, but she immediately thought of the "Fate Serpent", the "Death Archon", and the "Ancient Evil".

This coincides with the "some existence" in the "world" German Sparo's discourse.

It's normal for three angels to add a mythical follower of sequence 3 to hunt a mythical creature!

Eyes gathered from the bottom of the mottled table, and carefully read the information in his hand.

At this moment, because it does not involve commission, does not involve transactions, and does not involve sharing information, members of the Tarot Society have an inexplicable feeling of working together for one thing, and the feeling that a loose party begins to look like an organization.

After reading what was written on the paper, Alger, the "hanging man", took the lead to say:

"According to the analysis made by Miss Justice, any bait will not hook that suspicious mythical creature, it will only allow him to hide further.

"In the case of suspecting the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1, he really does not need to chase the other. It is the most important to improve himself. If he is to be dealt with, he can only consider this."

Hearing here, the "trial" Hugh started from his profession:

"But this mythical creature is very cautious, leaving no clue, and information shows that the place where he prepared the sequence 1 ritual is actually unlimited in the environment of the place abandoned by God."

"Yes, there are too many monsters for him to use." "Sun" Derek confirmed the words of Miss Judgment.

The scene suddenly looked dull, "Star" Leonard thought for a moment:

"Is it possible to rely on the extraordinary property aggregation law?"

He said as he looked at Klein Moretti:

"That mythological creature seems to be on the same path as you."

"Purely relying on this level of extraordinary characteristics to aggregate the ability to find that mythical creature through 'random encounters', it may take one year, two years, or even longer, and the other party is a complete mythical creature, capable of doing something about it Disturb. "Klein rejected Leonard's suggestion.

Of course, if he also added the aggregation ability of "Yuanbao" to himself, maybe the next time he randomly transfers with "Star Staff", he can directly encounter the Wuhen Demon Wolf, but the problem is that in that case, "random encounter" The probability of Amon's ontology will be greater and much larger, which is the standard home delivery.

After listening to everyone's discussions, the "Hidden Man" Jia Delia thought and said according to the Queen's taboo:

"Is it possible to use this mythical creature's name to make a connection?"

If Wu'an Demon Wolf has not been tracked by Amon, this may not be possible, but now, it should be thought of, Amun can certainly think that in this case, Wu'an Demon Wolf has not fallen, it means that he must beware of this aspect Things ... "World" German Sparo shook his head slowly:

"With his suspicious personality, he certainly won't respond automatically."

As soon as the words fell, Klein suddenly had an inspiration:

The absence of a response from the Wuan Demon Wolf does not mean that he will not pay attention to the corresponding prayer spot!

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