Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 86: Linkage

In the eyes of the "Witch King" Karaman, a round of bright white moon with a little silver rose, and quickly filled his pupils.

This is completely different from the common red moon, and it is not an occasional blood moon. It is similar to the abnormal state of the moon not long ago, but there are certain differences.

It illuminated Karaman's eyes, his body, and instantly lost his connection with the crimson moon.

In other words, before returning to normal, Karaman can no longer try to "moon light", nor can he "flash" like a teleportation within a certain range covered by crimson moonlight.

Huo Ran, a word popped into the head of the "Witch King" in the "Moon" field:


The ancient **** Lilith who once held the "Moon" path!

Such a change was unexpected by Emlin, but Sharon, who is good at restraining emotions and thoughts, was not affected. In the case of becoming a Karaman puppet, he raised his right hand and tore off the black and white forehead. Just rub your hair.

Almost at the same time, the white hair of Karaman, the "Witch King", fluttered without any attack.

The "Summoning Door" that he just opened, melted and shattered in the glorious sun burst of "Pure White Vision".

This is not that the summoned Rose School angels cannot fight against the "1" seal of "Pure White Sight", but that the "Summoning Door" is unable to withstand such a so-so-so-specific attack.

In addition, the "Cursed King" Barranca just just found out his two hands. The power to fall through the air is quite limited. The evil breath that penetrates into reality has been purified by the "pure white vision". Can affect Sharon and Emlin.

At this moment, without the "Summoning Door" medium, Baranka can only return to the place where he was originally, waiting for the next call, or the "Witch King" Karaman praying.

——As an angel, he has enough personality to answer prayers all over the world!

Seeing that strand of hair drifted behind, Sharon turned into a Karaman puppet without hesitation, letting her right hand slide a little from her forehead naturally, pinching the exaggerated gap inlaid with the "blood red full moon" and violently pushing inward.

Karaman screamed uncontrollably, the flesh and blood on his forehead was weird and fuzzy, filling the crevice gap, blocking the miniature "full moon".

This is one of the extraordinary abilities of the "hetero" pathway sequence 4 "Puppets", called "The Source of the Curse".

In addition to affecting non-living creatures, the "puppets" can also become items such as mystic puppets and magical paper people, and use various methods to curse the target through the established connections.

This extraordinary ability will undergo qualitative change in sequence 3. At the current stage, it belongs to the type that hurts the enemy and also damages itself. Generally, "puppet" demigods rarely use it.

In other words, the "puppet" hurts the enemy by hurting himself.

The reason why Sharon dared to do this was because she was convinced that since everyone is the same as Sequence 4, then "Resentment" and "Living Corpse" must be more tolerant than "Vampire".

——Under the condition that the “Witch King” Karaman had the “1” class seal of “General without pupils” in advance, Sharon ’s original “Resentment” had never thought of real success. The main purpose was In this way, establish a connection with Karaman and prepare for the subsequent curse.

She plucked that strand of hair, which was a sign of the official cursing. The **** full moon that destroyed the target's forehead prevented him from building a "gate of call" again and pulling angels of the Rose School into the battlefield.

Of course, as a demigod, Karaman would not be so easily cursed to death.

In the past, he could use "moonlight", "transfiguration bat" and other methods to weaken the damage caused by the curse, and constantly move at high speeds, avoiding attacks, and chanting the names of angels of the Rose School. Under the bright silver and white moon, his body was frozen and frozen, and he could no longer perform similar behaviors.

Karaman's thoughts flickered, and the puppet General No pupil sitting on his shoulder stood up, making a piercing noise.

The surrounding glass windows were shattered and turned into a "bullet", which was blasted towards Sharon floating in the air. The eyeball-shaped glass ball flew up without the person in control and let it fall down. A huge beam of light entwined with countless flames.

This beam of light shrouded Sharon, letting the surroundings look bright, as if it were daylight.

"The pupil without generals" can affect the magic items of the lost holders and let them help themselves!

In "Yangyan", Sharon's figure, which turned into Karaman's appearance, apparently melted, and his facial expression was distorted uncontrollably. The large pieces of glass were half melted in the beam of light and half shot through her body.

Karaman screamed again. He heard Emlin's body cold, and his blood seemed to condense into frost.

The blood surface of the "Witch King" appeared one after another, and the whole person was like a candle thrown into a fireplace, slowly softening and dripping with grease.

Any damage to the Source of the Curse will be reflected on the target!

As a demigod of the Rose School, Karaman undoubtedly knew this. He just wanted to trade damage for damage, forcing Sharon to stop cursing on his own initiative.

In the field of "sun", dark and evil creatures such as "puppet", "soul grieving", "living corpse", and "werewolf" are obviously better than "vampire", "professor of potion", and "deep crimson scholar" "," Witch King "and more were injured!

That is to say, the continuous "sunburn" blow will cause Sharon to disappear directly, but it can only seriously damage Karaman, and the demigod of the "Moon" path has super self-healing ability.

In just one second, the "Witch King" Karaman, with his rich experience and profound mysticism knowledge, accurately grasped the "source of the curse" and chose the method that is most suitable for him and can be effective in the shortest time. .

But at this moment, she lost the "Pure White Vision" and summoned Emlyn White, who was weird to the moon. He had returned to God, took out a copper-green notebook with a hard case, and turned it over to one of them. page.

The crackling sound sounded, and lightnings jumped out of the air, intertwined into a storm that exudes a strong sense of destruction, and the "Witch King" Karaman was drawn in.

"Lemano Travel Notes", "Lightning Storm"!

Karaman, who temporarily lost his ability to "moonlight" and "flash" in a certain range, couldn't escape at all, and was slashed with silver lightning after another.

Sharon took the opportunity to lift the source of the curse, so that the damage to the target was not reflected to her.

However, her face was obviously paler than before, and her breath became quite weak.

The "Yangyan" beam of light just did her harm.

The burst of silver and white soon extinguished, and Karaman's body surface became completely black.

The scorched skin and flesh kept falling off, and new flesh and blood continued to grow in its original location.

The "General without pupils" quickly faded into a ghost, and seemed to become a ghost, ready to be attached to Karaman, and led him out of the current area to avoid subsequent blows.

At this moment, a blond red-eyed head suddenly appeared, and bit the delicate doll's head in one bite.

Karaman, who was still paralyzed, looked subconsciously and saw a lady without a head.

The lady was wearing a gloomy gothic long dress with four blonde red eyes.

Renette Tinicole!


In the vast desert, with the Azek, Arianna, and the silver and white serpent, the siege of Renette Tinicole of Sia was suddenly dull, and her movements became dull, thanks to Instinctively.

This is a part of Klein's plan. When the battle situation is stable here, "God's Injustice" Siua can't get rid of it for a while, and there is no danger of life for a short time, Renette Tinicole's body is out of the hidden state, back Get to the real world and help Sharon and Emlin quickly resolve the battle.

Glancing at the miserable mummy projection in the air, Klein manipulated the three angels to entangle "God" Sia, and at the same time used his breath to affect the environment around him, changing "Teleportation" to "Flame Jump" Continue to deal with the "Witch King" of that rose school.

In this process, he seemed to be unrestrained, but actually found that the fit between his body and soul dropped a little, and the body gradually became a prisoner of spirit, making his movements more and more stiff and heavy.

This reminds Klein of the core description of "Prisoner":

The body is the cage of the mind, the world is the body of the cage.

Over time, he intuitively realized the meaning of this sentence from another angle.

After "God's Injustice" Siua began to value him, even if he did not have the opportunity to attack him directly, he was unknowingly eroded!


After Renee Tinicole controlled the "General without pupils" with one head, the other raised a black cane with her teeth biting.

The cane was inlaid with a variety of gems, and it glowed with brilliance.

A figure quickly took shape. It was German Sparo, wearing a bowler hat, a trench coat, and holding a "knell" revolver.


A silver-black streamer flew out, hitting Karaman's body exactly.

Karaman's thoughts stagnated, and the whole man was completely rigid.

"Spirit Bullet"!

This is the "spirit-controlling bullet" fired by German Sparo, reproduced by "Star Wand"!

——The seal numbered “0-62” can enable the extraordinary abilities and characters “emerging” to emerge in the mind of the holder, and the latter can launch an attack.

On the other side, Sharon immediately became the same puppet as Karaman, recovered her right hand, and severely inserted it into her chest.

Blood spurted, and Karaman's mouth opened, but he couldn't make a sound.

For Wraith, the heart is definitely not the key, but for vampires, it is very deadly.

Without giving Karaman a chance to resist the past, Emlin flipped through "Lemano's Travel Notes" again, released the "Summoning Historical Pore Image" recorded above, and took out the "dark cross without shadow" full of rust. .

His fingers slammed on the spikes, allowing blood to flow, "washing" the mottled cross.

A pure, extremely white and extremely long spear condenses in an instant.

When Sharon lifted the "source of the curse", Emlin threw the spear of light, watched it pierce through the chest of the "Witch King" Karaman, and nailed him to the wall above the church.

The brilliant light suddenly swelled, completely extinguishing Karaman's final breath.

"No Dark Gun"!


In the vast desert, Klein stopped suddenly, and took off his top hat and put his hands on his chest in front of Sia and the Witch King.

His body faded and disappeared.

In this process, Klein didn't worry about being disturbed at all, because it wasn't his attempt to leave by himself, but Renette Tinicole released the maintenance of the historical pore image.

This also means that operations in another battlefield have been successful!

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