Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 89: Legacy (Happy New Year's Eve)

Hearing Capella's words, Bernadette the "Mysterious Queen" watched her silently for a few seconds before saying:

"This is your choice and your freedom."

Kateria stared at the queen in front of her without giving up, and after a while she pursed her lips and said:

"I know that you must have destroyed all the clues and not allowed me the opportunity to follow your tracks ...

"To you, this is the end of all past, with or without return."

Bernadette, with maroon long hair haphazardly dressed, didn't speak, remained silent, and seemed to confirm the speculation of "General above the stars" in this way.

At the sight of Capella, she smiled bitterly:

"I no longer say that if you do not return for half a year or a year, I will use all means to find you. I just want to ask you to remember the name of Mr. Fool when you are most at risk."

She spoke the title frankly.

"Mysterious Queen" Bernadette nodded slowly:

"I will remember."

Guardian immediately smiled, and said with misty eyes:

"What are you going to give me?"

Bernadette flipped his palms, and somehow took out an item.

The object was gold in color, like a shrinking kettle, covered with mysterious and complicated symbols on the surface, and a wick out of the mouth.

"It's called 'Wishing Magic Lamp', with the number '0-05'. It may have originated from the First Age, and even the true **** can't shatter it. Usually, it won't cause any harm and will not play any role, but it Will constantly induce you to rub the surface through dreams and hallucinations, and summon the lamp god. "" Mysterious Queen "Bernarde briefly introduced the origin and role of the items in his hand," The lamp **** claims to be eternal and can satisfy any of your ten Wish, but this is often done in an extremely distorted way, or with terrible consequences. My father said that the holder can use language and preparation to avoid the harm caused by the previous two wishes, but he must not allow the first Three wishes. "

Having said that, Bernadé emphasized again:

"Absolutely not!"

"It sounds easy to circumvent ..." Jia Delia turned her thoughts. "Give me two wishes after you make them, and I will make two more wishes in turn, and then give them to Frank, Heath and others in turn. This can do a lot. thing."

She just took Frank as an example, and didn't even want that guy to touch such a dangerous thing.

Bernadette shook his head invisibly, holding the "wish lamp":

"The holder is not the same as the owner. Before I die, even if you get the" Living Lamp ", you are only the owner. The first wish you make will be recorded as my third wish at the same time. And your first wish.

"Also, although we can use words and preparations to circumvent the collateral damage of a wish, this does not mean that the lamp **** is not wise. On the contrary, he is very intelligent, very cunning, and has strong autonomy."

Jia Delia said "um":

"So does he have an unfulfillable wish?"

"No, so far, but if it involves the level of true gods, the distortion of wishes will be beyond your imagination. In short, if you wish to become the true **** of sequence 0, then your body and soul will merge with evil gods of unknown origin. Oneness, remember that the requirement of the God of Lantern is that the wish must be concise, otherwise He will reject it and assume that you have fulfilled a wish, "explained the mysterious queen Bernardé.

After that, she let the invisible servant take the terrible seal "0-05" and flew to the "General on the Star" Capella.

When Guardia reached out to catch the "wish lamp", Bernadé continued:

"If you dream about the God of Lanterns and bewitched by Him, it means that I can't return, and then you are its holder. I hope your first wish is to get back Bernarde Gus Everything that Taf carried before she went out to sea, including her own extraordinary characteristics, well, it's best to add a specific date when making a wish. "

Capellaria looked down at the golden magic lamp and blurted out:

"Can you wish to revive you?"

"Mysterious Queen" Bernadette said for a few more seconds before she said:

"I may be just a monster resurrected.

"If you really want to do this, ask the 'Mr. Fool' for advice."

Guardian slightly nodded:

"it is good."

"This is what I give you and what I want to account for. I will leave all the rest to Element Dawn. They will have new leaders and will not be disintegrated by the disappearance of one person." Alas, this is the main reason why he summoned Capella to the Emerald City.

The personality and level of the "Wishing Magic Lamp" are very high and cannot be passed on through messengers.

Before Caterya responded, the expression of the "Mysterious Queen" suddenly softened a bit:

"Don't you always want to share with me what happened over the years?"

"Admiral on the Star" Capellaria froze for a moment, "Hmm" nodded:


She immediately walked to the queen, pulled a chair and sat down, facing the blue sea outside the emerald railing.

Bernadette sat next to her, listening to her as she had done after leaving the Dawn.

Some of these matters were mentioned in the letter by Guardia, but due to space limitations, they were not described in detail, and some of them were first told to others.

I do not know when Capella was asleep, dreaming many years ago.

At that time, she was just a young girl, stubbornly reluctant to step back and walked off the "Dawn".

Suddenly, she woke up and found that there was no one around her. She found out that it was already dark, and even the morning glow appeared.

Guardian slammed her hand and dropped an unrealistic unreal thread.

The clump rolled into the void, leaving a bright yarn.

Along this yarn, Jia Delia walked in the spiritual realm as if she had mastered the "transportation" and came to the outer layer of Laxia Island.

She stood on the edge of the cliff and looked away, only to see the dark blue sea with a little black, a gorgeous and huge sailing boat carrying the orange morning dawn, heading to the horizon.

Jia Delia slowly sat down, leaning forward slightly, holding her hands on her knees, and staring in that direction for a long time.

The sun gradually rose and sprinkled a little light on her.


Bakerland, a food distribution point.

The veiled Starling Summerr no longer bowed her head as often as in the previous months, fearing that others would recognize herself. She looked anxiously forward, worried that before her turn, free food would be distributed. Done.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear the sound of gunfire echoing in the distance, and did not know whether it came from the Fassac, Intis, Feneporte army that broke through the line, or the police who were dealing with food robbers.

Let's end ... this war will end soon ... Starling, who had already run through three relief points, prayed silently.

At this time, the staff a few meters away raised his voice and said:

"The food is here!"

Starling's face suddenly turned grey, and she looked up at the already bleak sky, frustrated and numb, and returned to the house at 17 Minsk Street.

As soon as she opened the door, the two children at home rushed over, raising her innocent face:

"Mom, did you buy bread?"

"Mom, I'm hungry ..."

They are twins, a man and a woman, and they are all lovely.

Starling had a sour nose, and forced a smile:


She immediately entered the house, rummaged out a few loaves of bread from the hidden place, and divided them equally between the two children.

Watching the two children eat bread completely without respect to etiquette, Starling's complexion constantly changed, sometimes sad and sometimes painful.

It didn't take long for her husband Luke Summer to return home, but he also had no food in his hands.

Since Couim was taken over by the military because of the wartime bill, the former manager has lost his job and can only rely on past savings and government relief to maintain the family.

"I didn't get it ..." Seeing his wife's glance, full of hope, the burly, bearded man lowered his head in shame.

Thirty-year-old, pretty-looking Starling took a breath:

"Me too ... I'll go out in line again, there should be somewhere to distribute food!"

Before her husband responded, she rushed out of the door.

Luke turned around immediately, facing her back:

"I'll check again!"

Without stopping, Starling walked two streets to a house with a garden.

It didn't take long before she met the host here, the rich man in his fifties.

"I think, I want to buy some food." Starling took out a stack of crumpled banknotes.

The gray-haired old man smiled:

"Why should I sell it to you?

"I remember you rejected me last time."

Starling's face turned extremely pale, she didn't speak, lowered her head, and untied the belt around her skirt with her other hand.

With a snap, the original delicate calf leather belt fell to the ground.


Luke Summerr wandered aimlessly down the street, wondering where to get food.

Looking at the few pedestrians passing by and the bags they tried to protect, the mechanically educated gentleman's eyes gradually turned red.

He unknowingly followed a man and followed him into a street.

With less than an hour left, the curfew will begin, which is one of his few chances.

The man stopped outside a house and walked towards the door in a vacant pace.

At that moment, the man suddenly passed out and fell to the ground.

Luke stepped back subconsciously, then quickly moved closer and tried the pedestrian's breath.

He stared unconsciously at the paper bag held tightly in his arms, and smelled the smell of toast at his nose.

Luke swallowed his saliva and reached for the bag.

Between the movements of his palms, he glanced back at the house where the pedestrian wanted to enter, and saw a child's graffiti picture on the bay window.

Luke's movements became stiff, and after a few seconds, he stood up, went to the door of the house, and rang the doorbell.

The housewife and children inside quickly opened the door and saw the weak father and the bag of bread.

The curfew soon arrived, and Luke returned to Minsk Street in frustration and inferiority.

As soon as he opened the door of his house, he saw his wife smiling and said to himself:

"I got food!"

What a great ... Luke breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Starling firmly.


Audrey was walking in the streets and no one could see her.

She didn't say a word, and walked back to Queens. She walked back to the luxurious villa and smelled the smell of fried foie gras and other food.

Gaze in silence for a while, watching the maids and maids coming and going, Audrey went upstairs to her room.

In the middle of the night, she put on her cloak, entered her parents' bedroom, and came to their bed.

After watching for a long time, Audrey knelt down on one knee, and put her forehead against his father's hand.

Drops of water drops slipped and dyed on the carpet.

Then, the blond aristocratic girl slowly raised her head, and said to the sleeping parents, sobbing:

"Dad, mom, thank you, and thank you for teaching me what compassion is, what kindness is, and what is virtue."

As soon as the words fell, she closed her eyes, stood up suddenly, turned towards the door, and no longer had the slightest expression on her face.

PS: Happy New Year's Eve!

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