Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 92: Human deceitful behavior

... Primitive islands discovered by the emperor by chance ... Creatures on the island are worshipping unknown powers from the "Starry Sky" ... not at the angelic level, even if they only understand, they will be polluted by the "Starry Sky" ... try not to ask the "Lord of God" Make a wish, and do n’t take it to that primitive island ... "Captain on the Star" Capella has finally received the feedback from Mr. Fool, relieved, and more worried about the Queen's exploration.

She glanced at the "wish lamp", which had no response, and put it away. Then she rolled out the letter paper and lifted up her pen. She described the information she had just received in her own words, in order to cause the "Mysterious Queen." "Bernarde's attention.


Beckland, inside a dilapidated apartment.

A bearded man sat on a chair, his hands copied behind him.

Hugh, who has become a middle tier at MI9 with his strength, took his two subordinates, stood in front of the man, holding a trident, and said Shen Sheng:

"We have enough witnesses and evidence to prove that you are one of the main organizers of this march. If you want to reduce the punishment, answer my question honestly."

Before Hugh had spoken, the bearded man felt extremely strong oppression. When she finished speaking, even her spirits shivered, as if a series of currents were condensed, hidden stings and paralysis, which may erupt at any time. .

Bearded man forbearing his inner fear and weakness:

"No one directed me, I was just doing what I longed to do.

"Isn't it clear to you? The entire Bakerland has become a gunpowder, even if it is just a spark, it may detonate the whole city, and I ca n’t bear the patience like me, and I do n’t know how many Mars are willing to take risks!

"Those **** nobles and businessmen have hoarded so much food, and some people in the Eastern District have starved to death!

"I'll do whatever you want. I never believed in the promises of those guys. I agreed to end the parade because everyone got a lot of food."

Hugh was about to ask something, suddenly turned his head and listened to the distant movement.

The rumbling voice came from nowhere, low, dull, and billowing.

Does Fassak, or Intis, Feneport's army break through the block and start attacking the Bakerland line? Hugh's expression became dignified.


When God abandoned the place, Klein returned to the real world and immediately tried to explore the hand to see if he could take out the "wish lamp" from the mist of history.

Soon, he confirmed that the seal numbered "0-05" could not be summoned.

Sure enough it involves "uniqueness", or "source matter"? In short, the "Lord of God" is indeed a sealed high-level existence, and the person is at least the king of angels ... There is no way to use it ... Klein exhaled and turned his attention back to the hunting dark wolves Kotal On this matter.

He had made a lot of preparations during this time, and worked out the whole plan in the fog.

However, Klein was not eager to take action, and spent a lot of time checking for loopholes and making up for imperfections.

Two or three days later, in the deep, dark and deserted wilderness, Klein, who had disturbed divination in advance, wore a half-height silk top hat, a long black trench coat, and carried a dimly-colored horse lantern, looking intently Take out your right hand and grab it in the air.

At this moment, a lightning flashed across and illuminated the whole world.

Klein immediately dragged a figure, himself carrying the illusory "Star Staff" and the horse lantern.

Immediately afterwards, he himself entered the fog of history and rushed to the prehistoric period, hiding in the layers of the old city.

His historical pore image came to life at once, and one of the topographical surveys during this time emerged in his mind, using the ability of the "Star Staff" to directly transfer the past.

——This is far away from where his ontology is. Even if there is a problem with the projection, no one can lock the specific place where his ontology returns to reality.

After looking around, and taking into account the dry riverbed and monster-like boulder standing in the dark and deep, Klein no longer maintains the historical projection of the "Star Staff", shaking his right hand, letting it fade quickly and disappear.

After doing these things, Klein went to the big stone, put down the lamp, and whispered a distinguished name in giant language:

"The Lord of Darkness with history;

"Incarnation of countless wonders;

"The deity in charge ..."

This is the name of the darkened devil wolf obtained by Klein from the "Night Goddess". Although the mythical creature may not be using this, it may have changed it some time ago, but in mystics, it has nothing to do with it. Questions still point to Him.


Deep in the rolling hills, is an ancient castle.

Giants, elves, humans, and vampires are gardeners, cooks, maids, maids, and guards. They have different expressions, and they whisper a few words when they meet each other, looking very angry and spiritual.

But when they returned to their room, they immediately became dull, their eyes no longer turned, their bodies floated upward, and they hung from the ceiling.

Deep in the castle, in a hall that can only be illuminated by lightning outside the window, a huge figure lies quietly in the darkness.

"It" is like a hill, covered with dark short hair, dark pupils occupying at least three-quarters of the eyes, a gray hair on the forehead, and an enlarged twisted wild wolf.

This is the "God of Desire," Kotar, the Dark Lord Wolf.

Suddenly, this demon wolf, which is more exaggerated than the ordinary giant, lifted his head, every dark short hair appeared to shake, and all the servants in the castle followed him to do similar actions at the same time.

Kotar then moved his eyes slightly, tilted his head slightly, and seemed to be listening.

The next second, he opened his mouth, roared silently, and summoned another self.

As soon as this dark black wolf appeared, Kotar's body jumped into the gray mist and ran into a historical spot of the Second Age.

This is a secret history in his possession.

In the real world, the historical pore image of Wu'an Demon Wolf made a wish in a difficult language, and then his figure flashed directly to the mountain near the northern city of Bonos.

After making the corresponding preparations, the "God of Desire" let a dark short hair fall off, turn into an illusive "spirit worm" and swell into a corresponding prayer spot.

With this light spot, Kotar saw who was praying to himself:

It was a young man in a weird hat and weird clothing. He stood by a glass lantern and whispered the name of "God of Desire".

Hmm ... The dark and huge pupil of Wu An Mo Wolf turned around and saw the young man covered with a gray mist, and there was something invisible in the mist.

As the Angel of Sequence 2 of the "Fortune-teller" path, this mythical creature can clearly perceive that this mist is similar to the historical mist, and can sense that things in the mist have a strong attraction to itself.

... "Yuanbao"? Kotar heard something from Fregela, the ancient **** of the wolf, and there was some speculation in an instant.

Under this premise, he had one idea after another on what the young man was planning to do:

"Attract me with 'Yuanbao', let me actively attack him, and then determine my position in reverse?

"Is this a bait?

"Indeed, he is just an image from the historical pores. The body does not know which debris is hidden, and the ambush does not know where to hide ...

"Before 'Yuanbao' obviously changed, I controlled myself, didn't try to find the corresponding area, and collected the remaining clues. Why did they think I would be fooled?

"Just give it a try, and don't change it? Or, what's wrong with this prayer?

"Hehe, I have lived for thousands of years and experienced so many things. What kind of situation have I never seen?

"The best way to deal with it now is to leave him alone and not peep, just remember him."

Wu An Demon Wolf quickly made a decision and planned to obliterate the prayer spot again.

Just then he saw the young man open his mouth again:

"The eternal sun;

"You are the eternal light;

"You are the embodiment of order."

… Wu An Demon Wolf couldn't understand what the young man wanted to do.

In this abandoned place, praying to other true gods is invalid!

The next second, Klein recited the name of the deity again:

"The Creator,

"Master behind the curtain of shadow;

"The fallen nature of all beings."

Wu An Demon Wolf's pupils are slightly enlarged, and a certain confusion arises from the behavior of the human in the spot of prayer.

Without waiting for him to make a guess, Klein lowered his third name:

"Hands fiddle with time;

"The shadow of traveling fate;

"Incarnation of fraud and mischief ..."

Amon ... He was praying to Amon ... Wu An Demon Wolf no longer knows what the other party wants to do, but instinctively feels wrong, and immediately wipes the corresponding prayer spot.

Suddenly, he saw the young man's head lifted, and a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He immediately took out a piece of crystal-polished monocle and put it on his right eye.

In just one prayer, the historical pore image of Klein became the clone of Amon, the "Blasphemer"!

Almost at the same time, Wu An Demon Wolf felt that the other's gaze looked at himself through the spot of prayer light, and then through himself, looking at the body in the fog of history.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately wiped out that spot of prayer.

And while His being ablated the gaze, it lifted the maintenance of this historical projection.

In the fog of history, in the layers of the old city, Klein suddenly stood up, and a scene emerged in his mind.

A few seconds before the scene took shape, he cut off the connection between the body and the historical pore image, so as not to be taken by Amon to himself.

The inexplicable things he had done before were mainly to confuse the Wuhen Demon Wolf, let him continue to observe after seeing that the prayer is not the body, and accumulate the time he spent peeking at the "source castle".

Finally, I prayed to Amun, using the possible advent and possible influence of the "God of Deception" to cover up the reverse pollution of Wuyuan Demon Wolf by "Yuanbao"!

If Amon didn't "respond", but just watched, Klein himself also prepared a monocle, and could try to cheat the dark black wolf.

PS: Recommended tickets and monthly tickets on Monday ~

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