Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 2: "Miracle Division" (recommended monthly ticket on Monday)

As soon as the bottle of "miracle division" potion entered Klein's stomach pocket, it immediately differentiated into countless cold "bugs" and swam toward every part of the body.

All of a sudden, Klein's spirit was torn and turned into countless small pieces, combined with different "spirit worms". There is no longer a difference between who is the body and who is the leader.

Somehow, he entered the gray mist, the body under the half-height silk hat and the black long trench coat quickly disintegrated, and crawled out one after another and the transparent twisted worms.

These worms quickly flew towards the depths of the historical fog, each occupying a different "shard of light", overlapping with the self-image in the historical pores.

In just two or three seconds, the place where Klein had just been left was the semi-floating windbreaker, shirt, bowler hat, socks, leather shoes, and intimate clothes.


"who am I……"

"Who am I……"

"I am the subject ..."


Those "spirit insects" flashed through different but similar thoughts. None of them was willing to return to the "body", and instead, they had a strong animosity towards other similar people. It was only because of the mental influence left by Klein. Did not make radical moves.

At this time, there were circles of invisible ripples in the gray mist.

This ripple doesn't just happen, it already exists in the mist, but it seems slightly invisible to Klein as a whole, but it is enough to be a "spirit bug".

It comes from a period of history that is reproduced in the current era, symbolizing the end of the Second Age and part of the light fragments of the Third Age, and symbolizing the two thousand years of Silver City's persistence in the dark.

This forgotten history has a certain collision with the current era. When the corresponding historical pores are formed, there are ripples that are difficult to describe in detail.

Such ripples seem to have a strong appeal to the "spirit bugs", and they have pierced their heads from historical fragments.

After a short period of solidification, one of the "spirit bugs" was half unbearable, half affected by Klein's residual consciousness, crawling out of the spot occupied previously, and "flying" towards the core of the ripples.

Immediately after, "spirit worms" returned one after another from different places in the mist of history, and came to the fragments of light formed by the history of Silver City in the current era.

When they approach each other to a certain distance, the strong cohesive force finally stands out, pulling countless "spiritual bugs" together and uniting into one.

This is not the effect of two or three "spirit bugs" approaching, it must be sufficient to appear.

And when that part of the "spirit worm" re-formed the whole, Klein's incomplete consciousness completed the patchwork of the ego, and things finally changed in a simple direction.

The "spirit insects" formed a transparent and huge vortex, which emits a strong cohesive force, sucking the remaining, hesitant, unwilling to return, "spiritual insects" that are not far away, one after another Come over.

When the "worm of the spirit" returned more than two-thirds, a smooth and transparent tentacles grew in the vortex.

They extended to the Second Age, the First Age, and even the old cities of the prehistoric era. They captured the last part of the "spirit insect" one by one and stuffed them back into the whirlpool.

In just ten seconds, the vortex began to stretch and turned into a horrible figure formed by the transparent twisted worms. The figure's body naturally extended an invisible tentacle.

Tentacles brought items such as trench coats, bowlers, socks, and leather shoes floating in the mist of history, and they were worn in different positions of the horror figure.

The figure composed of numerous "soul bugs" then pressed the top hat on the top of the head, so that the transparency of the body faded away quickly, a layer of flesh-colored skin condensed, and short black hair and brown eyes grew.

This is what Klein Moretti looked like, but he was 1.8 meters tall.

It was hard to find his self-consciousness, and before he put together the mental body, Klein had no time to examine his current state, and felt two kinds of abnormalities at the same time:

An extraordinary trait from his body, a strong, terrifying, supreme, irresistible idea seems to wake up a little bit, conveying pictures after pictures, some of which are about "miracle masters" Some of the mystical knowledge of the mystery is that the dust ignites into the sun, and the magnificent scenes produced by various stars are all branded with the spirit of recklessness, indifference, cruelty, madness, condescension, and no emotion, quickly assimilating the spirit of Klein, He can hardly change his control;

The other is the crimson stars and numerous bright spots that appear in front of Klein's eyes: those stars come from members of the Tarot Society such as "justice", "hanging people" and "moon". The sound of prayer, echoing in the light spots is mainly the prayers of the residents of Yuecheng. Together they create an image, shrouded in gray mist, pitying on the world, the image of the highest hidden existence.

The two abnormalities were separately reflected on Klein's body, covering his left body with a gray mist, revealing only a slightly smiling, distant eyes, causing his right body to crack again and become a group. Transparent twisted worms and a bloodshot eye full of crazy eyes.

At this time, the right part continued to erode towards the left, and the gray mist was gradually compressed to the extreme.

Klein didn't hesitate, raised his left hand slightly, and summoned from the fog of history a bone scepter inlaid with turquoise blue stones at the top.

Around the "Poseidon of the Gods", prayer light dots circled one after another, and through that medium, it was transmitted to Klein.

Klein's right body immediately jumped out one after another with lightning, surrounded by invisible winds and illusive waves. This helped the gray mist to resist the erosion of pollution on the left and reached a delicate balance as a whole.

At this time, Klein finally retrieved humanity and memory, and restored the state before taking the potion.

He was finally promoted to Level 2 of the sequence, and with the angelic personality, he was a true "miracle master".

Originally, "Yuanbao" was about to be spurred by his changes, but as he thought about it, all the abnormalities returned to calm.

This proves that he has truly mastered the "source castle" and became the master of this "source source". As for how much power he can exert in the real world, he cannot yet assess it.

Huh ... Fortunately, I am bringing the history of Silver City representatives back to reality, which is strong enough. If the ritual effect is so poor, I will lose control and collapse here today ... Klein raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, exhaling slowly , Have a further understanding of the anchor:

Anchor is not a tool to help him maintain humanity. Its main role is to form the corresponding cognition, positioning and image, to fight against each other and maintain a delicate balance with the spiritual imprint in the extraordinary characteristics.

Under this balance, Klein's own humanity can barely be maintained, and will not be more seriously affected by either party.

In other words, there is a difference between believers 'deities and actual deities. If there is no spiritual imprint in extraordinary characteristics to counteract this influence, the deities' image in their minds will gradually cover the true appearance of the deities.

This is also a kind of pollution.

Until this time, Klein realized that the original gods had human statues, but later they have become holy emblems. This can prevent believers from generating a unified image recognition, and better play the anchor's role in the early residual spirit of the antigen. Instead of changing itself implicitly.

As for why the gods spent one or two epochs to figure this out, Klein quickly thought of it for two reasons:

One is that he has the past images of the gods to compare with the current state, the diary of Emperor Russell as a reference, and the corresponding occult knowledge to provide inspiration; the second is that the mythical biological form of the "Fortuneteller" is tending to split. Yes, very sensitive to similar effects.

"This kind of balance is not too stable, and often deflects to a certain degree. This will cause my state to be unstable, and it will scare people around from time to time. Fortunately, this can be predicted in advance and can effectively avoid On ... Also, in a delicately balanced state, try to show your own human side as much as possible to strengthen self-cognition in this area ... This seems to be the common choice of many angels, and the Rose School's desire for indulgence is also considered ... ...

"But Amon's followers are all themselves. How can He maintain balance?

"Does the mythical creature born with 'uniqueness' itself have the original fusion of wills, Amon has long been accustomed to the half-mad state, no, this is his normal state ... the image that every Amon voted to agree to ...

"This is a way of thinking. I can form a mystical puppet group, so that every mystic puppet is a follower of the" Fool ", and use my most realistic appearance as the image of the gods. This can effectively provide the best anchor ... no wonder There are no believers in Zarathu or Wuhan Demon Wolf ... Well, when the residents of Silver City have converted to the "Fool", you can consider separating the incarnation of "Poseidon" and not serving as an anchor for yourself. This is the same as the rest of my followers. Cognition is too contradictory to truly unify ... "Klein thought for a moment, then his thoughts turned back to the fog.

When he becomes the "miracle master", becomes him, and becomes the master of "source castle", he can return to this place without having to go back four steps, recite mantras, or let the members of the Tarot Society pray.

However, it seems that the "source castle" role that can be played is not enough. He still can only enter the spirit body, and cannot bring the physical body together.

After sitting in the position of "Fool", Klein didn't rush to check the changes of "Source Fort", first confirmed his ascension, and digested the mystery knowledge just obtained:

"Well ... The extraordinary ability of 'Miracle Division' comes from two aspects. One is to further utilize the fog of history, and the other is the newly added core ability of 'Wish'.

"Further use of the fog of history includes several capabilities:

"One, resurrection with the past 'spirit worm', but it will be invalid after four times. I have already used it three times. The 'miracle master' stage can only be resurrected once. When I am promoted to 'the secret waiter', there should be Corresponding improvement; Second, exert a certain influence on the future, so that the probability of certain things becoming larger or smaller to a certain extent, is equivalent to interfering with the fate of the target, huh, finally good luck, but this aspect and ' Probability Dice 'is incomparable to Will's. Third, it is not only items that are summoned from historical pores, but also certain scenes that are familiar to them.

"Well, the total number of items and scenes I can summon now is nine, but there are still only three at the angel level ...

"'Wishes' is already a standard divine power, but it is a bit strange. Only by satisfying the wishes of others can we satisfy our own wishes, and only by realizing the small ones first, can we gradually realize the big ones ..."

PS: Recommended monthly tickets on Monday ~

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