Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 5: Seven Lights

After hearing the answer from "Indigo" Hessus, Klein's spirit was tense, and the red moon, brown star, red star, blue star, and Venus appeared in his head. There are some of them. They are all eyes, and they are looking down at themselves a feeling of.

Silently, subtle connections are established, and the imminent fatal erosion makes every Klein "spirit bug" uneasy.

As an angel who controls the "source castle", Klein has too many ways to cut off this connection. One is to use the personality and power of complete mythological creatures, the other is to suppress his own anchors, using the "primitive" legacy Spiritual imprint, the third is to rely on the "source fort" breath that can be further mobilized.

Without hesitation, he chose the simplest, most convenient and least dangerous method.

A pale gray fog appeared faintly around his body, and the projections of various stars in his mind disappeared.

After a short pause, Klein organized the following language:

"So many foreign gods?"

"Indigo" Hessus is a symbol of "prayer". He touched the ruby ​​ring on his right hand and nodded:

"Since the" initial "awakened and split, the most powerful foreign gods in the entire universe have gathered in this small galaxy. Some of them want to get back the source matter and characteristics that they were attracted to by tearing. Some hope to obtain Close to itself, can accommodate source quality and high level characteristics. "

"Initial" ... Qiguang referred to the earliest creator as "Initial", not "Original" ... There is not much difference in semantics ... Klein asked carefully:

"Origin and characteristics attracted by tearing?"

He could understand the rest of what Indigo just said, and there was a certain amount of similar speculation in advance, but this one was a little unexpected.

As a symbol of the field of "meditation", Kutumi, the "blue light" with love and wisdom as his own characteristics, explained kindly:

"His Royal Highness, you should be familiar with the law of extraordinary convergence of properties."

When Klein nodded, the old man with a "sapphire" tied to his forehead and a thick beard around his mouth continued:

"This is not only the law of the sequence pathway, but it is also applicable to the source matter and the related characteristics of foreign gods, especially those that were originally bred and created by the 'initial', such as the 'fallen mother god', 'son of chaos' and 'mother tree of desire' As for whether there are other foreign gods in this category, we are not quite sure. In short, these three old days, which have lost some of their source elements and characteristics, are most concerned and active in eroding reality, and have been trying to influence the spirit. World, pollute us. "

Klein nodded gently, asking in a determined tone:

"That is to say, some of the current 22 pathways and 9 kinds of sources belong to foreign gods?"

"Yes." Saint Germain, holding an amethyst, symbolizing the "ritual magic", seized the opportunity to answer, "After reaching 22 pathways and nine sources, everything is balanced, and this may be the source Since the 'initial' mystic connection. "

Klein thought about it:

"What are they?"

With a faint purple light on his face, Saint Germain, who looked rather mysterious, said:

"For example, the" Moon "and" Earth "paths, they all belong to the" fallen mother **** ". This is the existence that stands on top of all foreign gods, even if part of the source matter is divided, that is, the" mother nest ". The same is true. He is the master of all the negative forces of the entire universe. "

St. Germain just said here, "Green Light" Serapis suddenly laughed:

"Actually, if you analyze the twenty-two ways carefully, you will find that the two parts, 'Moon' and 'Earth', are the most contradictory. Oh, the 'Witch' way represents the negative part of 'Initial' and the 'Red Priest' way represents The "primitive" positive field just formed some kind of malformed symmetry, but 'Moon' and 'Earth' can also make extraordinary people in this pathway become negative organisms in high sequence, and there is no way to be symmetrical with them. "

Seeing Klein's eyebrows moved, "Green Light" with long hair of the artist added with a smile:

"Sequence 2 of the 'Earth' pathway is called 'Desolate Mother', and Sequence 1 of the 'Moon' pathway is 'Beauty God'. Therefore, the blood race has only a queen and no male prince."

So the ancient **** Lilith was originally a man or a woman? Klein muttered in his heart and asked thoughtfully:

"The" primitive moon "is the" fallen mother goddess "?"

"Yes." Al Moria, the "red light" wearing a diamond crown, nodded majesticly, "He occupies the moon, through his own personality and his 'uniqueness' to the 'mother nest' and two ways Influence gradually erodes reality, the 'primitive moon' is his incarnation in this world. "

Having said that, Al Moriaton paused:

"His full name is, 'The Fallen Mother God', 'The Beginning of Evil', 'The Immortal', 'The Defiled Mother's Nest'."

When Klein thought of the exaggerated reaction of the moon when he first knew the secret of the "Starry Sky", he suddenly felt a coolness, and turned to ask:

"The" Devil "and" Prisoner "pathways come from the" Desire Tree "?"

"Yellow Light" Winnetan in a lemon yellow robe sighed:

"Well, his full name is 'Mother Tree of Desire', 'Father of Demon', 'Eternal Screamer', 'Distressed God', so 'Bound God' will be caught by Him when something goes wrong Seize the opportunity and complete the erosion relatively easily. "

Mother ... Father ... Whether the guy is male or female ... Well, for this level of existence, no male and female are normal, different incarnations have different images ... Oh, I want to have a child for me, From the state of the "bound god", I really want to be caught. I am afraid that it is me who has a child. Then the child will inherit the "source castle" and let the "mother tree of desire" indirectly erode and control this source ...

From this perspective, perhaps the "prisoner" approach to indulging desire is the right way to "play", but this right way leads to outward dedication, or moderation ... Klein frowned slightly and proposed a Questions that have been guessed and eager to be answered:

"Since there are so many foreign gods, why haven't they been able to invade our world until now?"

From the information that Klein has learned so far, it can be speculated that even if only the "fallen mother goddess" and "mother tree of desire", foreign gods can easily resolve the existence of the previous seven gods plus the "real creator" and "primitive witch".

The chubby "orange light" Hillaryon smiled:

"All our sufferings come from the 'initial', and all our luck comes from the 'initial'.

"He has not only spirit, will, imprint, pollution, but also source matter, characteristics, and strength.

"His remaining power constitutes an invisible barrier outside the planet, so that foreign gods cannot invade directly, but over time, because the" initial "has not been able to truly resurrect, his will and power are in With the end of the Quaternary period, this reached a very serious level. As a result, the invisible barrier cracked, and the Seven Gods had to move the kingdom of God to the astral world to make up the gap. "

No wonder the true gods can still walk on the ground in the Quaternary Period. In the Quaternary Period, even the advent rarely comes ... Klein suddenly felt a little surprised and asked a question:

"When the will and power of the" initial "decline further, the invisible barrier disappears, and the end will come?"

The always smiling "Orange Light" Hillaryon glanced at the "Yellow Light" Winitan, and her expression became serious:


At that time, so many foreign gods such as "fallen mother goddess", "mother tree of desire" and "son of chaos" invade. Even if the goddess becomes "old day", it will not be blocked at all ... Other sequences 0 gods can hold together One or two foreign gods are miracles ... one to nine, or even more ... Klein wanted to numb his scalp and once again realized what despair was.

No wonder it's called Doomsday!

The mood fluctuated a lot, and he immediately felt that the "primitive" mental branding had been strengthened, eroding the anchored part more.

Klein was calming down and letting the fragile balance reappear.

"Is this why the pollution that comes from the ground doesn't come close or confront, and will naturally fade away?" Klein remembered some of the mystery knowledge he had previously acquired.

"Your Highness, you are right." "Orange Light" Hillaryon gave a positive answer.

Klein then had other associations:

"Does that mean that the closer to the end, the easier it is to get promoted, because the will of the 'primitive' is fading, and it will be difficult for him to wake up, or not even wake up?"

The majestic "Red Light" Al Moria thought for a moment:

"That's why the Seven Gods have waited until recently to really aim their targets on the sequence and put them into practice.

"However, the will of the" initial "will fade away, and the spirit will always exist and will not be worn away unless the entire universe returns to one point. Therefore, there is still the possibility of the" initial "awakening in the corresponding high-level existence. The higher the person, the more likely this is. The larger the corresponding impact and erosion will be. "

The power of surpassing mortals and the curse that can never be ridden are always like to be together ... Klein sighed, forcibly suppressing the issues that should not be considered at his own level, and asked:

"Do you know the potion formula for 'The Secret Waiter'?"

Saint Germain, the amethyst with amethyst, replied:

"This knowledge has a corresponding mysterious attachment, not in the spirit world, but according to our observations, the ritual of the" secret waiter "should be closely related to the spirit world."

"Orange Light" Hillaryon immediately smiled at Klein:

"His Royal Highness, we will do our best to help if you need it."

This enthusiasm made me a little scared, just like facing the "Magic Mirror" Arodes ... Klein nodded gently, ready to change the subject.

He thought about it and asked with a somber expression:

"Do you know 'Fu Sheng Xuan Huang Tianzun'?"

He translated the title in elf language.

Qiguang was silent, looked at each other, and no one answered for a short time.

A few seconds later, "Orange Light" Hillaryan sighed:

"We are still not sure whether you are equal to him.

"He was active on the 'Old Day' from the end of the last civilization to the middle of the First Age, and was the 'Great Master over the spirit world' in our mouths.

"'Fu Xuan Xuan Huang Tian Zun' is his title in the western continent. His other titles are: 'King of Time and Space', 'Fate of Destiny', 'Incarnation of Yuanbao', 'Dominator of the Spirit World' and ..."

With that said, Orange Light paused:

"'Secret Lord'."

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