Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 12: remind

The identity, personality and strength of "Poseidon" ... After hearing the example given by Mr. "Fool", Al Jie's mind went blank for almost two seconds.

This is something he never dreamed of!

In his view, the "Fool" obtained the "Poseidon" authority through Guerman Spallo, replacing Kavitua, and gaining a stable and large number of believers. This is a very crucial step in his recovery process, so , This secret existence will certainly not give up the corresponding identity.

Who knows, at this moment, he heard Mr. Fool tell everyone that the identity, personality, and strength of "Poseidon" could be exchanged for.

After further recovery, Mr. Fool no longer needs the identity of the "Poseidon" and the corresponding believer? This is a manifestation of a great existence. Things that are not personal are only borrowed for a short time, and they will not occupy ... "Jie Hanging Man" Alger was secretly sighing, and then immediately excited, only the words of Mr. "Fool" That's what I said to myself.

Within the Church of the Storm, he became a sequence of four demigods by outside forces. Although he barely reached the top, it was almost impossible to get ascension, and the theft of the Book of Scourge is still not visible. With a little hope, Alger can only temporarily suppress his ambitions and wait patiently for the opportunity to come.

Now the opportunity is coming, so fast!

Alger is currently the Cardinal of the Church of the Storm in charge of the Rothder Diocese. Once he secretly becomes a "Poseidon" and controls the authority of that sea area, he will be the King of the Rhodes Islands, the real King!

With this in mind, Alger, the "upside down man," was almost unable to control himself, and finally managed to calm himself down.

"Justice" Audrey, "Sun", Dairik and others were shocked by the fact that Tarot would begin to trade the identity, personality, and strength of a deity-even if it was just a false god, there were none after all. The idea of ​​turning to the "storm" approach, compared to Alger, was not so excited, he quickly controlled himself, and set his sights on Mr. "Upside Down".

Alger quietly took a breath and humbled the top of the bronze table:

"Dear Mr. Fool, what is the price to pay for these things?"

"Fool" Klein waited for "upside down" to ask questions, and said with a smile:

"Some of the tasks I give, as well as frequent prayers, pious wishes."

The focus of his sentence was actually on the last short sentence, but he believed that the members of the Tarot congregation should not hear it.

As for how to fulfill the corresponding wishes, he currently has two ways. One is to use other extraordinary abilities he has to achieve corresponding effects, such as summoning historical scenes, recreating the link of giving beer, and completing the "let the bar owner treat guests". The second is to rely on the accumulated "wish" ability to directly respond to lower-level aspirations and create a real miracle. For example, with a snap of a finger, the collapsed house is instantly returned to its intact condition, and the reconstruction is successful in a substantial sense.

In addition, above the fog, Klein can mobilize the personality and power of "source castle", which is equivalent to an angel king who does not contain "uniqueness". In other words, he can use it in response to the request The core competence of Sequence 1 of this approach is the core competence of the "stealth waiter".

After exploring this time, Klein initially figured out two of them:

One is to create the prototype of the kingdom of God, and the other is to "graft."

"Grafting" was named by Klein himself. After all, he is not yet a "secret waiter" and has not acquired the corresponding mysticism knowledge.

This ability can "graft" things that can not be directly connected under normal circumstances, achieving incredible results.

A simple example is to combine the concept of the "end point" and "start point" of a road so that people on that road can never leave.

For extraordinary people, there are a lot of abilities to do similar things, but the "graft" of the "secret waiter" directly acts on the "concept" itself. The effect is weird, with a hidden meaning.

Coupled with the "0" seal "Star Staff" simulation ability, Klein was able to respond to prayers like an angel king when he was in "Yuanbao", and could do more.

Listening to the task mentioned by Mr. Fool, Alger the "upside down man" remembered something, and looked down and asked:

"Dear Mr. Fool, do you need to investigate further the three goals of the Fozak Empire in the Battle of Konotto?"

He had previously collected information on the three former owners who were suspected of "creeping hunger," but found nothing unusual.

"Fool" Klein gently nodded:

"no need."

He originally wanted to use this line to seize the tail of the "Hermit to the Twilight", but since Adam has become a god, it is better to avoid it.

Respect for the true **** of sequence 0 is Kline's usual principle. When you should give up, you should give up, and you should give up.

Without waiting for the "inverted man" Alger to speak again, "Fool" Klein continued calmly:

"You are now tasked with cooperating with 'Poseidon' believers to settle people who have left the place abandoned by God."

"Your will is my will!" Alje responded without hesitation.

This made "Sun" Dairik breathe a sigh of relief, no longer having doubts, worries and concerns about the next development.

He has full confidence in Mr. "Inverted Man" 's ability to handle things.

At this moment, "Fool" Klein looked around and smiled:

"In addition to the identity, personality, and strength of Poseidon, there are many things that can be exchanged, such as the magic potion formula and extraordinary characteristics of the" Lord of Mage. "

He didn't give too many examples so as not to damage the personality of the "Fool". As far as I said before, it can be understood that the "Fool" who is in further recovery is in a good mood.

——Yuecheng has the inheritance of “Mage of Law”, Klein can exchange it for fulfilling the wish of “getting salvation”. Of course, even if he directly gives the residents of Yuecheng to sacrifice the corresponding things, those who have finally found blessing must also be very willing.

They were afraid that Mr. Fool would abandon Moon City and not accept their sacrifice.

In addition, Klein himself also has a "Silver Knight" spouse, the extraordinary characteristics of the "Fortune Teller" route sequences 9 to 3, the seal "The pupil without generals", a drop of blood blessed by the "primitive moon" and Various "spirit bugs" related spells and bullets.

If the wisher wants consumables or borrows briefly, then Klein can take more out of the historical pores.

The magic potion formula and extraordinary characteristics of the "Law of the Mage" ... "Judgment" Hugh inexplicably felt that Mr. "Fool" glanced at himself.

Frankly, she lacks sufficient motivation for promotion recently. On the one hand, she is only one of the relatively many middle and high-ranking officers in MI9. It is extremely unlikely that she will get a demigod ticket. On the other hand, her father's reputation will soon be on a small scale. Within the recovery, she had no immediate goal.

At the same time, the war has ended, and her mother and brother returned to Bakerland and are about to start normal life, and Yixiu ’s total income is enough to support a rich family.

This combination of reasons makes Hugh feel that his life today is not bad, and he does not want to make a change.

Of course, if there is a chance to be promoted to demigods, she will not let go, because in the previous war, she experienced a weakness of sequence 5, and in the Tarot meeting, except for her and the "magic" Furth Everyone else is already demigod, and she is undoubtedly not too eager to leave the team.

With so many thoughts in mind, the "trial" took a look at "Magic" Furth, and lowered his head to the top of the mottled table, saying he would work hard.

The "magician" Furth could probably guess the mentality of a friend, because she was similar.

If it wasn't for upgrading to Sequence 4 to effectively fight against the "Full Moon Slang", there would be no need to bother Mr. "Fool" often, and the Abraham family had already prepared her potion formula and extraordinary materials, she would not be so eager to become a "mystic" .

As a "traveler", you can go wherever you want, and you can eat what you want to eat immediately, which completely meets Fulth's original expectations of the extraordinary concept.

Of course, she has another motivation to improve, that is, after demigods, she can better help the teacher's family to do something.

After seeing Mr. Fool shrouded in gray mist, he leaned on the back of the chair and stopped speaking, "Justice" Audrey hesitated and opened her mouth and said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question.

"If one thing, you know how the result is completely irrelevant to you, but just look at some existing moods and games, what would you do?"

As soon as she spoke, Alger, the "upside down man," laughed:

"Everyone is destined to die, no matter how hard he tries to change, isn't his life meaningless?"

He seems to have been thinking about this problem for a long time, and then added a sentence:

"Since you can't change the outcome of things at the moment, try to improve yourself, gain more power, and control more authority, until one day you can participate in those games. If you die in the process, it is better than anything. did not do it."

These are some of the most sincere words that Mr. "Inverted Man" has said, and it seems to come from his heart ... small can also become great ... "Justice" Audrey was touched and nodded invisibly.

At this time, "World" German Sparo looked around:

"Everyone, I need to remind you of one thing."

When the members of the Tarot Association looked at them at the same time, Klein manipulated the dummy "world" and said lowly:

"Doomsday is coming in more than ten years, and everyone may be destroyed, including the gods."

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