Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 17: Gradually deepen

"0-02" ... Klein repeated the number in his heart, feeling that the problem might be more troublesome than he expected.

Although it cannot be said that "0-02" must be more horrible than "0-05", after all, the essence of the "wishing magic lamp" is a sealed foreign god, which is more powerful than all current true gods. It can definitely destroy this world and even this galaxy, but the higher number basically means that "0-02" is more dangerous and more difficult to seal than "0-05" in most cases.

At the end of the Quaternary Period, the Seven Gods Church ranked second in the serial number of the "0" class seals at that time, second only to "0-01", and the horror of "0-02" can be imagined ... However, "God of War" did not seem to make use of this seal in the Divine War ... Is it the type that is not suitable for frontal combat, or is it too dangerous, the same for the enemy and us? Klein's mind flashed thought after thought.

His expression gradually became serious:

"Ma'am, what do you know about '0-02'?"

Arianna shook her head slowly:

"When the major churches notify each other of the '0' and '1' seals, they will only give numbers."

Also, even within the major churches, the information on "0" grade seals is strictly confidential. As a high-level official, you can only access relevant information when you are in charge of a "0" grade seal, and you do n’t have to do it afterwards. A small probability is erased the corresponding memory ... On the one hand, it prevents the leakage of important information, and on the other hand, for many "0" class seals, just knowing them will cause danger or make the seal invalid ... ... Klein thoughtfully said:

"Don't you already take over the Ares Church?"

Then you can get all the documents of "0-02".

Arianna looked at Roy and others who looked far away:

"Larion destroyed all '0' grade seal materials before he fled."

Awesome ... This kind of extremely cautious guy is really annoying ... Klein turned his thoughts:

"What does the goddess say about '0-02'?"

In his opinion, "Night Goddess" and "God of War" belong to the same period, and they are in charge of "Hidden", the latter has a certain probability of understanding of the mastery of the situation.

In addition, seals at the level of "0-02" will not leave no trace in history. Maybe they have caused many disasters. For the high-ranking people of that era, they should be familiar.

Arianna seems to have recalled the situation in this area for a long time, and said without any stutter:

"In a past shrine, the goddess called '0-02' a 'rule book.'"

The "rule book" ... this is even more horrible ... Klein listened softly and thought a lot.

He was also a game enthusiast in his last life, and covered a lot, but he was not so addicted, and he was no stranger to the term "rule book".

At this time, Arianna added:

"You just happen to come to Beldan City and maybe you can also reveal some characteristics of‘ 0-02 ’.”

Yes, it is quite normal for Ms. Arianna to follow the chief Patriarch Lalyon to Beldan. It was quite normal for me to encounter this mutation, but I happened to be here and it was a little coincidental ... , Too coincidence often means there is a problem ...

Does anyone arrange me, or is it the effect of the extraordinary property aggregation law? Judging from the current situation, the arrangement lacks sufficient purpose to confirm, and I am already the owner of the "source castle", more or less able to detect a little anomaly ... if it is an extraordinary feature aggregation law, exclude the exiled Mr. Door and the ancestors of the Antigonus family sealed in the misty town, only Charatou and Amon can affect me to this extent ...

However, I have been deliberately evading Zarathu, and Amon ’s ontology is being chased by the "real creator". If it is just a clone, it cannot produce such a strong aggregation effect ... well, there is another possibility, the source The law of aggregation between matter ... "0-02" attracts "source castle", which led me to come to Beltan today?

If this is the case, even if "0-02" is not the source matter itself, it must be related to the source matter ... Klein, who had long been skeptical, thought a lot and had a preliminary and vague idea about "0-02". Grasp.

He thought about it:

"From the development of things, the rules are gradually becoming stricter and more diverse. That yellow paper is the evidence. Does this indicate that the degree of activation or awakening of‘ 02 ’has deepened a little bit?”

Arianna looked quietly and quietly:

"Yes, we must find it before something happens, and find a way to seal it.

"So it's best to act separately and expand your search to save as much time as possible."

Klein had no objection to this, and thought:

"Ma'am, you told me so much, didn't it count as a leak?"

"No." Arianna gave a fairly clear answer. "Leaking a secret means that Berdan's mutation cannot be transmitted to the outside world in any way."

This cuts off our substantive connection with the outside world ... That's okay, at least you don't have to worry about problems in the normal dialogue. In short, it is enough to not speak swear words ... Klein sighed quietly and asked:

"The 'night watchers' and 'punishers' here will also follow the rules in the announcement?"

"Yes." Arianna replied affirmatively, then the figure faded and disappeared.

After watching the Dean of the Night Abbey leave, Klein quickly sorted out the information he had just obtained, and had some understanding of the possible future development:

The battle will not be the focus. The key is whether we can find "0-02" in time and figure out a way to seal it.

In the process, those foreigners who meet them will be more and more complicated, more and more difficult to follow the rules and driven citizens.

Thinking of this, Klein set his sights on Roy and others not far away and asked with a smile:

"What do you think of what you just heard?"

Roy and Pasha looked at each other and said:

"We don't know what a '0' seal is, but we can guess that '0-02' is a very scary item that can make rules and rewrite reality to some extent, and such anomalies seem to be Further changes over time.

"Also, the Patriarch of the Church of God of War should be a very extraordinary person."

Klein patted his palm and smiled.

"It's almost like this. If we don't make any effort and want to avoid danger by hiding and avoiding, then we need to pay attention to more and more behaviors, if we are not careful, we will commit crimes, huh, maybe in the end, we will Go out with your left foot and be executed on the spot. "

These words made Pasha, Byers and others flustered and difficult to hold on to.

That kind of possible development is really funny at first, but when you think about it, you can see the ultimate thriller hidden in it!

After a few seconds, Pasha said solemnly:

"Furthermore, citizens can use all means to deal with us, but we cannot fight back effectively because homicide and intentional injury are very serious crimes ..."

"You can try to deceive their senses, but this can't be used too many times." Klein said casually, "What we need to do now is to summarize the rules of '0-02' itself as soon as possible to help us activate it. Or wake up until you have real wisdom, find it, seal it, what do you think? "

"The Stealer" Phil thought about it and tentatively said:

"It does not seem to be able to attack us directly. It can only be punished when we violate the rules and commit crimes."

Klein snapped and said:

"Yes, I can first summarize such a rule:‘ 0-02 ’cannot punish non-criminals.”

Byers blurted out:

"But it allows citizens to hunt down foreigners. Foreigners are not the same as criminals."

"This is indeed a contradiction to the law just now." Klein responded with a smile. "However, in history, many cities have introduced laws that discriminate and expel foreigners at different stages. Have you learned from this matter? Explain some deeper rules? "

The four extraordinary people frowned one after another, not quite sure what the mighty "magic" opposite wanted to express.

After a brief silence, thinking of the other party to ask whether a certain behavior is a fraud, Pasha hesitated and said:

"The rules issued by‘ 0-02 ’must be consistent with public perception and have been recognized to a certain degree?”

"Good idea." Klein complimented, "This is my guess based on the law that arrests foreigners, and I have obtained preliminary confirmation from your previous feedback. It can be temporarily used as the second rule. This Can help us determine which actions are crimes and which are not. "

Seeing that Pasha had received praise from that powerful "magician" twice, Roy was busy adding:

"It will continue to increase the order to reach a level of complexity and cumbersomeness, thereby restricting us and letting us be punished no matter what we do. Well, on the basis of arresting foreigners, you can add the crime of trespassing to private houses and prohibiting defecation Regulations, so that we will become more and more difficult over time. "

Klein just nodded, agreeing, and the inspiration suddenly moved.

He instinctively raised his head, looked at the notice board, and found that there was no more parchment on it:

"The curfew ..."

"This ..." Pasha and others also noticed the change, and the pupils dilated.

It is already night at this time, and if they stay outside for a period of time, they will violate the curfew order and suffer a certain degree of punishment, and then they will be worse than one time until they are sentenced to death.

"Come on, there's not much time left for us." Klein raised his hand and pressed the top hat above his head and said with a smile, "Our goal is most likely to be a book, and it may still be that Damu. The head may have been hidden somewhere, and my intuition tells me that it is more likely to be the latter situation, because for anyone, that item is too dangerous and will become more and more dangerous, of course On the premise that the chief priest is not crazy yet, but simply uses '0-02' to create an opportunity for himself to get rid of the follower.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the chief shepherd is an angel walking on the ground."

Angel ... Roy and Pasha and others have just taken their first steps and are frozen again.

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