Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 26: First entry to Byam (Monthly ticket recommendation on Monday)

After the large sea boats belonging to the Resistance Army docked, the Silver City people uniformly replaced with crew neck shirts, brown jackets, wide-leg pants, and dark peaked caps. Following the god, Lord Daniz stepped out of the ship, preparing to pass the dock and enter " Generous City "Byam-those clothes are prepared in advance.

"It's awkward to dress like this, not very suitable for fighting ..." As he walked, Liavar moved his hands and feet, lowering his voice to Elder Derek.

Derek nodded softly:

"But it's easy to hide yourself and not be too conspicuous and become the focus of others' attention."

There is no problem in Derek's analysis. After all, they are outsiders now, and there are only 21 people who can not attract others' attention, it is better not to cause it, but he seems to have forgotten a key detail.

"But, they're all watching us ..." Candice looked around quickly, whispering.

The workers on the docks, either in humble clothes or bare-chested, and the passengers with different dresses, set their sights on this side.

"It's so high ..." A resident of Byam who had a bronzed complexion and slightly curly hair couldn't help but sigh.

His height is also about 160, which is the common height of the male civilians in the colonies of the current era. In addition to everyone in Silver City, except for Derek, who was only two meters ahead, the remaining average was more than two meters three, and the highest exceeded two meters. Fives.

Such a "half giant" walks on the dock and walks in the crowd, no matter what they look like, they are all the same.

"Fussacks?" A Lun, wearing a bowler hat and a formal suit, holding a civilized stick to his companion, "Did the slave trade begin again?"

He believed that Silver City and his party were prisoners of Versack bought by the Roth government from the Kingdom of Rune. After all, in this world, there can be more than one or two of this height. He can only think of Versak. The barbarian who claimed to be a descendant of the giant.

His companion shook his head and frowned slightly:

"Unlike, most of Fassac's eyes are light blue, and even the Fassac, there are very few who can exceed two meters, unless, unless, these are nobles or prisoners of war ..."

In Fassack, although there is no explicit regulation, in all walks of life, especially in the military, there is a phenomenon of height and esteem. Of course, this is not the only condition. It also integrates factors such as family history, title, rank, etc. .

Based on this "custom", the descendants of the nobles of the Fassac and the upper ranks of the army are generally more than two meters tall.

This is actually a superficial phenomenon, which is essentially the effect of extraordinary characteristics.

Those who can become senior members of the Fassac army are either of noble origin or have reached the level of at least sequence 5, and the latter is absolutely "achieved" under the influence of the "warrior" approach, that is, the "giant" approach potion. ——Those who choose the road of "Red Priest" will have a certain height increase, but it is not as obvious as the "Giant" in the early stage, and the total may increase by a few centimeters. They must become demigods before they can change qualitatively.

For the noble descendants, the ancestors were more or less "giants" or have been married to the "giants", whether they have inherited extraordinary characteristics, the corresponding genes have been accumulated from generation to generation, and they will definitely make them normal height More than two meters.

Among them, the family still has mastered some of the "giant" route potion formulas. Some of them are inherited, and the descendants are in the state of Silver City.

-The royal family in charge of the "Red Priest" approach is to maintain the height of future generations through marriage.

The people in Silver City, who were examined by various eyes, became more and more frightened, as if returning to the cursed land, walking in the deep darkness, watching by monsters one after another.

Derek was very calm and calm, he looked around and said to the Pathfinder team members:

"They are not malicious."

It is certain that Mr. "Inverted Man" is in this city, and knowing that he has arrived, Derek no longer feels isolated and helpless.

This is not to say that he does not trust the messenger appointed by Mr. "Fool", but that he thinks that the trivial matters in daily life should not be troubled by the gods as much as possible.

In terms of solving his own problems, after all, Dairik is not so familiar with the outside world and relatively unsure of it. At this time, an experienced, intelligent, meticulous, and trustworthy "native" is definitely the best. helper.

Of course, Derek also knows that Mr. "Inverted Man" should not have contact with himself on the bright side, because the other party belongs to other forces and is not a believer in "Poseidon". Once he acts too eagerly in Silver City Will definitely be suspected.

However, there will always be a good reason and a suitable opportunity to meet ... Derek thought with anticipation.

In thoughts, he and the members of the Silver City Pathfinder Team followed Danizt out of the pier and came to the street.

Their vision suddenly widened, they saw more people than before, and they heard a variety of voices.

For everyone in Silver City, this is even more lively than the grandest "harvest festival" in their hometown: countless people wear different but equally strange clothing, have a hurry, walk leisurely, or hold more Big fruit, sucking the liquid in the tube, or holding the food that is suspected of the delicious pie on board, taking a bite from time to time.

In addition to these, the horses pulling the carriages can make the sound of jingle bells, the fast-moving metal products, and the various flavors that permeate the streets, making everyone in Silver City feel like they have come to another world.

For them, this is indeed another world.

Although they are a little scared and a little scared, they are not too accustomed to such a scene, but everyone can clearly appreciate the vitality hidden in this scene.

It's like the sunshine in the soul, and it shines with the scorching sun in the air.

Is this where we will live, fight and reproduce in the future? Derrick, Liavar, Candice, and others flashed similar thoughts subconsciously, a little disturbed, but not exclusive.

Daniz glanced with satisfaction at the group of silly big men who were a little dazed by the bustling scene of Byam, and muttered in his heart:

"It's just Bayam. If you go to Trier, Beckland, are you going to kneel and kiss the ground?"

The world-famous pirate controlled his ridicule, because he was now the messenger of Mr. Fool, and could not corrupt the image of the gods.

After taking the Silver City crowd with some of the crew to a fairly luxurious hotel, Daniz motioned to the crew to check in, and at the same time he spoke to the guests in his fluent giant language:

"It's going to be dark. Stay here for one night before leaving the city tomorrow.

"The place where you built the city has already been arranged. On the other side of the jungle, there is a natural port, and there are several roads leading to Byam. Oh, after that, we will widen the main road and build a thoroughfare. The railway to you. "

Railway ... Derrick, who had made up lessons at the Tarot Conference, knew what it meant, nodded gratefully, and once again praised Mr. Fool in his heart.

Daniz continued:

"We have leveled the area for you in advance and reserved the space needed for infrastructure such as water pipes and gas pipes. When you start to build a house, we will send a team to help deal with those things.

"Also, the corresponding building materials and temporary tents have been prepared for you. Thank you Mr. Fool, uh, there is also the help of the Storm Church, otherwise we ca n’t buy so many things, But they are mainly trying to make some extra money. "

It was not long before the new Rothside government was established, and various connections with the outside world were not smooth enough. What surprised them was that the Church of the Storm actually offered help on the matter of Silver City.

The water pipe ... the gas pipe ... Darik gradually began to understand, but still had a look of thinking.

Several times, Daniz, who almost spoke the word "shit", stopped talking and introduced this hotel instead:

"This is the favorite hotel where the Fassaks come to Baiyam. The height may be a bit short for you, but at least it will not let you run into it."

With that said, Daniz smiled:

"Turn right at the end of this street and it's 'Red Theater' ..."

He smiled that all men knew.

However, everyone in Silver City couldn't understand it.

Really, the emperor said that the oldest occupation of human beings is to betray their bodies, and they don't even know what I'm talking about ... Danitz's mouth slightly twitched and gave up this topic.

When his second mate and third mate helped to check in, he led everyone from Silver City to the second floor to allocate rooms.

After doing this, he took out a stack of cards that he had already written and distributed to members of the Silvertown Pathfinder Team outside Dairik:

"Each card has some local text and the corresponding words in Giant language. If you need any service or food, ring the bell here and let the waiter come over and show him the card. Of course, they may not understand it. But I will definitely go to someone who understands me to help. "

This is a simple and easy-to-understand method. Everyone in Silver City has very easy to master how to use those cards, and secretly excited that they can finally communicate with the people here.

Next, Daniz showed them how to turn on and off the tap water, how to use the toilet, how to light up the gas wall lamp, and saw that there was an illusion that Dairik, Liavar, and Candice came to the kingdom of God.

Just turn on the switch that will produce water, just press it and the excrement will be washed away. There are no traces of the machine left. It just ignites the lantern that can always glow. They are things that they couldn't imagine in the past.

And these things will form their new life.

When everyone in Silver City became accustomed to the hotel, the sky was completely dark, and the night began to rule the city.

Although Derek and others had long determined that there was no danger of monsters coming from the night, they were still instinctively afraid, so they either glowed themselves or lit the gas wall lamp.

At this moment, they saw the streets outside the glass windows, and the houses in the vicinity and in the distance, one by one, one after the other by gas lamps, dissipating the darkness of their respective areas.

These bright or dim lights reflected in the eyes of everyone in Silver City, just like the Milky Way at night fell to the ground.

PS: Recommended monthly tickets on Monday ~

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