Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Sequela of the front lines of war

"Don't save me ... don't save me ..."

Klein, who is in "Yuanbao" and contains the "Fool" card, already has the status of an angel king, and will no longer be directly polluted by the screaming of "Mr." Hemp, dilated pupils, it is difficult to contain the sudden panic in my heart.

He originally thought that Mr. Gate had been calling for help, but now he heard:

"Don't save me!"

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In Klein's silence, the faint faint but stabbing spirit sound like a steel needle shouted for ten seconds, suddenly changed:

"Help me ... help me ..."

This time, the language used has also changed.

... Klein leaned backlessly against the back of the chair and listened for nearly ten seconds.

Then, he lifted the maintenance of the historical pore images of "Master Key" and "Crimson Moon Crown", and completely restored the space above the fog.

Huh ... He exhaled, his fingers habitually tapping the edge of the mottled table, and silently whispered to himself:

"Mr. Gate is indeed half crazy, but the crazy part is not him when he screams hard, but he who seems calm and can communicate rationally with others ... The latter can also affect the former to some extent and distort him. What's shouting?

"Mr. Door when he was awake shouted 'Don't save me' ... For an angel king who has been exiled and sealed for more than a thousand years, this is definitely not a normal and proper response, unless he thinks to return In reality, he will bring disasters that he himself does not want to see ... A king of angels who is completely out of control?

"Combining Mr. Men's communication with the emperor has always led him to look at the moon occupied by foreign gods, this matter has another possibility:

"The exiled Mr. Gate has no protection from the original creator ’s leftover barrier, and has been eroded by some or even some foreign gods. He has lost most of his reasoning and is only in a better condition than the 'Bound God' ...

"The" Apprentice "route can roam the starry sky in sequence 3. Mr." Gate "'s name also contains the title" Leader of the Endless Starry Sky ... "Does this mean that before the king of angels was exiled, May have been exposed to foreign gods, and have been affected to some extent?

"Well, what do the dark red earth, pyramid-shaped buildings, and starry sky in different positions represent in the last sight of Miss Magician? This is not like in the current galaxy, and it is not the same as the tomb of Black Emperor ... One of his anchors, which affects the old nest of an alien **** of Mr. Gate, or the legend left by other creatures when Mr. Gate became a Wandering Mage? Because when Miss Magician saw the scene, she did not encounter pollution from the sky ... "

The more Klein thought, the heavier he felt, because it might in some ways really reflect the coming of the end.

Doomsday is definitely not thinking about it, pretending not to know, it won't happen!

No wonder the "yellow light" Winitan predicted that the day when the curse was lifted was the beginning of Abraham ’s real disaster ... Mr. "Door" kept calling for help, which caused the Abraham family to fail to have another demigod. Protection ... Although this would make the Abraham family lose its status and most of the precious things and become mediocre, at least it can save the blood ... Oh, that prophecy, the solution to the curse was helped by a "apprentice" who was helped by a secret existence. In the hands ... Klein chuckled, thinking of how to respond to Miss Magic.

He intends to let the "magician" Firth tell her teacher only part of the truth:

The first is to emphasize that Mr. Gate is half-mad and very dangerous, even if he talks with him, there is a great risk; the second is to not mention the second easing ceremony that is easier to achieve, only the sacrifice of "fortune tellers", The "stealer" and the "apprentice" demigod.

With the first point, Abrahams could understand why the patriarchs persisted in calling for help, because he had lost his mind and could do anything terrible.

This can effectively eliminate the mental illness of Abrahams, prevent them from helping Mr. Gate out of difficulties, and allow them to begin to believe in the "Fool" more and more quickly.

The second point can dispel a small number of extreme Abrahams' chances because they are not capable of performing such a ritual.

At the same time, the notification ritual itself can also strengthen the Abraham family's trust in the "magic" Firth.

"Not to mention how many questions exist for the existing 'Mystic Mage', the demigods who can become 'Secret Masters' are definitely more difficult to grasp than one, and most of them are concentrated in the Esoteric Order. To deal with them is to challenge Chalatou, even if The Abraham family still has demigods. They can use '0' seals in a short period of time, and it is not easy to complete the preparation for the ceremony. Well, it is the most dangerous to deal with the "parasite". If you accidentally, you will be Amon. As a goal, at that time, it would be about sending dessert to Amon ...

"Also, later remind the Miss Magician with the tone of 'World' German Spallo, and let her beware of the extremists of the Abraham family ..." Klein thought for a moment, and began to respond to the "Magic" Buddha Else's prayer before.


After returning to the real world from the mist of history, Klein got on a steam train and arrived at the capital of Jianhai County, once the second largest city of Ruen, and at the forefront of the past war, Conston.

"... the damage is serious ..." After getting off the train and out of the platform, Klein stood high and looked at this pure industrial city.

Although he is here for the first time, he has seen various photos of Conston in newspapers and magazines in the past.

Those photos are black and white, recording all aspects of the city.

Among them, three things that impressed Kline most:

First, there are chimneys and blast furnaces, as if a forest has been artificially created, which has a great visual impact and is more representative of the industry than Beckland;

The second is the extensive use of concrete and steel in the building, which is higher, denser and denser than similar Beckrand's.

Third, coal ash is contaminated in many places, including human body surfaces, but the air quality is better than Beckrand because of the strong ocean breeze.

But now, the towering blast furnaces, chimneys and tall buildings have become quite sparse, leaving only a pile of ruins everywhere.

However, relatively speaking, the factory area suffered less damage than the residential area, as many steel and arsenal factories there were just as important to the Fassac.

"The number of deaths here is definitely 100,000 ..." Klein sighed secretly, carrying a suitcase, walking down the steam train station along the stairs, and really entered Conston.

On the way to the hotel, he continued his role as a "miracle teacher" and randomly selected a strong man in his early thirties.

"I'm a wandering magician. My best magic is to satisfy everyone's wishes. Would you like to try it?" Klein, who was once thin-skinned, was now able to meet others naturally.

The strong man glanced at him and waved impatiently:

"Can you raise my father, mother, two brothers, and a child?"

Having said that, he did not wait for the magician on the opposite side to respond, and went slightly to the nearest public carriage site, hitting his left chest with right boxing.

Klein stood still, keeping a slightly upturned smile on his lips, and quietly watched the man leave.

He remembered a magazine he had seen on a steam train before, with several pages containing photos reflecting the current state of the various cemeteries in Constantine.

That piece of tombstone is like the original chimneys and blast furnaces, and the ashes are placed one after another as tall buildings that have not yet collapsed ...

The entire city of Conston seemed to be buried in the cemetery.

Concealing his smile, Klein bypassed the long-dried fountain in front and walked to the hotel not far away.

On the way, he heard a lot of pedestrians discussing which place was haunted nearby and which terrible monster appeared again:

"When I passed the Maris River before, I heard a lot of people crying in the water. I didn't dare to see it, and the wind ran back into the city ..."

"What the hell, I saw something even scarier at 9 Hyacinth Street! There was a face on the window there! Very pale face!"

"Behind my house, several passers-by are missing, and the blood has been dragged to the nearest ruins, but the police have not found the body ..."

"It's terrible. May the goddess bless us!"

"The storm is up. Keep these ghosts and monsters away from us."

"By the way, the City Hall posted a notice saying that something similar was found and immediately reported it to the police."

It seems that the previous meat grinder war made many corpses too late to be requisitioned and turned into ghosts, shouting. In many cases, some deceased may not have corpses to keep ... Well, there must be no lack of spirit in it Extraordinary people who have collapsed or lost their physical control ... Also, most of those who do not take potions according to the normal process are out of control ... "Night Watchers" and "Substitution Punishers" will definitely clean up these incidents gradually, but At least in Conston, people may have to live with extraordinary events for a long time. After all, some ghosts and monsters are good at hiding and avoiding. Newton's overall situation has a new grasp.

Here, encountering extraordinary events is no longer a coincidence, but a daily life with a certain probability.

Just then, Klein saw a team of "night watchers" wearing red gloves and black trench coats at the crossroads ahead, but he didn't know any of them.

Sure enough, Tranquility Church sent a more mobile "Red Glove" squad to help ... well, what's going on nearby? Kline nodded invisibly, following his spiritual instincts, and turned his attention to an apartment building behind a pile of ruins.

On the fourth floor there, behind a raised belly window, a highly rotten face was staring against the glass, and the yellowish black liquid dropped down and down the window.

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