Lord of the Mysteries

: End of the testimonial (on)

I originally planned to take a break and write this again tomorrow, but maybe it ’s time sensitive. Many friends asked me by various text messages and private messages. I was thinking about taking a good nap to relax the excitement at the end. The phone beeped Beep beep, I ... still let people sleep.

The end of May was originally scheduled. I said this very early, but it was not possible to estimate it accurately at that time. In general, in May and June, there must be enough room for flexibility, right? If it is not an epidemic, I will travel to Spain in a few days.

In addition, my contract was signed at the end of 2016. By the beginning of 2022, there is still a book left with 3 million words. The new book is definitely at the starting point.

After speaking off topic, go back to the book itself.

If the ending part after the seventh part, I chose a more reasonable development, which caused the plot to become much faster, and I could n’t do a fuller and meticulous development. Then the eighth part starts from the first chapter, which is under my control. I have thought about what to write, where to turn, and how to end each one. There is no such thing as a sudden acceleration of the plot, and there is no problem of cutting off many branches.

At the end, I thought about it before I opened the book. After experiencing all kinds of passiveness, expectation, confusion, and wandering, everyone at Tarot will finally leave their comfort zone to face the world and face all kinds of difficulties, and Klein and Azke completed a reincarnation in the role.

In the end, weirdness and innocence, dimness and sunlight, darkness and rebirth, belong to a strange picture of Cthulhu and a little warmth, and at the same time point out that Klein has initially awakened and will not break the book.

As for the five gold coins, the Tarot congregation's individual experience, and other pits that do not involve the main line of this book, of course, are reserved for the second part. I have written so obvious that the last part is both the end and the prologue.

Well, the second part is from Xiao Ke's deep sleep, or earlier, to the time when he wakes up.

This was all determined before the book was opened. Why did I consider the second part at the time? First, I felt that this setting was too large to write too much. If a brain is stuffed into a book, it will necessarily be divided between primary and secondary. The spurs are long, scattered and tedious, and bloated. The second is that the growth curve of the Tarot congregation cannot keep up with Klein. If you give them too many spurs and more stories to make their promotion reasonable enough, it will impact the mainline structure. There is also the problem of no distinction between primary and secondary. If you do n’t give it, and let them grow up to play a role at a critical moment, there will definitely be a large number of friends who feel that one person is as good as a dog, and they feel that they are too easy to get everything.

Therefore, after I weighed it, I decided to write at least Secret 2 based on various situations. In this way, this part can calmly walk the plot without running the map all over the world, and the Tarot congregation only started the first half of their lives. , Complete transformation and growth, and then leave the comfort zone to perform a more exciting story and life in the second part.

For me, this is also a challenge, how to bring everyone back into the world after a few years, and how to allow new readers to read smoothly and unrestrictedly without reading Secret 1.

I have no previous experience writing a series of books, and no experience writing a second book under the same world view. On the one hand, I did not consider this issue when the previous books were set up. I lacked enough space to expand. Second, I was afraid. It is impossible to break through the routines of the past, but this fear is also a limitation in itself. I feel that I have found my own writing methodology and I can try to challenge it.

I said before, my slogan, no, my motto is:

"Never meet, always challenge.

In the second part, I have n’t thought about the protagonist and the cut-in yet, but now I have some plot pictures in my mind:

It was a dark line formed by various attempts of the Tarot congregation to awaken Xiaoke, represented by five gold coins and iron cigarette cases.

He may encounter a cigarette, talk about the hunter in the past, may occasionally glimpse half of the beautiful face, may hear the news of the discovery of the new continent from overseas, or may deal with the kings on the sea, Perhaps they will explore the few undisclosed treasure legends at sea, and they may expand with various "traversers" and "sneakers".

The specific style will be decided later. In short, the setting leaves a lot of space for the second part. I am not worried about writing nothing.

As for the end, it is definitely not a solution, and in order to make the end of the second part more oppressive, I decided to do epic strengthening for the mother god, wrong, in short, why the boar is pregnant, why the man is holding his stomach, stone Why give birth to a child, behind all this, is the distortion of human nature, or the loss of morality ... As for the strengthening plan, it will probably be placed in the third part of the Western Continent, but I may not write it seriously.

Related to the Western Continent, I actually did not make settings before, but left the interface, the remaining seven source materials, and a small number of unique features that do not contain sequence 1, what kind of world will be built, an upgrade system What?

I have basically determined my idea recently, and I know what kind of settings to do, hehe.

Well, the right path system with the source quality as the core, the side door and the left path with the extraordinary characteristics as the base, and the lower nine streams of each part.

The former is based on the Taoist idea of ​​"seal seal". Well, seal seal means that you have been approved by the heavenly court and you have become a member of this system. Wild Taoist, you want to summon Liuding and Liujia, the mountain gods of the land, why should people take care of you? Therefore, in Fuzhuan, Fu and Zhuan are separated, and in a word, it is within the system. Then, if the heaven and the pure land are changed to the source, the whole setting will become lively and strange.

Writing here, I was hungry and my wife urged me to go out. . After all, it was decided to write temporarily, um, here first, I will continue this endorsement tomorrow, talk about the ideas and gains and losses of the mysterious book, and talk about my creative methodology.

In addition, I am grateful to Wutong ’s big brother for his reward. I was scared when I started studying. Also, I will serialize a 20,000 or 30,000 fanpage here regularly, and then an irregular fanpage. I did n’t plan to write it, but Now I find that there are many things that can not be written in the second part, but can be written, such as Xiao Ke's sleeping dreams, some fragments of the Quaternary story, and so on.

I have made some hints about why Tianzun ’s hind hands are disturbed:

"Magic Mirror" Arodes came out of the sea of ​​chaos, why must he follow Klein, why did Klein take it when he was asleep.

In addition, the reset version of the physical book is out. The cover this time is my favorite. The content is only a revision of some online vocabulary and words that are not in the dictionary. For example, He, you can go to my Weibo for the specific purchase address. The squid deity who loves diving. After that, from time to time, you can pay attention to my public number and directly search for "wuzei1985", the anime avatar.

Um, continue to finish this speech tomorrow (below).

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