Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 158: Be prepared (first to ask for a monthly pass)

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Miss "Justice" can always maintain a happy mood, it is really enviable, I hope that I can do the same... I heard the brisk greeting, and Klein, who was sitting on the bronze long table, couldn’t help but feel a silent feeling. .

But he immediately thought that the other party would simply take out 1,000 pounds of cash. Suddenly, it was very difficult to feel that he wanted to keep a happy mood like Miss Justice.

"Sun" Dairik Berg is a teenager who cares a lot about his reputation and immediately replies:

“I have already got the recipe for the ‘reader’.’”

During this time, he sorted out the legacy left by his parents. In addition to the house, furniture and a few items for the thoughts, the rest of the valuable things were taken to the "black market" of the Silver City. The material of the "Reader" formula and the "Singer" potion is currently only based on a fixed amount of food.

However, he believes that such a situation will not last for too long. When he passes the battle assessment, he will join the team that cleans up the "dark things" around him and receive a lot of rewards.

When I am really strong, I will apply to become a member of the elite team, explore the depths of the darkness, and find a way to lift the curse... Dairik thinks with hope, while looking sideways at the "fool" in the thick fog. .

He noticed last time that Miss "Justice" was able to strangely let the unknown Russell Diary appear directly after asking Mr. "The Fool"!

Although Dairik did not understand what was going on, he felt that it was better to take a look at Mr. Fool.

"You remember the recipe in your head first, then pick up the pen at hand and give a strong desire to express." Klein looked like a leisurely back against the back of the chair.

Because the "sun" comes from the silver city that is suspected of "the land of God's abandonment," he is not a pen but a feather pen in front of the other party.

Of course, there is still no ink.

Dairik did not dare to doubt the words of the fool, and immediately took the quill that suddenly appeared at hand.

Within a few seconds, he did not accidentally see the recipe for the "Reader" potion on the yellow-brown parchment in front of him.

After examining it twice, Dairik kept silent and pushed the promised thing to Miss Justice.

Audrey was excited, excited and looking forward to it, but she took it with great restraint. She swept her eyes and reflected all the words translated by Klein into her mind:

"Main material: the complete pituitary of the Phantom Yalong, 10 ml of the spinal fluid of the semi-phantom rabbit."

"Auxiliary materials..."

The main material that I haven't heard of... Well, I don't know enough... I recently thought about Audrey, who has always supplemented the common types and names of common materials from Fols and Hugh.

At this time, she has forgotten what is called "the audience."

Suddenly, Audrey heard a slight percussion and was busy looking down at the top of the bronze long table.

She was pleasantly surprised to see that Mr. Fool was tapping the edge of the table with his right index finger and lightly beheaded himself and made a gesture.

what's the situation? Audrey was puzzled for a while and her eyes were blank.

She was waiting to ask questions, and the corner of her eyes suddenly saw the change in the formula of the "reader" in front of her eyes.

"Main material: Phantom Yalong's complete pituitary gland (also known as the colorful lizard), 10 ml of the spinal fluid of the semi-phantom rabbit (also known as the Farsman rabbit)."

"Auxiliary materials..."

I know all of these! Audrey was a glimpse, and immediately there was a strong joy from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Fool, you are really very knowledgeable." She looked up again, sincerely thank and praise.

"Upside down people" Alger is not sure what happened, but the discourse on "justice" is very disdainful:

How can a big man like a **** be described by erudition?

This existence is, in a way, equal to knowledge itself!

Klein accepted the praise of Miss Justice, because it was not what happened to the "reader" formula of the psychological alchemy.

—— After pulling the “Sun” into the Tarot Club, based on the speciality of the other party’s Silver City, he has been preventing similar problems and constantly looking for the corresponding materials to learn, even if Dust Gudrian did not With the recipe, he can easily complete the annotations just now, and after the previous divination and the previous comparison, he is convinced that the two "readers" formulas are correct.

This is prepared, no disaster... Kleinloo thought with care.

Audrey repeatedly read the "reader" formula several times, reluctantly regained his eyes, and familiarly expressed "the" diary of Russell the Great.

"This is what you deserve." She put down the pen and looked at the fool in the fog. "In addition, how about I give you 300,300 pounds?"

She said that there was a dim sum because the three-page Russell Diary only cost her £20, while the “Sheriff” formula, also in Sequence 8, required £450.

That is to say, starting from simple mathematics, she should pay another £430 in addition to the three-page note.

However, Audrey feels that this also has its own lucky factors, the seller is not aware of the value of Russell's diary, which allows her to buy at a very low price.

Russell's diary, at least 50 pounds per page! Audrey quietly clenched her fist and silently drummed herself.

300 pounds? As of today, I have seen so much money in Sir Deville... Klein groaned, pretending to nod to the slightest interest in money:

"A reasonable transaction."

"This is the information of my leader."

He tried to avoid the words such as "Bakerland Bank" and "unregistered account" from the "fool" mouth, and directly presented them on the sheepskin in front of them.

-- Last Wednesday, when troubleshooting the red chimney house, Klein took time to go to the Tingen branch of Beckland Bank, and disguisedly opened an unregistered account.

This account only needs to remember the account number and give the corresponding ciphertext to take out the balance at all branches of Beckland Bank.

If the account holder feels that this method is not enough insurance, it is also more troublesome to attach a signature to the fingerprint.

For the sake of confidentiality, Klein did not set it up in order to hide his identity. He only left a group of ciphertexts.

This group of ciphertexts is written in the ancient Hermes language. "The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the fog, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck."

Because the ancient Hermes language itself can be used for sacrifice and prayer without protection. No matter who you are, if you dare to copy this ciphertext, you will be mourning my name. Then I can receive the corresponding prompt immediately. It is normal to distinguish it on the fog, or who wants to steal my wealth! Klein was very happy with the way he came up with it.

The only drawback is that it will slightly leak the existence of "fool", but it is an acceptable category.

Audrey pushed Russell's diary to Mr. Fool, and took the parchment with the information of the other party, marked with the Beckland Bank and the corresponding unregistered account consisting of a series of numbers. .

I don't know if the "fool" is the male or the female. It is in the sequence... well, it must be very powerful, at least not worse than the "Hurricane Lieutenant" Qilingers... Audrey is difficult to contain the thoughts. .

But she quickly converges her attention and begins to remember the unregistered account.

“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome.” At this moment, she heard the low and peaceful voice of “The Fool”. “After you go home, you can write the corresponding information directly by silently writing my name.”

It's like I painted the red chimney scene of divination... The account number is very important, and I can't remember it wrong... Klein silently added two sentences in his heart.

Is this ok? Judging from the language of Mr. Fool, he is very confident... It is a big man who is close to the gods. This kind of thing can be done... Audrey stunned and immediately relieved that it is logically in line with the truth.

However, why did I have to remember the formula so hard... Audrey suddenly lost some confusion.

At this time, Klein kept the page of Russell's diary, did not rush to see, looked sideways at the "sun", calmly asked:

"What compensation do you want to get?"

Dairik seriously thought about the following:

“I haven’t had an urgent need to get it recently... I should be able to digest the singer’s potion soon, and the compensation will accumulate there, um, prepare for the corresponding sequence 8 formula, or the necessary materials.”

Sequence 8 is "Prayer", I have ... materials, even if I can get it, I don't know how to give it to you... Digestion... Silver City really has the "playing method"... um... the highest combat power there is only Is sequence 4 restricted by materials? Klein took a thoughtful look and gestured.

Audrey was also keenly aware of the word "digestion" and asked:

"Mr. Sun, have you mastered the 'playing law'?"

Dairik looked at Miss Justice with incomprehensibility and replied calmly:

“It’s not a strange thing... The general education class at Silver City is teaching ‘playing the law’.”

The general education class is teaching "playing the law"... Audrey looked at the "downside down" and found that the other party was also watching himself, and both sides fell into silence.

The origin of "Sun" is really mysterious. I don't know where Mr. "fool" pulled him into the "Tarot Club"... The more he wants to be more awesome... Audrey slowed down and looked at him. In the thick fog, there is no such thing as a fool who is surprised by the emotions.

At this time, Alger tried to "pour the man" and asked: "Mr. Sun, do you have to pay attention to the ‘playing the law’?”

“Yes.” Dairik nodded without hesitation. “Our general education class is very clear. There is only one note for ‘playing the law’. ‘Remember, you are just playing’.”

It is the same as I expected... We are in a clever way to bypass the barrier and completely disintegrate the residual spiritual influence in the potion, instead of giving it to it... "The sun", you are really a simple boy, so Was swindled important information... Klein smiled and turned his eyes to the Russell Diary in front of him.

PS: Continue to three more today, seeking referrals and monthly passes!

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