Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 162: Sunshine

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The faint light shines through the narrow window of the heights, making the darkness in the Morse church a bit more visible.

Klein's knee-high hat, legs leaning on the cane, quietly sitting on the chair in the first row on the left side of the aisle, looking at the altar in front.

There is no statue of worship, there is only a huge dark sacred emblem, its dark black is the bottom, adorned with a blush, surrounded by just half of the blushing moon.

On the wall behind the sacred emblem, one hole after another is opened, and the outside sunlight shines in, condensing into pure, miniature highlights. They are connected to the surrounding environment around the night, transforming into a noble starry sky.

Regardless of the goddess of the night, or the eternal sun, the master of the storm, all orthodox gods have not left a specific image. The worship and worship can only be their symbol... This seems to be another "not to look directly at God" A kind of performance... Klein let his thoughts diverge, and did not eagerly guard the seal "3 - 0782" alone to create the "Yangyan Charm".

He believes that such things must be cautious, must be patient, and must wait. In the first ten minutes, Leonard and Cohenley may come in at any time to remind certain precautions.

In an extremely quiet atmosphere, time flies, Klein suddenly returns to God, takes out a silver pocket watch with a vine pattern, slams open and glances.

Twenty minutes have passed... He whispered silently, placing a half-height silk hat and black silver cane next to him, and got up and walked to the relatively hidden corner near the altar.

He was facing the side of the altar first, but when he saw the huge dark sacred emblem and the sacred sight as if it were projected in the night sky, he felt inexplicably guilty and uncomfortable, so he turned to the altar.

Immediately afterwards, Klein took off the seal "3 - 0782" worn on the inside of the black tuxedo and bent over to put the dark golden plaque on the ground.

Looking at the "sun" symbol full of abstraction, Klein took out a small candle with a mix of sandalwood and placed it directly below the seal "3 - 0782".

This is the dual ritual law that he “learned” from the “eternal glory”: directly symbolizes Him with objects closely related to the gods, and represents himself with candles.

Taking a breath and easing the slightest tension, Klein took out the items needed for the ceremony one by one, including a knife, two thin gold pieces, a black sun flower, a golden sun. The "sun" essential oil, the kumquat powder, and the rosemary powder mixed with flowers and white-edged sunflowers.

After doing all this, Klein skillfully used the ritual silver plaque to guide the spiritual flow, and circled around the simple "altar" to create an invisible, sealed wall.

He squatted, put the silver plaque, extended his right hand, and lit the candle that symbolized himself with spiritual friction.

In the swaying and dim light, Klein picked up the "sun" essential oil and dropped a drop of candlelight.

Take a moment, the illusory fog spreads with a hint of sunshine.

After burning the powder of the kumquat and rosemary, Klein took the knife and the gold piece, stood up, took a step back and mourned in the ancient Hermes language:

"The blood of the eternal sun."

"You are the light of indestruction, the embodiment of order, the **** of contract, the guardian of business."


The eternal light, the order incarnation, the **** of contract, and the guardian of business are all part of the name of “eternal glory”. If there is no prefix of “the blood of eternal blazing sun”, the ritual must receive the response of the gods to continue. In that case, Klein suspects that "eternal glory" will recognize himself as the disrespectful who looks directly at Him. At that time, Leonard and Cohenli will only see a pile of black ashes.

Moreover, the ritual must use the ancient Hermes language, a ritual language directly derived from nature. Only the unprotected but outstanding effect can make the mantra bypass the "eternal blaze" and point to the "variant sun sacred emblem".

At the same time, because it is stealing the power of the gods, Klein can't advance the divination in advance. He thinks that it will make him face the **** again, so he can only hang a heart and carefully read the follow-up mantra. :

"I pray to you;"

"Pray for you to give me strength;"

"Give me the power to complete the Yangyan spell."

"The blood of the eternal sun, please pass your power to my spell..."

"Vanilla, a herb belonging to the sun, please pass your strength to my spell..."


As the spell came to an end, Klein suddenly felt something in front of him lit up.

The dark golden quaint coat of arms bursts with blazing light, like the sun that descended on the earth.

Klein was caught in extreme heat and his hair was hot and hot and seemed to be burning.

His feet seemed to be naked and stepped on the yellow sand after the midday sun, and the face and body were washed and polished again and again by the gale that was blown in all directions.

At this moment, he felt that he had to do something to guide and spur the burning power. Otherwise, he would become a human candle.

Almost no need to think, Klein raised his hands, in the case of hot porridge, relying on the cooperation of spirituality and gale, following the instinctive memory and the guidance of the ritual, began to use the knife to draw the symbol on both sides of the gold piece. Symbols, corresponding spiritual numbers, magical signs, and ancient mantras.

Outside the church, Leonard was standing in the shadows, avoiding direct shooting in the afternoon.

Suddenly, he found that the sun was violent, just like the hottest days of early July.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky. He saw that the blue "curtain" had no trace of clouds, no dust, and it was amazing.

"Strange weather." On the other side, Cohenli also noticed the change of the sun.

Leonard was waiting for a low smile, and suddenly turned his side to the side.

His brows wrinkled slightly and looked at the church as he looked.

"Fortunately, Rosanne is not here, otherwise she will complain that the sun has sunburned her skin." Leonard regained his gaze and said with a smile.

The blazing sun only dimmed for a few minutes, and everything returned to its original state.

Inside the church, Klein’s knife was falling to the last stroke.

With the completion of the magical symbol symbolizing "light", the spirituality of the front and back of the gold piece is connected to the whole and introverted to the innermost part of the metal.

No, this is closer to the divinity... Kline finally got rid of the hot and hot, and soberly examined the two "yangyan spells" in the palm of his hand.

The golden color of their surface has become dim, the pattern is simple and complex, and the feeling of warmth and moistness is oozing out a little and infiltrating Klein's skin.

"Yes, I have a more powerful card," Klein exclaimed silently.

The opening spell he set for the "Yangyan Charm" is the "light" in the ancient Hermes language.

I want light, there is light... He ridiculed himself and put the "Yangyan Charm" into another pocket. He didn't put it together with the "Silence", "Soul" and "Dream" spells, because that would be after The impact is affected, and the time limit for their effects to be maintained is reduced.

"Well, the power of the 'Yangyan Charm' can be saved for at least a year, or even longer." Klein converged his thoughts and looked at the "variant sun's emblem" on the ground.

Seeing that there is no change in its surface, the feeling of warmth and purity is still assimilated around, and Klein is completely relieved, and the finish of the ceremony is completed quickly, and the spiritual wall is lifted.

It wasn't until this time that he had the heart to check himself and found that his shirt was almost soaked, his face was sweaty and his hair was slightly curled.

Fortunately, fortunately... Klein gratified, collected the items, returned to the original seat, tired to sit and slept, until he was awakened by footsteps.

He slammed his eyes open and subconsciously touched the "Yangyan Charm" to see if it still exists.

"Your state is not too good?" asked Leonard, who entered the church.

Klein licked the foreheads and raised his face and smiled:

"Because it is approaching the limit."

He took out the silver pocket watch and glanced at it and said: "Exactly, it is your turn to guard the seal ‘3—0782’.”

When the voice did not fall, Klein took off the "variation of the sun's emblem" and handed it to Leonard.

After watching him walk out of the church, Leonard converges on the gesture of hanging Lang Lang, focusing on and carefully examining the seal "3 - 0782", the expression gradually becomes confused, revealing obvious confusion.

After the turn of the guards, the three nights on the road set foot on the way back.

Prior to this, they allowed the Smyr priest to pay attention to the situation of the town. Once there were any suspected haunted things, they immediately took a telegram to the Church of St. Serena.

At 7:20 in the evening, they finally arrived at Zouteland Street and handed in the seal "3 - 0782".

After confirming that the captain did not find an abnormality, Klein happily left the Black Thorns Security Company and rushed home before 8:00.

He took out the key, opened the door, and suddenly saw a strange figure.

This is a girl who is obviously less than twenty, wearing a gray-white old dress and trying to wipe the restaurant.

She is black and brown, her eyes are small, her nose is not quite strong, and her facial features are very common.

Who? Klein was a glimpse, and immediately understood that this might be a miscellaneous maid who tried to do housework.

At this time, Banson lowered the newspaper and looked at his brother. He smiled and said:

“Companies that don’t let employees get off work on time are always disgusting.”

"But the salary it gives can heal this trauma." Klein responded with a smile.

When Miss Justice’s 300 pounds arrived, she told Benson and Melissa that she would raise her salary to £6 a week, so that they don’t have to worry too much about family finances... Klein wants to rely on his cane. Put on the top hat, go to the living room, press down the voice:

"You have chosen?"

He used the information of the three miscellaneous maids to divinate him yesterday and got the conclusion that he was fit, so he gave the right to decide to his brother and sister.

"Yes, Bella, weekly salary 5 Sule, very willing and able to learn cooking, she hopes to become a female chef in the future, so her weekly salary will double, her father is the Tingen Iron and Steel Joint Factory Workers, the mother is a laundry woman." Benson smirked and replied, "Of course, another reason for me and Melissa to make a decision is that the other two maids believe in the Lord of the Storm, only she is a believer in the goddess. I personally do not exclude the main believers of the storm, but Melissa does not like it."

Melissa’s attitude is not disliked. The more accurate description is to mourn its misfortune, anger and not to fight, right, Lu Xun said! Klein recalled her sister's performance all the time, with a smile on her face.

Banson didn't say more, put down the newspaper and stood up:

"Since you are back, let's have dinner."


The next day, Klein entered the Blackthorn Security Company very well.

"Good morning." Luo Shan looked around. "Old Neil is sick. How about we go to visit him at noon?"

"Is Old Neil sick?" Klein asked in a strange way.

Wouldn't it be a ritual that caused diarrhea to cause serious constipation?

Well, from his vague understanding of the performance of the "playing the law", it is possible to suddenly get sick... When you are older, your spirit is weak, and your body will probably follow the situation...

Roshan nodded hard:

"Yes, he found someone to ask the captain for leave."

Klein sighed slightly: "Then we went to visit him at noon. Oh, it’s very old. Neil is also very pitiful. His wife passed away early. The child doesn’t know which city is busy. After being sick, he can only be alone and helpless. Lying in the house."

He is reminiscent of the first trip to the home of Neil.

When I heard Klein’s sigh, Rosanne’s eyes widened and he asked:

"When did Neil get married?"

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