Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 164: Poor

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The color of the blood reflected the eyes of Klein, which reflected his almost solid vision.

At this moment, the sound of a light cough suddenly came out of the house, and the old Neil hoared and said:

"Dun, what are you doing?"

Dunn’s ashes were so deep that he replied with a mellow voice:

"I heard that you are ill, let's visit you."

The room became quiet, and after a few seconds, Old Neil screamed in anger and fear:

"No! You are lying!"

Not waiting for Klein and others to open his mouth, his tone became weak:

"Yes, I know that my status is a bit wrong."

Old Neil... Klein closed his eyes sharply, and the blood leaking from the cracks did not stop.

Followed by, the old Neil pulled up the voice:

"But always, I haven't hurt anyone, and I don't want to hurt anyone in the past! I don't have it. I didn't sell the important secrets of the night-timers. I have the most, at most, the reimbursement of expenses that should not be reimbursed. I really didn't do it. Too bad!"

"Kline." He suddenly shouted as usual. "I told you that the mystery of the peek is 'do whatever you want, but don't hurt'. I always insist on this sentence, prefer to be patient, prefer to wait, and not Do things that hurt others..."

Having said that, he begged in fear:

"Dun, Luo Yao, Klein, go back, go back, wait for tomorrow, wait for tomorrow, I will be back to normal, I swear, swear to the goddess, I will not hurt others, really!"

Dunn closed his eyes and asked softly: "What do you want to do? What have you been trying?"

"I?" Old Neal was stunned first, then filled with sly words, "I am trying to resurrect Salisbury, Dunn, I have found a way, I am on the right path!"

"You should have heard that I made a mistake when I held the ritual magic. I failed to cure her disease and failed to save her. I know that this is because my occultism is not good enough, but now I have enough knowledge and experience to accomplish that! It’s a pity that I didn’t get the inspiration from the esoteric and the case of Dai Li, and missed the best chance, if I was The high sequence is strong, things will become very easy." Talking, Daniel took a few minutes of crying. "No, I can't give up anymore... Dunn, go back, go back, I beg You are."

Klein clenched his teeth and heard the captain’s voice swaying slightly:

"How are you going to resurrect Salisbury?"

Old Neil became excited:

"I will use a 'life refining' approach to prepare a body that will not age for her, Dunn, maybe you don't know, the sequence 4 of the Mother Earth Church is good at 'life refining', 'common people The corresponding sequence of the 'pathway can barely be done, um, I will use the gift of the gods to complete."

"Then, I will summon her soul from the spiritual world and pray for the help of the gods to reunite the spirit and the flesh."

“Is it a great idea?”

Dunn forced the upper corner of the mouth:

"Yes, great idea. Old Neil, let's go in, maybe we can help you."

"...Dun, are you still unwilling to let me go?" Old Neil pleaded and said, "Go back, go back, I will be back to normal tomorrow, really, Dunn, I swear, won't Then steal your coffee beans, Klein, Luo Yao, I swear, will not let you cooperate with my reimbursement of the cost, really!"

In the vague vision of Klein and Lorraine, Dunn lowered his head and immediately raised his head: "Old Neil, you misunderstood, we are coming to visit you, you are our companion, you are sick, The situation is not right, we will definitely visit you, open the door, let us take a look, let us rest assured, as long as you really have no big problems, we will go back immediately, you know, the recent tasks are particularly many, we have to monitor The madhouse, on the one hand, has to deal with various emergencies."

Old Neil hesitated:

"I really don't have a big problem, really, I can recover tomorrow."

The blood red water oozing from the gap in the main entrance along the steps, flowed to the stone road and flowed into the garden soil.

"Old Neil, have we known for 15 years? The task of partnering doesn't know how many times, I care about you very much, I am worried about you, you have to look at it with your own eyes to be assured." Dunn said with a voice.

"...that's okay," old Neil muttered. "I really have no problem."

With a bang, the main entrance slowly opened, and Klein quickly raised his hand and wiped his eyes, so that his eyes returned to normal.

Then he saw the carpet in the foyer covered with bloody, viscous, long-haired liquid.

Looking forward and moving up, he found that the floor, ceiling, round table, piano and chair of the living room were all disgusting, sticky, bloody, dense, black short-haired liquid.

Old Neil's white head hangs in the air, connected to the ceiling through thick mucus, and a pair of eyes, indifferent, eyelashes-free eyes, respectively, on the forehead and cheeks.

The keys of the piano jumped on their own, playing a beautiful and melodious melody.

"Dun, you see, I really don't have a big problem." Daniel said with a smile, "Luo Yao, Klein, you think so, right!"

He opened his mouth and Klein saw a thick, bloody, black short-haired liquid flowing inside.

Dunn’s ashes flashed a bit and seemed to chat casually:

"Old Neil, where did you learn from the "Life Refining" and the "Resurrection Ceremony"?"

Old Neil replied excitedly:

"I heard, I tried the previous part, it is true! This is the gift of the gods. He keeps telling in my ear, describing that He is, He is..."

Old Neil’s voice was stuck, and after a dozen seconds, he said with sorrow and fear:

"He is hiding the sage..."

Hidden sage? Isn't that the non-personalized **** believed in the Morse martyrdom? And this god, who later lived, brought evil and degeneration... The Morse martyrdom mastered the complete sequence of "sneak peeks"... Kline’s heart moved and thought of a lot.

Referring to the "hidden sage", Old Neal seems to have finally woke up, looking around and staring at everything.

In the unspeakable silence, his six eyes looked at Dunn at the same time, and he smiled and said:

"It turns out that I have become a monster..."

Not waiting for Dunn to answer, the old Neil suddenly showed a flustered, pleasing, fearful, timid smile:

"Let me leave, I will go into the mountains, no longer appear, I will not hurt anyone, I will only try my ritual quietly, really, let me go, please, please."

At this moment, Klein only felt that something illusory had broken in front of him.

Then, the four cold, lash-free eyes of the old Neil flashed through the dark light, firmly locked in Dunn, and his expression became indifferent:

"You are pulling me into a dream!"

"No, no use! My eyes can see through it all!"

The **** viscous liquid filled with ceilings, floors and walls began to wriggle, just like a giant opened his mouth and tried to swallow all of Klein and others, and the head of the old Neil became blurred, like a phantom Superimposed.

Klein did not panic out of the revolver, but instead ran his hand to the pocket and intended to use the "Sleep Charm."

Suddenly, he saw that everything calmed down again. The bloody, viscous, long, dense, black, short-haired liquid was as peaceful as a lake without wind.

Old Neil lost his expression of indifference, coldness, hatred, eagerness, and became quiet.

I don't know when, Dunn has already thrown out the seal "3-0611" and threw it into the **** viscous liquid.

The eyes of the old Neil's forehead and the four eyes without lashes on his cheeks slowly closed, seemingly lacking the desire to open.

Any creature that is unprotected and exposed to "quiet hair" will become quiet and lose all power until the end of life!

Dunn, Klein, and Luo Yaoqi pulled out their guns and aimed at each other's head.

At this time, the old Neil's face showed an expression of extreme fear and struggling, and the strong desire for survival actually slightly defeated the influence of the seal "3 - 0611".

The four extra eyes disappeared, the wrinkles in his eyes and mouth were so deep, the hair was so white, and the dark red eyes were slightly muddy, like when Klein first saw him. .

"Dun, do you remember that I saved you..."

"Luo Yao, do you remember that I helped you save your family's life..."

"Klein, do you remember that I teach you esoterics every day? Remember how we discussed how to reimburse expenses? Remember that I grind coffee for you? Remember how we deal with out-of-control punitives? ”


An illusory pleading rushed into Klein's ear, causing him to hold the revolver's right hand with a noticeable trembling, making him feel that the trigger was so hard to pull.

boom! boom!

Two silver hunting devil bullets flew out and plunged into the head of the old Neil.

Klein saw the unusually familiar face showing a desperate look and saw his skull smashed open, seeing blood red and milky white splashing out in all directions.

The thick, **** liquid around it began to shrink, and quietly returned to the head of the old Neil who fell to the ground. Dunn and Luo Yao simultaneously lowered their guns and fell silent.

Klein looked at it all silently, watching the old Neil's "corpse" eventually turned into a splendid flesh and blood, and saw a pair of painful, dark red, crystal-like eyes in the flesh and blood.

He only felt that it was more like a dream, and he couldn't believe that it happened. It ended.

He looked at Dane two steps in a silent and silent way, and saw the captain's slightly sloppy back.

Dunn, wearing a black trench coat, looked at the "corpse" of the old Neil in front of him and said quietly to himself:

"We are guardians, and we are a group of poor people who are always fighting against danger and madness."

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