Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 181: Different states

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Back in the bedroom, Klein took the unresolved spiritual wall and skillfully took out a candle mixed with sandalwood and placed it in the middle of the desk.

Then, according to the process, he used spirituality to ignite the candlelight, sprinkled with the essential oils, pure dew and herbal powders that symbolize good luck and mystery, and saw the swaying flames repeat the dim and bright state, smelling a quiet and leisurely fragrance.

Klein stepped back two steps, looking at the candles on the table, shouting out loudly in the giant language:


With a slight pause, he changed the Hermes language:

"I summon in my name:"

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the fog, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck."

In an instant, the swaying dim candlelight and the quiet and leisurely scent intertwined into an illusory vortex, madly absorbing the spiritual vortex.

When Klein mourned the mantra, the vortex stabilized into a gray circle of palm-sized size.

After examining a few eyes, Klein, who had no doubts, stepped back four steps and returned to the fog. He did not accidentally see his high-backed chair swaying around the circle of light, set off by the part. The quirky symbols of the "Innocent Eyes" and some "Twisted Lines" are exceptionally different.

He took a breath, stabilized the mind with meditation, and reached out to touch the target.

Almost at the same time, he heard the summoning mantra he had just mourned, and saw the rushing spirituality and the ray-like light pattern stretched out an illusory door.

Compared with the previous time, this door is completely shaped and covered with mysterious patterns!

These patterns are connected in a central position to the quirky symbols behind the high chair of the "Folly", a quirky symbol made up of some "innocent eyes" and some "twisted lines"!

Looking at the illusory door that is shaking and waiting to open, Klein is concentrating on the spirit and giving a strong driving idea.

Between the silent and the silent, the never-changing gray mist and the majestic ancient palace seem to have been thrown into the stone lake, creating a circle of laps and rushing toward the "gate of summoning".

The heavy friction sounded loudly, and the illusory, strange door slammed open a gap. Through it, you can see the world behind the dark and deep to the extreme. There are countless transparent shadows that are difficult to describe the form, one after another. Different colors, bright and brilliance with endless knowledge.

At this moment, Klein only felt that the suction was unimaginable and unmatched, and the whole person could not help but cast it.

I go! Do not give room for consideration? He just emerged with a horrified thought, and the figure penetrated the gap and disappeared into the secluded back of the door.

The extreme dizziness of the "head" and the snoring of the madness gradually subsided, and Klein finally recovered his self-awareness.

He saw a young man in an old shirt, black-haired brown, and ordinary facial features. The other side was medium-sized, but his body was thin but it seemed to contain a lot of strength. His body was obviously not sullen.

... Is this not my own? Klein is no stranger to such a scene, and he encounters similar things when he looks at his clothes in the mirror every day.

He nodded invisibly, looked around invisibly, saw his bed with white sheets, saw a coat rack with a half-high silk hat, a tuxedo suit and a black thin trench coat, and saw the pendulum There were a lot of books on the shelf, and I saw a desk that was clean and only had one candle left, and saw a candlelight with a faint glow.

And now he is floating in front of the gray circle of the palm of his hand.

So, did I really "call" myself? It is similar to the effect of the soul from the body... but it seems to be a little different... Klein looked at the flesh that belongs to him in front of him, and looked at the eyes of the "he" who was in a state of daze, and fell into meditation.

However, he finally determined one thing, that is, only the soul that is above the fog, that is, the spiritual body in the mystery, the external manifestation is the star spirit.

No wonder I can directly see the surface of the "spiritual", "upside down" and "sun" stars on the fog to determine if they belong to the extraordinary and roughly judge their sequence... well, my body It seems to have been protected, from the protection of the ritual force, can stand so steady, without losing balance, falling to the ground... Miss "Justice" they should be almost the same... Klein slowly adapted to the current situation and started Examine the respective states of the body and soul.

He regained his gaze and tried to drive his own spirit that blended with some mysterious space power.


The slightly cold wind blew up and squatted in the bedroom. Klein delighted in the taste of the flight, round and round.

"In the same city, I can also play a "message"... I don't know if I can carry real things..." He controlled his emotions, stopped, floated in the air, and experimented with other abilities.

He grabbed the notebook on the shelf, the palm of his hand was worn, and he wore it back, nowhere to work.

"It's a little sticky, it's different from penetrating the air... Maybe I'm stronger, or I can shake the power of the mysterious space above the fog, maybe I can do it..." Klein tried again. Separate paper, but still can't be grabbed.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, he flew to the coat rack, and the transparent and fuzzy hand was plunged into the black trench coat pocket, and touched the "Sleep Charm" and "An Soul Charm" that were successfully reimbursed for reimbursement.

This is an item that is mixed with his own spirituality. In the mysterious category, there is a certain difference from the ordinary reality. Therefore, Klein wants to try to carry them.

His palm passed again, but he clearly felt the existence of the spell and felt the spiritual blend, but his "power" was not big enough to pick up the spell. Of course, you can also change the argument, that is, the spirituality of the spell. Not strong enough to have a strong resonance with his current state of existence.

"The spirit is not strong enough..." Klein thoughtfully turned to another pocket, where there was a "yangyan spell" made by stealing the power of the gods and mixing himself with spirituality.

The feeling of warmth spread quickly throughout his body, making his form more stable and his thoughts clearer.

The thin piece of gold was taken up by him, and the pocket was taken out, and in the newly added mirror in the room, the spell was floating out of itself, as described in many ghost stories.

"I can carry a Yangyan spell, but I can also use the spiritual voice directly... Well, I have a certain strength in this state..." Kline flew into the mirror and stopped in front, seeing only a thin gold inside. The film is presented, in addition to the furniture that is facing and the dim caused by the closing of the curtains.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he put the "Yangyan Charm" on the bed, and he returned to the mirror before he tried to try to get in.

In front of him, Kline’s perspective changed suddenly. He saw all the pictures in the mirror and saw something blurred in the dark environment, which made him feel that he was hiding in a hidden corner, peeping. A small half room.

I can really enter the mirror, but this is just an ordinary item, not leading to a mysterious and strange world... Klein nodded slightly, rushed forward and returned to the room.

The success of the "Yangyan Charm" gave him great confidence, so he tried to grab another item.

That is the copper whistle from Azick!

Just touching this ancient and exquisite item, Klein felt that his spirituality was expanding and being cold.

Teng, his illusory eyes turned into a burning flame, a deep black flame.

"It seems to be a little stronger, the state is closer to the grievances, but there is no such strong resentment..." The spirit of Klein's precipitation reflects his current appearance.

This is the ability to belong to the "clown".

"Mr. Azick's copper whistle is magical." He nodded and found himself able to pick up a certain amount of paper. "Sleep spells" and so on are no doubt possible.

It is a pity that the ritual silver plaque can carry, but the revolver is too heavy to grasp... Klein ended his attempt in this area and turned to the current state of ability to cast spells.

After careful experimentation, he determined that he was "summoned" to have two kinds of spell-like abilities. One was to directly shock the soul of the target with invisible cockroaches, and the other was to create a similar effect of freezing through contact.

Satisfied to stop, Klein turned his eyes to the outside of the belly window, and turned to the sun and the streets covered by the curtain.

"I don't know the current state, can I be active during the day..." He snorted and floated to the window.

Then, Klein carefully pulled the curtain to make it reveal a gap, let a little sunlight penetrate the spiritual wall and shine into the bedroom.

In this bright sunshine, Klein found that his spirit was simmering in the dark mist, and the power faded a little.

He quickly let go, let the curtain cover the light again.

"No..." Klein pondered for a moment and looked at the "Yangyan Charm" placed on the bed.

If there is a blessing of the blood power of "eternal yang", will it get a different effect? He floated to the bed and tried to grab the thin piece of gold.

However, when he just touched the target, the feeling of warmth and purity was in conflict with his own chilling spirituality, just as water and fire could not coexist.


He lost the gold piece in his palm like a burn.

Mr. Azick’s copper whistle and “Yangyan Charm” cannot exist in my spirit at the same time... Klein has clearly set the copper whistle, letting his spirituality shrink and let the black flame of the eye socket go out.

In this state, my two spell-like abilities have weakened... After some experimentation, Klein grabbed the "Yangyan Charm" and once again felt the firmness and warm baptism of the spirit.

He went back to the window and carefully opened the curtain to the curtain.

The sun shone in and shone on him, only warm, no harm.

"Not bad..." Klein showed a heartfelt smile, penetrated the spiritual wall, and flew out of the house carefully, intending to do more experiments.

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