Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 185: Mind world

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Wait for the cake? This is really beyond my imaginary answer... No, if I can guess the answer of the mental patient, wouldn’t it mean that I am almost the same... The thoughts in my mind flashed, and Klein kept a leisurely smile, just like a friend. Just ask like a chat:

"Who wants to send you a cake?"

Hood Eugen’s expression was smashed, and his cheeks became thicker and thinner, crying and saying:

"No, no cake... no cake!"

"You stole my cake!"

His voice was high and his eyes were glaring at Klein.

Without waiting for Klein to figure out how to answer, he slammed his mouth and opened his mouth, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Followed by him, he jumped out of the bed and stepped closer to Klein, stepping forward with his hands, trying to grab the other's shoulders, then dragging the target to the front and biting it down.

In the face of this sudden attack, Klein was slightly confused, but responded in time. He bent his knees in an instant and squatted halfway. At the same time, he turned his waist and lifted his left arm.


He hit an elbow on the abdomen of Hood Eugen, hitting the other side with white eyes and leaving more saliva in his mouth.

However, Hood Eugen did not stop moving, he fell down and opened his arms, to hold the target.

Klein's body was turned and rolled out to the side, familiar as if he had practiced hundreds of times.

He supported his right hand and stood up in the back. He planned to turn to attack and swoop up to subdue his opponent.

It was at this time that he saw Hood Eugen stupidly standing there, his eyes losing focus, empty and stunned.

Klein snorted and immediately looked sideways at the corner. He saw Dunn Smith wearing a black trench coat and a silk hat. He held his hands and buried his head.

The captain dragged Hood Eugen into the dream... He took the action in a dazed manner, seized the opportunity, and took out the ritual silver plaque that could not hurt anyone. He used it to create a spiritual wall and blocked the order. Human ward.

Then, Klein pulled out three candles filled with mint and placed them on the window sill in an inverted triangle. One symbolizes the goddess of the night, one symbolizes the hidden mother, and one represents herself.

Not long after, he arranged a simple altar and lit all the candles with spiritual friction.

Just as he had to turn back to remind the captain, Dunn had already raised his head and smiled low:

"Hood Eugen's dream is in chaos, there is no way to induce."

His voice has not fallen, and Hood Eugen’s eyes are reunited and no longer empty.

Then, the mad "psychologist" leaned back and yawned comfortably.

... Klein didn't know what to say for a moment, so he said nothing, picked up the metal vial with "Amanda" pure dew.

He drenched the night vanilla, deep sleep flower, chamomile mixed and extracted transparent liquid into the flame of the candle representing himself, letting the quiet and quiet fragrance instantly emanate and pervade every corner of the room.

Hood Eugen's sense of tension, anger and comfort disappeared. He lazily sat back to the bed, and looked at the blushing moon outside the window, his eyes lost their focus again, and they were peaceful.

Klein also felt the transcendentality of the dead of night. He put down the "Amanda" pure dew and sat down beside Hood Eugen, planning to find something to get the other party to remove the final defense.

Only in this way can he use the "eye of the eye" potion to let Hood Eugen's spirit enter the embarrassing state a little bit.

After all, I was just an unprofessional "psychic"... He thought about it beforehand and took out a tarot card from his pocket.

This deck has only 22 main cards. The reason is that it is easy to carry. It is the "weapon" that Klein successfully applied for.

Each of it is inlaid with sterling silver and other wires that can harm the dead spirits. The pattern is complex and gorgeous, so that Klein only wants to collect and does not want to deal with the enemy.

Klein cut the card with one hand and smiled at Hood Eugen:

"Let's play cards."

"Playing cards?" Hood Eugen took his eyes off the window and repeated the word in confusion.

Klein didn't answer, and put the tarot card into his hands with a good intention to refuse.

Hood Eugen imitated what he had just done, and cut the cards with one hand and successfully completed.

The psychiatric patient in this extraordinary person slowly turned his attention to the card with excellent hardness and elasticity and excellent texture, and opened the most superficial one:

A tattered man was tied to his hands and hung up. His head was in a vague ring.

Upside down... Klein looked down thoughtfully, took the opportunity to get up, took the "Eye of the Eyes" potion, and dripped the amber liquid to the candlelight - still the one that represented his own.

The spirits of the ethereal and ethereal are filled out, and people only smell it, and they feel drunk.

Hood Eugen’s expression was a little bit sloppy, his eyes lost his focus, and the tarot cards in his hands slipped onto the bed one by one.

But he still sat steadily, not soft.

Klein relied on "meditation" to resist the effect of making his body and soul lighter, fluttering, and stunned. Pull out another metal vial from his pocket, spin it open, and put the blue liquid inside. I poured it into my mouth.

"Quiet Pharmacy"!

The cold liquid flows through the mouth, across the esophagus, into the stomach, and Klein instantly becomes sober, and there is no slight embarrassment.

He slowly vomited and skillfully picked up the other essential oils and herbal powders and dripped them into the two candlelights that symbolize the goddess of the night.

In the thin mist, he stepped back two steps, solemnly and seriously using the Hermes language to whisper:

"I pray for the power of the night;"

"I pray for hidden power;"

"I pray for the goddess' care."

"I pray that you will let me and Hood Eugen, the spiritual communication with the extraordinary person around me."


A strip of mantra reverberated, and Klein saw the "black" in the candlelight that was stained with darkness.

He did not evade, did not resist, let this deep "night" enveloped himself.

In an abnormally awake state, he felt that his spirit was separated from the protection of the flesh and entered the void like the depths of the universe. It was surrounded by the ultimate darkness without sound and sound, while the sky above the head was full of hard-to-describe features. The transparent shadow is a bright and brilliance of different colors and countless knowledge.

The spirit world... Klein is no longer strange to this.

When he thought of it, he saw a sly, a world surrounded by a twilight storm.

Klein knew that this represented the spirit of Hood Eugen, representing his "mental body," and then moved closer to the "storm" that served as a wall.

In the twinkling of an eye, he saw countless glimmers slap on himself, hearing thousands of tens of thousands of people whispering about a slang like something.

This proverb is very confusing and illogical. The moment I was still praising the elegance of the beauty, the moment I was talking about the smoothness of the toilet, I was crying the moment before, and I started to carnival the next moment...

The crazy thinking storm "pulled the bite" in the spirit of Klein, wanting to assimilate him, but Klein kept the absolute sobriety and reason, and quickly flew inside the "spiritual world" of Hood Eugen.

Compared with the horrible slang and terrible scorpion that I entered before the mysterious space above the fog, it was like a beautiful concert... Klein gave a sneer, penetrated the storm, saw the sly, transparent and fuzzy Hood Eugen.

The "psychologist" of the sequence 7 kept the appearance of the outside world, and his eyes looked at him.

Klein stopped in front of him and whispered:

"Do you know Llanus?"

Hood Eugen replied dumbly:


The light and shadow around it changed, as if Hood Eugen opened up the "heart of the sea."

Soon, the staggered light and shadow portrayed a young, dark-faced, black-eyed young man with a round face and a smirk at the corner of his mouth. It was the Llane that Klein had seen in the wanted order. Us.

Klein was nodded with satisfaction, stabilized his mood, and asked in a tone of inducement:

"Why did Llanus come to you?"

"He said..." Hood Eugen's voice is getting lower.

Suddenly, he changed his voice to a magnetic voice, and smiled slightly:

"Hood Eugen, this is the worst era and the best era. As long as we can seize the opportunity, we can become the masters of the world and become true immortals!"

"As long as you help, I will not only tell you how to master the potion power, avoid the loss of control, but also promise to get you a little divine, immortal deity in the future!"

"You should see that there is a presence behind me. My promise is his promise, and psychological alchemy will have a certain relationship with Him in a certain sense."

"Don't doubt that the psychological alchemy is not strong enough to provide you with enough help unless you are willing to stay in the present position forever."

Mastering the power of potions and avoiding out of control... How can I use the "playing the law" to seduce the feelings of others... Lalhous is really ambitious, and it is only after the sequence 8 that he began to worry about the divine things... What secrets exist behind him... This guy seems to be planning something, not just to swindle money... or, is it just his hobby to swindle money? Klein heard a lot of thoughts and saw Hood. Eugen stopped talking and asked:

"What kind of help does Lalhous want you to provide?"

Hood Eugen did not answer immediately, and the entire "spiritual world" was quiet.

Then he laughed and replied very confusedly:

"Help... help... help!"

"Ha ha ha, I have provided help! I have provided help!"

"I allow……"

At this moment, his words stopped abruptly, and the entire vague spirit was bent. The light and shadows around the "spiritual sea" flew around, and a gloomy, terrible, dark altar was condensed.

Above the altar, there is a cross, what seems to be hanging up on the cross, and the bottom is filled with ambiguous things.

Light and shadow creep, the things that are hanging up will be clear, and the whole "spiritual world" will shake like a ten-level earthquake.

I am jealous! Klein pretended to be in danger of erupting, and when he didn't even think about it, he turned and flew into a cluttered thinking storm, trying to escape.

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