Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 193: Come to an end

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The news about Qieringus is not long, that is, it clarifies the time, place, people and results. The shorter the content, the bigger the matter.

What happened to the capital Beckland at 8 or 9 last night, the newspaper in Tingen City disclosed this morning that the speed of information exchange in the world is not too slow. This is the outstanding contribution of Russell the Great... well, It must have been that the aristocrats and parliamentarians who attended the ball leaked the news to some well-received journalists, and some of them used telegraphs to send this sensational news back to their newspaper headquarters in other cities in other counties... ...

The morning papers are usually typeset at night, printed in the middle of the night, issued in the morning, just in time for urgent adjustments, timely publication...

According to this news, today's "Tingen Morning News" can sell at least a thousand copies. This is still only the case of calculating the urban area of ​​this city...

Klein thoughts divergently, and his heart settled down:

"Since ‘Hurricane Lieutenant’ Kiringes died, it means that even if Mr. Azke is injured, it will not be too serious...”

"If it is more serious, he will definitely be caught by the custodians who are rushed or the extraordinary bodyguards of the Duke of Nigan, and in such an urgent situation, Miss 'Justice' and 'Inverted Man' will inevitably find out Every opportunity to report to me, the latter did not happen to prove that things are under control..."

"Well, if Mr. Azick did not reply to me before the early morning of this morning, or Mrs. 'Justice' and Mr. 'Hanging Man' did not pray to me, I will blow the copper whistle again, summon the messenger, send a letter to ask... ..."

Relaxing, Kline's attention was removed from the newspaper and he looked around the public carriage.

Most of the people who have money to take such vehicles know the words. They have just been affected by the "outside". Many people have purchased the "Tingen Morning News". Some of the people they know today are whispering:

"A long time ago, the king of pirates and the generals were jeopardizing the route. In addition to facing the fleet of various countries, they would retreat and not put the armed merchant ship in their eyes... although Qilingus was listed as the seven pirate generals. Not more than a decade, but it was the first big pirate to be killed by the government..."

"Frankly speaking, I am very curious, what did he do to Beckland? When the pirates left the ocean, death is something that can be foreseen."

"I hope that there will be more detailed reports in the future."

"The storm is on, I want to know now which bodyguard of the Duke of Nigan is killed by Zilingers, and his bounty is 10,000 pounds!"

"10,000 pounds... If there is 10,000 pounds, I will immediately resign, buy two or three small and medium-sized plantations, invest in stocks of colonial companies and railway companies, and enjoy the benefits every year..."

"This is just a reward for the kingdom. Intis, Fossack, Fenetport, and some commercial organizations have a reward for the "Hurricane Lieutenant" Kiringes. I am eager to have a newspaper that can reward them. The amounts are all listed."

10,000 pounds? Klein heard a sigh.

He has already earned a generous salary, and he must not eat or drink for nearly 20 years to get so much money...

I knew it early... I can't, I can't get a reward... I lost some newspapers and looked out the window of the carriage.

At this point, he finally confirmed that the "Hurricane Lieutenant" Qi Lingues had come to an end, leaving only some finishing work, such as the Russell Diary that will be paid by the "downside man".


Beckland, Joewood District.

Folswall and Hugh Dilcha, wearing silk hats, walked on the street to the nearest Bhaut Bank branch.

"The money is always unknowingly gone." Fols lamented.

Hugh deep has the same nod:


"Fortunately, the book "Storm Mountain Villa" is more popular, and there are still remunerations entering my account. Otherwise, I can only find a clinic or hospital and re-do the doctor." Fols satisfied and worried Take a sigh of relief.

Hugh for a few seconds, carefully asked:

"Does this investigation of Willingins affect your authorship? After all, we may be targeted by the punitive and the night-watchers..."

"No, it will only be you." Fols chuckled. "It’s you who are looking for someone to go to the police station to report to you. You are sending you a letter. You are famous in the gangster circle and some streets in the Eastern District. It’s also you, and I, Firth Wall, is always the best-selling bestselling author.”

"..." I paused. "So, are you accompanying me during this time?"

Fols licked his hair and smiled low:

“Don't you think this is a very interesting experience? Um... This experience has given me a lot of creative inspiration. My next novel is to write a story caused by a sudden murderer case. ”

When I was in Hugh, I didn't know what language to use to deal with it. I could only go forward and accidentally forgot to turn and was pulled back by Fols.

Just then, they heard the shouts of the newsboy:

"Outside! No.!!" Lieutenant General Hurricane Geerings was killed in Beckland!"


what? what? Hugh and Fols looked at each other with a blank face.

By the time the newsboy was repeated and repeated several times, they only woke up.

"What? Is Qieringus dead?" Fols couldn't believe his ears.

"He is actually dead! How could he suddenly die!" He was avoiding the sinister horror of the murderous pirate.

Is this not supposed to go through a normal process? First, find clues, determine the purpose of Qilingus, then gather the strong, to ambush him, and finally the pirates are killed... As a result, the first step has not been completed, and Zilingus is dead... It’s so simple that it’s dead... Fols and Hugh, you look at me, I look at you like two marble statues.

After a few tens of seconds, I rushed to the newsboy and bought a Tassok newspaper this morning.

This is one of the three most widely distributed newspapers in the Kingdom of Lun.

"Oh... Kiringes is dead, and was killed by the Duke of Nigan's bodyguards... Goddess, the bodyguard of the Duke of Nigan is..." Hugh automatically silenced, not saying the "powerful extraordinary" behind him.

Foers looked at his friend with pity:

"You are completely convinced of the description in the newspaper..."

"Well, maybe someone else discovered the purpose of Qieringus in advance, and the cadres of the punitive, the night servant, the mechanical heart, and the military special department jointly completed a successful ambush..." Suddenly squatting, spitting With a breath, "We don't have to worry about anything anymore, we can return to normal life, but we must try to avoid the scope of the previous police station."

She glanced at Folls and asked some questions with some anxiety:

"Do you think that Miss Audrey will pay us much, in this case? I know that for her, a few hundred pounds is not too much, but we have not really completed the commission..."

"No, at least we let Qilingus take the initiative. He is eager to act and fall into ambush. It must have our contribution." Fols said with relief, "With Miss Audrey's generosity, even if not paying all The reward will be at least half."

"Hope is like this..." Hugh took a deep breath and whispered awkwardly. "I don't know who will receive the 10,000 pounds of bounty..."

"It's really embarrassing. If I have this money, I have already arrived in Sequence 7, Sequence 6, and the chances are missed again and again!" Forth also felt a moment of emotion, and finally reminded, "Hugh, we are in a short time." Don't go to Miss Audrey, wait for her to contact us. The death of Kiringus hides too many details that we don't know. It is very likely that Miss Audrey will make us in danger."

Hugh first nodded, then stunned:

"How do you know that I want to go to Queens now?"

"You guess." Fols answered with a funny smile.


After a busy morning, Klein returned to the Black Thorns Security Company and reported to Dunn Smith:

"The captain, the part of the person I was responsible for investigating with Lalhous is no problem. It is just a simple victim. It is not involved in an extraordinary incident."

Dunn’s elbows are on the desk at the same time:

"Then you will temporarily stop, wait for the other person to be responsible for the end, and then focus on the suspected few, we can not put all the manpower on this matter, we must prevent other emergencies."

"Okay." Klein was about to stand up and enjoy his lunch, and suddenly heard the knock on the door.

"Please come in." Dunn whispered openly.

The handle is turned and the door opens. Rosanne probes the brain:

"Captain, someone came to commission the mission."

Entrusted tasks... This statement is directed at the Black Thorough Security Company, not the Night Squad... So, who is mistakenly hitting us? Klein silently said to himself.

Dunn thought about it:

"You can listen to it and refuse it if you are too troublesome."

He sorted out his shirt, vest and bracelet, walked out of the office, and passed the partition, close to the sofa area of ​​the reception hall, and Klein and Rosanne followed curiously.

There are two ladies sitting on the sofa, wearing black bonnets and black dresses, no extra color.

One of them was full-bodied, with fair skin, and the face was covered with fine velvet on the hat, and the appearance was invisible.

When she saw her, Klein suddenly became familiar and felt that she had seen it.

When he was thinking about it, he heard another thin woman:

"The task we want to entrust is to track and monitor Mrs. Shelen and find evidence of her crime."

Mrs. Shelen... Klein suddenly stunned and remembered where the familiarity had come from.

The woman who did not speak was the wife of Mr. Maynard and the daughter of the new party.

She is unacceptable to her husband's death and is unwilling to admit the conclusions of the police department. So she privately seeks security companies to re-investigate?

Hey, I found us directly... Klein shook his head and smiled.

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