Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 120: stalker

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On the outskirts of the North District, the three-story building of the medical school, which was soon abandoned.

Even at three o'clock in the afternoon, the fog and stratus have made the entire Beckland dark and dark, like a heavy rainstorm is about to come.

In the run-down corridor, the cold light slanted and slanted through the window, making everything appear silent and sorrowful.

Aldrich, who has been here for the second time, is no longer as awkward and tense as before. The head with a surgical cap and a large mask is slightly turned around, habitually observing the environment and observing every detail here. .

The Viscount of Glylint walked aside, and gradually became scared, and could not help but suppress the voice:

"How do you feel a little weird here..."

"Will there be ghosts and evil spirits?"

As a occultist who only walks into the circle with half a foot, the extraordinary phenomenon that he has truly seen is only the wall and opening of the door of Forth, and it is not certain whether the shadow of the ghost is true.

But this does not prevent him from fearing similar monsters!

Folsch glanced at him sideways and held back his smile:

"Most of the parties to the party are extraordinary. If there are evil spirits and ghosts, they must be very happy. This means material or servant."

Seeing the Viscount of Glylint was obviously relieved, and she deliberately added one sentence:

"Of course, I am only talking about the weaker kind of ghost. The real shadow of the formation may make everyone here die silently. If you want to run, you can only go back and forth between the three floors. How can you get out? It's like entering the maze."

Hugh’s accreditation location is down:

"I have encountered similar grievances. I have been unable to escape after a few laps in the cemetery. In the process, someone has turned back inexplicably, and then suddenly died. If there is not an extraordinary person carrying a 'sun spell', maybe You can't see me today."

The Viscount of Greenlint shuddered and looked out the window. At this moment, there was just a broken tree branch hitting the glass under the blow of the cold wind, making a soft whistle.

Glylint almost screamed and panicked to the two extraordinary people of Forth and Hugh.

Audrey endured the smile of the mouth, quietly watching this scene, and thought in her heart:

I have seen the "fool" of the gods, the silver city that knows the land that God abandoned. I have heard of all kinds of horrible monsters in the dark, and what fears and shadows are there?

But... I really haven’t really met the ghost yet, hey! Audrey, what do you want? This kind of thing is still not to be casually better!

Unless I have become a "psychologist", have the extraordinary ability to influence other creatures, or get magical items that restrain ghost monsters...

A group of four people could not help but speed up and quickly arrived at today's meeting place.

Before entering the door, Fols found an opportunity to bend back and lean to the ear:

"You just did a good job, but you can make a story so scary."

"Look at the place where the Viscount of Glylint was not covered by a mask. It was so white that you couldn't see other colors."

Hugh twisted his head and replied abruptly:

"I didn't make a story."

"That was what I had before I came to Beckland."

"..." Fols snorted and asked, "Is that true?"

"What's so deceptive?" The incomprehensible face of Hugh's face was covered by a mask.

Fols turned his head and looked at him two steps before suddenly shaking.

At this time, Glalint, who had not wanted to stay in the horrible corridor, reached out to open the door of the meeting place.

As the voice of the scream echoed, the cement-cast ground was reflected in his eyes, and the frowning preservative taste was introduced into his nose.

Then he saw a large pool in the center filled with transparent yellowish liquid, floating one after another.

Those figures were naked, some were more complete, and some were stripped of half of the epidermis, which was tanned like a beef jerky.

These are all dead bodies!


A screaming male voice echoed in the room.

A glimpse of the eye was followed by Glenlint.

These gaze came from the white coats around the pool. They also wore surgical caps and large masks, only eyes and a few skins exposed.

Glylint’s body swayed, and he just wanted to turn his head and ran, but he saw Audrey, Fols and Hugh’s nothing going over him, and walked in, not like a companion who came here together. .

Taking a breath, Glylint almost nausea.

He looked back, only to see the corridors dark and cold, shadows, and could not see half a living person.

Another chill, Glylint was busy stepping up, catching up with Audrey and others, and found a place farthest from the pool to sit down.

After a few minutes, a white scorpion figure appeared, using a wooden pole with a hook next to the pool, pulling a corpse to the side, and directly to get the other side to the concrete floor.

He paused for two or three seconds, pulled out the scalpel and cut open the abdomen of the body.

As the wound deepened, suddenly a cold, hoarse voice came from inside:

"The party begins."

... Glylint reached out and held the mask on his face. The throat squirmed a few times and almost vomited.

With various transactions or successes or failures, the party entered the middle section, and Audrey, who has been calmly observing, finally said:

“I want the ‘audience’ potion recipe.”

When the voice did not fall, she immediately felt a few eyes swept, but quickly removed and did not stop.

After a few tens of seconds of silence, the transaction was aborted.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky is getting closer to the night.

"How could it be the same?" Glylint did not maintain the noble style, slightly leaning against the carriage wood, sighing in a low voice.

This extraordinary gathering of people left a deep impression on him and made him feel that he was under great risk.

But even then, he still did not buy the horn of the adult unicorn Pegasus and the venom of the Crown Jellyfish.

Foers secretly whispered his mouth:

“This is normal. Although Beckland is the easiest place to get the material, if you can't participate in every extraordinary party, there will be a long-term situation where you can't find the item you want. It either needs luck or patience. ""

"Mr. Viscount, you see, the ‘audience’ formula that Miss Audrey wants, there is no clue yet.”

Sometimes, when I met, I didn’t have the money to buy it... I sat down and thought about it.

Audrey reassured Glylint:

"When I go back, I will find it in my treasure house, maybe there is what you want."

She took the pituitary of the colorful lizard dragon today, but did not encounter the spinal fluid of the Farsman rabbit, so she only changed the cash of 320 pounds - this is the preparation for Su Shi's promotion.

Greering featured the head and was waiting for the opening. Suddenly, she saw sitting in a hurry and frowning slightly:

"It seems like someone is following us!"

"I believe in your instincts, what should I do now?" asked Fols, looking around.

Track us? What do we have to track? I sold an extraordinary item and got a few hundred pounds of cash. Even if someone wants to rob, we shouldn’t be at the forefront... Although Glylint behaves like a rookie, we don’t... and The convenor of the party did a lot of things to protect the safety of the members, preventing someone from being tracked, unless, in addition, sending him to follow him! Everything was normal last time, um, where is the difference between the two times... Audrey thoughts turned around and suddenly got an idea:

Perhaps it was my behavior of buying “audience” formulas that caught the attention of the psychological alchemists.

They are not allowed to sell the "audience" formula at will, and the follow-up must be fascinating.

It is not a simple matter to introduce people. It is necessary to guard against the fact that the other party is a quasi-criminal, or a spy sent by other hidden forces.

If you don't observe the target and don't examine it, the organization will soon be destroyed!

After a few seconds of indulging, Audrey said to Fols and others:

"Be prepared to be attacked."

"Pretend that no followers were found."

"If you can get back to Queens, don't care about the exposure of me and Glylint, you must hide and leave."

Her green eyes swept through Grein, and she added:

"We are a mystery lover who many people know. It is normal to find opportunities to participate in extraordinary gatherings. Even if we follow the official extraordinary, we will not doubt anything, because we are all ordinary people, so they pass at least The channel warns one or two sentences."

But I have already sequenced 8...calling, in order to get in touch with the psychological alchemy club, I have to take a little risk... The official extraordinary person should not stare at me just for the purchase formula, and should not be able to bypass the party organizer to track us. I want to believe my judgment! Audrey blew herself in her heart.

"Okay." Greelet, the Viscount, muttered and agreed.

The carriage went as usual, and circled several times. At the end, Audrey and others changed the one according to the schedule.

In the process, the tracker has never launched an attack.

When they arrived at the back door of the residence of the Viscount of Glacier in Queens, the two nobles returned in a normal way, and Firth and Hugh each left on their own skills.

After ten minutes, Audrey took the Golden Retriever Su Shi and the accompanying maids, sitting in their own carriage, leaving the main entrance without cover.

Listening to the sound of the wheel rolling, she could not confirm whether there were any followers, but she could only spread her thoughts:

The daughter of Count Earl is clearly unlikely to be a spy of any extraordinary force...

Her past has no problem...

Her hobby is a well-known thing...

Her identity and status can bring help different from others...

Maybe, in two days, members of the psychological alchemy club will try to contact me... Audrey is looking forward to it, and she is thinking a little nervously.


It was said that to prepare, Klein had nothing to do in the Craig Club for two days, and even a group with the equestrian teacher Talim and other people, a small win over a few Soules.

Before going to sleep, he did not forget to take a trip outside the home of Jurgen, confirming whether there is light, or whether to feed the cat.

At eight o'clock on Friday night, he put on an iron mask, put on a black robes with a hood, and entered the living room of the "Men of Wisdom".

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