Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Mitch ceremony

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Male voice? Mr. "Inverted man", is it still a small "sun"? Klein looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, got up and entered the bathroom next door, locked the door of the house, and took four steps back to the fog.

In the mysterious space, the ancient palace stands quietly, and the imaginary male sounds are layered and reverberating.

Klein glanced at it and confirmed that he prayed for a small "sun."

He sat in the position of "fool" and extended his right hand to spread spirituality and touch the corresponding deep red star.

Between Horan, the praying voice became clear enough and the layers were clear. Klein quickly figured out what the "sun" is telling:

The leader of the former exploration squad who had seen Amon next door suddenly suddenly lost control and went through his seal and came to his room. Fortunately, Baiyincheng paid enough attention to it and always had some precautions, otherwise it would be a tragedy.

"The Sun" thinks that the other party's loss of control will not be without reason. He guessed two possibilities. One is that the extraordinary way is in line with the needs of the descendants of the ancient Sun God. The other is that the other party may have noticed the Tarot gathering and noticed the "fool". Secretly pulling people.

If it is the former, it will not wait until today, until the end of the Tarot party, it will be out of control... The big probability is the latter reason... Hey, this is the first time I met someone who can detect the fog... The Amon is terrible. what! It is no wonder that their family was called "the **** of the gods" in the Quaternary. Even if the family name itself is a taboo... Klein subconsciously looks at the corresponding prayer picture that appears to the deep red star, and carefully observes the small "sun" ", see if he is abnormal.

- Klein believes that Amon will never be removed in such a simple way, even if the Silver City chief said that he is not an ontology, it is impossible!

Unless he didn't expect the strongman of Silver City to monitor him with magical items, is this possible?

When he decided to let the former exploration team leader out of control and quietly penetrate the seal, there must be certain plans...

Between the thoughts, Klein looked at the eyes of the praying for the eyes.

Blurring the "sun" that is difficult to see, entwined with a transparent and illusory figure!

He has hands and feet, but like a python, twisting around the "sun", his head is behind the head of the "sun"!

In the embarrassing picture, he faintly wore a black classical robes, a visor with the same color, and a crystal-like monocle on his face.

For all this, the "sun" is unaware!

... Klein almost took a breath and was scared by the other side's strange means.

He vaguely understood the purpose of the other party:

"Residing" in the spirit of the "sun", waiting for the next Tarot gathering, God unknowingly sneaked into the fog, like a virus or a Trojan!

At that time, my control of this mysterious space may be deprived... It’s really a “god of the gods”! Fortunately, fortunately, the small "sun" is relatively straightforward, and I immediately reported this to me, and through the corresponding deep red stars, with the help of the power above the fog, I was able to discover his peculiar state... Klein Take a breath and try to calm yourself down.

At this moment, he must respond, or quickly find a way to remove the Amon in the "sun", or temporarily exclude the "sun" from the Tarot party.

Examining himself, from the extraordinary ability of "magician", "clown" and "divination" to Azick copper whistle, "black emperor" card, all black eyes, sun brooch, biotoxin bottle and other items, Klein failed Find a way to deal with that Amon:

The sequence of the other party must be above 4, and the means is different enough. It can be used as a magical item and a powerful "hunter" for the survival of Silver City. It is not ordinary things and ability to be cleared!

After thinking for a moment, looking around, Klein found that only the fog, only this mysterious space, has the possibility to solve Amon.

I must find a way to incite its power... The previous sacrifices and rituals were examples... With such an idea, Klein turned his attention to the book of Secrets.

This stems from the occult books of the ancient Witch King Karaman, which records many secret rituals that pray for help to the original moon.

Klein, who has been browsing before, vaguely remembers that several of them are suitable for this kind of scene.

Of course, after turning the pointer into "fool", what changes should be made to the corresponding, will it be effective, all belong to the unknown, can only try to take the dead horse as a living horse doctor's mentality... Klein flips the book, stays in sight At a ceremony:

"Bloodmoon ritual."

This ritual magic is significantly different from the simple type that Klein used to learn, using the meta-element.

The process is to first use the spiritual material, preferably the blood of the extraordinary person, on the leather of an animal, write the name of the object, draw the corresponding symbol and magic mark, if necessary Specific time-specific location-specific environments are also considered.

After completing this step, the ceremony host arranged the altar, picked up the leather, continued to mourn the name, and let his spirituality spread into the leather, gradually diverging, and a little bit fit with the corresponding great existence secret. The corresponding spiritual experience or some help.

The final result of this ritual is unknown. It depends on what the great existence of the great existence exists, or that the knowledge and strength that can be obtained through that secret combination are different according to its own characteristics.

This relatively vague, more subjective ritual just gave Klein a space to manipulate. If he had prepared for a strong clearance of Amon from the beginning, the other party would inevitably rebel and create a dangerous accident.

If the object of the close-knit is "real creator" and "hidden sage", it is normal for the ritual to end madness... Klein swears that there is a paper pen and starts to change the "blood moon ritual" to be Become a close ceremony of the "fool".

First of all, he wants to replace the name with the three words of "King of the Yellow and Black", and the second is to change the symbol to the one behind the "Foolish" seat - by the "innocent eye" and symbolic change that symbolizes the secret. The unique symbol of the "distorted line".

Again, based on symbolic symbols and occult knowledge, designing the corresponding magical logo is the most difficult step. Once an error occurs, the whole ceremony will undergo unpredictable changes.

Finally, the layout of the altar is modified to make it closer to the "fool" and closer to the "king of yellow and black."

After a busy day, Klein had a new ceremony, and I don’t know if it would produce a close ceremony.

He carefully examined it several times, and after confirming it was correct, he spread spirituality and lowered his response to a small "sun":

"I know.

I have something to do for you.

Test if the ceremony is effective. ”


"Sun" Dairik suddenly woke up from the dreamless sleep, his front is no fog on the margins, is the "fool" on the high, and the ears are echoed with a period of illusory and far-reaching words.

He knows that Mr. "The Fool" occasionally makes the Tarot party members make some small attempts. It seems that they are verifying certain things. It is not surprising that they are very eager to stand up and find out the monster leather. , strange herbs and other things.

As for the spiritual material described in the ceremony, Dairik did not waste time buying it in the minaret or the underground trading market, directly picking up the "Hurricane Axe" and cutting the mouth on his arm.

He silently used his own blood as ink to write the name of the "fool" and the corresponding symbol and magic mark on the pitted monster leather.

After a while, he put down the blood-stained feather pen and saw many symbols on the leather mysterious, bright red color, there is an indescribable demon taste.

Handle the wounds of the arm, and the face is already pale. Deric quickly arranges a simple altar, picks up the **** red words and various symbols of the shocking leather, and holds it tightly in the palm of his hand.

He looked at the candlelight swaying in front of him, closed his eyes, lowered his head, and constantly mourned the name of the ceremonial object:

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the fog, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck."


Dairik’s spirituality slowly flowed out into the leather, and the giant words and magic signs on it flashed brightly, bright red to scary.

At this time, he has entered the state of meditation and he only feels a little divergence, drifting to infinity, with gray fog, and contact with the hidden great existence.


Above the fog, inside the palace of the giants.

It was found that the "sun" did not delay, and Klein, who was directly preparing for the ceremony, was waiting here.

Suddenly, he felt the whole mysterious space trembled slightly, and the static gray mist appeared obvious hooligans!

The dark red star corresponding to the "sun" shines brightly, spreading the illusory light of the tide.

This countless ray of light has turned into a fuzzy "sun" figure. He is posing in a praying position, closing his eyes, lowering his head, waiting for a little bit of harmony with the great existence, and gaining a wonderful spiritual experience.

On his body, the transparent figure was still tightly wrapped around the python, but his head had been lifted back and looked up at the height. The monocles made of crystal were flashing.

He is looking for subtle hidden connections... He should recognize that this is a close ceremony, but he did not do anything to stop it. Klein suddenly flashed this insight, and felt the gray mist and the mysterious space above it swayed at the same time!

However, Klein has no way to combine these forces with their own spirituality to achieve the extraordinary effect of evil spirits unless another corresponding ceremony is given.

Obviously, this is impossible. He can't be distracted by two ceremonies - a ceremony held at the same time!

With a quick sight, Klein's eyes rested on the sun brooch.

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