Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 155: Not playing cards according to common sense

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In the ancient majestic palace, one stone pillar after another supports the high dome.

Klein sat at the top of the bronze long table, holding a translucent brown vial and repeatedly checking it several times without any dangerous premonition.

Let's get started... He has a paper pen and writes the divination statement:

"The source of it."

Putting on the pen and preparing for the crit, Klein stared at the paper and the biotoxin bottle, leaning back against the back of the chair and meditating while meditating.

Soon, he entered a gray dream and saw a dim but spacious room.

The room is hung with king cobras, black widow spiders and other animals, with many strange plants, messy and sultry.

A serious middle-aged man in a white coat stood in front of the longest central table and threw the snake gall, spider venom and other things into the black iron pot hanging from the ceiling.

At the end of the day, he even put in a few items with strong spiritual brilliance, such as sometimes black gas, sometimes condensed into the green body of the lungs, such as a tube of clear blue liquid, such as fire red eye……

The air around the black iron pan gradually became sticky, and they gathered in the center, but they were pushed away constantly, which was difficult to achieve.

The middle-aged man with a white coat saw this scene, his brow slowly wrinkled, and his expression was a little anxious.

He flipped over the black notebook next to him, biting his teeth and cutting his wrist with a ritual silver plaque.

A drop of bright blood then fell into the black iron pot, which seemed to have life, suddenly bursting out the horrible suction, sucking all the sticky air around, sucking all the red that had not completely left the wrist. .

This is not over yet, no matter how the middle-aged man in white coat struggles to resist, how to expose the fear, he can't contain it, and he can't help but get close to the iron pot.

His body was stretched, his head was compressed, and he was eaten a little by the iron pot in the screams.

The specimens hanging around, the plants placed, all the things that can move and move, all flew into the iron pot.

The brown mist filled the room, quietly flowing and swaying.

By the end of the day, the entire room had become empty, leaving only a brown translucent vial that was quietly lying on the central open space.


The scene quickly faded, the dreams shattered, and Klein opened his eyes and said to himself silently:

"The original biotoxin bottle was the product of a dead experiment.

"I thought it was the extraordinary characteristics left by the loser... In that case, you can divinate the formula..."

For Klein, the spirituality, extraordinary characteristics of the loser, and the spirituality and extraordinary characteristics polluted by the evil spirits can all be used for divination formulas, just like the "black secrets" left by the former "Master of Secrets" Rosago. The eye is the same, this is because he has a gray fog to connect, there is this mysterious space to eliminate the negative effects, there is a rich dead capital, of course, the extraordinary characteristics are mixed with too many additional factors, theoretically, but the probability of failure is extremely Gao, Klein is also promoted to "Magic", only to feel a little grasp.

Similarly, a seal formed directly by similar extraordinary characteristics can also be used as a divination potion formula.

But if they are only used as the main material, they will become magical items through the production of extraordinary craftsmen and other sinister experiments, and Klein’s current level of divination will be powerless, even if there is a mysterious space above the fog. Enhance, no.

"Yes, at least no longer have to worry about other hidden dangers in the biotoxin bottle..." Klein looked at the "wolfman" fangs and gave up his curiosity rationally.


Queens, inside the luxury villa of Earl of Hall.

Audrey continues to learn psychology.

At her feet, the golden-haired big dog Su Shi was there, his eyes were stunned, and it would shake his tail from time to time, seemingly very enjoyable.

Psychologist Esrand finished the introductory part and pretended to mention it inadvertently:

"In fact, there is such a theory.

"It believes that human beings will inherit certain consciousness from the ancestors and from generations to generations, thus forming the underlying logic of their own behavioral patterns. For example, many people have never seen a viper, but as long as they encounter it, they will instinctively feel Fear, want to avoid.

"Why is this? This is the feeling that we inherited from the first generation of human beings, hiding in the deepest consciousness. In the ancient times, people constantly struggled with snakes and various ferocious animals, and gradually inscribed this memory in consciousness. Inherited, inherited."

"How did that inherit?" Audrey asked with interest.

Isilant with long hair and waist smiled:

"This is a very good question.

"Some people's explanation is that each person's consciousness is actually connected at the bottom, and is integrated, and the traces and characteristics left here will affect the consciousness of being independent.

"For example, the lowest level of consciousness is like an innocent sea. The unique consciousness of each of us is an island on the sea. It can be divided into two parts, hidden under water, and more subconscious. The surface consciousness that is exposed to the sea and can be perceived at ordinary times.

"This is part of the theoretical foundation of this psychology."

Audrey looked at Su Shi and touched the golden hair of his neck:

“So, can we use the sea that connects each other to influence the consciousness of others and achieve the goal of treating certain mental illnesses?”

Is this the mysterious foundation and extraordinary ability of the "psychologist"? But it seems that it is not enough. What is worse? For example, the sky above the head is covered with all the sky? Audrey’s expression was ignorant and curious.

"You are very talented in this respect!" Islant said with amazement, "But we can only influence the surrounding waters, and then affect the people who are close by it. If you rush deeper and explore 'Ocean', it is easy to get lost. Himself."

She looked up at the gorgeous wall clock on the wall and smiled:

"Time is up, today's class is over, Miss Audrey, if you are interested in the psychology of this genre, we will continue to talk next time."

"Okay." Audrey got up and saluted.

In the process of watching the other party leave, she nodded thoughtfully:

Ms. Islant is not like a real “psychologist”. Like me, she is a “reader”...

What she just said is the theoretical basis of the psychological alchemy association?

They are really suffocating, why not develop me into the meeting...

Audrey’s thoughts were mixed, and Su Shi said happily next to him:

"Audrey, I feel that she is the same person as us, no, the same dog, no, no... Wang!"

Su Shi, who was initially mastering the human language, fell into chaos and could not find accurate words to describe his feelings.


The southern part of the bridge, the rose flower street, outside the harvest church.

Klein, who was doing normal dressing, looked up at the sacred emblem of the outer wall, took his cane, climbed the steps, and passed the gate.

The first thing he has to do is to confirm the situation.

Only in this way can we perform better, in order to skillfully rescue the vampire Emlin White, without suspicion, and then, with the detective identity as a clue, accept the thanks of the White family and get the audience's applause.

This will be an interesting performance.

The harvest church was not big. There was only one prayer hall. Klein found an aisle seat and took off his hat and looked forward.

Bishop Utławsky is preaching, and the height of more than two meters and twenty tens of sturdy bodies that cannot be concealed by the loose priests give a great sense of oppression.

However, his expression is very gentle, with praise and gratitude for life.

In front of such "Fathers", no one dares to swear, and so few believers listen quietly, from time to time to make the prayer gestures unique to the Mother Earth Church.

Klein observed carefully, waiting patiently, not arrogant.

As the sermon ended, he held his cane and prepared to get up for follow-up.

It was at this time that the door leading to the room behind the church came in with a man wearing a priest's robe of the Mother Earth Church.

He is twenty-eight and nine years old, with black hair, red nose, high nose, thin lips, handsome but not masculine, it is Emlin White.

Klein's mouth opened a little, and almost could not be closed.

Shouldn't this guy be locked up in the basement?

Didn’t he always yell to insist on faith and never obey the idea of ​​Bishop Utravovsky?

Emlin White distributed the things about the Eucharist to a believer and finally stopped in front of Klein.

Klein’s thoughts turned sharply and immediately lowered the voice:

"You are Emlin White. Your parents have entrusted my friend to find you.

"How come you are here? Is it something that happened? Need help?"

Emlin White did not see the distinctive arrogance, revealing a smile that was better than crying:

"No, I will be able to go home soon."

He licked his mouth and shook his head and smiled:

"I am already a believer in the mother god, no, a priest."

This answer is completely out of what Klein expected, so that he did not know how to respond at the moment, can only scream in his mind:

"Hey, last time in the harvest church, you still said very firmly that you worship the moon, and you will never change your motherland. How long will it take, and you give in?"

"This speed is too fast, right?

"What is your insistence? What is your exercise?

"The performance I prepared carefully, before I started, was forced to end...

"This, this is not a common card!"

Klein opened his mouth and suddenly found a wrong place:

Why did Emlin White give me the letter of change?

I just stumbled upon his detective when passing by...

He wants me to pass this passage to his parents?

What is the meaning of this?

Just as Klein guessed the reason, Emlin White closed his sorrow and smiled proudly:

"Mr. Detective, you don't need to act.

"Or, should I call your new master of the master key?

"Hey, the blood group of noble, each person's taste is different and will have different blood characteristics, even if I was being held in the basement, but also smell, taste you remember."

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