Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 157: Audience applause

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Bounty, fare, and potions with extraordinary effects... Emlin White. He couldn’t react to it for a while.

This is not his expected answer.

What is the gentleman's demeanor? The vampire thought about it.

As a detective, clear accounting is a must, and you have delayed me to go to the Craig Club. I don’t know what the limited supply is for these two days... Kline looks at Emlin White, half-jokingly One sentence.

After a few seconds, Emlin smiled:

“You must see the patient to get the right medicine.”

Listening, very confident... Kline nodded thoughtfully.

He immediately thought of a question:

The White family seems to be an excellent potioner. I really have to be hurt and poisoned. I can come to them for treatment. I have tried my best before, and I got it from Father Uttraski." The pharmacist formula is not useless? I don't need to train another assistant who is good at treatment... The plan is not as fast as change...

However, it is not a waste. The cost has been recovered from the "Magician". The formula, as long as it exists, is always valuable...

And the White family will definitely stay away from the River Bay Avenue and hide their identity again. I may not be able to find it, it is not so convenient...

No, before the suggestion of "heart candle", go to the harvest church, you should be able to wait for Emlin White...

Thinking of this, Klein took off his hat and did a trick:

"No problem, I will take you there when I get there.

"I will not delay your time."

Emmler White’s expression changed a bit and hesitated and said:

“If you can eliminate the effects of enamel candles, you can get more rewards, and...”

He paused and raised his chin: "And the friendship of the blood family."

I am a "magician" who has a sun brooch and a biotoxin bottle. The use of the mind and body is limited to psychic. What can I do? Among the people I know, the "Justice" is closer, but she is only serial 8, just a "reader"...unless, unless you convert to "the fool who does not belong to this era," we can study how Use the knowledge recorded in The Book of Secrets to help you solve this problem through the corresponding rituals... Speaking of it, the vampire seems to be the admirer of the original moon, and they are very similar to the Witch King... the record in the Silver City The ancient god, the vampire ancestor Lilith, would not be the original moon? Klein’s thoughts smiled divergently:

"I will help you pay attention to the corresponding measures."

Emlin. Huai nodded and no longer said more, could not wait to turn around and rushed to the door.

If the coachman is still nearby, he will definitely open his black bat wings and vacate directly to the second floor.

Klein smiled and shook his head with emotion.

He took the rental carriage and went to the steam subway station not far away, and turned back to No. 15, Minsk Street, Jowood.

Before entering the door, Klein, who had developed the habit, opened the letter box to check for letters.

What surprised him was that there really was a letter.

The letter was not stamped, and it was written by Sherlock Morothe, and it was Jurgen Cooper.

Lawyer Jurgen? Klein picked up the envelope in confusion and tore it open.

In the light of the street lamp, he saw a piece of paper and two banknotes inside.

The denominations of these two notes are 1 Sule and 5 Sule.

A total of 6 Soules... During this time, I fed three times of cats... The agreement was that every time I was 2 Soler... Klein opened the door in vain and lit the gas lamp.

Unfolding the letterhead, he found that there was not much content above, and the words handwritten by Jurgen were as meticulous and serious as he was.

"Respected Moriarty Detective:

"Thank you for your care of Brody during this time, this is the reward you deserve.

"I came to pull the doorbell twice and found that you were not at home. I had to put the reward in the envelope and put it in your letter box.

"If you don't do this, I may have to come back tomorrow evening, and I will miss the verbal appointment. My grandmother promised tonight.

"As a lawyer, I value the validity of the oral contract and hope to perform it strictly.

"Finally, thank you again.

"Urgen Cooper."

Mr. Lawyer, your gratitude is really dry and not interesting. It is not as good as Brody. Your explanation of the behavior is very detailed. This is really the standard Jurgen style... And, what is the letter box, if it is on earth, During the time before I crossed, I didn’t necessarily look at the letter box downstairs for a few months... Klein smiled and folded the banknote into his pocket, then took out the letter and wrote a letter to Stuart’s detective. .

After the opening of the greeting, he deliberately wrote:

"...I found Emlin White in the Harvest Church near Tutva Street, a small church belonging to the Mother Earth Church, which is rare in Lun...Emlin White Claiming to be because of certain things, I chose to leave home, and then I was taken over by the bishop of the Harvest Church, where I lived and became a..."

Klein thought about it and wrote the word "volunteer."

Then he said concisely:

"After my persuasion, he has returned to No. 48, Hewan Avenue, but he may often go to the Harvest Church to volunteer."

After writing it, Klein read it all through, then put down the pen and folded the letter paper neatly.

He pulled out the envelope but did not put the corresponding stamp and planned to hire someone to send it to Stuart's home tomorrow.

——If you go to the Kingdom Post system, even if you put the letter into the mailbox now, you have to take it away tomorrow, and then there are processes such as sorting and delivery, so even though you are in the king of Bakerland, Stuart At least the day after tomorrow, I hope to see this letter before I can inform the Whites, and Emlin White is now a penniless guy with only a doll.

This is also to get paid soon... Klein laughed softly, packed up the coffee table, and went back to the second floor to brush his teeth.


On Wednesday morning, after spending 2 Süller and entrusting a taxi driver to send a letter, Klein bought some of the main ingredients of Desi paella and planned to make an egg fried rice today.

Thinking of the white rice, he couldn't help but swallow his mouth.

After spending a certain amount of time, after various tossing of the appliance and the kitchen, he finally made a pot of fragrant egg fried rice, with bacon and black tea, eating almost tears.

It was really a nostalgic and moving taste... Kline, who ate two big eggs and fried rice, sat in a chair and stroked his stomach.

In this case of Emlin White, because the other party did not play according to common sense, his performance has not really started, it has ended, and failed to achieve the intended purpose, so he can only find another chance to take the initiative.

In this regard, Klein is not all unprofitable, failure is also experience, which at least makes him understand one thing:

"Unlike ordinary magicians, my ‘performance’ not only has assistants, but also enemies, as well as participants, their reactions, their choices, will also affect the development of things, and these factors must be considered in advance...

"This is also a lesson. It is better to be taught in such a small matter than to be taught in some important things..."

Klein looked at the empty space in front of him and thought about what else he could do on his own.

After careful consideration for a while, he found that he did not.

Of course, it is not absolutely not, but it is not suitable for him to do now.

For example, the evil spirit in the ruins of the Quaternary Tudor dynasty, Klein has always wanted to solve it, but even with the "dark red moon" Sharon and Maric, who has lost the characteristics of the "resent" He doesn't feel that he can wait for monsters with high sequence levels. Maybe he doesn't know how to die.

Active performance, does not mean that the main action is dead, does not mean taking life to perform... Klein warns himself in his heart.

There is another thing, but he really wants to do it, but he doesn't think there is any chance.

The thing was to find the strange child Will Anthony, who brought bad luck to the surgeon Allen.

Klein has always been interested in the tarot card in the opponent's hand, and wants to confirm whether it is a magical item.

It is a pity that this matter has been taken over by the "nights", and Klein is not too eager to blend the actions of the former colleagues.

When Dr. Allen rested, go to the Cragg Club to find out what was going on, and then decide what to do... Klein’s idea quickly formed.

As far as he knows, Dr. Allen is generally free on Friday afternoons and Sundays and will go to the Craig Club to play tennis.

Just now, Klein also confirmed one thing through today's "Beckland Morning Post", that is, there will be a gathering of extraordinary people called by the "eye of wisdom" tomorrow night.

For the time being, you can't sell the "wolfman" extraordinary characteristics or biotoxin bottles, or even find someone to make the former a magical item... The high sequence of the rose school is definitely still nearby, definitely full of anger, can't wait to find and tear Broken Sharon, Maric and their helpers... This time has a low-key aspect... Klein picked up the napkin, wiped his mouth and began to clean up the table.

What he had originally thought was that, without taking the initiative to perform the opportunity, he took a break today and went to the Craig Club to spend a leisurely day. However, he remembered the Amon avatar who could find the fog and tried to penetrate it. The role played by The Book of Secrets in that crisis.

So Klein lit the fireplace in the living room and brought the Book of Secrets back to the real world, then concentrated on reading, carefully pondering, and remembering notes.

Of course, he will burn the corresponding notes on the fog afterwards.

Unconsciously, at noon, he suddenly heard the sound of the doorbell being rattled.

Hiding the "Book of Secrets", Klein enters the living room and goes straight to the door.

The visitor is the Stuart Detective who is thin and has a slap in the face.

He is very reverent and very excited to see Klein, can't wait to praise:

"You really are a big detective with rich resources and channels. You can solve this problem without any clues!"

... Why do I feel that my spirituality has changed slightly? It seems that the potion has digested a little... That is to say, my "performance" is successful in some respects, but the audience only has this one. Only he is blinded, only seeing the result is good. ... "The audience's applause" is really useful... Kline stunned and showed a warm smile.

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