Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 178: Big Voyager Russell (seeking a monthly pass)

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I know... "Justice" Audrey's eyes turned halfway, his chin was slightly raised, and he happily turned his gaze to the front and cast a stone pillar to support the dome.

She quickly regained her gaze and was ready to appreciate the reaction of Mr. “downside man” after hearing the answer.

"Magic" Foers has a vague understanding of one thing:

With the so-called Russell Diary, you can exchange some questions from Mr. Fool, and maybe you can redeem the items!

"Russell Diary? Is Russell writing with unique symbols, those notes that others can't understand? They are actually diaries? The tone of 'downside down' is very certain, and Mr. ‘fool’ does not refute...

"I have met a lot, but they are not interested, they have never bought it, ah, there are a lot of Miss Audrey! She is a fanatic in this regard! However, her dog was last week, No, maybe last week, I don’t remember very well. In short, it has shredded many books and notes, including all the Russell Diaries!”

Sudden surprises and consequent disappointments filled the heart of Fols, and she wanted to raise her hands, cover her ears, and scream out loud.

Not so insufficient to express her mood at this time!

I hate dogs! "Magician" Fols hate and think.

The request for "downside down" was quite unexpected for Klein, but for him, it was the easiest to accomplish, so he smiled aloud:


"Do you want everyone to hear it, or do you only know it yourself?"

“Inverted man” Alger replied without hesitation:

"I only know for myself."

He does not have the spirit of selfless dedication.

Klein smiled and blocked the senses of the rest of the members, which made Miss "Justice" very wronged. She was waiting to see Mr. "Falling Man" and his stunned and shocked expression, just like doing a great thing for himself, though I will not actively promote, but I am looking forward to the reaction of others.

But now, the hateful "downside down" deprives me of this happiness! Audrey sighed in her heart.

Of course, she is very clear that the other party's request is absolutely justified.

But I already knew the answer... she grinned.

At this time, Klein leisurely flipped the card of the shackles and stood up, so that the "upside down man" could directly see Russell wearing a black armor, wearing a crown and a cloak.

The portrait of the great emperor can often be seen, "the hanging man" Alger is no stranger, immediately recognized, and more importantly, there is a bright logo on the card:

"Sequence 0, Black Emperor!"

really! It is the so-called tarot card prototype that is rumored to be the card that hides the gods made by Roussal the Great! Sequence 0, "Black Emperor"... This corresponds to the path of the "lawyer" approach to the gods? Mr. Fool’s has been collecting Russell’s diary. It seems to be a clue to find the deck of cards from inside. Only a few months later, he has already got one... Alger is surprised and happy, and Excited and excited.

Between Huo Ran, he inexplicably felt that the prospect of the "Tarot Club" was extremely bright.

Before, he only succumbed to the mystery and power of Mr. "The Fool", and only held the purpose of exchanging intelligence and objects for the so-called "Talo Club", but now he began to think about the cards of Russell the Great being "Foolish". The benefits that you and other members can get after collecting them one by one.

At that time, Tarot will probably become the most powerful hidden organization! "Inverted people" Alger could not help but look forward to the future.

At this time, Klein said slowly:

"The card of 亵渎."

He immediately released the shield.

As soon as the senses were restored, "Justice" Audrey immediately turned his gaze to the "upside down man". Through the vague image, he faintly "read" the shock, joy and yearning of the other party.

That's it... Audrey was very satisfied.

"The card of the scorpion" ... really is related to the "stone slate" ... "downside down people" Alger looked down for a few seconds and began to get a new three-page Russell diary.

Soon, the three yellow-brown parchments came to Kline's hands.

He looked like a casual eye, and read it slowly and slowly:

"On March 15th, I really was the protagonist. Just a few archaeological clues and folk rumors, I found a ghost ship left by the Solomon Empire near the Oradec Islands on the edge of the misty sea. The ancient 'Black Throne Number '!

"It really pulls the wind!

"There are some ancient books on the top, including a treasure map pointing to an unnamed island. It was the last settlement of the Solomon Empire's great aristocracy who had resigned and left the North. Everything left by him was there!

"This treasure will belong to me!"

"On March 19th, after repeated consideration and measurement, I finally decided to sail to the sea once. After that, I will enter the Kingdom Army as an officer. It is difficult to have such an opportunity.

"Edwards and Green are willing to follow me in the foggy ocean.

"Actually, I am not simply for the treasure, I want to verify a problem, from the sun, to the red moon, from the trajectory of the stars moving in the sky, to the alternating spring, summer, autumn and winter, all kinds of signs and different data prove that I am The world should be a planet. In this case, it should not be only the north and south continents. It is inferred from various data that the area occupied by the north and the south does not add up to 10% of the planet. Other places are only oceans, only the islands. ?

"The west of the northern continent is the foggy sea, and the east is the sea of ​​the sea. I suspect that the end of these two oceans, there are other continents, just like the end of the raging sea is the Southland, maybe I can find a brand new Mainland, Western Continent!

"Get off, the great navigator Russell. Columbus. Magellan Gustav, to verify your guess!"

When the emperor was young, he was really embarrassed. Just because he didn’t know whether it was true or not, and he didn’t know what hidden treasure map was hidden, he dared to sail to the sea. No, after he was old, the same embarrassment, “亵渎牌” is Evidence... Klein couldn’t help but swear.

This page diary seems to be linked to the page he had seen before, with one or two other diaries in the middle, so Klein is roughly certain that Russell found in this voyage because he lost his way. A pristine island outside the safe waterway with many superb creatures. In the process, he also used the stalks of "Apocalypse Four Knights" and "One Piece" to tease Green and Edwards and others who followed him to the sea.

In addition, Green, the person who was praised by Russell as the smartest of us, became more and more strange after discovering the original island, and eventually died in the foggy sea.

Speaking of it, the idea that the world is a planet is now widely recognized and confirmed by astronomy... Klein turned to the second page of the diary:

"On April 18, I found the term 'Westernland' in the ancient books of the 'Black Throne'!

"There is really the Western continent!

"But even in the Quaternary, in the Solomon Empire, when the gods were still walking on the earth, the Western Continent was only a rumor. It is said to be the hometown of the elves, involving the ancient **** called Sunia Sorem. .

"But the problem is that the elves are finally trapped in the island of Sunia, and then scattered on the various islands above the mountains and the sea, there is no legend they have tried to return to their hometown.

"In short, the end of the foggy sea may exist in the western continent, there is the hometown of the elves, the end of the Sonia sea? Is there really an east continent? Which words in the mythical books are hidden in it? Could it be the illusory 'God?' Abandoned land'?

"Go ahead, Russell, you have to reach your destination!"

The Western Continent, the Eastern Continent... Russell guessed that the latter might be the "land of God's abandonment"... Yes, Mr. "Inverted Man" once said that many Aurora members search for "real creator" on the sea in Sonia. The "sanctuary", and he suspects that "the sanctuary" is "the land of God's abandonment"... This is somewhat close to the idea of ​​Russell the Great... There are many secrets in this world... Kline’s eyes move down, Look at the last few paragraphs of this page:

"On April 20, there are indications that we are about to arrive on a land, not the land of the island!

"Is there a benefit to getting lost? Can I find the so-called Western Continent?"

"On April 21, I saw the abyss."

abyss? Did Russell see the abyss, is it an abyss in the mysterious sense? Klein's pupils shrank and hurriedly turned pages.

The third page of the diary shows that he doubts his life and doubts his Chinese education for many years.

The above is full of the following statements:

"Ah, Hu Hu was hungry and invited to the government."

This... Klein understood it. This page should be a Russell diary that was forged by future generations. They used their original "symbols" to piece together a bunch of sentences.

At this moment, Klein was like seeing garbled characters, and he was very cursed by the impulses of the counterfeiters.

He would like to confirm that the abyss mentioned in the Russell Diary is not the "abyss" pointed by the terms "the source of evil", "the land of degeneration" and "the devil's residence".

The true abyss is the dark side of the universe that the gods will also be corrupted. It should be independent of the real world like the spiritual world. At least the book of Secrets and the books I used to meet in the night squad are So recorded... If it is not the real "abyss", what does the abyss that the emperor wants to say refers to? Klein couldn't explain it repeatedly, and his heart was extremely unhappy. Just like the novel that has been chasing more, the **** was at the most critical time.

At a glance, he calmed down and let the diary disappear into his hands.

"You can start." He chuckled at the top of the bronze long table.

“Inverted man” Alger immediately turned his head and looked at the “sun” and asked not to care:

"Have you heard anything from the captain of the exploration team?"

PS: Double the period, the monthly ticket is not wasted and wasted~

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