Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 182: The extraordinary characteristics of the "Sheriff"

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"Black Emperor"? Inadvertently listening to the "downward man" told by Miss "Justice" suddenly looked up, his eyes were subconscious and became sharp.

He just learned that the card at the hand of Mr. Fool was one of the "sick cards" made by Russell the Great, and the name was "Black Emperor"!

Does this have anything to do with Mr. Fool? "Inverted man" Alger quickly took a look at the bronze long table, and immediately lowered his head.

If it is really the leader of Mr. "The Fool", this thing is certainly not simple... Alger seriously listened to the follow-up description of Miss Justice.

The "magician" Foers, who had known this thing and had guessed from Hugh, also quietly looked at Mr. "fool" and wanted to see the truth of the incident from the secret reaction. However, in the fog. The fool is as calm as usual.

The same thing that did not have the "justice" Audrey was paused and continued:

"The victim was a richer Ka Ping. Many rumors pointed out that he was the biggest trafficker of Beckland. The Grand Theft Auto 's Black Emperor sneaked into his villa, took his life and saved many innocent people who were detained in the dungeon. Teenage girl.

"The body of Kapin was found with a tarot card on his face and his face was 'Judgement' and 'Emperor'."

She did not mention the safe, because she felt it didn't matter.

Covered with tarot cards? Is this the logo of our Tarot Club? Wait a minute, "human traffickers?" "downside down people" Alger sharply captured a phrase.

He thoughtfully turned to the top of the bronze long table and asked humbly:

“Mr. ‘fool’, is Kaping related to the disappearance of colonial slaves?”

The latter was assigned to him by the Storm Church. He once locked a suspect named Barron and asked for help in Beckland's "justice," "magician," and "world."

Therefore, as soon as he heard the "human traffickers", Alger instinctively believed that there were some links between the fact that many tribes in the southern continent had evaporated from the air and many slaves in the archipelago of the Sunia Sea had fled.

He believes that only this kind of thing that seems to hide some secrets can make Mr. "fool" interested.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the "fool" is the self-fulfilling action of the leader. He can't wait for everything to be arranged, just like a manned manipulator... "After hanging people" Alger thinks.

Is Kaping related to the disappearance of colonial slaves in the recent period? Think about it, don't rule out this possibility. There are four extraordinary people in his villa. This is not normal in itself. If he is such a rich man, please get the extraordinary person to be a bodyguard, and also have a sequence of 7 plus two sequences. 8 or the configuration of sequence 9, the then Heras, counted magical items, equivalent to the strong 5 of the sequence... Klein was reminded by the words of "downside down", thought a lot, I felt that things were vague You can string together.

However, he is not sure of his own guess, he can only skip the question of "downside down" and chuckle:

"My leader made a trivial contribution to this matter."

really! "Justice" Audrey's eyes screamed in the heart.

Sure enough... This is the first thing I encountered in the real world related to the Tarot... "Magic" Foers is half-hearted and sighs.

"Inverted people" Alger believes that the words of "Foolish Man" indirectly prove his own guess:

It is absolutely not easy for Kaping to be a trafficker, otherwise it will not let a secretly-existing leader take the shot, and the simple trafficker has a certain connection with the probability of a simple slave disappearance.

Not waiting for the "justice" lady to open, "fool" Klein finger tapped the edge of the ancient long table, the tone added leisurely:

"He has harvested the legacy of the two extraordinary people in this matter, hoping to sell it as soon as possible. The two legacy features a 'Security Officer' corresponding to Sequence 8, a 'Interrogator' corresponding to Sequence 7."

Sheriff, interrogator... Isn't this the “arbitrator” approach of the Augustus family? Only the royal family, the ancient aristocrats and the military are likely to get... One of them is behind Kaping? It is not possible to rule out the possibility of the Castilla family in the Kingdom of Fenett... "After hanging people" Alger slightly frowned, and it became more and more obvious that the disappearance of slaves was not so simple.

"Justice" Audrey's thoughts are similar to him. I did not expect that the extraordinary people in the Kaping villa turned out to be "arbitrators".

The power to master the corresponding formula is impossible to collude with the trafficker of Kapyeong... Audrey has a slight lip, and is confused and confused.

"Sheriff"? "Magic" Firth knows that his friend is spending money on the potion material for this sequence, busy sitting up straight and asking inexplicably:

“Mr. ‘fool’, what is the legacy of the extraordinary?”

This is not the same as my expected reaction. Isn’t it possible to ask directly how many gold pounds? Also, I did not seem to have said to the "Magician" that the extraordinary characteristics of conservation and immortality law... Klein slightly stunned, and immediately considered the tone.

At this time, "Justice" Audrey took the initiative to speak:

“Mr. ‘fool’, can I answer this question? The corresponding reward is given directly to you by her.”

She and Folls are friends, because they are worried that the "fool" will not share the knowledge in that area, so they volunteered.

"No problem," Klein responded with a smile.

Miss "Justice" can always be anxious for me... He feels a heart in his heart.

Huh, "Justice" Audrey quietly sighed and turned to face Firth, deliberately did not use noble pronunciation and proprietary words:

"Do you want to know the answer?

"What are you willing to pay for?"

"Magic" Foers nodded without hesitation:

"of course!"

She looked at the shadowed man, and asked respectfully:

“Mr. ‘fool’, can I pay for the other chapters of “Spiritual Insights”?”

She specifically emphasized "additional" because she knew that the "Spirit of the World" chapter of Mr. "World" must first be sacrificed to Mr. "The Fool", and the knowledge that can be viewed at any time does not seem to have the value of trading.

This is not to say that she suspects that the god-level big man like Mr. Fool will peek, just thinking that changing a chapter is more sincere.

At some point, the big man cares about your attitude... Firth has seen similar words in many novels.

Klein, leaning against the back of the chair, responded with a less careful tone:


"Thank you, Mr. ‘fools.’” The “magician” Firth could not help but contain a smile.

She intuitively believes that she will be exposed to some hidden high-level knowledge!

"Justice" Audrey is completely reassured, said with a smile:

"In the extraordinary world, there is such a law, remember, it is the law.

"In a similar way, the total amount of extraordinary characteristics is conserved, will not decrease, will not increase, will only transfer from one thing to another, and will only transform from one form to another.

"So, after the death of the extraordinary person, his characteristics will be precipitated, which is equivalent to the main material of the potion. As long as you know the corresponding auxiliary materials, you can use this to match the sequence of the potion, except for those left behind by the loser. There are too many hidden dangers, only artifacts."

After the death of the extraordinary person, his characteristics will be precipitated, which is equivalent to the main material of the potion? At this moment, Fulth’s mind was like a flash of lightning, letting her understand a lot of things.

It turns out that the relics that Mrs. Anlisa gave me are her own extraordinary characteristics... It turns out that every extraordinary person is equivalent to the material of walking in the eyes of others... It’s really dark... Ful’s double fists are clenched, I feel that the extraordinary world is essentially full of madness.

However, she did not feel disgusted because she was taking the extraordinary characteristics of Mrs. Anlisa's legacy, which in turn gave her a faint sense of warmth.

After losing her mother, before meeting her, Mrs. Anlisa was the best person for her. For Forth, it was a sad but warm experience to inherit the other's relics and keep her with herself.

"It turns out that this is the law of conservation and immortality of extraordinary characteristics...that is, the characteristics of the extraordinary person who is a 'Sheriff' are the same as the main material of the potion?" Foers asked for more questions. One sentence.

"Yes." Audrey also thought of Hugh.

"Magic" Firth immediately got up and prayed to the mysterious existence overlooking everything:

"Mr. 'Footer', can you ask your elders to keep a few extravagant features of the 'Sheriff'? I want to buy it, but my money is not enough for a while, give me another week, okay? ?"

"Yes." Klein put on an attitude that I didn't care about it at all.

Fols sighed and asked:

“How many gold pounds does your leader want to get?”

The extraordinary material corresponding to sequence 8 is around 300 pounds... Klein smiles:

"600 pounds."

After the number was reported, he immediately shifted the topic to show that he did not care about the legacy features of the sequence 8 level.

He looked around and showed a few parchment roads:

"This is the meaning of some of Russell's secret symbols, which is free knowledge so that you can better collect diaries."

This includes the digital part and the year, month and day part.

The reason why Klein wants to teach the Tarot members of this knowledge is that they will buy fakes later.

From the date part, at least most of the counterfeit products can be ruled out... Klein chuckled in his heart.

"Justice" Audrey and others were very surprised. I didn't expect to have such a harvest in the end. Although they have discovered that the secret symbols on parchment are the simplest ones, they all believe that this is a good start. For the first time, there will be a second time, the third time!

After a few people exchanged for a while, Klein said calmly:

"Today's party is here to end."

"Follow your wishes." Audrey, Alger and others rose at the same time, each saluting.

The deep red light disappeared, and the ancient palace above the fog once again restored its tranquility, leaving only Klein alone sitting on the high back chair belonging to the "fool".

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