Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 188: God

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Beckland, a basement like a temple.

Mr. A wore a black robes with a hood and sat quietly in front of the giant statue of the hanging man. He had no movement for a long time.

Suddenly, he turned his side to the side and seemed to be listening to something.

After a brief pause, Mr. A jerked his hands and smashed his right index finger with his left palm.

He stuffed the **** finger into the mouth and chewed it like a snack.


Mr. A squirmed his throat and swallowed his broken fingers into his abdomen.

His body trembled violently and seemed to be being shaken by the invisible.

In this state, Mr. A stretched his right hand and wrote a word on the ground with the blood flowing down the wound.

Those words are not the giant language, the dragon language that can incite the natural forces, nor the Hermes language used for sacrifices, but the most common and common Ronwen.

The bright red color quickly condenses, and the words are pieced together into several paragraphs:

"turn up:

"The fools who do not belong to this age;

"The mysterious ruler above the fog;

"The king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck.

"The leader and believer, in Beckland."

With the end of the "God Kai" content, Mr. A stopped shaking, and a new finger appeared on the wound.

He buried his head and looked carefully at the words he had just written down, his mouth curling up a little in the shadows.

"Only obey your god!" Mr. A humbled to the ground and seemed to find the meaning of existence.


The city of silver, the upper part of the round tower.

Luo Weiya walked to the window and looked down at the little candlelight in the darkness, and her expression gradually softened.

I don't know how long it took, she heard a loud knock on the door.

“‘Chief’?” Loyya turned lightly and asked with a smile.

The door is windless and automatically open backwards.

Standing outside is the "hunter" Colin Iliad, who wore a brown coat with a leather-covered belt around his waist.

"Luo Weiya, the abnormality of the exploration team has been confirmed." Colin said with a straightforward statement, "As the captain, whether you have problems or not, you must go to the dungeon for seven days and accept the baptism of the 'Glory Crown'. You It should be clear that this is the rule."

Luo Weiya didn't have the slightest anger, calmly laughed:

"I know that I am ready to stay in the dungeon for a long time. When I am finished, if you are not at ease, I can accept any arrangement."

During the conversation, she has walked to the door and crossed the "hunter" Colin face to face.

Colin turned silently, followed her obliquely, stepping down the spiraling steps.

Halfway through, the two heard the crying and shouting of heartbreaking.

“Has it started again?” Luo Weiya asked with a slightly confused expression.

Colin nodded and answered dumbly:

"Well, this is the fate we can't escape..."

At this moment, the middle of the round tower, inside a hall.

The residents of the Silver City who explored the squad members and their extra pollution were being pressed in place by the sacred brilliance of the essence, and they could not move, as if they were carrying a giant mountain.

A pair of forties, the black-skinned couple each took a straight sword with a complicated pattern and walked to a young man in his early twenties.

The young man’s body has collapsed, like a muddy mud, but his head is intact, but he has grown a **** thin whisker.

Seeing the couple coming, he shouted in horror:

"Dad, Mom, what are you going to do?

"Isn't it good to eat grilled shovel together tonight?

"Dad, Mom, I have caught a lot of shovel for you..."

The couple couldn’t bear to look sideways, but the straight sword in their hands was raised high.

After two screams, the young man stopped crying, first twitching, and then completely lost signs of life.

On the other hand, a girl in her teens raised a straight sword with a complicated pattern and screamed at her sister with tears.

The woman lying on the ground suddenly smiled and said softly:

"After today, you have to live your own life, don't be naive again...

The girl suddenly cried and her eyes were blurred, and the straight sword in her hand stopped in the air.

However, a strong palm pressed against the back of her hand and jerked forward.


The girl was lying there, and she seemed to hear nothing and could not see anything.

This is the ancient curse that hangs over everyone in Silver City. You must kill your own blood relatives to prevent him from becoming a terrible and weird evil spirit after death.

Therefore, even if Dak has completely changed into a monster, and is polluted by unknown, and does not have the value of interrogation, the "shadow" monitor did not dare to kill him on the spot, but tried to control it, bring it back to the round tower, wait His parents, otherwise things will be more troublesome.

Those members of the same squad that are also polluted are accepting the same treatment for more than two thousand years. Although no one knows whether they will change after death in this state, no one dares to gamble.

Fortunately, the population of Silver City is not too much, and it is trapped in one place. Under the arrangement of the higher generations, there are not many blood relationships between them. Even if they must be limited to three generations, they can find out better.

Because of this, when arranging the patrol squad list, the responsible person must first consider the blood factor to prevent accidents.

For the exploration team, the requirements are not so strict, because their tasks are often deep in the dark, far from the Silver City, even if they die, even if they change, it will not affect everyone's safety.

Once a resident no longer has a blood relative within three generations, he will be strictly monitored. As long as he is seriously ill or obviously aging, he will be sent to the depths of darkness and away from Silver City.

When the former exploration team leader, Yudell, who was previously isolated in the dungeon, changed, there were actually three elders in the round tower, but the final shot was only the "chief" Colin Iliad, otherwise he could only try to seal.

Because that Yud is his brother.

"Shepherd" Luo Weiya and "Hunter" Colin silently entered the bottom of the round tower, accompanied by several Dawn Knights, came to the depths of the dungeon.

Soon, the two stopped outside a cell, and the knights of the dawn were scattered in the distance.

Luo Weiya did not have an abnormality. She walked into the room with only one bed, one table and one candle.

Before the metal door closed, she turned her body and looked at the "hunter" Colin with a light gray eye, and said calmly:

"'Chief', you told me that the residents of Silver City are far away from here. When they die in the dark, they don't immediately become evil spirits. They have to wait for a few days, so the rest of the team has plenty of time. Pull away the distance."

Colin nodded and said that it was.

Luo Weiya closed her eyes and showed a little sad smile:

"In a exploration two months ago, a team member died in front of me.

"I pretended to be separated from the other players, and waited for five days there, but he did not turn into a evil spirit."

"Demon Hunter" Colin looked at her silently and said nothing until the metal door slammed and the seal formed.


Above the fog, inside the ancient palace.

Klein waited for a while, seeing the deep red star symbolizing the little "sun", nothing changed, and finally relieved.

It should be a success... He licked his forehead, wrapped himself in spirit and fell back to the real world.

Just feeling the presence of the body, Klein tasted the cold.

He sneezed and quickly lifted the spiritual wall and re-drilled into the bed.

Sadly, his bed is already cold.

Fortunately, after entering the fog, my body has been protected to a certain extent, otherwise I am afraid that I will catch a cold tomorrow... Klein wrapped the quilt and sighed.

This state now reminds him of a playful word that I have heard in my life:

Heating is basically shaking...

Before the bed is warmed up again, he can only divulge his thoughts and think about all kinds of problems.

Hey, I don’t seem to have any urgent matters recently. The "Magician Code" is completed. Even if it is no longer impossible to challenge, it will only be a normal "performance". The New Year can also digest the potion step by step, my next The main arrangement is to collect the extraordinary materials of the "no face" potion, and accumulate the corresponding money, but this rush is also anxious... The tight strings in Klein's mind are gradually softening, and suddenly there is the idea of ​​rest for two or three days. .

As the bed was warmed up, he fell asleep unconsciously, and when he woke up, he just heard the bell of the church knocking eight times.

Klein stretched out his arm and felt the cold outside, and shivered back silently.

It seems to have cooled again today... There is nothing to rush to do, it seems to be able to sleep asleep... his mind relaxed and closed his eyes again.

Can only rely on a bed for a while, he heard the snoring of the stomach and felt the swelling of the lower abdomen.

Life is really a tough choice everywhere... Klein muttered.

After trying to fight against those two feelings for ten minutes, he finally gave up, slammed into the bathroom and rushed to the bathroom next door.

After changing the clothes and washing, he went down to the first floor and turned over the ingredients to prepare for the Fenett surface.

This time, he did not intend to use the bolognese that he bought. He wanted to try the meat chop that was made two days ago. This is the meat chop that he carefully selected according to the taste in his memory, although due to the two worlds. Some of the ingredients are always a bit different, and the taste is hard to really restore, but after Klein tasted it, it feels good.

Not long after, he ate the Fenerbonet face with sauce and meat, and thought it was a wonderful morning.

Upholding the tradition of this world, he read and read the newspaper while eating, and first confirmed that the "eye of wisdom" Mr. Lao did not advertise.

Based on the thoughts of last night, Klein decided to entertain himself today, so he thought about listening to the concert, listening to the opera, watching the drama.

Tickets for many concert halls in the West End, Hillston District, and Jowood area must be at least 6 Sule. If you meet a well-known musician, you will even be in pounds. The professional concert hall for civilians, 6 to 9 pence, is open to As long as there are idlers and poor people in the Eastern District, as long as 1 pence... Klein looked at the corresponding information to select today's entertainment projects.

It was at this time that he heard the sound of the doorbell.


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