Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 191: 嘱托 (recommended on Monday)

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West End, Kalpensa Hostel.

Folsley helped Lawrence into his room and let him lie on the bed.

This is a more luxurious hotel. In addition to the bathroom, each place is covered with a thick gray-yellow carpet, and a replica of a well-known oil painting is hung on the wall.

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you, Miss Wall, please forgive a person who will die."

"No, Mr. Lawrence, your problem has been alleviated. As a former practicing doctor, I can tell you without any doubt that you can still live. When you take a break, we will go to the clinic or hospital." Ersi comforted each other.

Lawrence smiled and said: "My physical condition is very clear to me. You don't need to comfort me, and my amateur is a astrologer. I have already predicted that I will die in Beckland and die in this hotel."

Except for the modification of the surface, all he said was true. He himself was nearly eighty years old. He was not the strong young man of the original. If the non-sequence potion brought about a certain physical improvement, he might have been buried in it. Which cemetery.

Originally, Lawrence felt that he could still live for ten years. Who knows that he had suffered a rebellion from the former "traveler" Buttis, and he suffered more serious injuries in the hands of the Aurora. His remaining children and grandchildren also died. In the disaster.

This gave him a great blow, and he almost couldn’t slow it down. When Beckland searched for the actions of the two brothers and their descendants, he only harvested the results of the other party’s long-dead, and gave him a certain spirit. Trauma.

Together, Lawrence clearly feels that his life has come to an end.

His original plan was to go to the tomb of Lauboro and Anlisa to present a bunch of flowers, then return immediately, meet with other members of the Family Presbyterian Church, and confess the aftermath, but the situation of the elderly is really not good enough. .

Not waiting for Firth's opening, Lawrence struggled to remove a palm-sized notebook from the inside pocket of the semi-open garment.

The notebook's cardboard envelope is copper-green, giving a very old feel.

Its surface is written in ancient Fossic:

"I came, I saw, I recorded."

Lawrence put the notebook on the quilt on his chest and took a breath:

"Ms. Wall, if I am here, can you help me send it to Port Pritz?"

"Mr. Lawrence, you won't have anything to do," Foers stressed.

At the same time, she subconsciously took a look at the notebook and found that it was not thick. There were three types of paper inside, one was baked and crispy, and the amount was very rare. A kind of parchment like yellow brown. Medium, one is the ordinary white paper, the largest number.

Lawrence laughed very hard and said:

"I mean, if Ms. Wall, would you help?"

"Plitz port is not far away, even travel is not considered, if you need to hurry, in the case of steam trains, I can even go back and forth for a long time." Foers nodded.

Lawrence sighed and the spirit seemed to have recovered a bit:

"After I die, you wait ten minutes to take a glowing item from my body and send it along with this note to the hands of Dorian Gray of the Pritzker Fishermen's Association, my wallet. And the 42 pounds of cash inside is my reward and thanks to you, my clothes will accompany me to become ashes."

"No, you don't need to give me anything, no, you won't have any problems, Mr. Lawrence," Foers said earnestly.

Lawrence didn’t seem to hear what she was saying. She said to herself: “Many Ryan will give you some other rewards, but it depends on your own thoughts... I believe in you, from the things of Anlisa. Can see that you are a good girl..."

He suddenly woke up and said to Foll:

"Ms. Wall, can you go to the first floor to give me a bottle of water? The waiter doesn't know when to come."

"No problem." Fols didn't think too much, took the boiling water bottle and walked out of the room.

After a few steps, she suddenly felt that it was wrong, because the water bottle in her hand was heavy, and obviously there was still a lot of inventory.

Fols was waiting to return and asked, and suddenly felt a strong spiritual fluctuation in the room.

This is... Folls first squatted there, and immediately understood Mr. Lawrence’s intentions:

As the death approached, he clearly felt that his physical state began to be wrong, fearing that he would lose control and become a monster.

He wants to die as a human being, not a monster, so he chooses to end his life.

This is the last decent of an extraordinary person.

Of course, if you become a monster, all his arrangements will be lost.

Thinking of this, Fols stunned for a while, waiting outside for nearly ten minutes before pushing the door.

She saw Lawrence lying on the bed without a sound, as if she was a lot older, with an eye-sized "diamond" beside her.

The light from the window shines in and refracts on the "diamond", forming a beautiful scene like a star.

Huh... Foss breathed a sigh of relief and checked it carefully, and found that Lawrence’s death was the most common cardiac arrest.


Jowood District, 15 Minsk Street.

Back to home, Klein took a break and went to the fog, planning to divinate Will.

He let the thousand paper cranes fly out of the corner debris, landed on the bronze long table in front of him, and then removed the citrine pendant wrapped around the cuffs.

While holding the pendulum in the left hand, Klein adjusted his state with meditation and recalled a scene that was seen in the woods outside the cemetery.

Some details may not be noticed, but his spirituality will certainly not be overlooked. This divination is mainly to use this point and rely on the fog to eliminate interference.

After the preparation, Klein presented a new parchment and wrote the "Divination Statement":

"Will. Anthony has died completely."

Then he pressed the paper cranes to the divination statement, and the citrine pendant almost touched the words.

After entering the meditation state and completing all the steps of the "spirit pendulum", Klein opened his eyes and looked at the results:

The citrine pendant is rotating counterclockwise, and the speed is quite fast.

This means negation.

This means that Will Ansett has not died completely!

This... Klein feels awkward and feels that this seems to be expected.

He thought about it and changed the divination statement again:

"The body is Will.."

This time, the spirit of the pendulum gave a positive revelation.

That corpse really belongs to Will.

Klein vaguely had an idea and wrote a new divination statement again:

"The body of Will. Anthony will be resurrected.

After a calm and busy day, Klein saw the revelation:

Rotate counterclockwise for extremely fast speed.

This shows that Will's body will not be resurrected, that is, it will not change!

It seems that Will Ansett actively or passively abandoned the previous body and survived in another way... Is this something related to the "Silver of Mercury"? Klein tried other things in divination, but they all got the result of the failure, including "the current state of Will.

However, he used the "Dream Divination Method" to repeat the previous divination and asked "Will. Onsetin's current position", but still got a similar picture: the dark room, the sound of flowing water.

But this seems to make a difference.

Forget it, there is no need to waste time, I am not ready to blend... Klein put away the spirit and ready to return to the real world.

Through the divination and the previous things, he had a vague speculation about Will Anthony, but could not confirm.

He suspects that Will Anthony is another "silver snake"!

As sequence 1, "Silver of Mercury" is not unique, and there can be up to three "strips" at the same time!

The "Silver Snake", who is in charge of fate, can naturally locate the position of the Allen Star Spirit through a thousand paper cranes, create false revelations to each other, and undoubtedly have the ability to change one's destiny.

Will Anthony did not know why he was weak and was under the threat of a second "silver snake". Everything he did was to get rid of each other.

As for the reasons for the conflict between them, the answer is simple:

When there is no sequence 0, there can be three sequences of 1 at the same time, and once there is a sequence of 0, there will be no sequence 1!

For this sentence, the formula of the "Black Emperor" potion shows the true meaning.

One of the main materials of that recipe is:

The extraordinary characteristics of the two "princes of the order"!

"The Prince of the Order" is the sequence of the "Black Emperor" route!

As a sequence 1, to promote sequence 0, you must get all the extraordinary features of the other two sequences of the same route!

It is with such speculation that Klein is even more afraid to blend into Will.

If my inference is correct, it is a genuine "fair fight", can not afford to provoke ... Klein spirituality fell, disappeared into the ancient palace above the fog.


In Queens, a house that is not worthy of attention here, the extraordinary gathering of Mr. A was held as scheduled.

Fols and Hugh changed their costumes, accompanied the Viscount of Glallett wearing the black and black mask into the hall, and randomly found a position to sit down.

Before the official start of the party, Viscount Glylinte pre-empted his needs to the waiter and prayed to the goddess, hoping that someone would respond later.

Fols was as lazy as usual, and rarely put on a hood and covered his face with shadows.

She is thinking about Mr. Lawrence's business.

What is the size of the "diamond" of the eye, she is very clear, that is the extraordinary characteristics of the other party, but she is temporarily unable to confirm that it belongs to the sequence.

The notebook, Firth flipped over and found that many of the papers were still blank, and the content with the content, filled with all kinds of strange, quirky, mysterious symbols and magic signs, completely beyond the Foer The range of knowledge of thinking.

It doesn't matter what it is. The important thing is that I have to keep my promise... Fols has told me a sentence.

At this time, sitting on the single sofa, Mr. A’s exaggerated Mr. A hoarsely opened:

"I have a mission.

“Help me find some people who believe in the so-called “fools”.”

what? Fols looked back from his own thoughts.

PS: Today is more complete, ask for a ticket~

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