Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Wind

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"Yes, more than a month ago." Allen pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose and gave a positive answer.

More than a month ago? Isn't it time that you are troubled by the nightmare of Will Anthony? Klein was surprised and confused, but did not let emotions appear on his face.

In the twinkling of an eye, he associates himself with two divinations:

Will Anthony is in a dark room with a flowing sound.

Is that a sign of amniotic fluid or blood? Klein’s heart glimpsed, and suddenly he was ashamed.

When he looked at Dr. Allen, his eyes were quite complicated.

He suspected that the other wife was pregnant with Will Anthony, a Mercury Snake!

In the symbol of occultism, the Mercury Snakes end to end, devour their own tails, and have the meaning of a fateful cycle... Will Unsetin actively opened the new cycle in advance in order to avoid the enemy. ? Klein made guesses based on the knowledge he currently has.

Dr. Allen was completely unaware of the anomaly he tried to cover up. He smiled and said:

"He must be a cute guy. When he is born, I will hold a banquet to celebrate his arrival, Sherlock, and don't refuse my invitation."

"Maybe she." Klein responded with a smile.

To be frank, he was a bit curious and wanted to see what the new Mercury Snake was in.

However, he is also somewhat fearful and worried. After all, the Mercury Snake is a sequence of the "monster" fate route, and involves the struggle for the position of the gods. No one can be sure that the follow-up will be smooth and stable.

For Dr. Allen, I don’t know if it’s lucky or unfortunate... Will Well Anthony’s kindness be one thing, and another Mercury Snake will find it on the other hand... and Will Ansett is currently Nothing to do, telling the value of the night seems to be a bit cruel, I have always been able to understand the wild extraordinary... First quietly watching development, not blending, not using, is the best choice... Maybe I read the mistake, think too More? Maybe Will Anthony is not a mercury snake at all! Maybe the child of Mrs. Allen’s wife is normal! Klein flashed a lot of thoughts.

"She? That would be better." Allen said with anticipation.

Klein thought and asked another question:

"Have you had a nightmare recently?"

"Occasionally, but it's a normal nightmare, there is no longer Will. Anthony, Sherlock, thank you for your guidance." Allen said sincerely.

No, no, no, this is not normal. As a keyboard powerhouse, my limited psychological knowledge tells me that it is normal to follow the occasional dream of Will. It is from the stimulus. The standard response, since the other party has caused you such a big trouble, leaving such a deep impression, it will definitely be mapped into the dream, so the correct change is occasionally dreaming of Will Anthony, but the dream It’s not very clear, I just forgot the specific content when I just got up, I only know that there is one thing... Klein has made some more.

Just then, he heard a screaming voice.

He subconsciously looked out of the hall, only to see the darkness of the air was blown away by the wind, and the pale yellow mist was swept away.

The branches without leaves swayed, and the wind dragged a clear trace and went straight to the southeast.

After a few seconds, everything returned to normal and calmed down.

"Beckland's winter is hard to see this kind of wind, at least I don't have any impression." Allen also looked out the window and said with a feeling.

This is not a normal wind... What happened? Klein pressed his doubts and made an excuse to go to the bathroom to do ordinary divination. He did not get effective revelation.

He temporarily forgot the matter and prepared to go to the underground shooting range to practice the gun.

But at this time, the waiter wearing the red vest passed through the warm, spring hall and came to his side, respectfully said:

"Mr. Moriarty, your friend is looking for you."

"Who?" Klein asked with a slight sigh.

"Mr. Icons Bernard." The red vest waiter replied.

The deacon who often passively "haircuts"... What did he suddenly ask me for? Have new discoveries? Klein immediately went to the reception hall of the club.

Icons pressed the hat that was raised by the fluffy hair and greeted him, pressing down the voice:

"The punisher found Patrick Jason Beria."

"How did you find it?" Klein asked half-assured half curiously.

According to the revelation of his divination, Jason Beria has always been dressed in a human skin. The true looks and breath are not certain, and it is almost impossible to find it so easily!

Ikons circled around:

"I don't know, I just received this news."

He pointed to a white bird that was parked on the tree outside the door.

The bird is leisurely cleaning his feathers with his mouth.

Not waiting for Klein to ask again, Icons roughly described the passage of things:

"The punishers found clues and determined Jason's whereabouts, but the demon noticed the danger ahead of time. Before the encirclement and closing, they forced the two punishers to escape, which made the top of the storm church very angry, 'God The singer's Ace Sneek personally pursued it. You should have seen a gust of wind just now, that is what he caused. He is the Archbishop of the Baptist Parish of the Storm Church and one of the cardinals of the entire Storm Church. ”

It sounds normal, but it feels weird... According to Mr. Essinger and my guess, this can also be understood as Jason's "desire apostle" is leading the high sequence strong... Klein asked:

"Are you sure you found Jason Beria?"

Ikonser’s expression became dignified and the tone was quite odd:

"I will give it a try."

He signaled that Klein went out with him and boarded a spacious carriage parked on the street with two members of the "Mechanical Heart".

Icons took a breath and took out the ancient silver mirror with the demon pattern from the special pocket inside the clothes.

After finishing the pre-order work, he said with a dark face:

"Respected Arrods, my question is, Patrick Jason Beria's current position."

The surrounding light was distorted, like the light after the rain, and the scene inside the silver mirror quickly emerged:

It was a riverboat with a sail that was raised, the bones were towering, the blue scorpion was gray, and the hair was combed. Jason Beria pressed the cap and erected the coat neckline, and hurriedly entered the cover. Cabin.

"He really wants to escape from Beckland! The singer of the gods seems to be rushing to the dock area..." a female member of the "Mechanical Heart" said with a sigh.

This is too easy to expose? Klein is full of doubts.

Icons did not care about this, all the attention was placed on the surface of the silver mirror.

This time, only the answer to the question option, mistakes or lying will encounter terrible punishment.

Soon, the mirror outlines the words that are red and bloody:

"If the man you like is full of cockroaches, or fades off the skin, only flesh and blood, or become a monster, but can communicate, will you like him?"

A shameful question... Wait, man? Klein leaned over his head and looked at Icons.

Icons slowly spit out his breath:

"Yes, but I will kill him by hand."

"Be very honest." A new combination of words emerged on the surface of the silver mirror.

... This quiz game is a public punishment... Kline wants to reach out and cover his face.

He looked at the other two "Mechanical Hearts" members without any abnormalities, or pretending that there was no abnormal expression, hesitated and said:

"I always feel too easy, maybe it is not really Jason Beria?"

"But Jason Beria points to him." Icons intends to put the silver mirror away.

Klein thought for a few seconds and organized the language:

"No, what I really mean is that we have to abandon some of the inherent judgments. We are looking for the ‘desire apostle’, not Jason Beria. The two are not necessarily identical.

"This is what I have to offer as a detective."


On the King's Road, a luxury carriage left the House of Kingdoms.

The carriage is covered with carpets, furniture such as beds, sofas and tables, just like a moving room.

The Duke of Nicholas, who was wearing a dark blue admiral suit, was carrying a crystal-polished cup and drinking **** Ormill wine.

As he tasted the fine wine, he thought and said:

"Invite Earl of Hall to be a guest tomorrow. I want to talk to him about improving the compensation of factory workers, improving their working hours, and amending the "Poverty Alleviation Law." This is his most recent motion. He should be very interested. Oh, how did the night church suddenly care about this?

"When you invite, you can first tell the Earl of Hall what I want to discuss. The property restrictions of the election are necessary. You can't lower the requirements. Otherwise, those who drive a large number of workers will occupy more seats. Also, Recent attacks on invalid constituencies have been suppressed..."

Brushing, the secretary next to it quickly recorded the orders of the Duke of Nigan.

After that, the Duke of Nigan sighed:

"I did this for the status of the nobility, but there are more and more people who are useless among us. There are even many people who owe money to the rich."

At this time, the carriage did not turn in the direction of Queens, went straight ahead.

As the largest land aristocrat outside the king, the Duke of Nigan has many mistresses, but in the relatively conservative atmosphere of the Kingdom of Lun, this is a place that is easily attacked by political opponents, so even if you are the Duke, when he goes to the mistress, It has to be sneaky, but it seems to give him more fun.

Today he is going to the most beloved mistress in the last two or three years, a girl who has just turned 20.

Taking out a bottle of medicinal powder made from mummified corpse powder, the Duke of Nigan couldn't help but touch the ornament hanging on his neck. It was a dark blue thumb-sized conch.

It is a magical item specially provided by the Storm Church after the last Qilingus assassination. As long as the Duke of Nigan blew, the "Singer of God" in the Holy Wind Cathedral can hear it. Move and lock the position.

In order to protect himself, the Duke of Nigan even changed the residence of several mistresses to the Jowood area and changed to a place not far from the Holy Wind Cathedral.

The carriage slowly moved to a very luxurious house and looked at it. There was a glass greenhouse in the garden filled with bright red roses.

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