Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 44: Eternal dream

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The Rothde Islands are the fulcrum of the Kingdom of Luen in the waters of Central Sonia. It is also a key parish of the Storm Church. There is a long-time deacon who can participate in the Cardinal Conference.

Of course, the pirates at this level of the generals may not be able to alarm such a big man, not to mention the so-called second officer and sailor, and the deacon Córdoba Royer is happy to accept the order and lead the two "offenders" squad. Seals "2 - 37" and "2 - 166", ambush in the distance from No. 15 Xiangshu Avenue, in order to be foolproof.

In Córdoba Roy's view, a "Prisoner" team with two seals is enough to deal with a group of "steel" and "flame" Daniz, but the latter reversely pays attention to the pursuers. The performance of his whereabouts made him somewhat worried. He intuitively thought that there was a certain problem, so he called a "Prisoner" team.

In fact, it is enough to have "2-37"... Waiting room, Cordova. Royer suddenly sighed.

In his view, this seal will be a nightmare for "steel" and "flame".

He closed his eyes and naturally showed the corresponding information in his mind:

"No. 37."

"Name: Eternal Dream."

“Danger level: ‘2’, dangerous, cautious and temperate, only three or more actions or deacons, bishops can apply.”

"Privacy level: bishop, team captain, and above."

"Seal method: placed in boiling water."

"Description: The shape is like a heart, the color is dark, the touch is cold, the cavity is full, and the bagpipe-like sound is often produced.

"This item comes from a primitive tribe in the Western Continent of the South Continent. They take the sorcerer as the leader, live a day of rest, and live in the evening.

"A Luen army conquered the tribe and got the item that was enshrined on the altar. In the following week, there were incidents of soldiers being dysfunctional, mad, and suicide.

"Research shows that as long as you touch this item, you will enter a long dream. If you are not awakened, you will stay in the illusory world forever. The outside will show anxiety, fear, confusion and other emotions. The physiological state gradually changes.

“The awakened researchers still have long been confused about reality and dreams. This has led to a series of tragic events, including but not limited to, showing up to the boss, kissing the mouth of the snake, suffering from depression, taking off his clothes and streaking, trying to use Bathing in boiling water... If you don't transfer them to another city, there are only two possibilities: madness and suicide.

"This item can be used, and the living creatures in the target range will enter the same dream... Users can select the target within a certain limit, and exclude the companion... The maximum range is 50 meters, which will cause the user Great burden, leaving a strong mental trauma... The user will enter the state of unclear reality and dreams afterwards, and must leave the city where '2-37' is located before he hopes to recover.

“A lot of examples (see appendix) show that even if you don’t touch it, this item will affect the surrounding people extensively, unless it is placed in boiling hot water...”

"Appendix: 1. Similar to the "nightmare" effect of the night route, but more prominent and uncontrolled.

"2. Example 1: A caretaker forgets to add charcoal, causing the flame to go out, the boiling water temperature is lowered, and he quickly has an abnormal performance. It is suspected that he dreamed of a beloved girl and made a passionate enthusiasm for his own gloves. Confess and try to have a super friendship with it; example 2..."

During the rotation of thoughts, Cordova Royer suddenly saw the "flame" Daniz, the fourth sailor of the "Golden Dream" came to this contact point and wanted to receive intelligence.

He made a gesture, indicating that the "Prisoner" team next to him opened a golden box with many symbolic symbols and magic signs, and took out the seal "2-37" soaked in boiling water.

This gold-cast box is another seal, "2-166".

It keeps the internals at the original temperature and changes the weather to some extent, the next "sun holy water" rain.

Of course, it also has a great negative effect. Otherwise, the "offenders" have long used it to seal "2-37" instead of making a temporary trick. The most unacceptable thing is that no matter what, as long as It has been in contact with it for a long time, and it can be dyed with alive characteristics, and faithfully believes in "eternal glory". Inside the "Prisoner", there has been a table that sings "Eternal Vigor" every day. Every second The clock wants to ignite the candle that purifies everything.

- The violent "penalty" turned the table into a pile of firewood, and it was the candle behind it that lit it.

Seeing a group of people appearing, rushed into No. 15 Xiangshu Avenue, Cordova. Royer pressed his right hand without hesitation, let the players around him activate the seal "2-37".

The surface of the palm of the player immediately emerged as an imaginary fish scale, and the black heart-like seal was directly caught in the boiling water.

The melodious bagpipes rang, and the night of the night shrouded the house at No. 15 Xiangshu Avenue.

The prospect of the adventurer John Smith and others has remained unchanged. It is still an empty living room without furniture and a "flame" Daniz with a black cloak. There is no feeling of entering a dream.

They rushed to the past, worked hard to shoot, tried to use their own abilities, successfully wounded the "flame" and seized the famous pirate with a reward of 3,000 pounds and involving the "key of death".

However, in the real world, they are doing high-lifting their legs in the same place, stretching their arms like swimming, or making a gun with their fingers, and making a squeaking sound in their mouths.

"Action!" Cordova Royer first left the shelter and rushed to the house at No. 15 Xiangshu Avenue. The rest of the "December" team members were divided into two batches and completed from different positions.

Before Cordoba arrived, the living room was bright and shining. It seemed that there was a round of sun rising, and the sacred and pure water droplets were like rain, and it fell. It was the seal "2-166" that played its role.

Farther away, the flying carpets are quietly suspended and obscured by the darkness. When the "steel" Maviti and others see the "Public Punishers" appear, they understand that this is really the trap of "flame" Daniz.

"This scorpion raised, even turned to the storm church!" McVeigh's eyes frantically whispered.

"Bloody Thorns" Huntley looked at the calm Scoel and praised it:

"Fortunately, we have no idea."

"Actually, I didn't think that the 'flame' Daniz would cooperate with the Storm Church," School said calmly. "Maybe, he was caught by the 'deceased' who had been injured and had to cooperate. ""

They were about to leave, and suddenly saw something in the shadow outside the house at No. 15 Xiangshu Avenue, which was posted on the ground and quickly swam away.

"Flame!" "Steel" Maviti recalled the scene of the previous ambush failure.

"Daniz!" Huntley also recognized who the guy who tried to escape with wonderful ability.

Scoel was a glimpse and immediately understood:

"Either the ‘flame flames’ Daniz wants to take the opportunity to escape the control of the ‘the punisher’, or he has another trap to deal with us. As a result, I don’t know why I’ve got the ‘the punisher’ and I have to give up and rush to escape.”

"In any case, this is an opportunity!" "Bloody Thorns" Huntley looked at the "deceased" who had just rushed into the house. "As long as we grasp the short tens of seconds, we can 'The punisher' kills or walks away 'flame'!"

"Steel" Maviti is excited and his eyes become very crazy.

After Skool nodded, he said to the other two extraordinary people:

"You take my living corpses and shackles and stay in this position. Once the ‘the punishers’ chase them, let them create chaos and take the opportunity to leave!”

"Yes, the head." The two extraordinary pirates jumped off the "flying carpet" with the living corpses and cockroaches.

The peacock blue carpet turned a corner and chased the front of the "flame" Daniz.

"You assist us, mainly guarding the surroundings, I am worried that Daniz has other helpers." Skool took the time to say to the "Bloody Thorns" Huntley.

Huntley’s slightly pale face showed a smile:

"it is good!"

Scull no longer said more, and the "steel" McVirtie nodded.

By virtue of the condescending advantage, Maviti identified the unnecessary shadows with almost no abnormalities and judged the direction of the target.

He suddenly jumped off the "flying carpet", like a boulders, and fell heavily on the ground. The frost on his soles condensed, and the cold and transparent ice layer spread quickly to the side.

The black shadow was immediately frozen in the corner!

With a click, "flame" Daniz struggled to break free and "grow" out of the shadows.

Huntley on the flying carpet with a good hand left the things that have been held in the palm of the hand, it is a piece of green leaves, blossoming flowers and roots of thorns.

The leaves, petals, thorns or madness become bigger, or connected together, and entangled in the "flame" Daniz, making him difficult to move.

Scull took the opportunity to jump out of the flying carpet and, with the help of his whereabouts, inserted the sharp scalpel in his right palm into the neck of Daniz.


He dragged the handle of his right hand, and turned around, and came behind the target.

Daniz’s head fell and his body flew flat and turned into a thin, broken paper man.

At the same time, "Steel" Maviti felt an indescribably strong sense of hunger, only to feel like a horrible monster hidden in the darkness, watching itself quietly.

No, not "flame"! He had just flashed such thoughts in his heart, and a blazing fireball that had been compressed to the extreme flew over a roof and slammed into his body.

"Steel" Maviti made only one action on this, that is, raising his arm and blocking it in front of him.


The flames burst open and the waves swayed, blocking the sight of Scoel and Huntley, but they were not flustered at all and had strong confidence in "steel."

Sure enough, McVety only had broken clothes and a slight white mark on the skin, without any harm.

But at this time, he suddenly saw a crazy figure in the tumbling fire in the air, clearly wearing the "flame" Daniz black cloak, but with a neat black hair, no Deep brown eyes with mood swings, thin and cold face.

Just now Daniz has always been "no face" Klein, who has been preparing for the hunting of the German Sparrow!

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