Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 58: An idea

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The next day, Monday morning.

The retired Klein did not go out, but handed the letter to the instructor Cohen Quentin and the excess stamp fee to Melissa, entrusting her sister to the post office near the Tingen Technical School.

After breakfast, he leisurely made up for the lack of sleep during the "work" period, until it was close to noon, and his stomach was awkward before he got up again.

Hot left last night's leftovers, smashed oatmeal bread, Kline took a newspaper and entered the bathroom on the second floor.

Whenever this happens, he can't help but sigh without a cell phone.

After seven or eight minutes, he came out in a refreshing manner, washed his hands, returned to the bedroom, and locked the door.

Then, Klein pulled the curtains, lit the gas lamps, did half an hour of meditation, practiced half an hour of spirituality, spirituality, and wand, and reviewed the occult knowledge for an hour in a memory.

After doing these things, he tore the old newspaper into dozens of groups, and wrote the names of the materials such as "moon flower candle" and "full moon oil", and simulated the process of ritual magic step by step to grasp the details - in the real Before he is proficient and learns more, he does not intend to rush to try ritual magic, because it will waste material and is easy to attract danger.

Over and over again, Klein picked up a silver-white pocket watch with a vine pattern, and glanced at it and found that it was just two and forty-five minutes.

He considered it for a few seconds, taking the used newspapers to the first floor kitchen for burning, and he adjusted the state to prepare for the Tarot party.

Once again locked the door of the bedroom, Klein did not wait for the arrival of three points, intends to enter the fog ahead of time.

He wants to take this opportunity and explore it there!

Just as Klein stood in the room and was about to start walking counterclockwise, he suddenly worried about "justice" and "downside down" whether he entered the right environment, whether he would be disturbed and discovered by others, and thought of one thing:

He said that he had to figure out a way to let "justice" and "downside down people" if they really couldn't get away from it, or if they encountered something else, they could "please leave" in advance and absent from the meeting.

For the former Klein, this is an almost impossible problem. He can't manually drive a different world instant messaging network. The way of cable telegraphy will expose itself.

Now, he found inspiration from the ritual magic:

"With the help of external ritual magic, all pray for different existential help. There will be clear directions at the beginning of similar mantras, such as the **** of the night, the blush, such as the description of the unknown and hidden existence."

"Then can I modify the spell and let the description at the beginning point to me?"

"Point me..."

“In this way, ‘just’ and ‘hanging people’, even if they hold a ceremony in a foreign country, I can get the corresponding information.”

Klein’s spirit suddenly rose and began to analyze the feasibility of this approach:

"Two difficulties, first, I am not a strong sequencer to a certain extent. Even if the description of the mantra does point to me, I am unlikely to receive a 'request.'"

"Secondly, how to ensure that the description of the mantra can accurately point to me, to ensure that it will not be misplaced, and that the other unknowns that match the description will bring great danger."

Klein paced back and forth, pondering possible solutions.

The footsteps were silent, he turned round and round, and naturally connected this thing to the mysterious world above the fog.

"I can't receive the 'request', it doesn't mean that the fog is not good. The combination of it and the deep red star can directly pull people into the space, ignoring the distance."

"I can consider bundling me with the mysterious space association when doing a directional description..."

"According to this line of thinking, although I can't immediately receive a 'request' when the other party holds a ceremony, as long as I enter the fog, I can see the corresponding information."

“In short, it’s the difference between QQ’s online and offline messages.”

Klein wants to be more excited and think that this idea can be tried.

"Well, what description should I use to point me precisely to the foggy world?" He began to consider the details.

In fact, he has a curse that can be successful, that is, the pure Lun transliteration of "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun", but the problem is that this will lead him to lose control over the fog, lose the dominant position, and can only rule out .

"..."fools from different worlds?" No, this is accurate enough, almost no other existence is eligible, but it will reveal my biggest secret..." Klein thought of one spell after another, but They all negated themselves.

After seven or eight minutes, he finally finalized the first directional description in the mantra:

"The fool who does not belong to this era."

This is obviously not precise enough, and Klein quickly added a paragraph:

"The mysterious ruler above the fog."

The combination of the two can be almost limited to him, and the fog is tied to himself.

"It's still a little bit. I don't rule out that there are multiple spaces above the fog, and multiple dominators do not rule out this description pointing to the spiritual world..." Klein frowned and planned to add another insurance.

Um... He considered it for a full minute and finally thought about the last paragraph:

"The king of yellow and black who is in good luck!"

This is an approximate translation of the "Fusheng Xuan Huang God". If it is only purely it is likely to be wrong, it will bring about the danger of unknown, but with the limitations of the first two, it has its own similar spell to enter the fog. In the case above, the described object can be completely locked.

According to these three paragraphs to hold the ritual magic, Klein does not know whether it will have an effect, but it is sure that it will not attract other existing concerns, and will not let "justice" and "downside down" be in danger.

Klein took a long breath and meditated on the thoughts that were good:

"A fool who does not belong to this age, you are the mysterious ruler above the fog, you are the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck..."

He nodded invisibly, licking the pocket watch in the pocket and determining the time.

"Two five fifty-eight..." Klein no longer thought about it. He took the pocket watch and entered the meditation. With a curse, he walked four steps counterclockwise and walked into a square.

The most violent noise and the most screaming screams sounded again, and he felt the headache that was more intolerable than taking the "Divination" potion.

This is different from the severe pain that the head is pierced. It is a kind of madness that makes people lose their senses and make people feel confused.

Klein controlled himself in a meditation manner and tried not to listen.

Those whispers and whispers retreat, his body is light, his spirituality is light, and everything is erratic.

The boundless fog appeared in his sight, and the deep red stars were far or near, like an eye.

Above the fog, the palace of the giant's residence is still standing, and it seems to exist here for millions of years.

Klein was just a heartbeat, and the figure had disappeared in place, sitting on the bronze long table with twenty-two high-back chairs.

"The ritual effect is indeed fixed... He whispers, tapping his eyebrows, letting the gray mist cover himself, thicker than ever - according to the description of "downside down", if "justice" becomes the audience, then the most Do not show your behavior in front of her.

Without time to explore, Klein stretched out his right hand, constructing an invisible connection and communicating the two familiar deep red stars.


On the sea of ​​Sonia on the dark blue, an old sailing ship sailed in the wind.

Alger Wilson locked himself in the captain's room, giving the ghost ship the highest level of protection.

The pocket watch in front of him spread out, beside the brass sextant, walking slyly, not happy enough, revealing tension.

The hour, minute and second hands just pointed to the correct position, and Alger Wilson burst into a deep red color, ignoring layer-by-layer protection.

Uh... his sigh echoed in the captain's room.


Beckland, Queens.

Audrey Hall leaned on the velvet pillow and looked at the yellow-brown paper in his hand. The jewel-like eyes seemed to hide two slowly swirling soul whirlpools.

Her eyes are calm and cold, just like waiting for a play.

The crimson erupted, and she looked at herself and was engulfed with a down-to-head attitude.


Above the fog, in the grand palace, the bronze long table is mottled and ancient.

Audrey Hall’s figure just appeared, and Klein, who had opened the vision early, looked at the past, and unexpectedly saw the color of the other side’s gas field blended into one, becoming pure, and the silence was as clear as the reflection. The lake of things.

She really became an extraordinary person... Klein was waiting to look away and suddenly found that the high back chair belonging to Miss Justice was changed.

The stars on the back of the chair fly fast, forming an unreal constellation that is not a reality.

In Klein's eyes, this constellation is so familiar, because it is a symbol in occult.

Symbolizes the symbol of "the dragon"!

The audience... The dragon... Klein controlled himself without shaking his head, and looked into the high-back seat of the "upside down man".

Normally, from the perspective of his line of sight, the situation of the back of the chair must not be seen, but this is his home, and everything is presented according to his will.

The constellation behind the seat has not changed, but Klein, whose occult has been introduced, is no longer as ignorant as before, recognizing the symbol of "storm."

Sailor... sea otter... storm... This is no problem... The color of the depth of the "downside down man" is purely a lot... Has he been promoted? By the way, what is the symbol behind my seat?

Klein endured the urge, as before, his fingers tapped on the edge of the three long tables and smiled and said:

"Congratulations, Miss ‘Justice, you are an extraordinary person.”

Can he see it directly? Audrey stunned and smiled:

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Fool, thank you Mr. Hangman."

"It's faster than I thought," Alger Wilson said calmly.

Klein didn't continue this topic, knocked on his eyebrows, and smiled and said:

"Ms. Sir, have you found Russell's diary?"

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