Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 119: Frighten yourself

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Above the fog, Klein leaned back on the high back chair and held "squirming hunger" for a few seconds.

Finally, he released the soul of the "psychologist" according to the predetermined steps.

The side of the bronze long table quickly showed a tall figure. This is a lady, her face is rather vague, and the feeling of pain and distortion is beyond words.

Klein looked at her and asked like a chat:

“Remember who you are?”

In this mysterious space, he can directly psychic.

The "psychologist"’s feeling of grievance has weakened a lot, and she smiled bitterly:

"of course I remember.

"I am a member of a secret organization. I am going to see a friend in Toskat Island and I met a pirate on the road.

"Although I used my ability to solve the disaster, the escaping pirates told Qilingers about the situation. In order to gain my ability, he specially changed the sailing plan and blocked our ships. After that, The things you should be able to imagine.

"By his prudence, I was killed directly, and I didn't encounter anything more terrible than death for other female passengers."

Klein silently for a few seconds, gently tapped his head:

"Do you know the ancient book "Grossel Travels"?"

He believes that since "Grossel Travels" comes from the dragon family, the "psychologists" may have heard of its name and specific circumstances.

The female "psychologist" seriously thought about it and shook her head and said:

"I am sorry, I have never heard of this name."

Klein did not entangle this topic, and instead asked:

"You are about to dissipate, get peace, what are your wishes?"

The "psychologist" lowered his head and chuckled:

"I want to resurrect.

"Well, I know that this wish can't be satisfied. Others are not necessary. I have been dead for many years. My family and my friends should have received bad news, and then pass the death message again, only let them recall it again. Kind of pain.

"Like this, thank you, just like this..."

Her figure was bleak and faint, disappearing, leaving only a huge golden pupil, reflecting the golden pupils of everyone's thoughts.

This is an extraordinary feature left by the “psychologist”.

Klein sighed and pondered some details from the words of the "psychologist":

"She went to Toskat Island to visit friends, alone, without relatives...

“Toscat Island is located to the east of the Sea of ​​Sonia and to the south and north of the Gargas Islands.

"It is the easternmost colony of the Kingdom of Lun, and the Gargas Islands belong to the Fossac Empire... What friends will be there? What friends are worth visiting for so long?

"Although she only said that it is a secret organization, but the high probability belongs to the 'psychological alchemy association', is this a task?"

Klein respects the deceased and is unwilling to dig into the secrets of the other party, so there is no question. At this time, there is no clue. He quickly stopped thinking about this and considered another thing.

After killing the "smart speaker" Misor Kim, I have to leave Baiam in a short period of time for whatever reason... During this time, I really did not do this "generous city". Less things... Well, to participate in two or three extraordinary gatherings, to confirm whether there is a master material of the "Master of Secrets" and then leave... Klein quickly made a decision, and then there was a scene of "world" prayer, giving It was covered in fog and thrown into the deep red star symbolizing Miss Justice.


Audrey is looking out at the nearby village on the balcony of the third floor, where the roof is dominated by brick red, depicting a realistic or abstract dragon pattern.

Suddenly, a familiar flawless fog appeared in front of her eyes.

In the fog, a vague figure is praying to the **** above the stilts:

"Mr. Great ‘fool’, please tell Miss ‘Justice’, you can prepare for the transaction.”

Can I prepare for the transaction? Did he get the extraordinary characteristics of a "psychologist"? Yesterday, there was no... The efficiency of the "world" was scared to Audrey, and I almost forgot to thank Mr. "Folly".

Fortunately, she was not the young girl in the past. She has seen a lot of big things, quickly calmed her mood, thanked her sincerely, and told Mr. "World" that she has to wait two to three days because she is prepared to owe it. The money of Mr. Fool’s monk is paid together—the cash on her is enough, but it must be kept at a certain bottom line, otherwise it will be easily found.

When the illusory fog dissipated, Audrey looked down at Su Shi, who was quietly admiring the garden on the first floor. She took a few steps back and forth and secretly said:

“Mr. ‘World’ is really terrible...”


In the evening, "seaweed bar".

The "blue-eyed" Mi Si, who had just squandered money from the casino, sat in front of the bar and asked for a cup of anger.

He was about to raise a glass of wine and suddenly heard the bartender pressing down the voice:

"The wise speaker, Misor is dead."

"Oh... who did it?" "Blue Eyes" Mises was shocked and immediately asked with some excitement. "Someone is challenging the disease?"

"An adventurer named German Sparo, who had no previous reputation, who knows that he can kill Misor!" The bartender did not hide his vibrations and horror. "He also killed Ozl, the fragrant leaves. The real boss of the bar, 'Gilez' Ozl!"

"Blue Eyes" Mies was about to express her feelings and suddenly frowned.

This morning, Ozl’s people came to ask him about the “flame” Daniz. He told the other party that the sailor of the “Golden Dream” was mixed with a strange adventurer and provided a corresponding ceremony with the help of the ceremony. Portrait painting.

Ozil is dead, Misor. Kim is dead, a strange adventurer named German Sparo... The "blue-eyed" Mises’s hand trembles and suddenly appears in his mind. The deputy made him impressed to the extreme:

The young man, who looks like a gentleman, stands at the entrance of the bar, his brunette is brown, his face is thin, his face is sharp, and his eyes are coldly examining the visitors who come and go, as if looking for prey.

"Blue Eyes" Mises shuddered, refused to drink, and got up directly, striding out of the bar.

It’s terrible, that guy is terrible! Even the "smart speaker" died in his hands, definitely the strongman of the general level! He must be looking for me, to kill me together, no, can't stay in Baiam, must return to the boat immediately, stay away from here! "Blue Eye" Mies went straight to the "Red Theater", forcibly pulled away several companions, went to the jungle outside the city, and detoured to rebel against the private port controlled by the army.

The herbal shop in the alley opposite the "Red Theater" is still open, and the fat pharmacist Dakwell sits at the counter, calming and feeling anxious.

He has contacted the known "life school" members in various ways to seek the necessary help, but he can't know who will come, when he will come, can only endure fear and anxious to continue to open the store, pretending that nothing happened. .

"Duckwell, you are very upset." The chubby owl did not know where to fly back and landed on the counter.

"You don't need your reminder, I know my status very well." Dakwell waved his hand impatiently.

He still remembers that when he followed the teacher, he was always warned by the other party to be careful of the official organization to be careful about the real blood. For this reason, Roy Kim gave many examples, what was permanently held in the ground, and neither sunshine nor sunlight was seen. No woman, what becomes a researcher, use the body to test the harm of certain seals, what is subjected to various experiments, mutated into a monster with only instinct, what is sucked by the blood family, turned into a cockroach.

These examples are deeply imprinted in the minds of the fat man, so that the courage he lacked has disappeared directly. After leaving the teacher, he always stays in a city for only a period of time, and immediately leaves the risk of exposure.

Dirkwell strives to converge on fear and shift his attention to the question of how to save the teacher.

"...The old man has been arrested for some time. Why is it still in the Governor's Office? With the military's ability, the intelligence to be clarified should be clear, whether it is a direct execution, harvesting materials, or putting researchers in it. In the meantime, the old man must have been transferred... Is the old man using any means to conceal the secret, or do they want the old man to become a spy? Hey, promised directly!” Dakwell scratched his hair, and his thoughts spread out infinitely.

Gradually, he thought of his last communication with teacher Roy Kim.

“The old man always likes to give hints in places that look normal and ordinary. Will there be similar information in the letter? The letter didn’t say anything, he agreed to meet near the Red Theater and show off him. The gambling skills, hey, obviously by luck, he also let me go to the Marpel grocery store on Enmat Street, buy a donkey, prepare for education... I want to wait until I see it again, always Didn't go, maybe there is a secret there?" Dirkwell was like a drowning man who had the last straw to have a thought.

- Many streets in Byam are named after the city of the Kingdom of Rouen.

Dirkwell took the courage in a few minutes, took the owl, closed the store door, and walked out of the alley.

In the process of waiting for the rental of the carriage, he bought a newly published "News" from the newsboy and boringly looked at the international and domestic news.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar face, and that was the adventurer who told him the whereabouts of Roy Kim.

"German Sparo, at noon, killed the 'smartwriter' Missour King of the reward of up to 5,400 pounds... I even entrusted such a powerful adventurer!" Dirkwell screamed .

He quickly threw the matter behind his head, took the rental carriage, went straight to Enmat Street, and found the Mapel grocery store.

The owner is a well-behaved elderly lady who looked up and down Dakwell a few times:

"The dice you need is worth £1."

You are robbing! Dirkwell snorted in his heart, but it made him more certain that the scorpion might have hidden clues.

After paying the money, he took a small ring box and opened the lid. He saw a milky white six-faced scorpion, and the number of points facing up was 4 points in red.

Although it is doubtful that this scorpion is very common, and the ring box is full, there is almost no gap, but Dirkwell is cautiously not on the spot to study, put it into his pocket and walk to the other side of the street.

When he came to the secluded place, he couldn't help but take a look and didn't think there was any problem with the blind man.

Just then, a carriage drove past, scared him, and his wrist shook, dropping the scorpion to the ground.

The dice continued to roll and eventually stopped, with the red 1 point up.

Dirkwell took a few words from the coachman and took a step to prepare for picking.

This step just came out, his body suddenly swayed, and in the absence of obstacles, jingle fell to the ground and fell dizzy.

He was a bit stunned for a moment, lying there like that, the milky white scorpion in front of him.

PS: The old man is in critical condition. I have to go back and have a funeral. After that, I can only have a funeral. In the next few days, I can only get one more. At 12:30, I will wait for the recovery and recovery. Oh, at my age, my grandparents. The generation really wants to go.

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