Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 122: Different enemy

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When he heard the problem of the fat pharmacist, Klein smiled and looked cold:

"Start with the first payment you make."

Dirkwell first did not hesitate to take out a lot of cash, and then distressed the location:

"This is £300.

"You can fulfill the agreement."

Klein took the money and nodded:

"no problem."

Dakwilton relaxed a lot, just like the drowning man finally caught the lifebuoy.

More than half an hour later, inside the "Tiana" hotel, Dakwell looked at the powerful adventurer Gelman Sparo on the front of the night:

“Change a luxury suite.”

After that, Klein stepped back two steps and seemed to be giving the position to the fat pharmacist.

Dakwell swallowed his mouth and hesitated to ask:

"I pay?"

"During the mission, all expenses are borne by the employer, which is the rule of the adventurer." Klein responded without change.

I believe that you are stupid! Do you call a few "red theater" girls, I have to pay for you? Dirkwell thought about it and squeezed his smile:

“We can use only one ordinary room, which is easier to protect.”

"Then you can live by yourself." Klein played German Sparo without any effort.

Dakwell haha ​​smiled twice and walked over to the counter, saying nothing:

“One luxury suite.”

After the real stay, after entering the smaller bedroom, the fat pharmacist Dakwell opened the window and left the door to the owl Harry, and took out the ring box in the pocket to check the condition of the strange scorpion.

Confirm that the scorpion is still the same as before, four points up, no change, Dakwell quietly vomited.


Beckland, an ordinary house.

Ins. Zangweier woke up from a deep sleep, the first reaction was to confirm his condition.

This is what he repeats every day, because he has no way of knowing what stories and what kind of accidents will be woven by “0-08” after he falls asleep.

After confirming that he was not injured, Inz Zangweier put on his bright leather boots and stood up.

He unexpectedly saw "0-08" quietly placed on the desk, as if it were the most common and most common feather pen.

However, it was locked in a metal dice with layers of symbols and magical symbols last night.

Ins. Zangweier walked away with dignity and held "0-08" in one hand. He opened the notebook next to him and found that there was more than one page of text:

"Ince Zangweier didn't think about what he did last night, but he was keenly aware of some problems.

"He looked into the mirror and found that he had a strange feeling inside, as if another Ins. Zangweier was born in the body.

"He looked down and saw obvious abnormalities in his nails, but he couldn't remember what he did last night..."

After reading this description, Ins Zangweier instinctively looked at the full-length mirror in the room, only to see that he still had his eyes, the classical sculpture-like face did not have a trace of wrinkles, but his mouth position, There is still a little smile, which is in stark contrast to the dignified gaze.

At this moment, Ins. Zangweier felt that his face was a little blue, and the bottom of his eyes was black. With the smile that he did not know how to appear, the whole appearance was very gloomy, hot and strange.

He raised his hands, lowered his head, and saw a piece of black sludge that had dried up in his nails. It seemed that he went to the garden in the middle of the night to plan the roots.

Although he has turned from the "Death" route to the "Night" route and became a "night watchman", Inns Zangweier has not lost his extraordinary ability. He is still a powerful psychic, dead spirit. The mentor in the field, so he immediately planned to communicate with the spirit inside and outside the house to understand what happened last night.

At this time, his eyes were aimed at the last paragraph of the notebook:

"Ince Zangweier tried to psychic, but sadly found that he had no gains. It seems that the same professional has dealt with all the clues. He is worried that he does not know what he was involved in last night. whats the matter."

Ins. Zangweier’s expression became more and more condensed, and he tried to psychic. He did not expect any surprise results.


On Wednesday morning, the behind-the-scenes boss has replaced the Fragrant Leaf Bar outside.

Klein went to a secluded alley and saw Ust Kent carrying a small suitcase.

"Your bounty." Us Kent threw the not-so-big suitcase.

This is actually not a real bounty. It is a military advancement. The former involves the Governor's Office and the Kingdom's finances. There are many processes that need to be taken, and at least three days to complete.

Klein caught the suitcase and opened it on the spot. He saw a stack of neat banknotes, mainly 1 pound and 5 pounds.

"A total of 5,400 pounds, did not draw." Us Kent forcibly laughed.

For another adventurer, he gave at most 4,000 pounds, and the rest is the income of a series of people on the link.

But the opposite is a crazy guy, the strength is closer to the pirate general, afraid that he was forced to work on the spot.

The military should not lie to me with fake money... Klein grabbed a stack of banknotes and shook hands.

£5,400... Dakwell, who was hiding outside the alley, heard the words of Usk Kent, sneaked at the suitcase and squinted at the pile of golden pounds filled with texture.

For the first time, he saw so much money put together.

"The adventurer is really a profitable career. A successful pirate has thousands of pounds to protect me. I have to earn 1,000 pounds plus one for three days. Occasionally I can find shipwrecks and treasures... Why should I be a pharmacist, not an adventurer? Early to know, you should choose the lucky way of extraordinary..." Dirkwell thought enviously.

However, he quickly remembered the reality that most of the adventurers are actually not so rich, even if they can make a fortune, one-third of the income has to contribute to the pharmacist, not to treat the injury, to eliminate the old Suffering from, is to buy medicine to help, to deal with hidden diseases.

Still doing pharmacist safety... Dakwell sighed in his heart.

At this time, did not carefully count only the amount of Klein closed the suitcase, to Us. Kent said:

"I will leave Baiam for a while. If there is any news, how can I notify you?"

"You want to leave Beyam?" Ust Kent slightly asked in a strange way.

Klein nodded lightly:

"Take a bodyguard mission."

U.Kent first stunned, and an inexplicable sense of relaxation emerged.

If the madman looks forward to seeing in Yayam, one day it will cause big troubles, or it will drift to the sea, and it will be better to fight the pirates... Ust Kent immediately smiled:

"You can report it directly and attach my address. The telegraph office has our people."

"Okay." Klein, wearing a black coat, didn't say much, put on the suitcase and turned away from the alley.

Together with Dirkwell, he went straight to the port area, preparing to take the first passenger liner to Olawe Island. The owls flew across the street trees and looked sneaky and sneaky – they bought black tickets last night.

Half an hour before boarding the ship, Dakwell was quite tormented, and the person who was afraid of selling the teacher suddenly rushed and attacked himself.

This sentiment has been maintained until he enters the first class to which he belongs. As long as the passenger ship enters the sea, it is difficult for the extraordinary person who does not have the ability to fly or his own ship to intercept it.

"Come on the boat, get on the boat..." Dakwell looked out the window and muttered to himself.

At this point, the owl had followed and stopped at his left shoulder, and Klein sat in the chair of the room, guarding for possible attacks.

At this moment, the sky quickly became dim, the wind became more and more intense, and the humidity in the air increased significantly.

“Is there a storm?” Dakwell blinked.

This means that the vessel may not sail on time, and may be delayed for a few hours!

And that way, Dakwell will take on many unnecessary risks!

He turned to look at German Sparrow and squeezed his smile:

"Do you have any way?"

There is, for example, you immediately pray to "Poseidon" Cavitewa, and I immediately responded to the fog, dispelling the storm... but no doubt, after a few minutes or even tens of seconds, "Neptune" En. Courtman will come over, and his attack will be even earlier... Klein looks at the fat pharmacist and calmly responds:

"I am just an adventurer."

Dakwell knew that he really shouldn't have unnecessary expectations. He sneaked into the air and turned his head out of the window to study the specific situation.


A silver flash of lightning slammed and hit Dakwell straight before Klein reacted.

When Dake Wilton was squatting down, he smoked, his skin was burning, and the electric snake was smashing.

Klein was almost stunned, and this was the first time he saw someone being struck by lightning in a thunderstorm.

This is too bad luck... He forgot to rescue Dakwell for a short while.

Mr. Harry, the owl, also screamed for a few seconds, then screamed:

"Quick, fast! There is a bottle of medicine in the second pocket on his left, feed him!"

The owl can talk... Klein picks his eyebrows, steps forward, bends his body, finds the bottle of red blood, and then forcibly pours it into Dakwell's mouth.

After nearly two minutes, Dirkwell was finally awake, and when he dropped the dark skin, he stood up and said:

"I, I will deal with the injury."

He squatted into his bedroom and locked the door.

After doing all this, he took out the ring box and opened the lid heavily.

In the ring box with almost no turning space, the milky white scorpion did not know when it had changed, and the red two points were facing up!

In the outside living room, Klein stood in the same place, thinking back to everything that happened before, and his brow wrinkled a little.

At this moment, he inexplicably feels that the enemy that this bodyguard mission will face is probably not the same as before.

When he arrived at Kewell, he recovered and re-entered. Klein sat in his chair and his body turned slightly forward:


"It's about how I provide protection."

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