Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 126: profession

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The endless fog was quietly suspended, and the first time on the bronze long table sounded a slight rub.

Klein changed his sitting position and became more and more solemnly scrutinizing the details of the evil spirits. He increasingly believed that he and Miss Sharon completely ignored the possibility of Raft Pound's problem at that moment:

"This is the extraordinary ability of the 'Red Priest' route to the 'conspiracy'?

"And this is closer to the deception of the normal category, only the supernatural power in the subtleties, so even if I enter the mysterious space above the fog, I will not be passively aware of being blinded, and must actively think and Analysis to find the problem?

"If you don't know from Mr. Azick that the evil spirits are suspected to have fallen into the 'red angel' Medici, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. It is impossible to hire Miss 'Magician' to go to Williams Street to look for anomalies. sign……"

After thinking for a few minutes, Klein had a paper pen and was ready to confirm his speculation by divination.

After pondering for a while, he finally wrote down the "Dream Divination" statement:

"Rafft Pound is from the Baron's current situation."

Putting down the crimson round pen, Klein held the paper with the divination statement and leaned back against the back of the chair.

He first recalled the information of Raft Pound, which he had mastered, and then closed his eyes, meditated on sentences, and entered meditation.

Klein’s thoughts were quick and peaceful, and quickly fell into a dream.

In the gray world, the intermittent scene flashed over and eventually settled at the house at 29 West Vilas Street.

In the warm living room, Raft Pound wore cotton velvet pajamas and a wine glass with red liquid, standing quietly at the window, overlooking the Beckland Police Headquarters diagonally opposite.

The plaque from the two barons was invented, and the puffy eye bags were stained with black and black, and the wrinkles on the forehead and mouth were far beyond the age of his forties.

His pupils showed a non-serious but not normal spread, his cheeks were red, his expression was smiling, and there was a slight and abnormal change with what Klein had seen before.

Sure enough, he had a problem here... Klein left the dream and considered how to deal with the evil spirits.

There is no doubt that he has a thinking inertia in this respect. In the case of Miss Sharon, his first reaction is to report!

But how do you report it? Klein pondered for a while, showing the "world" and let him pray:

“Through a reliable route, the following message is delivered to the Church of the Night God and the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery.

"The news is: Fossack and Intis's senior spies gathered at Williams Street for unknown purposes.

"Remuneration, 100 pounds."

This is Klein’s repeated deliberation, and it is really easy to let the church and the military pay attention to the fact that the “King of the Angels”, the “Red Priest”, the Medici family and the remains of the Tudor dynasty are more likely to be brought to the attention of the church and the military. The "Magic" Miss Fols, who reported it, was targeted by the official organization and was extremely dangerous.

"The statement that the senior spies of Fossack and Intis gathered at Williams Street" is not only relatively soft, but also a matter of ordinary extraordinary people who have the opportunity to detect it, and it is enough to alert the church and the military and send the corresponding strongmen to take The most effective means.

As for what was discovered in the follow-up, it is their contribution and has nothing to do with the reporter.

Klein had considered it, but he decided to give up, because the evil spirit was suspected of being the king of angels. It was very dangerous, and Mr. Azke, who was still recovering, might not be able to deal with it.

Slightly addicted, Klein turned the scenes that appeared out into streamers and invested in the deep red stars that symbolize Miss Magic.


Beckland, Joewood District.

Fols received a reply from Mr. "World" and heard it one by one.

"Is that a senior spy of Fossack and Intis?" She was horrified, convinced that the material she provided could not reason at all!

However, she quickly relieved that the reason why Mr. "World" suspected that Williams Street was abnormal was because he received the corresponding senior spy intelligence. After confirming that Fossack and Intis were infested, it was very simple. Can draw conclusions.

Deliver the message to the Church of the Night and the Steam Church? Isn't this a euphemism for reporting? Unfortunately, I can't go on the sidelines, otherwise I can definitely see a good show... Fols is no stranger to reporting. After all, her roommate and friend is a bounty hunter.

She quickly got the idea and decided to hand over the report to the experienced Hugh.

Out of the bedroom, she saw that Hugh was sitting on the sofa, leaning forward to look at the target document, and occasionally raised her hand to grab the messy yellow hair, it was extremely serious.

Forsy took the decorative items and put them together:

"Come, eat a piece of cake."

I took a look at the cake with the cream on my eyes, and my thoughts were not scattered.

At this time, Firth's wrist was turned over and the cake in the palm had become a golden fabric flower.

“Surprise?” she asked with a smile.

Hugh couldn’t help but squint:

"Stop your performance, I hope it is food."

"Well, I have something to entrust you, 70 pounds." Fols sat down with a smile.


Initially dealing with the evil spirits, Klein returned to the real world, and held a ceremony to bring the radio tickers on the fog for several days back to the first-class master bedroom.

He lay down on the bed and recovered his energy with meditation until he was awakened by the sound of swearing.

When Klein opened his eyes, the red moonlight outside the window was already shining, and the gauze shrouded the dimly lit room, covering the radio ticker that spit on the desk and spewing illusory white paper.

This really has the feeling of a ghost film horror film... It is a pity that there is a magic mirror with no lower limit and no lower limit. Klein turns over and sits up. He walks over and sees a line of Lunwen on the illusory white paper:

"The great existence above the spiritual world, your loyal servant Arrods has arrived and said hello to you.

"Do you have something to test me?"

Hey, hey, this is what you can talk to! This is called professional! At this moment, Klein wanted to bring the fat pharmacist Dakwell into the art of seeing the mirror.

Obviously, I have something to ask about it. The result becomes that I am testing it, and it also comes with a question... Klein controlled the upturn of the corner of his mouth and replied in a low voice:


"You said, the ignorant shallow Arrodes is ready." In the voice of the sly, not only the Lun text appeared on the illusory white paper, but also a flattering smile.

This is already the prototype of Yan Zi... This guy has evolved really fast... Klein asked directly:

“Where can you get magical items that can steal the extraordinary ability of others?”

The sound of screaming suddenly became fierce, and a picture of the illusory white paper quickly appeared as if it were a movie screenshot.

There is the Chanis Gate at the bottom of the St. Serena Church in Tingen, which is familiar to Klein. The handsome poet Leonard Mitchell, who is sitting on the sofa, smiles and looks at the middle-aged lady opposite the aristocratic lady. Man, a proud girl who is in the dark sewer...

This has a total of twelve pictures, and finally a line of Lunwen:

“These are types that you can easily or easily access, and there are many others, but they are either very complicated and cumbersome, or involve very high levels, and I can’t see them clearly.”

Yes, I know how to help me to take the initiative to filter... This is simply the magic version of the mysterious version of the smart version of Google... Klein gently daggers, knowing the answer:

"It's your turn to ask questions."

"You have already answered." In the snoring, the mirror of Arrods was presented with an unexpected answer on the illusory white paper.

Klein gave a sneer and asked:

“Where did Leonard Mitchell live recently?”

The sound of the cymbal was fierce again, and the scene of the scene jumped into the eyes of Klein in the form of a picture:

It is the most famous landmark of Beckland, the towering Gothic clock tower with the "clock of order" hanging above it;

It is a street sign standing on the street, with the words "Pingster Street" on the top;

It was a townhouse with a house number of 7, which was a black coat with red gloves and a very chic Leonard Mitchell, who was looking at the Llanus and Kaping case files. Poet classmate.

This guy is in Beckland, and is investigating the Llanus case and the Kapin case? What is this... Clay's mouth is fretting, seriously thinking about what clues left in the two cases.

The only clue is that Sherlock Moriatti’s detective has been linked to two cases, and Leonard should be able to find this if he is in a dream. But at that time, I had left a beard and made a good camouflage. I only rely on the vague images and a few portraits in my dreams. He probably couldn’t recognize me... as long as he couldn’t recognize it, it didn’t matter, Sherlock Moria What is the relationship between 蒂蒂 and my relationship with German Sparrow? Klein retracted his mind and remembered Leonard Mitchell’s current residence:

7 Pfst Street, North Beckland.

He is ready to entrust the "Moon" Emlin White, let him visit Leonard Mitchell the day after tomorrow, and use the badge of the fate hermit to buy magical items.

I hope that the poet's classmates have extra money on their hands... If they don't, they will definitely have a lot of premiums... Klein "hmm", on the radio receiving machine:

"It's your turn to ask questions."

To be frank, he is quite curious as to what the problem can be asked by the mirror Aloides this time.

Hey, the radio ticker spit out a new illusion of white paper, which was spelled a problem with Lunwen:

"The great master, Leonard Mitchell hides a big secret, do you want to know?"

...this is also a problem? Klein raised his head with a funny smile and looked at the blushing moon in the deep black sea.

Soon, he answered honestly:

"miss you."

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