Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 136: Volunteer (seeking a monthly pass)

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The sweet lemon bar is on the second floor and belongs to the owner's room.

Bilt. Brando was holding a cigar, standing by the window, his eyes looking out of the camera without a focal length, his face was gloomy and terrible.

At this time, a bodyguard recently, slightly bent back, carefully said:

"Sir, Sotos is back from the east."

"Let him come in." Bilt tried to adjust his look.

Sotos Young is his deputy, an important member of the loose organization of the Adventurers Mutual Aid Society.

In less than a minute, Sotos, wearing a linen shirt, a brown jacket, and a dark red headband, came in. He was in his thirties, with a bronzed complexion, deep eye sockets, and dark black beards on his lips. At first glance, it is the kind of person who often wanders at sea.

Sotos did not take a formal ceremony and looked at Bilt Brando:

"Head, what happened?"

"Well, something unexpected, things seem to fail." Bilt did not hide, sighed. "I don't know how to explain to the big man."

Without waiting for Sotos to respond, he turned and asked:

“Is there something change in the east?”

"It's still the same, the pirates chasing every ship that can be looted, and even treating each other as targets. The navy can only hold the colonies, barely maintain the smooth flow of the route, protect the relatively important ships, and often break out in naval battles. Winning and losing." Sotos shrugged his shoulders.

"The east side of the Sunia Sea is really a chaotic paradise for pirates..." Bilt sighed and sighed.

Sotos thought about it and added:

"On the islands in the east, there have been some recent news, which is said to have been transmitted from the Black Death."

"What about the disease?" What did you hear?" Bilt asked.

Sotos said with some dignity and some excitement:

“The disease is actually being assassinated, the injury is not light, and the person who is hands-on is the adventurer, German Sparrow!”

"German Sparo?" Bilt blurted out.

"Yes, it is him! He is really a strong pirate general! Even if it is a sneak attack, it is also on the black death, there are many well-known pirates around, but he still hit the 'disease lieutenant' and escaped smoothly. After that, he also hunted the 'smartwriter' Misor." Sotos gave a positive answer with emotion.

Bilt took two steps and sighed:

"This is big news.

"The pirate generals in the adventure home are very rare. The only one who can hit the pirate generals on the other side is this one. This kind of action, in addition to the absolute confidence in its own strength, must be crazy enough, only mad. Will only directly sneak into the flagship of the pirate general, trying to assassinate, instead of looking for another location!"

Having said that, his face changed slightly:

"I saw an adventurer who claimed to be Gilman Sparo last night."

“Really, or is it fake?” Sotos’s eyes narrowed and hesitated.

"Unsure, I haven't seen the real German Sparrow, and his photos and portraits." Bilt shook his head.

Sotos has sunk:

“You can collect newspapers from the Rothde Islands and confirm that after so many days, passengers should bring the corresponding “Newspaper”, “Sonia Morning Post”, um, government, police, church, charity organizations. Subscribe to important newspapers in the Rothde Islands."

The Rothde Islands are the largest and most important colony of the Kingdom of Luen in the Sino-Sonia Sea. The influence radiates around the circle. The island of Olav, which has only three days of voyage there, is undoubtedly in this rank. Official institutions or church organizations will Subscribe to the newspapers and magazines there, and non-essential news can be read in three to four days.

“Yeah.” Bill nodded and asked in depth, “Is there any specific details about the fact that Gilman Sparo’s assassination of the ‘Immune Lieutenant’?”

Sotos recalled the following:

"It is said that Gilman Sparo can become anyone, just like the previous hurricane lieutenant, Kiringes.

"It is with this ability that he successfully sneaked into the black death and found an opportunity to assassinate."

"Can become anyone..." Bilt's eyes were bright.

No, no, it is a mad man who dares to sneak into the Black Death to assassinate the "disease of the disease", people instinctively afraid, just want to stay away... Bilt's eyes are bleak.

And still don't know if it is true... He shook his head subconsciously.


I don't know when the "Night" and "Mechanical Heart" will take action to deal with the anomalies of Williams Street. I hope they can move as soon as possible... Klein leaves the fog and returns to the real world.

Thinking a little, he pulled out a piece of stationery and laid it on a tan desk.

The dark red water-absorbing pen rustled, and Klein first cared about Mr. Azick's recent situation, and then mentioned that he was looking for a magical item that could steal other people's extraordinary abilities, and found that someone was parasitized by outsiders.

Then, he looked like a blunt question about whether there is a way to bypass the parasitic outsiders to remind the host.

With this help, he also said that he knew from other people the "bugs of time" related to the high level of the "stealers", and made clear that this kind of thing can serve as a sacrifice for important rituals and a material for advanced spells. But I don't know what to do.

Huh... Klein put down the pen, folded the letter paper, took out the copper whistle, and put it to his mouth, and blew it hard.

The white bones poured out like a fountain, but this time, the messenger no longer drilled downstairs, but as many times as before, through the ceiling, looking down at the summoner.

Klein knew that this was not because the messenger became less polite, but because he now lives on the first floor of the hotel...

His wrist fluttered, throwing a letterhead like a dart, and letting it fall into the huge white bone.

The flame in the eye socket of the messenger bounced twice, seemingly staring at Klein, but nothing happened in the end.

It collapsed into a white bone waterfall and a root penetrated the ground.

After doing all this, Klein did not start a thousand paper cranes, wiped out what he had written before, and asked the "Silver Snake" Will Anthony with the same content.

This is because he found a very bad thing. The thousand paper cranes are not magical items or extraordinary weapons. They are ordinary papers that are folded into pieces. After repeated rubbing by the eraser, there are signs of fragility. Once, it may break directly.

"I still have to wait until there is a very important thing to contact, just consider it. For example, Mr. Azke is not sure how to bypass the possessive grandfather reminding Leonard..." Klein shook his head silently and quickly packed up the desktop items.

In addition, he has not been too daring to contact Arrodes with a radio ticker recently, because the strong person sent by the "real creator" is still near the high probability of pursuing the "all black eyes", while the fog The "taste" may also have caught the attention of the "real creator" and informed the believers.

"Today, continue to be a traveler, relax, and start looking for real opportunities tomorrow!" Klein converged his thoughts, put on his coat, took off his hat, and walked out of the hotel room.

He is going to the mountains outside the port of Olavi to see the sunset!

The idea stems from a best-selling novel by Li Ang Mart, born in Olavy, who settled in Bakerland after he was 20 years old. The gentleman introduced the port of San Draco in the book emotionally. The setting sun, I think this is the most beautiful scenery he has seen so far.

Klein took the carriage out of the city and walked to the foot of Mount San Drocco. It took only an hour to climb the low mountain.

Time passes by, the sun gradually falls, and the blue ocean on the left side of the mountain is dyed like a fire, leaving the green forest and the vast fields on the right side covered with golden.

All the colors bloom at the end of the last bright, then gradually dim until dim.

At the entrance of the ship, the carriage entered the city, and the busy people returned home along the road next to the orchard in the wheat field.

When the darkness began to cover the land, there was a little warmth in the city outside, and they were like gems on black velvet.

It was really beautiful... Kline enjoyed a moment until the lights representing the family were in his eyes.

He turned around silently, along the mountain road, surrounded by a black-stained tree, returned to the bottom, and then walked a distance, hired a carriage at the edge of the port city.

The carriage ran smoothly, and an elegant black-and-light street lamp pole quietly retreated in the dim light, and went away.

I don't know how long it took, Klein returned to the hotel, took out the key and opened the door.

In the room, the beds, desks, and chairs all lie quietly in the darkness of the darkness, silently reflecting the blushing moonlight.

Klein closed the door very small and walked to the window, standing in the shadow caused by the curtain, and had not moved for a long time.

The lights are bright outside.


Early the next morning.

Klein unscrewed the faucet and took the cold tap water to his face, and the whole person was awake.

He has already figured out where to start looking for real opportunities:

Still a hospital that can cause death at any time!

- Before Klein just went to those places and simply turned around and wandered for a while, it was really difficult to find suitable objects. This time, he decided to volunteer for a period of time, staying in the hospital for a long time, caring for those who have no family for a while. The only dying person around you can wait for the desired goal.

After breakfast, Klein came to No. 10 Helin Street and entered the "Olavi Medical Rescue Foundation."

This is a charity organization with the background of the Goddess of the Night, one of which is to provide trained volunteers to hospitals.

Klein came to the registration office and saw the female staff reading the newspaper and tapping the surface of the table.

“Is there anything?” the lady asked as she put down the newspaper.

"I want to volunteer," Klein said concisely.

"Name." The lady looked up and looked across.

Suddenly, her eyes solidified, her right hand shook, and the pen she just picked up slammed to the ground.

In the newspaper in front of her, there was a near-real portrait.

The owner of this portrait belongs to the crazy dangerous adventurer Gelman Spalo!

PS: Buying a monthly ticket~

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