Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 71: Hysteresis

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Knocking his arms and stretching, Klein repeated the process and watched Dunn push the door of the duty room halfway.

The captain's cautiousness, high vigilance, and the absurdly ridiculous "protective action" made his thoughts extremely tense, just like the feeling of walking through the graves as a child.

"2" seals, dangerous, must be used cautiously and temperately... The official members of the night can't understand the details... I don't know how dangerous it is... In the midst of tightness, Klein has a lot to think about.

Just then, his head suddenly turned wood, as if the processor was powered off.

In Kline's sight, everything is slow, and even the action of bending his arms is the same.

He saw Captain Dunn stop and walked closer to himself in a slow motion, seeing the other slowly extending his palm and pushing his shoulder.

Between Horan, Klein’s thoughts and sights returned to normal at the same time, just as there was only an illusion.

"What happened?" he whispered in amazement.

Dunn shook his head at him and said in a deep voice:

"You pay attention to observation."

As soon as the voice fell, he turned his body and walked into the duty room. Klein followed closely and saw four people sitting or standing.

One of them was "Midnight Poet" Leonard, and the other three Klein had never seen it before, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all doing "bending arm stretching" without any relaxation.

"Klein Moretti, and the notes of the Antigonus family have wonderful feelings." Dunn gave a rough introduction.

Then he pointed to the three strangers:

“These ladies and gentlemen are peers of the Beckland Parish and escorted the seal '2-049’. This is Ms. Louluta, the ‘digger’ of Sequence 8, and also a sharpshooter.”

At this time, the 30-year-old black-haired lady nodded kindly to Klein.

She has a good looks, no hats, wearing men's clothing, black jackets, white shirts, black tight trousers and the same color leather boots, the mouth is slightly upturned.

When Klein greeted him, Dunn pointed to the man sitting behind the desk:

"Er Hassan, the old guy like me."

His voice did not fall, and Klein saw that the "bending arm stretch" of Mr. Al-Hassen, wearing a gray pair of trench coats, became raw, as if the gears were less lubricated or the joints were covered with rust.

What happened... Klein was in a hurry and saw Luo Luota push Al Hasen, so the gentleman's movements returned to normal.

I just looked like this? Klein was a glimpse first, and suddenly it was:

This is the performance of the seal "2-049" dangerous leak!

What happens if I am not woken up in time?

Will it become a "living dead"?

With one doubt after another, Klein asked a good middle-aged man's charm, Al Hasson.

"Borgia." Dunn pointed to the last person who said the night.

It was a cold-faced man with a knife mark on his face. His brown-eyed eyelids were as sharp as an eagle, and they were constantly looking at everyone present.

"Let's go, everyone, end soon, seal the ‘2-049’ as soon as possible.” Middle-aged gentleman Al Hasson, who looks handsome but has wrinkles around his eyes, said.

Well, then "2-049"? Klein looked around curiously and found no trace of the seal. Of course, the place that was blocked by the table, he did not open the "spirit", he certainly could not see.

"Okay." Dunn turned to Leonard Mitchell. "You are responsible for driving. It is best not to let Sisell participate."

He said that Cesare is a civilian staff member of the Tingen City Nights squad who is responsible for the application and purchase of materials. The other party also has a part-time coachman, that is, Klein went to Welch residence to see the "Psychic" Dai Li while driving. That person.

"No problem." Leonard put away the frivolity, Zheng focused on the first.

At this time, Klein saw Al Hasen bent over and lifted a black-black box from the place covered by the table.

The box was engraved with a bright moon and a blushing moon, surrounded by an invisible seal.

Inside is the seal, right? I don't know what "2-049" looks like... Kline looked at the box curiously.


Boom! Boom!

There was a sudden bang in the iron-black box, so that its surface bulged again and again.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Inside the box, there seemed to be something horrible to wake up, where there was a fierce slamming, and for a moment, it was in the hearts of everyone in the duty room.

Live? When Klein’s brains turned, he saw that the captain’s “bending arm stretch” was stagnant, and the joints seemed to be filled with glue.

Borghese, the night singer from Beckland, pushed Dunn's shoulder and restored his movements as usual.

The state after being affected by "2-049" is very similar to dancing in a robotic dance... If all of them are affected, then it is not a dance group... Fortunately, fortunately, "2-049" seems to be only one time. Affecting a person... Klein relieved the inner tension with a spit, and did not dare to slack off the arm's bending and stretching.

He learned Dunn, left his cane, followed the five-nighter, crossed the ramp, and climbed the ladder to the second floor of the Black Thorns Security Company.

Because Leonard stepped up and noticed in advance, Luo Shan and others temporarily hid the third floor. For them, similar things are not common, but they are definitely not strange, and the other is For the night, Cohenri temporarily replaced Dunn to guard the Chanis Gate.

After getting on the carriage, Klein was relieved and looked out of the window with a puzzled look:

“Does '2-049’ not affect ordinary people on the street?”

Just from the bottom of the road to the road near the carriage, the seal "2-049" caused six delays, of which two were won by the captains, Dunn and Leonard Mitchell, respectively. It can be said that it is quite amazing!

"Don't care, '2-049' will give priority to humanoid creatures within five meters. The closer you are, the easier it will be selected. As long as we keep at least three people around it, those who pass by the carriage will not. Will be affected." The well-dressed black lady Luo Luota explained in a lazy tone.

Strange seals... Klein, who is doing the flexion, once again sent a similar feeling.

On the way to Riel Bieber’s home, Dunn and others did not speak, and they kept paying close attention to each other’s state. Only Luo Luo’s face was not careless, and sometimes he appreciated the less clean road in Tingen, and sometimes praised it. A few words about Beckland's sewer system.

Not long after, the familiar building appeared in Klein's eyes, and a group of six people "monitored" each other and walked to the third floor step by step.

The door of Riel Bieber’s house has been marked with the sign of the Tingen City Police Department, indicating that no one is allowed to enter.

Dunn, while doing the flexing arm stretching exercise, took out the key, opened the new lock, and then leaned over the body, letting El. Hassan, carrying the iron black box, head the house first.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The seal inside the iron black box once again began to mammoth, more violent than before, which made Al Hasen's arms start to swing around and let Klein even suspect that the box would be directly penetrated.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Klein was keenly aware that Captain Dunn’s flexing arm movements had become difficult and he was waiting to wake up the other side, but his head snorted and screamed, and the scene in his eyes turned into a slow motion.

Not to say once... only affect one...man... Klein’s thoughts are sluggish.

At this time, Loro Tower and Borgia, who had been prepared, pushed two people respectively.

Thinking ability recovery, the line of sight returned to normal, Klein was afraid to look around, almost detached question:

Doesn't it mean that "2-049" can only affect one person at a time?

Fortunately, I did not stop the action of flexing my arms!

"The seal '2-049' has entered a violent state, and the number of people affected each time has risen to two. It can be confirmed that Riel Bieber is a descendant of the Antigonus family." Al Hasen used a mechanized The way to describe it.

Luo Luota chuckled and looked at Klein:

"As long as you meet the descendants of the Antigonus family, even if there is only a breath, ‘2–049’ will become very excited and the ability will increase obviously. I think you should be able to understand its mood.”

Do not understand... Kline asked curiously:

"So, is it a creature?"

Luo Luota smiled and did not answer:

"You will know when you wait, as long as Riel Bieber has not escaped from the city of Tingen, ‘2–049’ will lead us to find him.”

Klein had to pick up other questions and followed a few nights in the room.

In the violent bang, they locked the door, went down the stairs, and returned to the carriage.

Al. Hassan glanced out of the window, confirming that there were no pedestrians around five meters, then placed the iron black box on the floor, twisting the mechanical switch and unlocking the spiritual shackles.

The ferocious knocking hurried, the whole carriage was quiet, and I couldn’t even hear everyone’s nose.

Klein held his breath and saw the iron-black box slowly open, making a squeaky, sour sound.


The box was dumped, and a thin brown arm stretched out, only the length of the child's fingers.

The two arms were pressed before the turn, and a tan normal person slaps the size of the thing in the section of Klein before their eyes.

It has obvious elbow joints, knuckles and knee joints, and it is covered with tan oily strips with red and yellow clown oil on its face.

It is a weird puppet!

"2-049" raised his head and looked at Klein with pure black eyes.

It slowly opened the stiff corners of the mouth, revealing a clown-like smile.

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