Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 219: The giant never shrinks

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The frosty dragon Yurisian rushed to the position where the monk Snoman originally stood, but did not hit anything, and slipped directly, dragging a long gully.

Behind it, the fireballs blasted one after another, and another fireworks was made. Klein's body flashed a little and stiffly, and was not pulled away by the "King of the North", always within 5 meters of the other.

When Yurisian stopped, he was still in a state of invisibility, and he had a bad premonition. He had a corresponding picture in his mind, and he rushed forward and slammed into the ground under the frosty dragon.

At the same time, Yuris Ann's thick and powerful tail slammed open and swept out to the nearby Elf singer Shatash and Solomon's aristocrat Mobetta.


The wind squeaked, and Mobett was thrown out to avoid the tail of the Frost Dragon, and Shatasta took a slow shot. Although there was a gust of wind, he followed the trend of sweeping back to resolve the power, but there was still Pumping the side, the thick illusion that she emerged was broken, and the roots of her ribs were broken. She pulled her out and flew out. Under the support of the wind, she fell on the snowy ground.

Changed to Mobetter, Anderson, etc., this blow is enough to make them die on the spot, but fortunately, the "storm" route has corresponding magic scale protection, and each sequence will be correspondingly improved, Xiatas is only seriously injured, not In a coma, even the mobility is not completely lost.

At this time, the "King of the North" Yurisian's neck twitched, his mouth opened, and a light blue wave was spit out.

The wave sweeps over Snowman and freezes the bitter monk into an ice sculpture. Edwina, Longzer and Anderson are either blocked by huge dragons, or use other extraordinary abilities, or they are too far apart. There is no time to rescue.


The Frost Dragon jumped low and stepped on the ground.

At this moment, its state has also dropped significantly, and the right shoulder rupture is abnormally sinful—although the frozen light blue blood sputum forced the deterioration of the injury, the corresponding front paws are almost paralyzed and inconvenient.

The fantasy scales on the surface of the body are broken and become extremely bleak, as if they have lost a lot of vitality.

No matter what, it also hit or limited three opponents, the situation is much better than before, especially the serious injury of the giant Grosser, but it is no longer entangled, can be offensive.

Seeing this situation, Edwina's light blue eyelids became dark again, and the viscous evil thoughts slowly flowed inside.

Her right palm slammed tightly, and Urisian, the "King of the North", looked up again, extremely painful, with pale blue liquid flowing out of the corners of his eyes and mouth.

At this moment, the mind of the Frost Dragon is all about the explosion of the spirit.

Grasping this opportunity, Edwina's eyes turned bright and became extremely pure, and the morning light shone rapidly and condensed into a sword.

She wants to play the role of "guardian" and go up to block the "king of the north."

She believes that Gilman Sparo is invisible to Ulysian, and certainly has his purpose. What is lacking is only time!

At this time, a figure shrouded the brilliance from the dawn and rushed to the front of the Frost Dragon.

This is the giant Grosser!

His chest was sunken, the gray-blue skin was white, and the broad-sword in his hand showed a spider-like crack, but he still bravely greeted the enemy.

Grosell is like burning life, emitting light and heat, and a sword is on the target.

"The giant will never back down!"

In the roar, Grosser blocked the slap of the Frost Dragon again and again, and because the other front paw was scrapped, there was still room to avoid the ice blue breath.

"Captivity!" "The disciplinary knight" Longzel rushed over and began to restrict the action of the "King of the North". Edwina also found a tacit understanding. When Yurisian broke out of **** with anger, it detonated its emotions. The control is continuous, so that the high-speed collision no longer occurs. Anderson then throws out the blazing rifle and sometimes creates the condensed fireball, which hurts the opponent to the greatest extent again and again. After Mobate slows down, he continues to steal ideas and steal. Ability to interfere with the attack of the Frost Dragon.

Yurisian tried to spread his wings twice, fanning the ice and snow, flying in the air, and was once again affected by Longzeer's superimposed "no flight". It became difficult and slow to give up.

Klein, who is constantly changing his position under his feet, manipulated the "line of the spirit" a little bit, and has already reached the limit of 20 seconds, but still failed, because the "King of the North" is powerful and crazy. !

After a while, when a loud bang came out, the broad sword in the hands of Grosser was stained by the frosty dragon, and was shot by the front paws. It suddenly broke open and turned into countless pieces, facing different Location splash.

In the groaning voice, Grossell’s invisible wall, which was near the limit, was penetrated, and several pieces were deeply plunged into his head and plunged into his chest.

The nearest "disciplined knight", Longzel, did not have time to escape, was crushed side armor, and the corresponding position was bloody.

"The giant will never back down!"

Grosell was once again sorghum, and his face was full of morning light, and there was a pure lightsaber in his palm.

The face was dark red and black blood flowing, and he blocked the Frost Dragon.

At this time, Klein manipulated the "line of the spirit" with the strings, and finally saw the dawn of the initial control.

Three seconds! Two seconds! One second!

"The King of the North" Yurisian's action is stuck, and every joint in the body seems to be covered with rust.

The Frost Dragon immediately alerted and noticed that the source of danger came under him. When the mind was not completely slow, there was an immediate decision to sit down.

It wants to sit the sinister and vicious guy into a meat sauce!

Suddenly, it was awkward in his mind, and he had forgotten what he had just wanted to do, and Mobate Soloyas, who was more than 20 meters away, had a soft foot and sat down strangely and sat on the snow.

Klein took the opportunity to move, not too fast but not too slow to walk to the side of the frosty dragon's hind legs.

His stealth effect began to recede. After all, the simulation was definitely not as good as the original. His hands were half-stretched and his spirits jumped as if he were manipulating a giant puppet.


Yurisian, who had been slow in thinking, recovered the decision just now. His hind legs were slowly bent and the body peaks collapsed, but they only stirred up the snow and dust.

No... It’s not... It’s ok... That’s it’s thoughts flashing one after another in a clear order, and the heart slams and shrinks, condensing the faint brilliance of light blue and white.

This is the extraordinary ability that stems from its life. It can create an extremely cold hell. Before relying on it, let Klein and others all freeze. If the experience and ability of the non-sorcerer Norman is quite restrained, this state is quite restrained. There are more than one or two extraordinary people who have just died.

However, at this moment, under the control of Klein, everything that Ulysian did was obviously slowed down. Edwina was keenly aware of the dangerous source that could not be grasped before, and immediately grasped the right palm, then Once detonated the huge fluctuations of the Frost Dragon.

The body of the "King of the North" shook with a slow-motion gesture, and the pale blue near-white brilliance that was about to condense spread out uncontrollably, failing to interfere with the surrounding environment.


The frosty dragon's mouth slowly opened, and it made a scream of stagnation.

Elf singer Shatthas recovered a little, barely stood up, and immediately saw the pain and opened the bowstring.

Her hair was opened again, and the deep lead clouds were reproduced in the air. Two different silver-white electro-optical lights echoed each other and poured into the bow, forming a horrible arrow with layers of electric snakes.

Xia Tashi's face was distorted and let go of the bowstring.

The silver-colored electro-optical smashed into the chest and abdomen of Ulysian, tearing out a sly wound, the inside of the wound, the fire splattered, the thunder snakes smashed, doing more damage.

At this time, Anderson's eyes lit up, his body covered with a blazing flame, and then turned into a "streamer", accurately shot into the wound.

The traces of darkness quickly emerged in the chest and abdomen of the Frost Dragon. Just like someone was graffitiing there, Yurisian’s thoughts were not so slow under strong stimulation, struggling to flap their wings and vacate.

"The flight is forbidden here!" "The disciplinary knight" Longzel has made up more restrictions in time.


The "King of the North" fell again, all the dark traces of the chest and abdomen split, and the pale blue blood and the broken internal organs poured out like waterfalls.

Anderson jumped away from the dragon's toes, and the surface flame was extinguished, covered with a thin layer of transparent ice.

"It's so cold... it's so cold..." He carried the "dead short teeth" and jumped stiffly out, his body constantly groaning.

Klein, who had just been shackled by the Frost Dragon, had recovered the feeling of initial control, and the idea that Yurisian wanted to be buried together was slow, and he was robbed and detonated.

Its slender neck slowly rises up, giving a slow sorrow, and the body falls down one inch.

In the process, Klein did not try to stop Shatashas from continuing to attack, because he was very clear that there were too many possible accidents in the process of converting the Frost Dragon into more than five minutes.

"Retribution Knight" Longzel gasped and stood up straight, in the state of flesh and blood on the side of the body, once again launched the palm without the sword, solemnly declared in ancient Hermes:


Yurisian’s body shook a bit, and the bang fell to the ground, like a hill formed by ice and snow.

In the body, a light blue and white light bursts, stirring the flesh and blood, and quickly swam away, and soon turned this huge dragon into a thick and thick white snow covered door.

No need to be reminded by others, all the extraordinary people present know that this is the door to the outside world.

"Finally, finally... succeeded..." The giant Grosser laughed loudly and his voice was getting lower and lower.


His body, nearly four meters high, fluttered in front of him, and his knees were on the ground. The morning light on his body quickly dissipated, and the breath was almost instantaneous.

"Grossel!" Xiatas and others have moved hard and fast to get past.

Grosell slowly looked around and clenched his fists, laughing and laughing:

"We have succeeded!

"The giant will never, retreat..."

His voice stopped abruptly, and his head with his one-eyed eye hanged down.

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