Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 75: Self-help

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Oops! Controlled by puppets!

The captains are either in a coma... or they haven’t slowed down yet, they can’t even get up... it’s too late... wake me up...

No... must... save yourself!

What Klein saw in front of him turned into a slow motion of his life. The joints and brains used for thinking seemed to be pouring more and more glue.

He has no interest in becoming a real-life puppet, seizes the opportunity that has not been completely controlled, and tries to find a way to save himself.

Hit yourself... sure... no... must... external force...

External force... Try it... It’s too late to delay, and I can’t think too much. Klein grabbed an inspiration in two or three seconds, driving the “rusty” knee joint and taking a step counterclockwise.

At the same time, he did not try to break away from the invisible rope that "snapped" his throat, only silently in his heart:

"Fusheng... Xuan Huang... Xianzun..."

He wants to use the mysterious world above the fog to wake himself up and get rid of the assimilation of the seal "2-049"!

Hey, Klein’s knees and ankles made a tough, harsh voice, and took a step counterclockwise in a slow, distorted posture:

"Fusheng...Xuan Huang...Tianjun..."

The thoughts are getting more and more stagnation. Klein is like a computer with all the family barrels and all the security guards. He lifts his left foot with one card and one card and moves to the established position:

"Fusheng... Xuan... Huang... Shang... Emperor..."

Klein’s thoughts became more and more rigid and more and more stagnate, and the instinctive consciousness took the last step.

At this stage, he knew that he was almost completely controlled. Even if Al Hasen got up in time and ran to save, it is estimated that he could not complete the wake-up.

But the strong desire to survive still lets him meditate on the last mantra:

"Fu... Life... Xuan... Huang............天...................................."

The meditation just fell, the chaos to the extreme madness to the extreme shouts and whispers screamed, and smashed the thoughts of Klein's solidification, leaving it fragmented and turned into one uncontrollable thought.

Klein's mind turned into a pot of boiled porridge, and he felt the "body" light and spiritual.

The boundless gray mist and the deep red stars of different origins are once again in front of his eyes, empty, mysterious, fuzzy, and embarrassing.

Klein’s confusing ideas plummeted and finally restored his ability to think and saw the grand temple.

"Call... It’s good to be useful." He whispered in fear.

According to previous observations, he understands that once he is deeply involved in the control of the seal "2-049", it is basically equivalent to death. Normally, there is no way to save without drugs.

Fortunately, his "transportation ceremony" and the mysterious world above the fog are not in the normal category!

After a few steps back and forth, Klein began to think about the current situation:

"I can't stay here all the time?"

"When the captain wakes up, or closes, things can't be explained..."

"The current ‘I’ should be left with only flesh, and like a living dead, like a dead person...”

"But if you venture back, you can't be safe... in case you are controlled by ‘2-049’?”


Between the thoughts, Klein suddenly took a shot on his forehead and whispered:

“It seems that I have not really adapted to the identity of the 'divination family'!”

The voice has not fallen, his figure has appeared on the top of the bronze long table, sitting on the high back chair with odd symbols.

Klein stretched his hand and picked up the pen that appeared in front of him.

Brushing, he wrote a slogan on Unreal White Paper:

“It’s safe to return to the real world.”

Then, Klein pulled out the projection of the "spiritual pendulum" from his pocket. After several gatherings, he found that as long as it was carried on his own body, it could be projected onto the fog, but it would be relatively illusory. Quite a lot.

Holding the silver chain in the left hand, Klein let the citrine pendant nearly touch the paper and touch the "event."

The swing subsided, he closed his eyes halfway, and the mind calmly recited the words on the white paper:

“It’s safe to return to the real world.”


“It’s safe to return to the real world.”


Over and over again, Klein used divination with a complete "spiritual method" that did not reduce the link.

With his eyes open, he saw the pure citrine pendant swinging slowly, driving the silver chain to rotate clockwise.

Clockwise is for sure, counterclockwise is negative... It’s safe to return to the real world... Klein breathed a sigh of relief, habitually collecting the silver chain, and then he unfolded his spirit, wrapped himself, and simulated the state of falling down. .

The smog of fog and the crimson stars flew in illusion and went straight up. Klein soon saw himself staying in the same place, saw half of the brown puppet hanging from the iron box and found the seal. It seems that everything has stopped.

The consciousness of the body was sent to the mind. He was waiting for an action to confirm his own state. A sudden voice in the ear was heard in the ear:

"Want to be awakened? As long as you promise me something, you can be saved."

"This is to help me pick up the notes of the Antignus family."

"Agree and nod, I know you can still do this now."

Who? Well, "2-049" doesn't seem to try to control me anymore... Also, it doesn't affect the same person continuously, there will be gaps... Klein is shocked, but the surface is not moving.

At this time, the voice added a few words quickly:

"If you can do this, you will get extra compensation. I know that you are a 'diviner'. I also know that the Church of the Night Goddess has no subsequent sequence 8, and we can give it to you."

"Oh, frankly speaking, I used to be a 'divination family', otherwise I would not dare to return. In order for you to see my sincerity, I will tell you now, the sequence 8 of the 'Divination' is, 'clown'."

"clown"? The secret meeting... Klein almost failed to maintain the "puppetization" state.

He did not expect that the "Divination" would be associated with the "Clown".

Do you want to form a circus giant?

"Okay, make your decision, believe me, you have not had much time to waste." The voice once again came with the wind, and Dunn and Lorotta in the distance were still in a coma, Bolgia seems The injury was very heavy, and there was no movement. Al-Hassen and Leonard Mitchell were relatively good, trying to stand up and sit up.

Why are you looking for me? The secret meeting... is that tuxedo clown? After he ran away, he quietly returned, trying to get a cheaper... But why should I ask for help? He can now deal with everyone here... Hearing the other's words, one doubt suddenly flashed in Klein's mind.

Since the other party said that he was a "divinationist", Klein began to try to analyze the style of "divination":

"He dares to return, it must be divination out of 'hope', I believe that the monster Bieber will be destroyed, I believe we will be hit hard."

"He didn't go to take the note himself, not directly against us. It should be a divination. There is a great risk in this matter. So I suspect that the captain and Ms. Louluta are pretending to be unconscious, suspecting that this is a trap for him. ”

"He doesn't have more divination. He doesn't confirm my current state. One may be because time is too late. If you wait, Mr. Al-Hassen can restore some strength. Second, he despise me and think it is unnecessary."

"He knows very well about the ‘divatist’ and must believe that I can’t get rid of the control of the puppet... He is taking me as a cannon for the trap...”

“This explains from another aspect that the external performance of the 'transportation ceremony’ is almost non-existent...”

Klein, who has no stagnation in his brain, only feels that his thoughts are smooth, and he has roughly grasped the idea and purpose of the tuxedo clown.

As for the other party’s promise, he does not believe it at all. “Cannon fodder” has no human rights!

The thought flashed quickly, and Klein took control of his neck and made a hard time.

At the same time as this action, he really confirmed that he had got rid of the control of the seal "2-049".

He just finished the end, and two or three meters away from the side, there was a transparent "curtain" swaying, sketching a figure wearing a tuxedo and a face clowning oil paint, which was the member of the secret society that had escaped before.

At this point, Klein tried to save the "2-049" influence because he turned back in the opposite direction. He was facing the iron black box and facing the puppet. The tuxedo clown was in front of his side, and the other was away from the seal. Things, the second is to avoid his muzzle, it seems quite cautious.

The tuxedo clown took a long piece of paper from his pocket and jerked it a bit, shaking it straight and shaking like a stick.

He took the "wooden stick" and, across the distance of two or three meters, poked at Klein's shoulder and tried to wake each other.

This guy knows very well about "2-049". He knows that there is a place where the breath of the descendants of the Antignus family, the puppets will be violent, and they will control two people at the same time... He also knows that using stones does not seem to have any effect? At least I didn't see the captain. They had a similar attempt before... Klein didn't understand why the "2-049" follow-up didn't try to assimilate himself, but he didn't dare to stay too much within five meters, so he raised a heart. Waiting for the opportunity.

The stick that the note became was just about to touch his shoulder. Klein’s left hand suddenly lifted up, grabbed the top of the “wooden stick” and yanked back.

The tuxedo clown was caught off guard, and the body was pulled directly, and it was picked up. The distance between Klein and Klein was shortened again, less than two meters.

At the same time, Klein had already prepared his right finger and pressed the trigger of the revolver.

Pong! Pong!

He fired two shots, but did not aim at the tuxedo clown, but facing his back, facing him away from the side of the seal "2-049"!

The gunshots were not ringing, and the tuxedo clowns had taken the initiative to change from smashing to rolling, instinctively circumventing in advance.

Klein loosened the hand that grabbed the "paper stick" and slammed it, rushed out a few meters and rushed out of the "dangerous" range.

The tuxedo clown just rolled two laps and was about to rush back. The head suddenly slammed and the thought quickly fell into a sluggish state.

not good!

He deliberately forced me to evade in the direction of "Antigonus puppets"!

I am in the range of five meters...

How is he...may not be..."Antigonus..." "puppet"... control...


The roll of the tuxedo clown stopped and he rusted and wanted to climb outside.

At this time, Klein had turned his body and held the revolver in both hands, aiming at the slow moving target.

In his eyes, this is equivalent to shooting a fixed target.

——Because I have witnessed the battle of the Tuxedo clowns and Dunn, Ayr, and Loretta, Klein knew that the other side was agile and good at rolling, so even if they were only one or two meters away from each other, they gave up the direct shooting cautiously. Instead, force the other party to hide in the "home" that they expected, near the seal "2-049"!

If the puppet has no effect, the tuxedo clown will also confirm that it has fallen into a "trap". The counterattack is just to escape and does not have real threat.


In the eyes that the tuxedo clown could not describe, he was wearing a black suit and calmly pulled the trigger.

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