Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Children must have children

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Mr. X is looking for someone with bad luck? Above the fog, Klein pondered the information provided by Miss "Magic" and tried to analyze useful information from it.

After thinking for a while, without inspiration, he decided to think differently, that is, to recall the people who are not lucky around him and see if there is any internal connection.

Um... The most powerful hunter in the foggy sea, Anderson Hood, counts... Dr. Allen Kreis counts... oh, they are all influenced by one of the "snakes of fate"... "Destiny Angel" Lothus is one of the founders of the Redeemer Rose. This secret organization supports and believes in the "real Creator"... The Aurora is equivalent to the "real Creator" church... A series of situations emerge in Klein's mind and fly fast Formed a conclusion:

"This is the ‘destination angel.’ Ulouse is looking for ‘mercury snake’ Will.

"He is driving the members of the Aurora to help him find the 'Silver of the Mercury' Will Ann."

And this means that behind Mr. X, somewhere in Beckland, there is a king of angels!

In this case, I am going to assassinate Mr. X and send it to death... No wonder Mr. X doesn’t care about Beckland’s speciality... The official power is at most there is a saint behind him, um, in the official archive, Aurora The top level of the meeting is only five saints, so that they will deal with the mistakes... After Klein has judged, the first idea is to push down the commission of Miss "Magician" and warn the other party not to provoke Mr. X.

If it is not "alarm", it will involve "Silver Snake" Will Anthony, and the extraordinary event file of the Night Goddess Church clearly records the luck of Dr. Alan Kreis. Klein wants "Magic" "Miss sent the "destination angel" Uluos and Mr. X to a church!

He calmly thought for a few more seconds, with the appearance of the "world" of German Sparrow, let him pray in the fog:

"...I confirm the situation and give a reply tomorrow."

He did not directly refuse, because he intends to ask the "Silver Snake" Will Anthony!

Then he returned to the real world, carefully taking out the already fragile paper crane from the mezzanine of the wallet and gently unfolding it.

Klein was not in a hurry to write the content, but first thought about what problems need to be consulted, carefully drafted the draft, and then turned out the pencil, sharply cut with a knife.

After moving the muscles, Klein wrote:

"The members of the Aurora Club are looking for people with bad luck.

"I don't know if you know how to use the worm of time to make a spell?

"Is your cord blood the blood of a mythical creature? If so, and I want a drop, what is the price?"

Klein would have liked to ask why Will Anthony was so sensible. After all, the church materials showed that there was no public worship of the "snake of destiny", but he eventually restrained himself and feared the unborn fetus. Anseiss will answer in a less serious way: "When did you have the illusion that I have reason?"

In that case, he did not know whether he thought the other party was joking or telling the truth.

Well, although there is no organization that believes in the "Snake of Destiny", the existence of a "god of fortune" is still there in some areas, and it belongs to traditional customs... Perhaps they are Will Unsetin or Uluos The vest... Klein silently sighed a few words, exhausted the "clown" ability, and finally folded the thousand paper cranes and put them under the pillow.

After doing all this, he is free to calculate how much cash he has now.

17046 pounds + 5 gold coins + 3 Soules 8 pences of change ... If you have the assets of houses, manors, company shares, so much liquidity in Beckland is also considered a rich man... Of course, from the top rich Very far away, their standard is the total assets of millions of gold pounds... Klein is delighted that he has a lot of money, while thinking of arrears, but also a large investment, to show the character's default image.

He immediately took a sip of water, lay down on the bed, covered with a light and warm quilt, and entered the dream a little.

In the meantime, Klein suddenly woke up and saw the ridiculous black plain.

All the way into the dark minaret in the middle of the plain, through the chaotic layout, he came to the depths of the tower, here as usual, a circle of tarot cards.

However, there was no silver word on the raised floor in the middle of the tarot card.

Will. Anselting didn't answer... Why did you pull me into this dream? Klein was puzzled and suddenly saw a black stroller slipping out of the shadows, lying inside a baby who couldn’t see it, wrapped in silver silk!

"..." Mr. ‘The Snake of Destiny?’” Klein asked politely and cautiously.

The baby then made a clear sound:

"Why are you sure Mr.?"

Is this not judged by your name? Don't care about this detail! Klein whispered a few words, and relaxed a lot because of the casual attitude of the other side:

"What do I call you?"

Baby, Will. Anthony, "Hmm," said awkwardly:

"I have not decided yet...

"You know, oh, you don't know. Every time I start again, I try to make myself a little different, so that I can maintain a good mental state. I should have a child in the child stage."

Klein heard a heart:

“Is this the ‘monster’ way to stay sane and fight against madness?”

Will Ann Setin, lying in a black pram, replied briskly:

"Yes, every time you start again, you will wash away the madness. However, this still requires a certain belief position, otherwise I can't maintain the state of Sequence 1 for too long.

"Oh, you know more and more than before."

Well, in addition to the belief position, there are other ways to fight against madness, but the “restart” is obviously the ability to belong to the “monster” route sequence 1 “Snake of Destiny”. Other extraordinary ways cannot be imitated... Mr. Azick Is there a sense of this in the state of constantly losing memory and constantly recovering? Klein took a thoughtful look and asked for time:

"I suspect that Ullox is looking for you through a member of the Aurora."

Will. Anthony laughed and said:

"I have been playing hide-and-seek with him for a long time. He is not good at this kind of thing. He can see that he has no childhood. Every time he restarts, he grows up beside the 'real creator' and lacks different psychological state experiences at different stages. This led to his madness sometimes, and of course he did not care.

"I have told Rejoed to let him use some of the ‘probability of 概率’ in some places to leave a certain mark, which will confuse Ulos' judgment and he will soon leave Beckland again.”

That is to say, there is still a chance to assassinate Mr. X... Well, when it is time to divination under the fog, Klein did not continue this topic, and instead asked:

“Do you know how to use the ‘time bug’ to make a spell?”

Will Ansettin in the stroller did not answer directly, and asked one sentence:

"What kind of worm you got from Pales Sorayas?"

"How do you know?" Kline sighed for two seconds and asked one.

What he is surprised is not the origin of the other party's "bugs of time". After all, the "stolen" approach that can be used to make a avatar is not too much. He wonders why the "silver snake" does not guess. "Amazing God" Amon, this also left the "bug of time"!

Will Ansett smiled:

"Palace Soloyas is not too right, parasitic on your former colleagues, yeah, your former colleague is investigating Sherlock Moratti, and I entered my house in the middle of the night.

"I noticed that he was a bit problematic and gave him a short-lived misfortune, giving him a chance to meet other demigods hidden in Beckland, and when he was in danger, Palest Soroyasde shot. Haha, in fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't shoot. It's just a prank. I will make your former colleagues lucky enough at a critical moment."

Leonard is investigating Sherlock Moriatti? The grandfather in his body is called Pales Soloas... Klein frowned slightly, not knowing where the problem was.

Will Unsetin continues:

"The production of the 'bug of the time' spell is not too difficult for you. You can use the special mixture of mercury and sterling silver as a carrier to portray the corresponding symbol."

Not too difficult... pray to the "fool"? Also, the mysterious space above the fog is obviously also attractive to the ‘theft thief’ route... Klein heard a burst of excitement and vaguely grasped something.

At this moment, Will Unsetin added with a smile:

"As for the corresponding symbol, I don't know."

...this big turn... Kline’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

He saw Will Unsetin no longer talking, busy with a smile:

"There is still a problem, your cord blood..."

His voice did not fall, and Will Unsetin suddenly opened his mouth and made a sound:


He cried like a real baby.

......Speak well... Klein is stuck in the same place.

If it is not already determined, he really doubts whether this is the existence of sequence 1 or not, is the speaker of the life school.

"Well, I want to ask if it is the blood of mythological creatures." Klein raised his hands and half.

Will Unsetin stopped crying and said with a smile:

"Of course, but I will replace it in advance, otherwise someone will die at the place."

He paused and said:

"If you can give the right things, you can't give you a drop.

"Okay, goodbye!"

When Will Ansett’s voice just fell, Klein felt the tower sway and the dream quickly shattered.

Soon, he woke up.

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