Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 80: Invitation for the dinner party (the third is to recommend the ticket)

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After dinner, Klein, who was full of food, sat leisurely on the sofa in the living room, and cut the letter sent by the instructor with a knife.

At this time, Melissa sat at the table, with the light of the gas lamp, and painstakingly calculated the exercises in the book. Benson was sitting on a single sofa and holding the "Primary Accounting Course" to read.

Shaking off a three-page letter, Klein looked forward and looked at the past with some fear:

"...I am very happy to hear from you, which makes me miss the life of the past few years. Unfortunately, Welch and Naya have left us forever..."

“I took part in their funeral and felt the great sadness of their parents. These are two young people who should have a brilliant future...”

"Destiny is always unpredictable. No one knows what the next moment is on us. The older I have, the more things I have seen, the more I feel the fragility and helplessness of being human."

"...about the historical data of the main peak of Hornachs you mentioned, I remember that the archaeologist John Joseph once published a monograph detailing his knowledge of the main peak of the Hornacs Mountains. He discovered several ancient buildings that are more than a thousand years old."

“What makes every historian and archaeologist feel ashamed is that we lack a way to pinpoint the age, and we can only make rough judgments based on the style of the building, the characteristics of the murals, and a small amount of recognizable text.”

"It is hard to believe that there will be human settlements on such high mountains. Mr. Joseph has sufficient evidence to show that those human beings have developed their own civilizations, unique civilizations, and the specific situation is very Difficult to describe clearly, I suggest that you go to the Deville Library to try to borrow the monograph. Believe me, the library donated by Sir Deville has more books than the one established by the city government."

"The name of the monograph is "The Study of the Ancient Relics of the Main Peak of Hornachus", published by the Lun People Publishing House."

“In addition, there are some papers that mention relevant situations. They are published in journals such as “New Archaeological” and “Archaeology Review”. The specific names and issues are...”


Klein read the words one word at a time, and repeated the meditations and the title of the paper mentioned by the instructor several times.

Then he turned out the letter paper, found the pen, and expressed his gratitude in written language.

"Melissa, you will send me this letter tomorrow, this is the postage." Klein put the packed letter and the excess postage next to her sister's book.

Melissa glanced and snorted:

"Klein, the postage doesn't need so much."

"Yes, postage doesn't need so much, but girls need a certain amount of pocket money." Kline smiled and replied, "I think Selena should have told you this."

He saw that Melissa still had some resistance, and he added:

“It can help you buy the materials you want and the tools you want.”

"Tools..." Melissa repeated it in a low voice, her eyes moving to the book, and she nodded invisibly. "Okay."

Klein's mouth suddenly turned up, and he walked back to the sofa briskly.

"Awesome persuasion, accurately found the weakness of Melissa." Benson erected his thumb and lowered his voice and laughed.

Klein cleared his throat and answered it in a serious way:

"What should I do for you? The focus of your self-study should be on grammar and classical literature. Of course, basic mathematics and logic are equally important."

According to the curriculum of the public school and grammar school, according to the content of the university entrance examination, Klein can almost grasp the general direction of the "civil service examination" that has not yet been born.

Benson touched his hairline and laughed at himself:

"In front of those books, I feel like a curler."

"But they are really useful enough," Klein said with a smile.

At this moment, Melissa put down the pen, stood up and walked to the sofa:

"Banson, Klein, this Sunday is the birthday of Selena. She and her parents want to invite our family to the dinner. Are you free?"

"I should have no problem." Klein thought about it.

Just know how to meet my sister's friends, so that I don't know what to do in the future!

"Me too." Benson combed his hair with his fingers. "It seems that we have to consider giving Miss Selena a birthday present."

Klein smiled and said:

"This matter is handed over to Melissa, who knows more about Miss Selena than we do, and what we need to do is what a gentleman should do and pay."

"The first time I heard someone describe the laziness so beautiful." Banson shook his head and smiled.

Klein smiled back:

"This is the role of grammar and classical literature."

"..." Banson didn't expect the topic to come back again, and he couldn't find a language response.


The next day, Klein wore the original cheap suit, carrying a black silver-plated cane, stepping up the stairs step by step to the door of the Black Thorns Security Company - his tuxedo had been sent to the locker shop.

Klein was planning to say hello to Rosanne, and suddenly saw Captain Dunn coming out of the partition.

"Good morning, Klein, did you sleep well last night?" Dunn asked with concern.

Klein replied truthfully:

"It’s better than I thought, I didn’t have a nightmare, but when I remembered it, it was still a bit heavy and a little disgusting.”

"Good, I can rest assured." Dunn smiled and nodded.

Chatting again, he took the initiative to mention:

"The church has replied to my telegram, so that Ayr and Lolotta immediately sent the seal '2-049' to the Beckland with the notes of the Antigonus family and sent another night person. I took a steam train to help me yesterday afternoon."

"I think they should have already set off now."

Already set off? Does that mean that I completely get rid of the shadow of the Antignus family notes? Klein groaned, and there was something that was not real enough to seem to be dreaming.

This is a lot easier than I thought...

There should be no follow-up?

"May the goddess bless them, and let them go all the way." After a few seconds, Klein painted a red moon on his chest.

Dunn put on his hat and pointed out the door:

"I have to go to the Rafael cemetery. Oh, forget one thing. Leonard and the police department have made some progress in the tracing of the members of the secret society. They found the coachmen who carried them and confirmed that they were Temporary settlements in Tingen, but they are quite cautious and leave no particularly valuable clues."

“It’s an old secret organization.” Kline’s feelings echoed.

Dunn nodded and turned to the door.

After three seconds, he stopped and went back:

"Also, if you become a full-time member, the church may take two to three days to respond. Oh, this is in the same department as the Antignus family, and the efficiency is not the same."

"I understand." Klein replied in good faith.

At the same time, he helped the captain silently add one thing in his heart:

Remember to submit a reimbursement application today!

Watching Dunn leave, Klein heard the surprised voice of the brown-haired girl Roshan:

"Goddess, Klein, are you going to be a full member? I remember you have been in us for less than a month!"

Klein smiled and said:

"After I took the "Divination" potion, this is definitely going to happen."

"It makes sense..." Luo Shan stayed for a few seconds and suddenly lamented, "I still pray that you will complete the occult course as soon as possible and join the list of the arsenal of the arbitrage. As a result, the goddess will be worth every two days. Night, I am not a sleepless person! My skin, my state, goddess, save me!"

"Don't you be used to this kind of life? Before I joined, you and Brian, the old Neil took turns?" Klein asked in confusion.

Rosanne shook his head in grief:

"No, it was four before, but five earlier. Unfortunately, Cohenli chose to become a 'sleepless person'. Viola did not renew the contract last month and joined Hoynoor Machinery Company. She is a very The girl who makes talent is just a lack of opportunity and money, and the five-year civilian life has given her enough accumulation."

Having said that, Luo Shan suddenly looked at Klein and smiled and said:

"I think of a good idea, Klein, you get married as soon as possible, and then accidentally expose the secrets of the extraordinary to her. This is a very slight leak, there will be no particularly serious punishment. After all, no one can hide it for a long time. The same person who sleeps in bed. At that time, you can introduce her to join us and become a civilian! Perfect plan!"

Klein's mouth micro-motion:

"Miss Luoshan, you can also find a husband as soon as possible. This should be easier. I believe that you have enough ways to reveal secrets to him."

Luo Shan heard the words, his eyes round and his mouth said halfway:

"How can this be? Marriage is a very serious matter that must be carefully observed, carefully selected, and verified with a certain amount of time."

You didn't say that just now... Klein didn't reason with Miss Rosanne, smiled and sighed a few words, and left the ground.

When he came to the arsenal, he saw that Neil was tossing the coffee, so he sat down and waited patiently.

"You should be a full member soon?" Old Neil side filtered and asked casually.

"The captain said it will take two to three days, and I don't know if the church will approve." Kline answered calmly.

"Oh." Old Neil laughed. "This kind of thing, the church will not be vetoed, especially if you have become an extraordinary person."

Having said that, he turned his head and smiled and looked at Klein:

"You have to be mentally prepared. Every official member of the night must pass a ceremony, that is, to complete a task independently. Of course, Dunn will definitely pick the one that is very easy and very simple for the newcomer, and you are still assisting. Type of divination."

PS: The third is to ask for a ticket~

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