Lord of the Mysteries

Chapter 82: Herbal shop

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Various colors emerged, and the gas field came into view. Klein casually examined the status of Sir Deville.

"The body is very healthy, there are almost no hidden problems... The mood is very bad, the bleakness is weak... The spirit is weak? The sleep is not good? The problem is that the purple color of his head is not a problem..." Klein silent In his own words, Sir Deville’s line went further and further away from the library.

Taking back his eyes, Klein pinched his forehead and secretly sighed:

“It’s not easy to be a rich man...”

He didn't pay much attention to this matter and re-focused his sights on the journals in front of him.

After reading one article, Klein didn't find a clue that was too useful, just confirmed a few things:

First of all, there is indeed an ancient kingdom in and around the main peak of the Hornachs Mountains. Secondly, the history of this ancient country can be traced back to at least 1,500 years ago. Again, their architectural style is dominated by grandeur. A variety of murals have been made. As can be seen from the murals, they believe that after death, they will bless relatives in the dark; finally, in those ruins, symbols that symbolize the night can be seen everywhere, but with the emblem of the night. obviously different.

"If there is a chance, no, even if there is a chance, I will not go there!" Klein grinned and decided to stay away from death.

He packed up the journals, put them back in their original position, then put on their hats, lifted their canes, and left the Devils Library.


Divination Club.

Bogda looked at the beautiful lady in charge of reception:

"I want to divination."

Angelica smiled politely:

“Do you have a designated diviner? Or, look at our introduction and choose the one that works best for you.”

Bogda pressed the right side of the abdomen and silently took a breath:

"I want to ask Mr. Klein Moretti to help me with my divination."

"Mr. Moretti is not here today." Angelica replied without confirmation.

Bogda took a moment of silence and took two steps back and forth:

"When will Mr. Moretti come over?"

"Nobody knows, he has his own business. According to my observation, he came the most on Monday afternoon." An Jieli said as she thought.

"Okay." Bogda turned dark and turned to leave.

"Sir, you can also pick other diviners, such as the famous Mr. Heinz Vansente in Tingen." Angelica tried to save the business.

Bogdaton stayed in the footsteps and hesitated:

"No, I only believe Mr. Moretti, um, can I wait here for a while? Maybe he will come over when he is busy with his own business."

"No problem." An Jieli Ka Wen smiled.

Bogda came to the sofa area, sat down, and sometimes rubbed his cane, and sometimes looked out the window, it looked quite anxious.

Time passed by, and when Bogda’s head was in chaos, I didn’t know if I should wait or wait. He heard the beautiful lady’s surprise shouting:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti!"

Klein saw the familiar Angelica, and wanted to ask if you were here. Do you not need a break, no holidays?

However, he immediately considered that he was a diviner. He should not ask a similar question, but instead he should use the **** stick to say: Destiny is wonderful, Ms. Angelica, we met again.

Hey, is this going to be like? Klein’s thoughts turned sharply and he finally smiled and replied:

"Good afternoon, Ms. Angelica."

“A guest wants to find you divination.” An Jielika pointed to Bogda Road, which was hurriedly standing up in the sofa area.

Did someone specify me? Klein was pleasantly surprised to take off the half-high silk hat and squeezed his eyebrows twice.

"Good afternoon, this gentleman..." He looked away and the words suddenly stopped.

In his "Lingshi", the color of the liver of the seeker was dull, almost turned black, and even the rest of the body lost balance, and the gas field was thinned.

Klein pondered and said with a serious expression:

"This gentleman, you should go to the doctor, not to divination."

Bogda was there, and immediately showed a pleasant look, muttering to himself:

"It's amazing..."

"Anna did not lie to me..."


He suddenly looked up and looked at Klein earnestly:

"Mr. Moretti, I have actually seen a doctor. Maybe there will be an operation next, but I am full of fear of surgery and hope that the result of divination will be good or bad."

The surgery of this era is really very dangerous... Although there is the promotion of Russell the Great, there is still a lack of necessary technical points... Kline did not refuse, nodded slightly:

"The price of my divination is 8 pence, is there a problem?"

“8 pence?” Bogda screamed. “You only charge 8 pence?”

According to Anna's description and Mr. Moretti's performance, I am willing to give at least 1 pound!

Haven't you heard of small profits but quick turnover? Klein groaned for a moment, thought for a few seconds, his mouth curled up, calmly answered:

"Getting the revelation of the gods and glimpsing the corner of fate is a lucky enough thing. Therefore, we must remain modest and refrain from greed. Only in this way can we continue to receive gifts."

"You are a true diviner." Bogda pressed his chest and took a ritual. His tone was very sincere.

Feeling this kind of praise and belief, Klein's spirituality seems to be a lot easier, and the "Code of Conduct" just described makes him seem to touch something.

"Miss Angelica, can the citrine room be used?" He turned to look at the pretty lady next to him.

Angelica quietly sighed for Bogda and smiled sweetly:


Into the divination room, Klein let Bogda lock the door, and he sat behind the table and pinched his forehead.

"How do we use tarot cards to divination?" He asked with a smile.

The "spirit method" is only suitable for measuring things related to itself, and painting a star disk is a waste of time.

"You make a decision." Bogda has no opinion.

So, Klein asked him to shuffle, cut the cards, and put out an Intis card.

Taking advantage of the speciality of the "Divination", Klein did not go through the cards and directly opened the one that symbolized the final result.

"In the round of destiny, things will go in the wrong direction." He glanced at him and said solemnly.

Bogda’s face turned pale and his lips twitched a few times:

"Is there no hope?"

Klein held the best of his best:

"Then I am going to change the divination method, trouble you to leave your ring, and write your birth date on this paper, then go outside and wait quietly."

Infected by his gentle and soothing voice, Bogda calmed down and wrote the information as he ordered, leaving a ring.

Watching the other person go out, Klein wrote a line of words on the paper that recorded the information:

"Bogda Jones's liver surgery results."

He picked up the ring and paper, leaned back against the back of the chair, and tried the "dream divination method" again.

In the misty and distorted world, he gradually recovered himself and saw that the gentleman had fallen bleakly and saw him covered in white cloth and pushed out from the swaying operating room.

This time, Klein didn't meet strange things anymore. He didn't have the feeling of being watched again. He quickly woke up and his brow wrinkled, considering how to tell Bogda.

Surgery is very likely to lead to death... I can only learn the ritual magic that I learned today. But this will expose the extraordinary things, and must first apply to the captain... Well, it may not be able to treat such a serious disease. ... Klein thought hard and suddenly thought of one thing.

"Mr. Gracies' lung disease was cured by a pharmacist. He said that the other's remedies are amazing... What is it called? Yes, Rosen Duckway, 18 Vlad Street, East, 'Rossen's Folk Herbal Shop'!" Because of the memory of this matter, Klein quickly remembered the details.

His fingers tapped on the edge of the table and quickly made a decision.

Using the "spirit method" to quickly determine the quality of the idea, Klein opened the door, looked at Bogda hurriedly standing, and handed the ring, while Wen Wen smiled:

"I saw your hope."

“Really?” Bogda surprised and asked.

Klein did not answer, said:

"Your hope is in the Eastern District, on Vlad Street, and the word "Rosen"."

"If you don't find it, come back to me after 4pm on Monday."

"Okay, okay." Bogda nodded in excitement, excitedly pulled out his wallet and counted a 5p and threepence.

He did not follow the instructions of Klein, and did not use the tip to erode the real divination.

Klein’s mouth was picked up slightly, smiling and shouting:

"I hope you find hope as soon as possible."

When Bogda left, he was the same as the last time. He gave both the draw and the tip of An Jielika, pretending to be 1 Suler.


Eastern District, Vlad Street.

Bogda walked from the street to the end of the street, walked three times, and went to the liver and fainted.

Finally, he confirmed that there is only one thing related to "Rosen" on this street, that is, "Rossen's folk herbal medicine shop on the 18th."

With courage and go in, he smelled the smell of various herbs and saw that the shop owner was a 30- to 40-year-old man with short black hair and a very round face.

The boss is wearing a costume similar to a rural witch doctor. The robes are dark and embroidered with all kinds of strange symbols.

"Hello, do you have a medicine that can cure my disease?" asked Bogda's hat.

The boss looked up and swept Bogda with a dark blue scorpion, his mouth slightly tilted:

"The disease in your liver is very serious, but the premise of all is that you have money, enough to pay for medicine?"

Can he see it? Bogda Horan had a little more confidence and hurriedly nodded:

“How much is your pharmacy worth?”

"10 pounds, this is very fair." The boss took out a pack of herbal medicine from the counter. "Add water, enough water, cook together, add 10 drops of fresh **** blood, and drink immediately." This package of herbs can be cooked three times, and it should be no problem after three times."

During the conversation, he opened the yellow-brown paper and lost several strange herbs inside.

It sounds very untrustworthy... Bogda swallowed his mouth:

"that's it?"

The boss stared at him and suddenly smiled:

"Do you want something else? How about this bag? Wait for your liver to get better, and make sure you and your wife are satisfied."

He took out another pack of black paper herbs and pressed down the voice:

"There are added mummified powder inside... Believe me, many nobles are taking this kind of thing, putting it in tea, or drinking soup."

... Bogda’s confidence in the boss is completely shaken and even disgusting.

I believe Mr. Moretti... He took a deep breath, pulled out the wallet, and took two of the largest denominations from the few remaining gold pounds.

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