Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 4 Chapter 132: Actors and spectators

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When the golden-haired big dog gaze into the eyes from the shadows, Klein’s forehead jumped invisibly and did not hide the fact that he was frightened.

His gaze turned away naturally and looked at the group of "Justice".

It’s scary... This dog has nothing to do with the corner, what is the shadow... It’s just like watching everyone in the hall faintly... Hey, “Justice” seems to have a “audience” potion Animals, once asked for advice from Mr. "Down people"... Wouldn't it be this golden hair? The two "audiences" are in the Ming, one in the dark, and which "actor" can stand! In the upper class, the "audience" should be more than the "just" ladies, she joined the psychological alchemy, is also led by other nobles, seems to be the sister of the Duchess of Nigan? Klein’s sideline and analysis, while walking towards the Macht family, asked like:

“Several people who just came in seem to be very expensive?”

Macht took a look at Dawn Don Tas, and he smiled:

"The Earl of East Chester, you can call him Earl Hall directly, you should have heard of him.

"That is his wife, Mrs. Caitlin, that is his eldest son, Lord Hibbert, you have seen..."

Listening to Mr. Maht’s introduction, Klein suddenly felt a sullen look, because he did see Hibbert Hall at the ball held by the other party, but he did not pay attention to the Lord at all, otherwise there would be no such thing. Noble questions.

Suddenly surprised by the sudden appearance of Miss "Justice"... Klein kept a smile and listened.

Mr. Maht continues to say:

"That is his daughter, Miss Audrey Hall. In the last two years, I have the title of Beckland's most dazzling gem in the social field. This is very realistic, isn't it?"

Don't wait for Daun. Dontes responded, and he euphemistically said:

"Her pursuer has a prince, a duke successor, and a lot of noble and noble gentlemen."

Mr. Maht’s hidden meaning is very clear. That is, if you are a fan of a wide range of women, don’t want to play the lady’s idea. She is a target that you can’t and can’t touch.

What Klein turned around was another idea:

"The original ‘Justice’ is the daughter of Count Earl. It’s no wonder that there is money, no wonder it’s never counter-offer...

"Hall is one of the most prominent big bankers in the kingdom. It is one of the most influential upper house members and hereditary aristocrats. His family property is only a lot more than the Baron Sindras...

"Miss ‘Justice’ is not able to inherit the title and family business, and the property that is distributed can be 100,000 pounds...

"Plus her appearance, origin and character is indeed the best object of marriage between the royal family and the great aristocracy...

"However, her continuous purchase of magical items is not like the property of only a few hundred thousand pounds... Is this reimbursable? I also want to fight..."

In the thoughts of the flash, Klein smiled and responded to Mr. Maht’s reminder:

"I have heard about the rumors of Miss Audrey before, and I found out today that they are not too exaggerated.

"Unfortunately, I am not a prince, nor the successor of the Duke Earl of the Duke of the Duke, otherwise I can be her pursuer."

He is implicitly saying that he knows his identity and status.

Mr. Maht did not continue this topic, but instead introduced some of the guests he knew to Dawn Don Tae, and really took him into the upper class. Of course, the biggest help of this thing is the night church, without them. For this charity gala held for the Student Fund, Maht could not bring Dawn Dontes directly to those who are noble.

The Marquis of Lost, the Count of Gros, the Viscount of Loveland... A nobleman of the goddess greeted Daun Dontes with a few words, and his attitude was quite harmonious.

Machter has not finished yet, and an old man came in at the door.

He wore a black, red priest's robes, and he wore five dark sacred emblems on his chest. His face was clean, he had no beards, his eyes were quiet, and his darkness was quiet.

Including the Earl of Hall, everyone turned to the old man and respectfully said:

"Good evening, Lord St. Anthony."

This old man is the Saint Anthony Stevenson, one of the thirteen archbishops of the Night Church!

He is the head of the Beckland Parish, the true church leader.

When Klein saw the archbishop, his body and mind could not help but shudder, and it was difficult to contain it. It was difficult to cover up, as if he had returned to his youth, he was walking on a country path without a street lamp.

His eyes swept away, and other guests did not react so strongly. They immediately understood that the "fear" brought by Saint Anthony was the stronger the spirit, the clearer the feeling, the busy meditation, and the attempt to converge.

When he initially controlled the tremor, St. Anthony smiled and looked around and circled the clock clockwise four times:

"Like beautiful god."

“Like beautiful gods.” The guests who attended this charity party responded.

With the advent of the Archbishop, Mr. Maht no longer introduced Klein to the remaining guests, as the party has officially begun.

By convention, everyone sat in the position and prayed praying for three minutes to the goddess. Then, the church choir walked to the front of the gods and used the ethereal neatness to wash the soul and praise the goddess.

After the religious ceremony, Bishop Electra was appointed by St. Anthony to the side of the choir’s standing position, where there was a tall wooden platform on which various books could be placed.

"Thank you for coming, your character is the starry night in the quiet night..." Bishop Electra took a few polite words and said, "We set up a student fund for the poor this time, from Daun. Mr. Dontes’s proposal, he is a truly noble gentleman, his piety and character are impeccable enough to be a model. Let’s ask Mr. Donne Tangtes to give us a short speech.”

Although Klein had been prepared, but when he heard the last half of the sentence, he quietly snorted.

This is no more than usual, there are two or more "audiences" here, not how he wants to brag, how to brag, the content of the speech must be true enough, not to be seen lying or using false examples!

Holding the clothes on his abdomen, he quickly stood up and walked over to the tall wooden platform while attaching the button on the dress.

After coming to the back of the tall wooden platform, standing on the heel, he looked around the nobles, parliamentarians, clergy and senior government employees and smiled and said:

"I am a little nervous, I was the first time I was watched by so many noble people.

“I used to be active in the area where the poor gathered, and I was active in the chaotic Southland. So I saw a lot of things. There is a little girl who started helping her mother to make a matchbox from the age of 6. If not, they would After paying the rent, there was no money to buy brown bread. The black bread they ate had a lot of wheat bran, and occasionally they could bite the gravel and stones, and they could hardly use it as a stick and attack others..."

"When the little girl grew up, although she was tired every day, although she didn't have extra money at home, she still yearned for the night school held by the church, hoping to learn the words and master the knowledge, because she knew that only in this way can she If you don’t continue your life, you can not wear hungry clothes, you can wear clothes that can really resist the cold, and you can die in the twenties without going to the harsh conditions of the factory...

Klein picks out the experiences of the poor children he has seen, blends them together, and tells them with real feelings.

He obviously can see that the ladies have more or less sympathy and compassion, and some girls even have sparkling lights in their eyes, such as Audrey Hall.

It’s a child that is easy to be touched... My performance is out of my heart, and I can even move myself, not to mention the “audience”... However, most gentlemen are not touched too much, and some should be in the situation of the poor. I have long understood that some belong to the type of people who do not care about the status of low... Klein swept away and continued:

"Our industry is developing, and we will definitely need more literate workers in the future... Our election conditions are relaxed. In the future, it will inevitably include the majority of educated people who are eligible to vote... Upholding the compassion for these poor children, upholding Looking forward to the future of the kingdom, I decided to donate all the shares of Coim's company to the church and set up a student fund for the poor to give them a chance to enter the real knowledge hall after the free night school... ”

Earl Earl, who had two pretty moustaches, nodded, and first raised his hands and applauded gently.

In the warm applause, Klein returned to his own position, and the Archbishop Electra announced that:

"The shares donated by Mr. Daun. Dontes are worth £15,000. We will use it to build a 'Luen Charity Student Fund'. Ladies and gentlemen, if you recognize his ideas, sympathize with those who are hungry for knowledge. Children can participate in this fund."

During the conversation, he pointed to the dedication box next to him.

Audrey then regained her gaze and pressed her eyes to her own father.

"Dad, I am going to donate 1,000 pounds, what about you?"

While speaking, she quickly summed up what she had just observed in her mind:

"Dow. Dontes should have lived at the bottom, his sympathy for his pity, his speech is very real... those poor children are really pitiful...

"When the bishop mentioned that the stock value was 15,000 pounds, his mouth was unnaturally upturned. He could see that he should be very distressed by the money. However, the sincerity of his donation is not faked... this can only Explain that he is a gentleman who loves money but is more 'loving' kind...

"What was the surprise and disguise when he saw me before?

"Where did he see me, but I don't know my identity? But there is no need to cover up...

"He recognized that my necklace was a magical item, so I was surprised, and later tried to cover up this matter?

"If this is the case, it means that he is definitely an extraordinary person, and the sequence will not be too low...

"Hey, wait until you go back and ask Su Shi. Maybe it has observed other details. It hides in the dark, will not be prepared, and can find more."

Between the thoughts, Audrey saw the count of his father, Hall, laughing and taking out the checkbook and pen.

The amount he wrote is:

10,000 pounds!

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