Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 4 Chapter 142: Didn’t say anything

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Leonard Mitchell clasped his hands and said his body slightly forward:

"We restored the picture that Karon saw before he died.

"This does not directly show the murderer's appearance, but the glass of the convex window just shows the figure of the Baron Sindras."

For a second, Leonard added:

"It's too simple, not convincing. Baron Cindras, a nobleman and big banker at this level, even if he wants to kill, he can't be on the spot or on the spot unless he has a special hobby.

"And you know, there are too many ways to make a similar scene, whether it's illusion or camouflage."

When it comes to disguise, he looks up slightly and looks at Dawn. Tang Tesi, as if to say that your current appearance is not your true image, just like Gilman Sparo and Sherlock. Like Riatti.

It’s really simple and rude, it’s doubtful whether the murderer behind the scenes really wants to frame the Baron Sindras... Well, combing it from the beginning, let me assume that Daun’s response is the same as normal. ... Anyway, I don't say the conclusion. I only use the questions to guide the thoughts. If the final answer is wrong, it is definitely the poet's classmates who understand the wrong meaning. I didn't understand my suggestion correctly... Klein smiled and started the bone china cup, 抿Lipstick tea ceremony:

"We don't think about it first. If it's not me, how will things develop?"

Leonard’s hands were slightly raised, and the index finger tapped softly:

"Dawn Tantes was taken into the police station as a suspect, but his butler, servant, neighbors and friends could confirm that he had not been in contact with Karon's family, so there was a huge contradiction in the description on both sides. We couldn't handle it and had to apply for the 'night's intervention.

"After psychic, we got the picture that Caron saw before committing suicide, and extracted the figure of Baron Sindras..."

As he spoke, Leonard suddenly silenced, and after a few seconds, he continued in the gaze of Daun Dontes with a smile:

"No matter whether the clue of the Baron Sindras is too strange, too simple, and unconvincing, we will follow the process, make certain contacts with him, and conduct corresponding investigations... and this will lead to him. These problems are perceived by us?

“The Baron Sindras originally had problems involving the extraordinary field, and could not stand the in-depth investigation of the “night-time person”?”

Leonard said that the more he decided, the more he seemed to have grasped the ideas of the planners.

He, or they, don’t care if their traps will be seen, as long as they can make a routine investigation of Cindras by the “Night of the Night”, the purpose is reached, because the Baron Sindras is quite hidden Serious and easy to find problems!

Yes, this is also my idea. This is actually closer to reporting. It is only softer and looks like a trap. It makes the "nights" have to check and hide their existence... Of course, I will not positively affirm you. Guess, if it is wrong in the end, isn’t it awkward? Klein picked up his right foot and rested on his left leg, smiling:

"With the vigilant Baron Sindras, there is definitely no problem now."

Leonard slowly bowed his head and said with self-explanation:

"The baron's experience is quite legendary. On several occasions, she was on the verge of bankruptcy, and she saved her back and climbed to a new level.

"Maybe, one of them, he is desperate, there is no other way, so he sold the soul to the evil spirit, the demon or other hidden existence?"

This story is quite reasonable... Klein didn’t say whether Leonard’s speculation was right or wrong, and instead asked:

"On the other hand, what do you think about the real murderer who caused Karon to commit suicide?"

Leonard temporarily removed the previous judgment and thought about it based on the premise of "normal development":

"The traps set are too rough, the implantation of suggestion, guidance and memory is not concealed enough to be soft and easy to be discovered. Therefore, it should not be done by the middle-high sequence of the 'audience' approach, more like the extraordinary use of other ways. The magical items pretend to be in action..."

When the words were not finished, Leonard was once again silent, and I didn’t know what to think.

Klein kept a smile that seemed like nothing, calmly looked at each other, and seemed to be in control, but I just didn't say it, depending on how much you realized.

This is consistent with some of the words before the old man... Is it really a "audience" of a medium-high sequence? He seems to be reckless and rude and full of loopholes. In fact, he accurately considers the reaction that everyone will have. Considering the humanity of following the process, it is only expected to be wrong. Donn's experience and wisdom? Leonard only felt that he had thought about the passing of the matter, straightened his body and coughed a bit:

"Thank you for your advice."

Klein suddenly laughed:

"I did not say anything."

Unable to wait for Leonard to respond, he took the initiative to say:

"Your former colleague asked me to ask you, if he found the trace of Ings Zangweier, how can I tell you?"

Leonard, who was waiting to get up, just lifted his half **** and sat back again. The expression was slightly more complicated and silenced for more than a dozen seconds:

“Press the message in the form of a letter to 7 Pfister Street.”

This means that you will not leave Beckland for a long time? Or, even if you go to other places to perform the task, there are ways to monitor the movement of No. 7 Pingster Street, remotely view the contents of the letter? More likely should be the latter speculation, an angel of the "stealer" approach must have a lot of strange secrets, many of which Leonard can use... can not ask, one will reduce the morality. The level of Dontes is destroying the people... Klein puts on a waveless look and smiles:

"I will tell him."

Leonard didn't leave immediately, opened his mouth, paused and said:

"If I want to contact him, what should I do?"

When asked this sentence, his green eyes were deep and restrained.

Klein was prepared and smiled and said:

"The spirit that lingers in vain, the friendly creature that can be driven, and the messenger of German Sparo.

"The specific ceremony, if you are not sure, can ask Pales."

Leonard knew that Gilman Sparo was Sherlock Moratti, and that was Klein Moretti, who was invisible and stood up and stood up:

"Thank you for your advice, please forgive me for taking the liberty."

After that, he retired to the door, opened the door and left the dream.

Hello, is this gone? As a "nightmare", or a former "nightmare", don't you consider your own memory defects? Just listen to it and remember it? This is too much attention! Klein watched Leonard's back disappear and couldn't help but swear.

He shook his head helplessly, ending his nap and busy with the things of West Byron.


On the "Golden Dream", Daniz, who had finally completed the task, had a hot beer and iced ale because of the recent hot weather.

If it is not the ability to make ice, the amount is not much, he feels that he can drink half a bucket in one breath.

"This is enjoyment!" Daniz sipped the liquid left in the cup.

At this moment, the gray mist in front of his eyes filled out, and the voice of Herman Sparrow in the ear began to echo:

"...Please tell Daniz, let him immediately rush to West Bailang, and find out the situation within the sphere of influence of the two indigenous generals, Messanes and Katami, paying particular attention to the traces of the rose school activities... ”

Go, go to West Bailang? Daniz took the glass and stumbled in the heart of the request of German Sparrow.

He used to look for treasures, and went there with the crew of the "Golden Dream", and got more detailed information from the captain "Iceberg Lieutenant" Edwina, so I know how much chaos is. Danger.

And, this time I am alone! Daniz snorted and felt that his future was bleak.

In his mind, there are primitive jungles with all kinds of terrible creatures, indigenous tribes that also believe in death but have their own differences, roads full of robbers and rebels, villages where ghosts are often seen, and from time to time. A big city that broke out with gun battles and even extraordinary people.

No, I want to reject Galman Sparo, refuse... At least, I have to send an assistant! Um... ordinary people can live in West Byron, get rich and have their own manor, which means that it is not as terrible as I thought, I am just scaring myself... and,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Just let me figure out the situation, did not let me contact who to deal with ... Daniz quickly squeezed a smile, please Mr. "fool" to tell Gelman Sparo, said that he immediately left.

Then, according to the instructions of German Sparrow, he arranged a ritual in his room to request the "fool".

At the end of the ceremony, he saw the illusory door open, a dark gold, sun-shaped brooch flew out and fell to the altar.

This is the "sun brooch"!

In the South, in the country where the **** of death ruled, the "sun" is one of the most useful and extraordinary ways!

"I gave such a valuable item directly... It’s very good to do things for German Sparrow... But what does he seem to say is borrowing?" Daniz picked up the brooch and felt the wetness around him. The heat has increased a bit.


After assigning a good task to Daniz, Klein was about to open the door and told the personal servant Richardson to prepare a glass of ice water for himself, and the inspiration was touched.

Immediately, he quietly opened the sight of him, and saw the messenger Miss Renee. Nikol walked out of the void, one of the blonde red-eyed heads in his hand was biting a thin letter.

Who sent it? Leonard's? Klein held out his right hand in a puzzled way.

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