Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 4 Chapter 168: "Self-recommended" (recommended ticket on Monday)

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The violent sea corresponds to the abnormality of the spiritual world caused by the fall of death... It is said that the corpse and objects of this **** are hidden somewhere in this sea area, waiting for someone to open with a specific key... This copper whistle originates from Mr. Zucker, and Mr. Azick is determined to be a direct descendant of death, and belongs to the previous two generations... So, what did this copper whistle just sense, or was it affected? Klein quickly flashed a message in his mind and combined them to get a preliminary guess.

He plans to wait in Hakata Port, find a hotel, open a room, go to the fog, use the "dream divination" to try to get what revelation, and then consider the time and way of returning to Port Essen, so as not to be on the way. Encounter an accident that could have been avoided.

Before that, he had to find food for "squirming hunger."

Walking down the seaside cliff, Klein entered the port of Hakata.

The building here seems to be where I want to go, there is almost no planning, so that some roads are very spacious, some are narrow enough to be pedestrians, some raise their heads, can't see the sky, and the eyes are large waiting to dry. Clothing.

Klein, who is wearing a new face, walks in such an environment, walks among many passers-by who are dressed as pirates, and habitually wants to go to pubs and other places to find prey.

At this time, he saw a lot of people gathered around the bulletin board in front of the small square.

what's the situation? Klein leaned curiously closer to the past, relying on the balance and agility of the "clown", through the gap between the crowds, barely squeezed into the place where the notice board could be seen.

On the bulletin board, there is a piece of paper that is very overbearing, and the rest is covered underneath, so that one can see it at a glance.

It looked up and wrote:

“The Black Emperor recruited crew members.”

"Black Emperor"? Isn't this the "King of the Five Seas", the ship that can pass through the spiritual world? In this sense, the king of pirates will openly recruit crew members? Klein was quite awkwardly deliberately whispering:

"How can it be?"

"Why not?" He was next to a high-strength sleeve, and the naked man with a naked shirt laughed. "It used to be impossible, but now it is possible!"

"Why?" Klein waited for someone to talk, and immediately asked.

The strong man’s arms, arms and cheeks have blue-black tattoos. It looks very fierce. He said that he pointed to the direction of the main channel:

"A week ago, the 'Black Emperor' and the steam propeller ship 'Plitz', which was very well-reported by Lun, suffered a sea battle. The 'Black Emperor' died a lot of people and urgently needed to replenish manpower! ”

what? Klein’s first reaction was that this was not occult.

According to the contents of the newspaper and the rumors he heard at sea, he knew that the "Plitz" was a cannon in the normal sense. It did not contain extraordinary factors. Perhaps in terms of physical destructive power, it would be better than the "Black Emperor". "Strong, but the latter can "jump" with the spirit of the world, just like the large "traveler", which is not a normal heat weapon can hurt.

Moreover, the "King of the Five Seas" Nast should be the "black emperor" route of the sequence 3, the most powerful of the sea, can directly distort the orbit of the shell, and encounter with the fleet of non-occultal level, Almost invincible.

In Klein's view, the two are not enemies of one level, but the end result is not what he imagined.

He did not hide his surprise, and asked:

"What about the 'Plitz?'"

The very ferocious brave man shook his head and replied:

"Not too clear, but I heard that it was not damaged, but just sank two frigates."

This... Klein was wrong first, and immediately understood what happened.

He recalled the situation when the Tutansis II mummies were stolen. The semi-god of the military used the "law of the mysterious weakening of reality". Once this took effect, the "Black Emperor" was a bit special. The conventional sail battleships, when they encounter the ironclad ship, must not fight and can't move, and they can't hold it, and they can't run.

On the other hand, this also means that there is a semi-god on the "Plitz", otherwise such a "law" cannot take effect.

In this situation, let the "Black Emperor" escape, the "King of the Five Seas" Nast's strength can be said to be very strong and strong, below the angel, he is definitely the kind that can rank in the forefront... It is precisely because of the existence of the "arbitrator" approach that the world's military development trajectory will be close to the earth, and will not be able to deal with the higher level of mystery... Klein nodded in no doubt, no further inquiry.

As for the extraordinary people below the sequence 4, in the large-scale hot war, in addition to a small number of occupations can play a strong output, effective defense, the rest have to avoid the front, do the existence of a similar "dagger squad", or simply provide assistance, just like "Master of Secrets", if you are full, the extraordinary ones in the middle sequence are not afraid of anyone, but once you are on the battlefield, covered by shells and machine guns, the problem of fragile body will be exposed, even if there is "Paper man substitute", often can not jump out of the fire range, have to bear the second injury - in that case, maybe it is too late to use paper people.

In this kind of hot war, the most useful sequence should be "resent", basically not afraid of artillery bullets, will not be discovered by the enemy, but also can use "screaming" to directly affect large targets... Klein thoughts are a little divergent, just now The brave man who spoke actively spoke:

"Do you want to join the 'Black Emperor'?"

"...still hesitating." Klein replied casually.

The brawny man with arms and arms full of blue and black tattoos said with high enthusiasm:

"I am going to give it a try anyway.

"There are no more than ten games I can play here. I have a lot of pirate experience. They can definitely look at me!"

"However, I will not stay on the 'Black Emperor' for too long, there are too many ridiculous rules, what can only be robbed, not allowed to kill people who are not rebellious, whatever, unless the other party promises to trade, otherwise can not like which woman to put She dragged it to the side, listened, listened, is this still like a pirate? Although the 'King of the Five Seas' is one of the four kings, it is a recognized pirate king, but he sets these rules, simply, simply, **** same!

"I have been used to the life of a real pirate. I like it very much. I will not change it anymore! I just heard that the crew of the 'Black Emperor' may have the extraordinary strength to join them. When it is certain, I will Leave and build your own pirate group..."

The evil man said that it was just the time when the mouth was flying, and suddenly the expression of the stranger on the opposite side became a bit strange.

He hesitated a moment and asked:

"How do you look at me like this?"


The straight sword, sparkling with silver-gray flare, slammed down and nailed a numb figure to the ground.

The figure was distorted, squirming, and in the flowing silver light, it gradually collapsed into a vain light spot.

Colin Iliat pulled back the sword and straightened up to look at the next four weeks. He saw that the two "six-member parliamentary elders" of Wetter and Loyya also solved the corresponding goals and cleared out a piece of river. Clean area.

At this time, on the illusory black river, a gloomy boat came across from the opposite side and silently docked on the shore.

Seeing this scene, Colin slowly vomited, his face quietly whispered to himself:

"The ferryman..."

He and the former chief of the mausoleum worked together for a long time, and they were quite familiar with each other. They knew that the other party had been plagued by the lack of "giant" route sequence 3 "Silver Knight" potion formula, to the demigod, no longer The things that people can be promoted have the intention of moving to a similar sequence, and this intention, in one exploration, has a dawn of success, because they found the potion formula of Sequence 3 of the "Neon Bird" route:

"The ferry man"!

Since then, the former chief has begun to build this mausoleum, and finally lived in and closed the entrance.

The eyes were quietly observed for a while, and Colin Iliad slowly said:

"Come on the boat."

Witt and Lovja did not express their dissent, fully believed in the chief judgment, followed him behind him, boarded the gloomy and strange boat.

In this process, the three people did not hesitate, neither left and right, nor stopped, as if they were not exploring, but had a visit to determine their destination.

The boat started slowly and passed over the illusory dark water, dragging a long trace.

The **** arm, a greasy tentacle, sneaked up and patted the hull, but failed to leave any traces, which did not cause any influence.

In ten seconds, the three "six-member council" elders arrived on the other side of the Unreal River.

There is an altar with an iron-black heavy coffin.

Colin Iliad immediately jumped away from the boat and pulled out another straight sword in the backhand. Compared with the previous one, he is now considered cautious and valued.

Then, with an iron-gray long hammer, Wetter fell heavily to the shore and stepped on the surrounding land and trembled.

He looked at the huge coffin that was surrounded by the monster skull, and took two steps forward, smashing the long hammer to the front and taking off the bow of the dragon hunting.

At this time, Weite suddenly felt that the back of his hand was a little itchy, and he looked down and looked down. In the pores of the skin there, a white fine hair with a yellow oil stained out and grew bigger and bigger.


In Hakata Port, Klein fed the "squirming hunger", found a messy hotel, and opened a room that was barely called a clean room.

Then he took four steps back and came over the fog.

Sitting in the position of "fool", Klein first took out the Aziz copper whistle projection, and then came out with a paper pen and wrote the corresponding divination statement:

"The reason why this copper whistle is unusual today."

PS: On Monday, I would like to recommend a monthly ticket~

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