Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 4 Chapter 210: Curse of God (the last half day to ask for a monthly pass)

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With Kline's spiritual touch, the light suddenly expanded into a picture in front of his eyes:

Daniz, who is wearing a shadow cloak, bows his head at the edge of the square and mourns the name of the "fool" in the ancient Hermes.

With this positioning, Klein expanded the scene and looked for Inz. Zangweier.

Everything he saw through the fog was significantly different from what he had just seen. The central part of the square did not know when to erect a huge church with black and white inlaid bones. When there was light and shadow, there was no movement.

Seizing this opportunity, Klein responded to Daniz’s prayer:

“Away from here, look for hidden places to hide.”

While talking slowly, Klein, wearing a triple-crowned crown with a dark blue vestment, raised his left hand and let the blue-blue gems at the top of the skeletal scepter shine.

The sharp and harsh voice immediately echoed in the real world's Resurrection Square, and the sudden screams swept the area, letting people who were leisurely or passing by leave, and went to shelter, even the seemingly stiff Anderson restored that kind of In a state of indifference, one hand licked his stomach and rushed out of danger.

In just a few seconds, the Resurrection Square became extremely deserted. Even if some passers-by were not fast, they did not run, and under the impetus of the wind, they experienced the feeling of flying.

The empty area had a brief silence, and then a light ignited from the window of the bone church, getting bigger and bigger and getting more and more dazzling.

In the silent, the stained glass window broke open, and the blazing white and blue light was like a meteor.

The fire then disintegrated, condensing Ins Zanweier, who wore a black gaze and a dark blue eye.

As soon as the "night watchman" appeared, his mouth could not help but open his mouth and screamed at the classical feather pen in his hand:

"If you didn't listen to my suggestion, why would you get it now!"

"I don't know what you are afraid of, let me pray to the Lord earlier, secretly return to redemption, join forces with the serpent, prepare, set traps, today is our hunting Adam, not the opposite!"

The slightly faint and broken feather pen immediately flew, and wrote in the clothing empty space of Ins Zangweier:

"Sorren Einhorne Medici, who was annoyed by shame, pushed all responsibility for this matter to 'Al Sukhod's pen', but in fact, he himself prevented himself from being 'real.' The Creator prayed that neither Sauron nor Einhorn would want to believe in the evil spirit.

"Today's experience makes the schizophrenia of this evil spirit more serious! This is very reasonable, this is the diagnosis made by the most professional and top psychiatrist!"

"Ins. Zangweier"'s brow suddenly took a moment, instinctively raised his left hand and pressed his head.

His dark blue near-black eyes quickly recovered, and the classical sculptural face became extremely serious.

At this moment, he broke through the church of the bones. The front is not a square, but an ancient stone stepped stone. They lead to the top of a mountain peak, where a huge cross is erected and countless angels hover. Clustered.

At this time, an exaggerated silver-white lightning penetrated the deep sky and fell straight down to Inz. Zangweier.

The entire enclosed and bizarre space was followed by cracks, and the fountains and flowers on the square were reflected in the dark blue and dark eyes.

Ins. Zangweier’s figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only a transparent and fuzzy spirit in the original place. The latter was smashed by lightning and instantly annihilated.

The "night watchman" refused to think about the dangers hidden outside, and seized the opportunity to turn into a fire, penetrate the gap, and rushed out.

For him, no matter what is ambushed in front, it will not be more terrible than the creator's son, the king of angels, and more difficult to deal with!

Seeing the fire above the square, getting rid of the shackles of the illusory world, reverting to the color of the dark gold palm of the ins. Zang Geweier, Klein head slightly raised, the subconscious mind sat up straight.

There were countless pictures in his mind, and he was penetrated by the heart. He had the bright boots he saw before his death, and Dunn Smith, who smiled and squeezed his left eye. Became the ruin of the Black Thorns Security Company.

Klein's mouth flew open and tilted up, revealing a funny smile.

He immediately opened his mouth in ancient Hermes:


His right palm, the silver-gray spell, ignited the black light.

This is Klein's direct pray to the "night goddess", using the blood and precious metals made by the "Silver Snake" Will Anthony's blood.

This is his gift for Ins Zangweier.

This is the arrow of revenge.

This is the curse of God!

Klein stood up violently, his shoulders pulled, his right arm slammed, and the dark light blended with the little force above the swaying fog, thrown into the scene of the prayer picture, and threw it at Ince. .Zange Weir.


Ins. Zangweier just returned to the Resurrection Square and saw a deep black light from where he came from, covering the entire sky and making his environment extremely dull.

This change has passed away, and all the moments around it have returned to normal. It looks no different. It can be used as a "night watchman" who can give others a certain degree of misfortune. Ings Zangweier keenly "smells" The dangerous atmosphere, without any hesitation, stretches out the left palm, to use the combination of the evil spirits in the body and the "gatekeeper" ability, enter the spiritual world, and flee.

However, the bright red flowers around him, the pure white fountain pool, and the dark black floor tiles pattern, none of them become rich in color, let alone superimposed on each other.

Ins. Zangwell's "spiritual shuttle" ability has failed!

During his tanning, he understood the reason, because the evil spirit in his body, he quarreled with himself, did not lend strength:

"Look, there is nothing left to listen to me soon!"

"Oh, let me believe in the 'real creator' and let me die!"

"What is the use of listening to you? It was not like us, it was made a potion by Alista.

"You didn't feel nervous at all? Didn't you find that the curse had a distinct spirit of spirit? The essence of the power is also very high. In our current state, there is definitely no circumvention, haha, noisy, continue to argue, I Waiting to die with you."


Ins. Zangweier heard the forehead vascular jump, angry at the evil spirit of Sauron Einhorne Medici, who was guilty at the crucial moment, and did not feel at all in a dangerous place.

As the predecessor of the Archbishop, as the extraordinary person who took over the sacred objects of the night church, Ins Zangweier did not influence the judgment because of anger. He intuitively believed that the faint black light was related to the embarrassing authority of the "night goddess". The sudden entry of Soren Einhorne Medici into the split state is obviously affected by this aspect. Otherwise, the writing of "Al Sukhod's pen" will not let the "Red Angel" evil spirits be on the spot. Noisy, regardless of the situation!

He immediately turned his body and rushed to one of the exits of the Resurrection Square and tried to communicate with the rest of the spirit. He wanted to use his ability to escape as quickly as possible. However, there is no spirit here!

At this time, a figure stood out from the hidden place on the edge of the empty square. He was a mixed blood of Luen and Bairang. His face was fleshy, his clothes were loose, and he had a thin sword at his waist.

This is "Hell Admiral" Ludwell!

This is a secret lover who doesn't have any thoughts!

After throwing out the "curse of God" spell, Klein has returned to the real world according to the plan, using two secret couples!

While letting the "winner" Enzo find a corner, he took out the prepared items, arranged the rituals that he prayed for, and manipulated "Hell Admiral" Ludwell out of the hidden point, facing Ins Zangweier.

The "Hell Admiral" who could not see the original appearance raised his right hand, letting the arm, the arm and the finger quickly dim, expanding and extending, and grasping the past toward the goal.

This is his ability to extract other people's spirits through the space obtained by the underworld creatures!

Lutherville's palms quickly became pale, and on the top of Ins. Zangwell's head, a figure floated up uncontrollably.

However, Inns Zangweier used to be a “gatekeeper”, and immediately there was a mysterious and illusory bronze door that shaped the spirits that were about to emerge.

Originally with his level and strength, this should be easy to succeed, but I don't know why, he has appeared several mistakes in succession, and he was almost succeeded by "Hell Admiral".

At this time, the two figures quickly outlined next to Ludwell, one is the hairy tourmaline, Leonard Mitchell wearing transparent gloves, and the other is Dairy with blue eyeshadow and the same blush. Simone.

They come so precisely, the enemy's grief often means that you are lucky enough!

Dai Li first saw the figure that she would never forget. In the eyes, she raised the flame of hatred.

She did not blindly shoot, slightly observed, came to Ludwig and opened her arms.

A bronze gate with countless singular patterns immediately descended, and a crack was opened.

This is the gateway to the underworld, the door to all the undead!

The horrible suction that could not be accurately described came out, and the figure on the top of Ins Zangweier completely left him.

It was a translucent man dressed in blood-stained black armor, young and handsome, with red hair, a horrible trace of rot and bone on his face, and a flag-like mark on his eyebrows.

The young man was not too surprised to be drawn from Ins Zangweier, but he slammed:

"Today's luck is very bad. Two of us, we have already died together. Is it necessary to come again? Especially, it is controlled by the weak like this chicken."

On the cheek of his left half, a **** crack was highlighted, Zhang said:

"Well, first remove the garbage around..."

This sentence has not been finished yet. The man wearing the blood-stained black armor has already found the palm of his hand and pulled out an unreal long sword with dark red rust from the body.

The terrible pressure was soaring, and the evil spirits easily got rid of the extraction of Ludwig and Dailie Simone, slamming down and trying to return to Insz.

At this moment, a low dumb sound like a sand cloth sounded, "Hell Admiral" Ludwell wrote in the ancient Hermes language:


PS: The last half day to ask for a monthly ticket, the morning will be updated in advance~

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