Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Ancient grievance

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The pupil of Firth zoomed in and seemed to have to incorporate more light to see what he was looking at.

At the same time, there was a ray of light in front of her, which was more than a few times brighter than the old model camera, making it white.

Immediately after, her fingers slid over one of the "Lermano's travel notes", and a black mist appeared on the soles of the feet, completely covering the entire body.

This rich black mist quickly differentiated into a slap-sized illusory bat that flew to different locations in the underground hall.

This is the "wing of the darkness" recorded by the "Moon" on the Lemano Travel Notes!

Its original role is to speed up, fly briefly, and can morph a group of vampire bats to attack the enemy, but Forth did not use it, just use it as a "prop" for the juggling performance.

After the illusory bats flew away, the position where Folsch had just stood was already empty.

Her figure did not know when it was transferred to a dozen meters away!

After subconsciously making evasion and self-protection behavior, Fols finally calmed down a bit and was busy turning his attention to an unusual break.

However, the eyes that caught her eye, the blonde is only slightly messy, the face is a little wheat-colored because of the long-term rushing outdoors, and the expression is a bit stunned. It seems that she is surprised at how suddenly the friend has had a radical reaction, and there is no point at all. Traces of influence by ghosts of grievances.

“What happened?” asked the questioningly.

Fols blinked and didn't answer directly. While flipping "Le Mano's travel notes," he asked:

"Hugh, what is your real height now?"

Hugh seems to replied in vain:

"152, is there anything wrong?"

Her voice did not fall, and Firth's fingers had slipped past the symbol and magic logo on the note on the page.

Silently, the sacred light that lingers the flames falls from the heights of the underground hall.

It is clear and clean, and once it is closed, it will be covered with a circle of sunshine.

The blazing light pierced the eyes of Fols, letting her see the entire hall crashing, and the surrounding space was as broken as glass.

This feeling flashed away, and Folsic found that he was still in the original position and did not flee.

Just a hallucination? She hurriedly turned her head and looked to the side, and she saw that she was all looking at the damaged area near the main gate.

Forsy thought about it and opened his mouth:

"Hugh, what is your real height now?"

She took a look at her and said nothing:

"Don't ask such a boring question!"

Huh, it’s true... Fols sighed and quickly described the focus of the encounter just now.

Resting for a few seconds, touched the arm of Fols with the left hand of the tamar:

"Retreat a distance first. Perhaps the closer to the door, the easier it is to create hallucinations."

"Well, it's possible!" Foers agreed to nod and moved quickly back a few steps.

Then she looked around again and said with a little doubt:

"Why can't I find a ghost of grievance here?

"This environment should be what they like."

Hugh was also surprised, and then carefully observed, and finally fell to the sun floating on the head of the head of Fols.

"Turn it off and try it." She gave her advice.

Folth was amazed and immediately cancelled the illumination of the light group.

The darkness rushed over and once again ruled the underground hall. Only the dim light of the lanterns slammed against it.

Then, in the "Lingshi" of Fols, two figures appeared.

They are all close to the bronze gate, a female, with hair, wearing easy-to-action knight trousers and a fancy shirt, a man, a silver-black armor, carrying a long sword that is about to rust.

The former has a vague face, constantly moving back and forth between the door and the area where Fols and Hugh arrived, while the latter squatted at the door and muttered something in his mouth.

These are the two ancient grievances? Fols touched his elbow and pressed it, pressing the voice:

"I saw the spirit."

"I also saw it, they are not hidden." Hugh body bow, set the battle posture.

Folse was busy touching her again:

"Don't worry, it's not sure what the goal is."

She tried to move forward three steps, but the two vague figures did not look at her.

Foer thought for a moment and suddenly said:

"This lady, what are you doing?"

——She has heard some stories in other occult circles, saying that higher levels of spiritual creatures such as grievances and shadows may communicate.

But when the voice did not fall, she regretted it for a while, because even if she could communicate, she could not achieve her goal. She could not persuade the other person to commit suicide, and surrendered the curse and residual spirituality of the ancient grievances.

Just as Fols thought about whether to attack directly, the lady's tone in a fancy shirt and knight trousers answered her question without any ups and downs:

"I am looking for my husband.

"He is the guard here."

Really able to communicate... Foers is quite curious to ask:

"Where did he go?"

At this time, Hugh also leaned over, still a highly vigilant look.

The vague woman responded with a dull response:

"He is the guard here. He told me that there was a strange force behind the door that oozes out and erodes his teammates. He asked me to take the messenger and leave here as soon as possible.

"He said that he would guard me to escape safely, but I don't want to do this. I want to leave with him... After sending the messenger, I will return halfway and come to the ground to find him. I can't find him anymore... ”

In view of the fact that the castle transcends the current era, the last guards here can indeed be turned into ancient grievances. The story of this lady touched me, I really can’t bear to do it to her... Ful’s thoughts A turn, carefully walking, bypassing the female ancient grievances, came to the area near the bronze gate.

On this road, she and Hugh did not produce hallucinations again, which seems to indicate that her previous encounter was made by the lady unconsciously.

Farther, after wearing the silver-black armor and the sorcerer's grievances, the Foss tried to open the door:

"This gentleman, what are you doing?"

The knight’s grievances paused and screamed out:

"I am guarding this dark door, I want to make sure my wife can escape to a safe place.

"If you can meet her, please tell her that her knight will fight for her to the last moment."

Ah... the door of the darkness, this is clearly the door of bronze... Wait, what did he say? He said that he is guarding the gate to ensure his wife escaped safely? Isn't this the other half of the previous description of the woman? Is this her husband? Forth was so stunned that the line of sight moved back and forth between the two ancient grievances:

The lady wearing the fancy shirt knight trousers stepped closer to the bronze gate, and when she arrived, she turned back to the center of the hall, so that the cycle was endless. The man in the silver-black armor carried the rusted sword and always stayed at the door. They were wrong, but they never looked at each other.

This kind of scene has been maintained for at least 1,500 years, or even longer... Forsy’s silent feelings, looked at the side and took a look at it, and found that his friend had already covered a mist.

It’s really a person who is easily moved... Fols couldn’t stand it and shouted at the female grievances:

"Look at the door, your husband is always there!"

The woman wearing a fancy shirt knight trousers slowed down her footsteps. She first swept Firth and turned her eyes to the main door.

Her rigid sight passed through the knight in silver and black armor and fell behind her.

"How can I not find him..." This grievance repeats the words just now and repeats the previous actions.

Fols was inexplicably sad, and was about to speak again, but saw the knight wearing silver and black armor turned to look at himself and Hugh, and Qianlong shouted:

"who are you?"

His voice just fell, and the female grievances once again turned their attention to Hugh and Fols.

Folth suddenly felt that his thoughts had become slow, and there seemed to be a cold and rapid formation in the body, which swayed and froze flesh and blood, and in her eyes, Hugh seemed to have a similar experience, and the lanterns were dimmed. Quite a lot.

At this time, suddenly there were two lightning-like lights in Hugh’s voice.

The male grievances screamed and the figure blurred.

In the moment, he got rid of the feeling of "frozenness", throwing out the three-legged thorn in his hand and throwing it at the female grievance.

The tip of the triangular thorns, a little illusory electric light constantly jumping, directly hit the woman wearing a fancy shirt knight trousers.

"Mental whip"!

Female grievances screamed and the figure became more blurred.

Fowles’s mind was clear, and his fingers slid over the “Lemano Travel Notes” that had been opened before.

The surrounding shadows suddenly merged into life and turned into a dark chain, which limited the knight's grievances to the original place and sealed its "mouth".

"Abyss shackles"!

At the same time, Hugh rushed out, the eyes of the female grievances, the hands of the unreal hot iron, printed to the target.

With her entanglement of female grievances, Fols's movements became more calm.

She flipped "Le Mano's travel notes" one page at a time, and the fingers slid across.

The silver-white lightning of the open branches fell out of nowhere, and there were first and second squats on the body of the knight, and turned it into a purgatory of lightning.

At the end of the day, the clear light column entwined with the sacred flame flashed, shrouded the knight's grievances, and thoroughly purified it.

Seeing that an enemy has been resolved, Firth immediately turned to deal with female grievances with Hugh.

She didn't have the ability to "Lymanno travel notes", and the appropriate parts were cleverly combined, with Hugh's involvement, sometimes limited, and sometimes attacked, and it took no long time to solve the target.

Everything became quiet, and Fols sighed and looked at the battlefield with an unbelievable look:

"This is the end?"

She originally thought that the two ancient grievances had a special ability and a high level. It was not that the quasi-stronger of the sequence 5 would be quite difficult to deal with, but the result was that the progress of the matter was exceptionally smooth.

This made her truly realize that the "Lemano Travel Notes" is indeed an artifact, and it is increasingly eager for the next sequence of "recording officials."

Hugh is quite a bit surprised, thinking for a few seconds:

"No wonder someone told me that under the demigod, the number of extraordinary people, the degree of cooperation and ability of each other is more important than the sequence."

She just finished this sentence, and suddenly the sound of ping-pong was echoed.

This broke the quietness of the underground hall, which came from behind the bronze gate.

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